예제 #1
def test_parse_wikiwords():
    page_name = u'PageName'
    text_fragments = [  # (text, wikiword)
        (u'WikiWord', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword]]', u'wikiword'),
        (u'WikiWord!anchor', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord|title]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord|title]]!anchor', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment|title]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment|title]]!anchor', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[.]]', page_name),
        (u'Is sentence [WikiWord].', u'WikiWord'),
        # recognizes WikiWord, but square brackets are not part of it...
        (u'+ Heading\nThis is a sentence.', None),
    for text_fragment, wikiword in text_fragments:
        text = u'\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        ast = parse(text, page_name, LANGUAGE_NAME)
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if wikiword is not None:
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 1
            assert nf.wikiWord().wikiWord == wikiword
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 0
예제 #2
def test_parse_wikiwords():
    page_name = u'PageName'
    text_fragments = [  # (text, wikiword)
        (u'WikiWord', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword]]', u'wikiword'),
        (u'WikiWord!anchor', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord|title]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord|title]]!anchor', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment|title]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment|title]]!anchor', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[.]]', page_name),
        (u'Is sentence [WikiWord].', u'WikiWord'),
        # recognizes WikiWord, but square brackets are not part of it...
        (u'+ Heading\nThis is a sentence.', None),
    for text_fragment, wikiword in text_fragments:
        text = u'\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        ast = parse(text, page_name, LANGUAGE_NAME)
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if wikiword is not None:
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 1
            assert nf.wikiWord().wikiWord == wikiword
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 0
예제 #3
def test_parse_wikiwords():
    page_name = u'PageName'
    text_fragments = [  # (text, is_wikiword)
        (u'WikiWord', None),
        (u'[[wikiword]]', u'wikiword'),
        (u'WikiWord!anchor', None),
        (u'[[WikiWord|title]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord|title]]!anchor', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment|title]]', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment|title]]!anchor', u'WikiWord'),
        (u'[[.]]', page_name),
        (u'CamelCase is not seen as a WikiWord.', None),
    wiki_content = {page_name: u''}
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(wiki_content, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    for (text_fragment, wikiword) in text_fragments:
        text = u'\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(page_name)
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if wikiword is not None:
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 1
            assert nf.wikiWord().wikiWord == wikiword
            assert not nf.count('wikiWord')
예제 #4
def test_generate_text_quotes():
    test_values = '''
    ## input text -> expected output

    [person.email: "*****@*****.**"]      |  [person.email: "*****@*****.**"]
    [:page: "IncrementalSearch"]                |  [:page: IncrementalSearch]
    [:page: //IncrementalSearch//]              |  [:page: IncrementalSearch]
    [:page: /////IncrementalSearch/////]        |  [:page: IncrementalSearch]
    [:page: \\IncrementalSearch\\]              |  [:page: IncrementalSearch]
    [:eval:"5+6"]                               |  [:eval: "5+6"]
    [contact: "Carl [Home]"]                    |  [contact: "Carl [Home]"]
    [alias: Foo; Bar; FooBar]                   |  [alias: Foo; Bar; FooBar]
    [key: ""value 1 with " in it""; "value2"; "final #%! value ?"]  |  [key: ""value 1 with " in it""; value2; final #%! value ?]
    [key: """value"""""]                        | [key: """value"""""]
    [key: """value "special" ""a"" "b" """; c]  | [key: """value "special" ""a"" "b" """; c]
    [key: a;; b; c; ""d"""]                     | [key: a; b; c; ""d"""]
    [:rel: "children"; existingonly; columns 2; ""coldir down"""]  |  [:rel: children; existingonly; columns 2; ""coldir down"""]
    [key: "Elisabeth Willemslaan F. 156450, 113150 Wespelaar (Haacht) B"]  |  [key: "Elisabeth Willemslaan F. 156450, 113150 Wespelaar (Haacht) B"]


    def parse_test_values(s):
        for line in s.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if not line or line.startswith('#'):
            input_text, output_text = [s.strip() for s in line.split('|')]
            yield input_text, output_text

    def err_msg():
        msg = '%r -> %r != %r'
        return msg % (text_fragment_in, result_fragment, text_fragment_out)

    pageName = 'PageName'
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument({pageName: ''}, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    tests = parse_test_values(test_values)
    for text_fragment_in, text_fragment_out in tests:
        text_in = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment_in
        text_out = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment_out
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        assert (nf.count('attribute') == 1
                or nf.count('insertion') == 1), text_fragment_in
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)
        result_fragment = result.strip()
        assert result == text_out, err_msg()
예제 #5
def test_generate_text_3():
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    tests = [  # page name, text fragment, target
        ('PageName', '[//WikiWord]', 'WikiWord'),
        ('PageName', '[//wikiword]', 'wikiword'),
        ('PageName', '[/wikiword]', 'PageName/wikiword'),
        ('PageName', '[/wikiword/subsub]', 'PageName/wikiword/subsub'),
        ('PageName', '[.]', 'PageName'),
        ('PageName', 'PageName', 'PageName'),
        ('pageName', '[pageName]', 'pageName'),
        ('Main/SubPage', '[.]', 'Main/SubPage'),
        ('Main/SubPage', '[Test]', 'Main/Test'),
        ('Main/SubPage', '[..]', 'Main'),
        ('Main/SubPage', '[../Chair]', 'Chair'),
    for nr, (pageName, text_fragment, target) in enumerate(tests, 1):
        wikidoc = MockWikiDocument({pageName: ''}, LANGUAGE_NAME)
        page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
        text = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()

        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 1
        link_core = nf.wikiWord().linkPath.getLinkCore()
        resolved = langHelper.resolveWikiWordLink(link_core, page)
        assert resolved == target, (
            '%d: %r on %r -> %r != %r' %
            (nr, link_core, pageName, resolved, target))
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)
        assert result == text
예제 #6
def test_generate_text_3():
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    tests = [  # page name, text fragment, target
        ('PageName', '[//WikiWord]', 'WikiWord'),
        ('PageName', '[//wikiword]', 'wikiword'),
        ('PageName', '[/wikiword]', 'PageName/wikiword'),
        ('PageName', '[/wikiword/subsub]', 'PageName/wikiword/subsub'),
        ('PageName', '[.]', 'PageName'),
        ('PageName', 'PageName', 'PageName'),
        ('pageName', '[pageName]', 'pageName'),
        ('Main/SubPage', '[.]', 'Main/SubPage'),
        ('Main/SubPage', '[Test]', 'Main/Test'),
        ('Main/SubPage', '[..]', 'Main'),
        ('Main/SubPage', '[../Chair]', 'Chair'),
    for nr, (pageName, text_fragment, target) in enumerate(tests, 1):
        wikidoc = MockWikiDocument({pageName: ''}, LANGUAGE_NAME)
        page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
        text = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()

        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 1
        link_core = nf.wikiWord().linkPath.getLinkCore()
        resolved = langHelper.resolveWikiWordLink(link_core, page)
        assert resolved == target, ('%d: %r on %r -> %r != %r' % (nr,
            link_core, pageName, resolved, target))
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)
        assert result == text
예제 #7
def test_parse_1():
    text = """+ Heading 1

This is a sentence.

    wiki_content = {'TestPage': text}
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(wiki_content, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage('TestPage')
    ast = page.getLivePageAst()
    nf = NodeFinder(ast)
    assert nf.count('heading') == 1
    assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 0
    assert nf.heading.headingContent().getString() == 'Heading 1'
    ast_ = parse(text, 'TestPage', LANGUAGE_NAME)
    assert ast_eq(ast, ast_)
예제 #8
def test_parse_1():
    text = """+ Heading 1

This is a sentence.

    wiki_content = {'TestPage': text}
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(wiki_content, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage('TestPage')
    ast = page.getLivePageAst()
    nf = NodeFinder(ast)
    assert nf.count('heading') == 1
    assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 0
    assert nf.heading.headingContent().getString() == 'Heading 1'
    ast_ = parse(text, 'TestPage', LANGUAGE_NAME)
    assert ast_eq(ast, ast_)
예제 #9
def test_generate_text():
    pageName = u'PageName'
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument({pageName: u''}, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    text_fragments = [
        (u'[[wikiword]]', 'wikiWord'),  # 1
        (u'[[wikiword]]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword|title]]', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord|title]]', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword|title]]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord|title]]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword#search_fragment]]', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword#search fragment]]', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search# fragment]]', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword#search_fragment]]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),  # 10
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment]]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword#search_fragment|title]]', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment|title]]', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[wikiword#search_fragment|title]]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'[[WikiWord#search_fragment|title]]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        (u'WikiWord', None),
        (u'WikiWord!anchor', None),  # 17
        (u'WikiWord#search_fragment', None),
        (u'[[key: value]]', 'attribute'),
        (u'[[test: ok; nok]]', 'attribute'),
        (u'[[:page: wikiword]]', 'insertion'),
        (u'this is a sentence', None),
    for nr, (text_fragment, node_name) in enumerate(text_fragments, 1):
        text = u'\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if node_name:
            assert nf.count(node_name) == 1, nr
            assert not nf.count('wikiWord'), nr
            assert not nf.count('attribute'), nr
            assert not nf.count('insertion'), nr
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)
        assert result == text
예제 #10
def test_parse_wikiwords():
    assert text fragments are recognized as wiki words by parser
    text_fragments = [  # (text, wikiword)
        ('WikiWord', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword]', 'wikiword'),
        ('WikiWord!anchor', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord|title]', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord|title]!anchor', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword]#searchfragment', 'wikiword'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment]', 'wikiword'),
        ('WikiWord#searchfragment', 'WikiWord'),
        ('WikiWord#search# fragment', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#search fragment]', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#search fragment]', 'wikiword'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment|title]', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment|title]!anchor', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[.]', 'PageName'),
        ('This is a sentence', None),
        ('+ Heading\n\n    * item\n    * item 2\n\n', None),
        ('wikiword', None),
        ('wikiword!thisisnotananchor', None),
        ('wikiword#hash', None),
        ('wikiword|thisisnotitle', None),
    wiki_content = {'PageName': ''}
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(wiki_content, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    for (text_fragment, wikiword) in text_fragments:
        text = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        page = wikidoc.getWikiPage('PageName')
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        assert ast.getString() == text
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if wikiword is not None:
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 1
            assert nf.wikiWord().wikiWord == wikiword
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 0
예제 #11
def test_parse_wikiwords():
    assert text fragments are recognized as wiki words by parser
    text_fragments = [  # (text, wikiword)
        ('WikiWord', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword]', 'wikiword'),
        ('WikiWord!anchor', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord|title]', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord|title]!anchor', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword]#searchfragment', 'wikiword'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment]', 'wikiword'),
        ('WikiWord#searchfragment', 'WikiWord'),
        ('WikiWord#search# fragment', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#search fragment]', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#search fragment]', 'wikiword'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment|title]', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment|title]!anchor', 'WikiWord'),
        ('[.]', 'PageName'),
        ('This is a sentence', None),
        ('+ Heading\n\n    * item\n    * item 2\n\n', None),
        ('wikiword', None),
        ('wikiword!thisisnotananchor', None),
        ('wikiword#hash', None),
        ('wikiword|thisisnotitle', None),
    wiki_content = {'PageName': ''}
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(wiki_content, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    for (text_fragment, wikiword) in text_fragments:
        text = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        page = wikidoc.getWikiPage('PageName')
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        assert ast.getString() == text
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if wikiword is not None:
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 1
            assert nf.wikiWord().wikiWord == wikiword
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 0
예제 #12
def test_generate_text_quotes():
    test_values = '''
    ## input text -> expected output

    [person.email: "*****@*****.**"]      |  [person.email: "*****@*****.**"]
    [:page: "IncrementalSearch"]                |  [:page: IncrementalSearch]
    [:page: //IncrementalSearch//]              |  [:page: IncrementalSearch]
    [:page: /////IncrementalSearch/////]        |  [:page: IncrementalSearch]
    [:page: \\IncrementalSearch\\]              |  [:page: IncrementalSearch]
    [:eval:"5+6"]                               |  [:eval: "5+6"]
    [contact: "Carl [Home]"]                    |  [contact: "Carl [Home]"]
    [alias: Foo; Bar; FooBar]                   |  [alias: Foo; Bar; FooBar]
    [key: ""value 1 with " in it""; "value2"; "final #%! value ?"]  |  [key: ""value 1 with " in it""; value2; final #%! value ?]
    [key: """value"""""]                        | [key: """value"""""]
    [key: """value "special" ""a"" "b" """; c]  | [key: """value "special" ""a"" "b" """; c]
    [key: a;; b; c; ""d"""]                     | [key: a; b; c; ""d"""]
    [:rel: "children"; existingonly; columns 2; ""coldir down"""]  |  [:rel: children; existingonly; columns 2; ""coldir down"""]
    [key: "Elisabeth Willemslaan F. 156450, 113150 Wespelaar (Haacht) B"]  |  [key: "Elisabeth Willemslaan F. 156450, 113150 Wespelaar (Haacht) B"]


    def parse_test_values(s):
        for line in s.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if not line or line.startswith('#'):
            input_text, output_text = [s.strip() for s in line.split('|')]
            yield input_text, output_text

    def err_msg():
        msg = '%r -> %r != %r'
        return msg % (text_fragment_in, result_fragment, text_fragment_out)

    pageName = 'PageName'
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument({pageName: ''}, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    tests = parse_test_values(test_values)
    for text_fragment_in, text_fragment_out in tests:
        text_in = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment_in
        text_out = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment_out
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        assert (nf.count('attribute') == 1 or
                nf.count('insertion') == 1), text_fragment_in
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)
        result_fragment = result.strip()
        assert result == text_out, err_msg()
예제 #13
def test_generate_text_2():
    pageName = 'PageName'
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument({pageName: ''}, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    text_fragments = [
        ('[wikiword]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword|title]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord|title]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword|title]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord|title]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#search fragment]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#search# fragment]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment|title]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment|title]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment|title]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment|title]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('WikiWord', 'wikiWord'),
        ('WikiWord!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('WikiWord#searchfragment', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[key: value]', 'attribute'),
        ('[test: ok; nok]', 'attribute'),
        ('[:page: wikiword]', 'insertion'),
        ('this is a sentence', None),
    for text_fragment, node_name in text_fragments:
        text = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if node_name:
            assert nf.count(node_name) == 1
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)
        assert result == text
예제 #14
def test_generate_text_2():
    pageName = 'PageName'
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument({pageName: ''}, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    text_fragments = [
        ('[wikiword]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword|title]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord|title]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword|title]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord|title]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#search fragment]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#search# fragment]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment|title]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment|title]', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[wikiword#searchfragment|title]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[WikiWord#searchfragment|title]!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('WikiWord', 'wikiWord'),
        ('WikiWord!anchor', 'wikiWord'),
        ('WikiWord#searchfragment', 'wikiWord'),
        ('[key: value]', 'attribute'),
        ('[test: ok; nok]', 'attribute'),
        ('[:page: wikiword]', 'insertion'),
        ('this is a sentence', None),
    for text_fragment, node_name in text_fragments:
        text = '\n%s\n\n' % text_fragment
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if node_name:
            assert nf.count(node_name) == 1
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)
        assert result == text
예제 #15
def test_generate_WikidPadHelp_selection():
    test_fragments = [  # (page_name, text, node_name, formatted_text)
        ('pageName', '[.]', 'wikiWord', '[.]'),  # 1
        ('PageName', '[.]', 'wikiWord', '[.]'),
        ('PageName', 'PageName', 'wikiWord', 'PageName'),
        ('PageName', '[PageName]', 'wikiWord', '[PageName]'),
        ('PageName', '[contact: "Carl [Home]"]', 'attribute',
         '[contact: "Carl [Home]"]'),
        ('PageName', '[//OptionsDialog]', 'wikiWord', '[//OptionsDialog]'),
        ('PageName', '[//ebay/Circlet]', 'wikiWord', '[//ebay/Circlet]'),
        ('PageName', '[WikiWord|   This is the title  ]', 'wikiWord',
         '[WikiWord|This is the title]'),
        ('PageName', '[:rel: parents]', 'insertion', '[:rel: parents]'),
        ('PageName', '[:rel: parents; aslist]', 'insertion',
         '[:rel: parents; aslist]'),
        ('PageName', '[:rel: children; existingonly;columns 2]', 'insertion',
         '[:rel: children; existingonly; columns 2]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: value]', 'attribute', '[key: value]'),
        ('PageName', '[:toc: ]', 'insertion', '[:toc:]'),
            '[test:foo; ]',  # still legal?!
            '[test: foo]'),
            '[test:foo;; ]',  # still legal?!
            '[test: foo]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: value with spaces]', 'attribute',
         '[key: value with spaces]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: value; value2]', 'attribute',
         '[key: value; value2]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: "value: with special char"]', 'attribute',
         '[key: value: with special char]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: "value = special"]', 'attribute',
         '[key: value = special]'),
        ('pageName', '[wikiword]#searchfragment', 'wikiWord',
        ('pageName', '[wikiword#searchfragment]', 'wikiWord',
        ('pageName', '[wikiword#search fragment]', 'wikiWord',
         '[wikiword#search fragment]'),
        ('AutoCompletion', '[bookmarked=true]', 'attribute',
         '[bookmarked: true]'),
        ('ChangeLog', '[ChangeLog2011]', 'wikiWord', '[ChangeLog2011]'),
        ('ChronViewWindow', '[OptionsDialog#+++ Chron. view]', 'wikiWord',
         '[OptionsDialog#+++ Chron. view]'),
        ('ChronViewWindow', '[OptionsDialog#+++ Chronological]', 'wikiWord',
         '[OptionsDialog#+++ Chronological]'),
         '[WikiMaintenance#++ Update ext. modif. wiki files]', 'wikiWord',
         '[WikiMaintenance#++ Update ext. modif. wiki files]'),
        ('ExternalGraphicalApplications', '[:eqn:"a^2 + b^2 = c^2"]',
         'insertion', '[:eqn: "a^2 + b^2 = c^2"]'),
        ('Icon airbrush', '[icon:airbrush]', 'attribute', '[icon: airbrush]'),
        ('Icon cd_audio', '[icon:cd_audio ]', 'attribute', '[icon: cd_audio]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:page: "IncrementalSearch"]', 'insertion',
         '[:page: IncrementalSearch]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:page: "IncrementalSearch"]', 'insertion',
         '[:page: IncrementalSearch]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:rel: children;existingonly;columns 2;coldir down]',
         '[:rel: children; existingonly; columns 2; coldir down]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:search:"todo:todo"]', 'insertion',
         '[:search: todo:todo]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:search:"todo:todo";showtext]', 'insertion',
         '[:search: todo:todo; showtext]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:eval:"5+6"]', 'insertion', '[:eval: "5+6"]'),
         '[:dot:"\ndigraph {\na -> b\nb -> c\nb -> d\nd -> a\n}\n"; noerror]',
         '[:dot: "\ndigraph {\na -> b\nb -> c\nb -> d\nd -> a\n}\n"; noerror]'
          '#proc areadef\n'
          '  title: Annual Revenues, in thousands\n'
          '  rectangle: 1 1 5 2\n'
          '  xrange: 0 4\n'
          '  yrange: -5000 15000\n'
          '  yaxis.stubs: incremental 5000\n'
          '  yaxis.grid: color=pink\n'
          '  xaxis.stubs: text\n'
          'ABC Corp\n'
          '#proc getdata\n'
          '  data: 6430 -780 13470\n'
          '#proc processdata\n'
          '  action: rotate\n'
          '#proc bars\n'
          '  lenfield: 1\n'
          '  color: dullyellow\n'
          '  labelword: $ @@N\n'
          '  crossover: 0\n'
          '"]'), 'insertion',
         ('[:ploticus: "\n#proc areadef\n  title: Annual Revenues, in '
          'thousands\n  rectangle: 1 1 5 2\n  xrange: 0 4\n  yrange: -5000 '
          '15000\n  yaxis.stubs: incremental 5000\n  yaxis.grid: color=pink\n'
          '  xaxis.stubs: text\nABC Corp\nNetStuff\nMicroMason\n\n'
          '#proc getdata\n  data: 6430 -780 13470\n\n#proc processdata\n'
          '  action: rotate\n\n#proc bars\n  lenfield: 1\n  color: dullyellow\n'
          '  labelword: $ @@N\n  crossover: 0\n"]')),
        ('ExternalGraphicalApplications', """[:gnuplot:"
set key right nobox
set samples 100
plot [-pi/2:pi] cos(x),-(sin(x) > sin(x+1) ? sin(x) : sin(x+1))
"]""", 'insertion', """[:gnuplot: "
set key right nobox
set samples 100
plot [-pi/2:pi] cos(x),-(sin(x) > sin(x+1) ? sin(x) : sin(x+1))
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(None, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    tests = enumerate(test_fragments, 1)
    for nr, (pageName, text, node_name, formatted_text) in tests:
        text_ = '\n%s\n\n' % text
            page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
        except WikiWordNotFoundException:
            page = wikidoc.createWikiPage(pageName)
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if node_name is not None:
            assert nf.count(node_name) == 1
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 0
            assert nf.count('attribute') == 0
            assert nf.count('insertion') == 0
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)[1:-2]
        assert result == formatted_text, '%d: %r on %r -> %r != %r' % (
            nr, text, pageName, result, formatted_text)
예제 #16
def test_parse_2():
    text = """+ WikidPad


WikidPad is an open source, [Python]-based wiki-like outliner for storing
thoughts, ideas, to-do lists, contacts, and other notes with wiki-like
linking between pages.


++ Features

    * On the fly WikiWord linking, as you type
    * WikiWord auto-completion
    * Easy WikiWord navigation
    * Wiki text styling
    * ...

++ Help

A complete online documentation for beginners and advanced users is here: GettingStarted.


    ast = parse(text, 'WikidPad', LANGUAGE_NAME)
    nf = NodeFinder(ast)
    assert nf.count('heading') == 3
    assert nf.count('urlLink') == 1
    assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 9  # title is also a wikiword...!
    assert nf.count('anchorDef') == 1
    assert nf.count('unorderedList') == 1
    assert nf.heading.headingContent().getString() == 'WikidPad'
    assert nf.urlLink().url == 'http://wikidpad.sourceforge.net/'
    ww_3_node = nf.wikiWord_3()
    assert ww_3_node.wikiWord == 'Python'
    assert ww_3_node.linkPath.getLinkCore() == 'Python'
    ww_9_node = nf.wikiWord_9()
    assert ww_9_node.wikiWord == 'WikiDocumentAttributes'
    assert ww_9_node.linkPath.getLinkCore() == 'WikiDocumentAttributes'
    assert ww_9_node.anchorLink is None
    assert ww_9_node.fragmentNode is not None
    assert ww_9_node.searchFragment == '*short_hint*'
    assert ww_9_node.titleNode is None
    begin = nf.unorderedList.bullet_3().pos
    end = nf.unorderedList.bullet_4().pos
    assert text[begin:end] == '* Easy WikiWord navigation\n    '
    assert nf.wikiWord_4().anchorLink == 'Help'
    assert nf[0].name == 'heading'
    assert nf[231].name == 'heading'
    assert nf[401].name == 'heading'

    wiki_content = {'WikidPad': text}
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(wiki_content, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage('WikidPad')
    ast_ = page.getLivePageAst()
    assert ast_eq(ast, ast_)
예제 #17
def test_generate_WikidPadHelp_selection():
    test_fragments = [  # (page_name, text, node_name, formatted_text)
        ('pageName', '[.]',
         'wikiWord',  '[.]'),  # 1
        ('PageName', '[.]',
         'wikiWord',  '[.]'),
        ('PageName', 'PageName',
         'wikiWord',  'PageName'),
        ('PageName', '[PageName]',
         'wikiWord',  '[PageName]'),
        ('PageName', '[contact: "Carl [Home]"]',
         'attribute', '[contact: "Carl [Home]"]'),
        ('PageName', '[//OptionsDialog]',
         'wikiWord',  '[//OptionsDialog]'),
        ('PageName', '[//ebay/Circlet]', 'wikiWord',  '[//ebay/Circlet]'),
        ('PageName', '[WikiWord|   This is the title  ]',
         'wikiWord',  '[WikiWord|This is the title]'),
        ('PageName', '[:rel: parents]', 'insertion', '[:rel: parents]'),
        ('PageName', '[:rel: parents; aslist]',
         'insertion', '[:rel: parents; aslist]'),
        ('PageName', '[:rel: children; existingonly;columns 2]',
         'insertion', '[:rel: children; existingonly; columns 2]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: value]',
         'attribute', '[key: value]'),
        ('PageName', '[:toc: ]',
         'insertion', '[:toc:]'),
        ('ChangeLog2008', '[test:foo; ]',  # still legal?!
         'attribute',      '[test: foo]'),
        ('TestPage', '[test:foo;; ]',  # still legal?!
         'attribute', '[test: foo]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: value with spaces]',
         'attribute', '[key: value with spaces]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: value; value2]',
         'attribute', '[key: value; value2]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: "value: with special char"]',
         'attribute', '[key: value: with special char]'),
        ('PageName', '[key: "value = special"]',
         'attribute', '[key: value = special]'),
        ('pageName', '[wikiword]#searchfragment',
         'wikiWord',  '[wikiword#searchfragment]'),
        ('pageName', '[wikiword#searchfragment]',
         'wikiWord',  '[wikiword#searchfragment]'),
        ('pageName', '[wikiword#search fragment]',
         'wikiWord',  '[wikiword#search fragment]'),
        ('AutoCompletion', '[bookmarked=true]',
         'attribute',       '[bookmarked: true]'),
        ('ChangeLog', '[ChangeLog2011]',
         'wikiWord',   '[ChangeLog2011]'),
        ('ChronViewWindow', '[OptionsDialog#+++ Chron. view]',
         'wikiWord',         '[OptionsDialog#+++ Chron. view]'),
        ('ChronViewWindow', '[OptionsDialog#+++ Chronological]',
         'wikiWord',         '[OptionsDialog#+++ Chronological]'),
        ('CommandLineSupport', '[WikiMaintenance#++ Update ext. modif. wiki files]',
         'wikiWord',            '[WikiMaintenance#++ Update ext. modif. wiki files]'),
        ('ExternalGraphicalApplications', '[:eqn:"a^2 + b^2 = c^2"]',
         'insertion',                      '[:eqn: "a^2 + b^2 = c^2"]'),
        ('Icon airbrush', '[icon:airbrush]',
         'attribute',      '[icon: airbrush]'),
        ('Icon cd_audio', '[icon:cd_audio ]',
         'attribute',      '[icon: cd_audio]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:page: "IncrementalSearch"]',
         'insertion',   '[:page: IncrementalSearch]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:page: "IncrementalSearch"]',
         'insertion',   '[:page: IncrementalSearch]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:rel: children;existingonly;columns 2;coldir down]',
         'insertion',   '[:rel: children; existingonly; columns 2; coldir down]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:search:"todo:todo"]',
         'insertion',  '[:search: todo:todo]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:search:"todo:todo";showtext]',
         'insertion',   '[:search: todo:todo; showtext]'),
        ('Insertions', '[:eval:"5+6"]',
         'insertion',   '[:eval: "5+6"]'),
         '[:dot:"\ndigraph {\na -> b\nb -> c\nb -> d\nd -> a\n}\n"; noerror]',
         '[:dot: "\ndigraph {\na -> b\nb -> c\nb -> d\nd -> a\n}\n"; noerror]'),
          '#proc areadef\n'
          '  title: Annual Revenues, in thousands\n'
          '  rectangle: 1 1 5 2\n'
          '  xrange: 0 4\n'
          '  yrange: -5000 15000\n'
          '  yaxis.stubs: incremental 5000\n'
          '  yaxis.grid: color=pink\n'
          '  xaxis.stubs: text\n'
          'ABC Corp\n'
          '#proc getdata\n'
          '  data: 6430 -780 13470\n'
          '#proc processdata\n'
          '  action: rotate\n'
          '#proc bars\n'
          '  lenfield: 1\n'
          '  color: dullyellow\n'
          '  labelword: $ @@N\n'
          '  crossover: 0\n'
         ('[:ploticus: "\n#proc areadef\n  title: Annual Revenues, in '
          'thousands\n  rectangle: 1 1 5 2\n  xrange: 0 4\n  yrange: -5000 '
          '15000\n  yaxis.stubs: incremental 5000\n  yaxis.grid: color=pink\n'
          '  xaxis.stubs: text\nABC Corp\nNetStuff\nMicroMason\n\n'
          '#proc getdata\n  data: 6430 -780 13470\n\n#proc processdata\n'
          '  action: rotate\n\n#proc bars\n  lenfield: 1\n  color: dullyellow\n'
          '  labelword: $ @@N\n  crossover: 0\n"]')),

set key right nobox
set samples 100
plot [-pi/2:pi] cos(x),-(sin(x) > sin(x+1) ? sin(x) : sin(x+1))
          """[:gnuplot: "
set key right nobox
set samples 100
plot [-pi/2:pi] cos(x),-(sin(x) > sin(x+1) ? sin(x) : sin(x+1))
    langHelper = getApp().createWikiLanguageHelper(LANGUAGE_NAME)
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(None, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    tests = enumerate(test_fragments, 1)
    for nr, (pageName, text, node_name, formatted_text) in tests:
        text_ = '\n%s\n\n' % text
            page = wikidoc.getWikiPage(pageName)
        except WikiWordNotFoundException:
            page = wikidoc.createWikiPage(pageName)
        ast = page.getLivePageAst()
        nf = NodeFinder(ast)
        if node_name is not None:
            assert nf.count(node_name) == 1
            assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 0
            assert nf.count('attribute') == 0
            assert nf.count('insertion') == 0
        result = langHelper.generate_text(ast, page)[1:-2]
        assert result == formatted_text, '%d: %r on %r -> %r != %r' % (
            nr, text, pageName, result, formatted_text)
예제 #18
def test_parse_2():
    text = """+ WikidPad


WikidPad is an open source, [Python]-based wiki-like outliner for storing
thoughts, ideas, to-do lists, contacts, and other notes with wiki-like
linking between pages.


++ Features

    * On the fly WikiWord linking, as you type
    * WikiWord auto-completion
    * Easy WikiWord navigation
    * Wiki text styling
    * ...

++ Help

A complete online documentation for beginners and advanced users is here: GettingStarted.


    ast = parse(text, 'WikidPad', LANGUAGE_NAME)
    nf = NodeFinder(ast)
    assert nf.count('heading') == 3
    assert nf.count('urlLink') == 1
    assert nf.count('wikiWord') == 9  # title is also a wikiword...!
    assert nf.count('anchorDef') == 1
    assert nf.count('unorderedList') == 1
    assert nf.heading.headingContent().getString() == 'WikidPad'
    assert nf.urlLink().url == 'http://wikidpad.sourceforge.net/'
    ww_3_node = nf.wikiWord_3()
    assert ww_3_node.wikiWord == 'Python'
    assert ww_3_node.linkPath.getLinkCore() == 'Python'
    ww_9_node = nf.wikiWord_9()
    assert ww_9_node.wikiWord == 'WikiDocumentAttributes'
    assert ww_9_node.linkPath.getLinkCore() == 'WikiDocumentAttributes'
    assert ww_9_node.anchorLink is None
    assert ww_9_node.fragmentNode is not None
    assert ww_9_node.searchFragment == '*short_hint*'
    assert ww_9_node.titleNode is None
    begin = nf.unorderedList.bullet_3().pos
    end = nf.unorderedList.bullet_4().pos
    assert text[begin:end] == '* Easy WikiWord navigation\n    '
    assert nf.wikiWord_4().anchorLink == 'Help'
    assert nf[0].name == 'heading'
    assert nf[231].name == 'heading'
    assert nf[401].name == 'heading'

    wiki_content = {'WikidPad': text}
    wikidoc = MockWikiDocument(wiki_content, LANGUAGE_NAME)
    page = wikidoc.getWikiPage('WikidPad')
    ast_ = page.getLivePageAst()
    assert ast_eq(ast, ast_)