예제 #1
    def test_mg4_mg5_heft_23(self):
        """Test a heft 2->3 processes"""
        # Create a list of processes to check automatically
        sm_parts = ['g', 'a', 'w+', 'w-']
        heft_parts = ['h']
        # Generate 2 -> 1+2 processes, with one Higgs in final state
        # final state
        my_proc_list = me_comparator.create_proc_list_enhanced(\
            sm_parts, sm_parts, heft_parts)

        # Store list of non-zero processes and results in file
        pickle_file = "mg4_heft_23.pkl"
                             orders = {'QED':2, 'QCD':0, 'HIG':1, 'HIW':1},
                             model = "heft",
                             energy = 500,
                             filename = "heft_23.log",
                             pickle_file = pickle_file)
예제 #2
    def test_mg4_mg5_mssm_22(self):
        """Test a semi-complete list of mssm 2->2 processes"""
        # Create a list of processes to check automatically
        sm_parts = ['w+', 'w-', 'a', 'z', 'h1', 'h+', 'h-', 'g', 'u', 'u~',
            'd', 'd~', 'b', 'b~', 't', 't~', 'ta+', 'ta-', 'vt', 'vt~']
        mssm_parts = ['dl', 'dl~', 'dr', 'dr~', 'ul', 'ul~', 'ur', 'ur~', 'b1',
                      'b1~', 'b2', 'b2~', 't1', 't1~', 'ta1-', 'ta1+', 'ta2-',
                      'ta2+', 'svt', 'svt~', 'x1-', 'x1+', 'x2-', 'x2+',
                      'go', 'n1']
        # Generate 2 -> 2 processes, with MSSM particles in pairs in
        # final state
        my_proc_list = me_comparator.create_proc_list_enhanced(\
            sm_parts, mssm_parts)

        # Store list of non-zero processes and results in file
        pickle_file = "mg4_mssm_22.pkl"
                             orders = {'QED':2, 'QCD':2},
                             model = "mssm",
                             energy = 2000,
                             filename = "mssm_22.log",
                             pickle_file = pickle_file)