예제 #1
    def test_dispatch(self):
        Tests the dispatcher
        class Servlet(routing.RestDispatcher):
            def __init__(self):
                super(Servlet, self).__init__()
                self.called_path = None
                self.prefix = None

            def reset(self):
                self.called_path = None
                self.prefix = None

            def test_no_path(self, request, response):
                self.called_path = request.get_sub_path()
                self.prefix = request.get_prefix_path()
                response.send_content(300, "Should not happen")

            def test_route(self, request, response):
                self.called_path = request.get_sub_path()
                self.prefix = request.get_prefix_path()
                response.send_content(200, "OK")

            def test_basic(self, request, response):
                self.called_path = request.get_sub_path()
                self.prefix = request.get_prefix_path()
                response.send_content(200, "OK")

            def test_sub_a(self, request, response):
                self.called_path = request.get_sub_path()
                self.prefix = request.get_prefix_path()
                response.send_content(200, "OK")

            def test_sub_b(self, request, response):
                self.called_path = request.get_sub_path()
                self.prefix = request.get_prefix_path()
                response.send_content(200, "OK")

        # Use a random prefix
        prefix = "/routing{0}".format(random.randint(0, 100))
        router = Servlet()
        self.http.register_servlet(prefix, router)

        # Route path
        for path in ("", "/", "/test", "/test/a", "/test/b"):
            code, data = get_http_page(uri="{0}{1}".format(prefix, path),
            self.assertEqual(code, 200)
            self.assertEqual(to_str(data), "OK")
            self.assertEqual(router.called_path, path or "/")
            self.assertEqual(router.prefix, prefix)
예제 #2
    def test_empty(self):
        Tests the routing mother class with no routing
        # Register the router as a servlet
        router = routing.RestDispatcher()
        self.http.register_servlet("/routing", router)

        for method in HTTP_METHODS:
            code = get_http_page(uri="/routing/", method=method)
            # Ensure 404 (not 500)
            self.assertEqual(code, 404)
예제 #3
    def test_types(self):
        Tests the type parsing by the dispatcher
        class Servlet(routing.RestDispatcher):
            def __init__(self):
                super(Servlet, self).__init__()
                self.args = []

            def reset(self):
                self.args = []

            def test_basic(self, rep, resp, value):
                self.args = [value]
                resp.send_content(200, "OK")

            def test_int(self, req, resp, value):
                self.args = [value]
                resp.send_content(200, "OK")

            def test_float(self, req, resp, value):
                self.args = [value]
                resp.send_content(200, "OK")

            def test_path(self, req, resp, value):
                self.args = [value]
                resp.send_content(200, "OK")

            def test_uuid(self, req, resp, value):
                self.args = [value]
                resp.send_content(200, "OK")

            def all(self, req, resp, count, temp, label, path):
                self.args = [count, temp, label, path]
                resp.send_content(200, "OK")

            def optional(self, req, resp, toto=None, titi=None):
                self.args = [toto, titi]
                resp.send_content(200, "OK")

            def keyword(self, req, resp, **kwargs):
                self.args = [arg for arg in kwargs]
                resp.send_content(200, "OK")

        # Use a random prefix
        prefix = "/routing{0}".format(random.randint(0, 100))
        router = Servlet()
        self.http.register_servlet(prefix, router)

        # Basic
        for pattern in ("/basic/{0}", "/{0}/toto", "/interm/{0}/toto"):
            for val in ("titi", "123", "a-b", "a.c", "a123"):
                path = pattern.format(val)
                code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, path))
                self.assertEqual(code, 200, path)
                self.assertEqual(router.args[0], val, path)
                self.assertIsInstance(router.args[0], str, path)

        # Integers
        for pattern in ("/int/{0}", "/int/{0}/toto"):
            for val in (0, 123, -456):
                path = pattern.format(val)
                code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, path))
                self.assertEqual(code, 200, path)
                self.assertEqual(router.args[0], val, path)
                self.assertIsInstance(router.args[0], int, path)

        # Float
        for pattern in ("/float/{0}", "/float/{0}/toto"):
            for val in (0.0, 0.5, 12.34, -56.78):
                path = pattern.format(val)
                code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, path))
                self.assertEqual(code, 200, path)
                self.assertEqual(router.args[0], val, path)
                self.assertIsInstance(router.args[0], float, path)

        # Paths
        for val in ("simple", "root/sub", "A/B/C", "123/456/789"):
            path = "/path/{0}".format(val)
            code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, path))
            self.assertEqual(code, 200, path)
            self.assertEqual(router.args[0], val, path)
            self.assertIsInstance(router.args[0], str, path)

        # UUID
        for val in (uuid.uuid1(), uuid.uuid4(),
                    uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_OID, "test"),
                    uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_OID, "test")):
            path = "/uuid/{0}".format(val)
            code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, path))
            self.assertEqual(code, 200, path)
            self.assertEqual(router.args[0], val, path)
            self.assertIsInstance(router.args[0], uuid.UUID, path)

        # Optional
        for path, toto, titi in (
                ("opt", None, None), ("opt/123", "123", None),
                ("opt/toto/titi", "toto", "titi")):
            code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, path))
            self.assertEqual(code, 200, path)
            self.assertListEqual(router.args, [toto, titi], path)

        # Keyword arguments
        for path, toto, titi in (
                ("opt", None, None), ("opt/123", "123", None),
                ("opt/toto/titi", "toto", "titi")):
            code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, path))
            self.assertEqual(code, 200, path)
            self.assertListEqual(router.args, [toto, titi], path)
예제 #4
    def test_methods(self):
        Tests the methods filters
        class Servlet(routing.RestDispatcher):
            def __init__(self):
                super(Servlet, self).__init__()
                self.verb = None

            def reset(self):
                self.verb = None

            def get(self, req, resp):
                self.verb = req.get_command()
                resp.send_content(200, self.verb)

            def head(self, req, resp):
                self.verb = req.get_command()
                resp.send_content(200, self.verb)

            def post(self, req, resp):
                self.verb = req.get_command()
                resp.send_content(200, self.verb)

            def put(self, req, resp):
                self.verb = req.get_command()
                resp.send_content(200, self.verb)

            def delete(self, req, resp):
                self.verb = req.get_command()
                resp.send_content(200, self.verb)

            def get_head(self, req, resp):
                self.verb = req.get_command()
                resp.send_content(200, self.verb)

            @routing.Http("/all", HTTP_METHODS)
            def all_commands(self, req, resp):
                self.verb = req.get_command()
                resp.send_content(200, self.verb)

        # Use a random prefix
        prefix = "/routing{0}".format(random.randint(0, 100))
        router = Servlet()
        self.http.register_servlet(prefix, router)

        # Try basic filtering
        for method in HTTP_METHODS:
            code, data = get_http_page(
                uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, method.lower()),
                method=method, only_code=False)
            self.assertEqual(code, 200, method)
            self.assertEqual(router.verb, method)
            if method != "HEAD":
                # No response body in HEAD, obviously
                self.assertEqual(to_str(data), method)

            for other_method in HTTP_METHODS:
                if other_method != method:
                    # Ensure that other HTTP methods are filtered
                    code = get_http_page(
                        uri="{0}/{1}".format(prefix, method.lower()),
                    self.assertEqual(code, 404)

        # Try with multi-commands methods
        for method in ("GET", "HEAD"):
            code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/get-head".format(prefix),
            self.assertEqual(code, 200, method)
            self.assertEqual(router.verb, method)

        # All methods
        for method in HTTP_METHODS:
            code = get_http_page(uri="{0}/all".format(prefix), method=method)
            self.assertEqual(code, 200, method)
            self.assertEqual(router.verb, method)