예제 #1
def test_insert_delete_flower(client: FlaskClient):
    # Send a request and make sure the server reports success
    res = client.post("/flowerdex",
                          "flowercommonname": "Test Flower",
                          "flowershapeid": "fs2",
                          "flowercolorid": "fc6",
                          "flowerspecies": "Testificus",
                          "flowergenus": "Unit"
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Log a new flower success!")
    id = data["data"][0]["flower_id"]
    assert id > 0

    # Try updating the flower
    # TODO Find a way to automate checking database contents, since the API doesn't expose
    res = client.put("/flowerdex/{}".format(id),
                     data={"fcommon": "Test flower update"})
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Update the Folwer information success!")
    assert data["data"][0]["flower_id"] == id

    # Clean up -- delete the flower we just created
    res = client.delete("/flowerdex/{}".format(id))
    check_ok_response(res, "Delete flower success!")

    # Try to delete the flower we just deleted, we should get an error
    res = client.delete("/flowerdex/{}".format(id))
    check_err_response(res, "flower id not found!", 404)

    # Try to update the flower we just deleted, we should get an error
    res = client.put("/flowerdex/{}".format(id),
                     data={"fcommon": "This flower doesn't exist"})
    check_err_response(res, "Flower not found!", 404)
예제 #2
def test_beerecord_crud(client: FlaskClient):
    """Full test of beerecord CRUD abilities"""
    # Dummy bee record
    bee_record = {
        "elevation": 30,
        "chead": "test head",
        "cabdomen": "test abdomen",
        "cthorax": "test thorax",
        "gender": "female",
        "loc": "40 40",
        "cityname": "Worcester MA",
        "fname": "im a flower watch me go",
        "fshape": "flower shape",
        "fcolor": "red",
        "beename": "im a bee! bzzz",
        "time": "2019-12-19T20:43:52.243Z",
        "beedictid": "1",
        "beebehavior": "1",
        "recordpicpath": "picture.bmp",
        "appversion": "1.2.2",

    # Post a new bee record
    res = client.post("/record", data=bee_record)
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Log a new bee success!")
    assert len(data["data"]) == 1
    id = data["data"][0]["beerecord_id"]
예제 #3
def test_beerecords(client: FlaskClient):
    res = client.get("/beerecords/1")
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Retrieve the Bee records success!")
    assert 0 < len(data["data"]) <= 50

    # Verify all needed fields are present in every object in the data list
    version_matcher = re.compile("^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$")
    for datum in data["data"]:
        # Strings:
        for field in [
                "bee_name", "coloration_abdomen", "coloration_thorax",
                "coloration_head", "flower_shape", "flower_color", "time",
                "loc_info", "user_id", "record_pic_path", "record_video_path",
                "flower_name", "city_name", "gender", "bee_behavior",
                "common_name", "app_version", "elevation"
            assert field in datum
            assert type(datum[field]) == str or datum[field] is None

        # Numbers
        for field in ["beerecord_id", "bee_dict_id"]:
            assert field in datum
            assert type(datum[field]) == int or datum[field] is None

        # Date must follow specific format
            datetime.strptime(datum["time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
        except ValueError:
            assert False

        # App version must follow specific format
        assert len(version_matcher.findall(datum["app_version"])) == 1
예제 #4
def test_flowerdex_one(client: FlaskClient):
    # Base tests -- message must conform to expected response format
    res = client.get("/flowerdex/5")
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Retrieve the Flower information success!")
    assert len(data["data"]) > 0

    # Data entry must have needed data
    entry = data["data"][0]
    assert type(entry["flower_id"]) == int
    assert type(entry["flower_latin_name"]) == str
    assert type(entry["flower_common_name"]) == str
예제 #5
def test_unmatched_flowers(client: FlaskClient):
    res = client.get("/unmatched_flowers")
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Retrieve the Bee records success!"
                             )  # TODO This... is not the right response.
    assert len(data["data"]) > 0

    for datum in data["data"]:
        for field in ["flower_name", "count"]:
            assert field in datum
            assert type(field) == str

        )  # Will throw an exception if the field can't be parsed into an int
예제 #6
def test_flower_shapes(client: FlaskClient, url=None):
    res = client.get("/flowershapes" if url is None else url)
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Retrieve the flower shapes success!")
    assert len(data["data"]) > 0

    # All fields must be of the right type, must only return flower features
    for datum in data["data"]:
        for field in [
                "feature_id", "feature_name", "feature_description",
            assert field in datum
            assert type(datum[field]) == str
        assert datum["feature_id"].startswith("fc")
예제 #7
def test_flower_list(client: FlaskClient):
    res = client.get("/flowerlist")
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Retrieve the Flower List  success!")
    data = data["data"]

    for datum in data:
        for field in [
                "latin_name", "main_common_name", "common_name", "main_color",
                "colors", "bloom_time", "shape", "image_src"
            assert field in datum
            assert type(datum[field]) == str or datum[field] is None

        assert "flower_id" in datum
        assert type(datum["flower_id"]) == int
예제 #8
def test_beedex_one(client: FlaskClient):
    # Base tests -- message must conform to expected response format
    res = client.get("/beedex/5")
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Retrieve the Bee information success!")
    assert len(data["data"]) > 0

    # Data entry must have needed data
    for datum in data["data"]:
        assert type(datum["bee_id"]) == int
        assert type(datum["bee_name"]) == str
        assert type(datum["common_name"]) == str
        assert type(datum["description"]) == str
        assert type(datum["confused"]) == str
        assert type(datum["confused"]) == str
        assert type(datum["bee_pic_path"]) == str
        assert "abdomen_list" in datum
        assert "thorax_list" in datum
        assert "head_list" in datum
예제 #9
def test_beevisrecords(client: FlaskClient):
    res = client.get("/beevisrecords")
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Retrieve the Bee records success!")
    assert len(data["data"]) > 0

    # Verify all needed fields are present in every object in the data list
    for datum in data["data"]:
        for field in [
                "bee_name", "loc_info", "flower_shape", "flower_name",
                "flower_color", "bee_behavior", "spgender", "elevation",
                "gender", "date"
            assert field in datum
            assert type(datum[field]) == str or datum[field] is None

        # Date must follow specific format
            datetime.strptime(datum["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
        except ValueError:
            assert False
예제 #10
def test_flowerdex_all(client: FlaskClient):
    res = client.get("/flowerdex")
    data = check_ok_response(res, "Retrieve the Flower information success!")
    assert len(data["data"]) > 0