def main(): verbose = 1 if "-v" in sys.argv or "--verbose" in sys.argv else 0 strict = "-s" in sys.argv or "--strict" in sys.argv if "--no-colors" in sys.argv: from tests.pymods import termcolor termcolor.enable(False) sys.argv.remove("--no-colors") if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "validate": if len(sys.argv) == 2: return HTMLValidator(verbose).validate_website("./site") else: validator = HTMLValidator(verbose) retcode = 0 for page in sys.argv[2:]: retcode += validator.validate_htmlpage(page) return retcode if "--help" in sys.argv or "-h" in sys.argv: return mkdocs.__main__.cli() if len(sys.argv) > 1 and ("--help" not in sys.argv or "-h" not in sys.argv): deploy = False website ="./doc", deploy=deploy, verbose=verbose) if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in ("build", "serve", "gh-deploy"): website.generate_markdown_files() if "--dry-run" in sys.argv: return 0 mkdocs_retcode = mkdocs.__main__.cli() return mkdocs_retcode + len(website.warnings)
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [suite_args] [options]. Use [-h|--help] for help." version = "%prog " + str(__version__) class MyOptionParser(OptionParser): def print_help(self): OptionParser.print_help(self) print("\n" + str_examples()) parser = MyOptionParser(usage=usage, version=version) #parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version="%(prog)s version " + __version__) parser.add_option('--no-colors', default=False, action="store_true", help='Disable ASCII colors') parser.add_option('--no-logo', default=False, action="store_true", help='Disable Abinit logo') parser.add_option("-c", "--cfg_file", dest="cfg_fname", type="string", help="Read options from configuration FILE.", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option( "--force-mpirun", default=False, action="store_true", help= "Force execution via mpiruner even for sequential jobs, i.e. np==1, defaults to False" ) parser.add_option("--mpi-args", type="string", help="Options passed to mpirun.", default="") parser.add_option( "--use-mpiexec", default=False, action="store_true", help="Replace mpirun with mpiexec (ignored if `-c` option is provided)" ) parser.add_option( "--use-srun", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use Slurm `srun` to run parallel jobs (ignored if -c is provided)" ) parser.add_option("-n", "--num-mpi-processors", dest="mpi_nprocs", type="int", default=1, help="Maximum number of MPI processes used for tests.") parser.add_option( "-i", "--input-vars", dest="input_vars", type="string", default="", help= ("String with the variables (and values) that should be present in the input file. " "Format: 'name1 value1, name2 value2, name3' " "If value is not given, a wild card is assumed. " "Example: -i 'optdriver 3, getden' will execute only those tests where the " "input file contains optdriver with value 3, and the variable getden " "(irrespectively of its value).")) parser.add_option("-j", "--jobs", dest="py_nprocs", type="int", default=1, help="Number of python processes.") parser.add_option( "--use-cache", default=False, action="store_true", help= ("Load database from pickle file." "WARNING: This could lead to unexpected behaviour if the pickle database " "is non up-to-date with the tests available in the active git branch." )) parser.add_option("-k", "--keywords", dest="keys", default=[], action="callback", callback=vararg_callback, help="Run the tests containing these keywords.") parser.add_option("-a", "--authors", dest="authors", default=[], action="callback", callback=vararg_callback, help="Run the tests contributed by these developers.") parser.add_option( "-t", "--timeout", dest="timeout_time", type="int", default=900, help= "Timeout value for Fortran executables (in seconds). -t 0 disables the timeout" ) parser.add_option( "-b", "--build-tree", dest="build_dir_path", default="", help="Path to the top level directory of the build tree.") parser.add_option("-d", "--dry-run", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print list of tests and exit") parser.add_option( "--gdb", action="store_true", help= ("Run the test(s) under the control of the GNU gdb debugger. " "Support both sequential and MPI executions. In the case of MPI runs, " "the script will open multiple instances of xterm " "(it may not work depending of your architecture).")) parser.add_option("--nag", action="store_true", help="Activate NAG mode. Option used by developers") parser.add_option("--perf", default="", help="Use `perf` command to profile the test") parser.add_option( "--abimem", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Inspect abimem.mocc files produced by the tests. " "Requires HAVE_MEM_PROFILE and call abimem_init(2) in main.")) parser.add_option( "--etsf", action="store_true", default=False, help="Validate netcdf files produced by the tests. Requires netcdf4") parser.add_option( "--touch", default="", help= ("Used in conjunction with `-m`." "Touch the source files containing the given expression(s) before recompiling the code. " "Use comma-separated strings *without* empty spaces to specify more than one pattern." )) parser.add_option( "-s", "--show-info", dest="show_info", default=False, action="store_true", help= "Show information on the test suite (keywords, authors ...) and exit") parser.add_option( "-l", "--list-tests-info", dest="list_info", default=False, action="store_true", help= "List the tests in test suite (echo description section in ListOfFile files) and exit" ) parser.add_option( "-m", "--make", dest="make", type="int", default=0, help= "Find the abinit build tree, and compile to code with 'make -j#NUM' before running the tests." ) parser.add_option( "-w", "--workdir", dest="workdir", type="string", default="", help="Directory where the test suite results will be produced.") parser.add_option( "-o", "--omp_num-threads", dest="omp_nthreads", type="int", default=0, help= "Number of OMP threads to use (set the value of the env variable OMP_NUM_THREADS.\n" + "Not compatible with -c. Use the cfg file to specify the OpenMP runtime variables.\n" ) parser.add_option( "-p", "--patch", dest="patch", type="str", default="", help= ("Patch the reference files of the tests with the status specified by -p." "Diff tool can be specified via $PATCHER e.g. export PATCHER=kdiff3. default: vimdiff." "Examples: `-p failed` to patch the reference files of the failed tests. " "`-p all` to patch all files." "`-p failed+passed` to patch both failed and passed tests or, equivalently, `-p not_succeed`" )) parser.add_option( "--rerun", dest="rerun", type="str", default="", help= "Rerun previous tests. Example: `--rerun failed`. Same syntax as patch option." ) parser.add_option( "--looponfail", default=False, action="store_true", help=("Execute the tests and enter a busy loop that will " "recompile the code upon change in the source files and rerun " "the failing tests. Exit when all tests are OK.")) parser.add_option( "-e", "--edit", dest="edit", type="str", default="", help= ("Edit the input files of the tests with the specified status. Use $EDITOR as editor." "Examples: -i failed to edit the input files of the the failed tests. " "Status can be concatenated by '+' e.g. failed+passed")) parser.add_option( "--stderr", type="str", default="", help= ("Edit the stderr files of the tests with the specified status. Use $EDITOR as editor. " "Examples: --stderr failed will edit the error files of the the failed tests. " "Status can be concatenated by '+' e.g. failed+passed")) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", default=0, # -vv --> verbose=2 help='Verbose, can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity') parser.add_option( "-V", "--valgrind_cmdline", type="str", default="", help=("Run test(s) under the control of valgrind." "Examples: -V memcheck or " " -V 'memcheck -v' to pass options to valgrind")) parser.add_option( "--Vmem", action="store_true", help="Shortcut to run test(s) under the control of valgrind memcheck:\n" + "Use --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --track-origins=yes") parser.add_option("--pedantic", action="store_true", help="Mark test(s) as failed if stderr is not empty.") parser.add_option( "--erase-files", dest="erase_files", type="int", default=2, help=("0 => Keep all files produced by the test\n" + "1 => Remove files but only if the test passed or succeeded.\n" + "2 => Remove files even if the test failed.\n" + "default=2\n")) parser.add_option( "--make-html-diff", dest="make_html_diff", type="int", default=0, help= ("0 => Do not produce diff files in HTML format\n" + "1 => Produce HTML diff but only if the test failed\n" + "2 => Produce HTML diff independently of the final status of the test.\n" + "default=0\n")) parser.add_option( "--sub-timeout", dest="sub_timeout", type="int", default=30, help="Timeout (s) for small subprocesses (, python functions)" ) parser.add_option( "--with-pickle", type="int", default=1, help="Save test database in pickle format (default: True).") parser.add_option( '--loglevel', default="ERROR", type="str", help= "set the loglevel. Possible values: CRITICAL, ERROR (default), WARNING, INFO, DEBUG" ) # Parse command line. options, suite_args = parser.parse_args() if options.show_info: abitests.show_info() return 0 # loglevel is bound to the string value obtained from the command line argument. # Convert to upper case to allow the user to specify --loglevel=DEBUG or --loglevel=debug import logging numeric_level = getattr(logging, options.loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % options.loglevel) logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_level) if options.no_colors: # Disable colors termcolor.enable(False) if not options.no_logo: nrows, ncols = get_terminal_size() if ncols > 100: cprint(ascii_abinit(), "green") ncpus_detected = max(1, number_of_cpus()) system, node, release, version, machine, processor = platform.uname() mpi_nprocs = options.mpi_nprocs omp_nthreads = options.omp_nthreads py_nprocs = options.py_nprocs cprint("Running on %s -- system %s -- ncpus %s -- Python %s -- %s" % (gethostname(), system, ncpus_detected, platform.python_version(), _my_name), 'green', attrs=['underline']) # Compile the code before running the tests. if options.make: retcode = make_abinit(options.make, touch_patterns=options.touch) if retcode: return retcode # Initialize info on the build. User's option has the precedence. build_dir_path = os.path.curdir if options.build_dir_path: build_dir_path = os.path.abspath(options.build_dir_path) build_env = BuildEnvironment(build_dir_path) timeout_time = options.timeout_time if timeout_time > 0 and build_env.has_bin("timeout"): # Run executables under the control of timeout. timeout_path = build_env.path_of_bin("timeout") #timeout_signal = "" timebomb = TimeBomb(timeout_time, exec_path=timeout_path) else: #print("Cannot find timeout executable at: %s" % build_env.path_of_bin("timeout")) timebomb = TimeBomb(timeout_time) # ------------------------------------------------ # Initialize the jobrunner for the (MPI|seq) mode # ------------------------------------------------ if options.cfg_fname: # read the [mpi] and the [openmp] sections from the external cfg file. assert omp_nthreads == 0 cfg_fname = options.cfg_fname"Initalizing JobRunner from cnf file: %s" % cfg_fname) runner = JobRunner.fromfile(cfg_fname, timebomb=timebomb) else: if mpi_nprocs == 1 and not (options.force_mpirun or options.use_srun):"Initalizing JobRunner for sequential runs.") runner = JobRunner.sequential(timebomb=timebomb) else: "Initalizing JobRunner assuming generic_mpi. [-c option not provided]" ) # Decide whether we should use mpirun or mpiexec # If `use_mpiexec` is specified on the command line args, use it (user is always right) # else test for the presence of (mpirun, mpiexec) in $PATH, in this order # mpiexec is a MPI standard but we continue to prefer mpirun to # maintain the previous behavior. if options.use_srun: print("initializing srun jobrunner") if options.use_mpiexec: raise ValueError( "use_srun and use_mpiexec are mutually exclusive") if which("srun") is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot locate srun in $PATH. " "Please check your environment") runner = JobRunner.srun(timebomb=timebomb, mpi_args=options.mpi_args) else: if options.use_mpiexec: use_mpiexec = options.use_mpiexec else: # Use which to select mpirun/mpiexec. use_mpiexec = True if which("mpirun") is not None: use_mpiexec = False elif which("mpiexec") is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot locate neither mpirun nor mpiexec in $PATH. " "Please check your environment") runner = JobRunner.generic_mpi(use_mpiexec=use_mpiexec, timebomb=timebomb, mpi_args=options.mpi_args) if omp_nthreads > 0: omp_env = OMPEnvironment(OMP_NUM_THREADS=omp_nthreads) runner.set_ompenv(omp_env) # Valgrind support. if options.valgrind_cmdline: runner.set_valgrind_cmdline(options.valgrind_cmdline) # Valgrind shortcuts. if options.Vmem: runner.set_valgrind_cmdline( "memcheck --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --track-origins=yes" ) if runner.has_valgrind: cmd = "valgrind --tool=%s " % runner.valgrind_cmdline cprint("Will invoke valgrind with cmd:\n %s" % cmd, "yellow") # Debugging with GNU gdb if options.gdb: runner.set_debugger("gdb") # Profiling with perf. if options.perf: runner.set_perf_command(options.perf) # Select tests according to the input variables. # Note that the parser is very primitive and it does not # have acces to the default values used by the codes. ivars = None if options.input_vars: ivars = {} string = options.input_vars if "," in string: tokens = string.split(",") else: tokens = [ string, ] for tok in tokens: keyval = tok.split() if len(keyval) == 1: ivars[keyval[0]] = None elif len(keyval) == 2: k, v = keyval[0], int(keyval[1]) ivars[k] = v else: raise ValueError("Don't know how to interpret string: %s" % tok) if options.rerun: # Rerun tests with status given by rerun. test_suite = reload_test_suite(status_list=parse_stats(options.rerun)) else: regenerate = not options.use_cache try: test_suite = abitests.select_tests(suite_args, regenerate=regenerate, keys=options.keys, authors=options.authors, ivars=ivars, with_pickle=options.with_pickle) except Exception as exc: raise show_examples_and_exit(str(exc)) if not test_suite: cprint("No test fulfills the requirements specified by the user!", "red") return 99 workdir = options.workdir if not workdir: workdir = "Test_suite" # Create workdir. if not os.path.exists(workdir): os.mkdir(workdir) else: cprint("%s directory already exists. Files will be removed" % workdir, "yellow") # Run the tested selected by the user. if omp_nthreads == 0: ncpus_used = mpi_nprocs * py_nprocs msg = ("Running %s test(s) with MPI_procs: %s, py_nprocs: %s" % (test_suite.full_length, mpi_nprocs, py_nprocs)) else: ncpus_used = mpi_nprocs * omp_nthreads * py_nprocs msg = ( "Running %s test(s) with MPI_nprocs: %s, OMP_nthreads: %s, py_nprocs: %s" % (test_suite.full_length, mpi_nprocs, omp_nthreads, py_nprocs)) cprint(msg, "yellow") if ncpus_used < 0.3 * ncpus_detected: msg = ( "[TIP] is using %s CPUs but your architecture has %s CPUs (including Hyper-Threading if Intel)\n" "You may want to use python processes to speed up the execution\n" "Use `runtests -jNUM` to run with NUM processes" % (ncpus_used, ncpus_detected)) cprint(msg, "blue") elif ncpus_used > 1.5 * ncpus_detected: msg = ( "[OVERLOAD] is using %s CPUs but your architecture has only %s CPUs!!\n" % (ncpus_used, ncpus_detected)) cprint(msg, "magenta") if options.list_info: with open("ListOfTests.html", "w") as fh: fh.write(test_suite.make_listoftests(width=160, html=True)) with open("ListOfTests.txt", "w") as fh: fh.write(test_suite.make_listoftests(width=100, html=False)) sys.exit(0) if options.dry_run: print("Dry-run mode, print list of tests and exit(0)") for i, test in enumerate(test_suite): print("%d) %s" % (i, test)) sys.exit(0) # If np > 1, use dynamic runmode. runmode = "static" if mpi_nprocs > 1: runmode = "dynamic" results = test_suite.run_tests(build_env, workdir, runner, nprocs=mpi_nprocs, py_nprocs=py_nprocs, runmode=runmode, erase_files=options.erase_files, make_html_diff=options.make_html_diff, sub_timeout=options.sub_timeout, pedantic=options.pedantic, abimem_check=options.abimem, etsf_check=options.etsf) if results is None: return 99 if options.looponfail: count, max_iterations = 0, 100 cprint( "\n\nEntering looponfail loop with max_iterations %d" % max_iterations, "yellow") abenv.start_watching_sources() while count < max_iterations: count += 1 test_list = [t for t in test_suite if t.status == "failed"] if not test_list: cprint("All tests ok. Exiting looponfail", "green") break else: cprint("%d test(s) are still failing" % len(test_list), "red") changed = abenv.changed_sources() if not changed: sleep_time = 10 cprint( "No change in source files detected. Will sleep for %s seconds..." % sleep_time, "yellow") time.sleep(sleep_time) continue else: print( "Invoking `make` because the following files have been changed:" ) for i, path in enumerate(changed): print("[%d] %s" % (i, os.path.relpath(path))) rc = make_abinit(ncpus_detected) if rc != 0: cprint( "make_abinit returned %s, tests are postponed" % rc, "red") continue test_suite = AbinitTestSuite(test_suite.abenv, test_list=test_list) results = test_suite.run_tests( build_env, workdir, runner, nprocs=mpi_nprocs, py_nprocs=py_nprocs, runmode=runmode, erase_files=options.erase_files, make_html_diff=options.make_html_diff, sub_timeout=options.sub_timeout, pedantic=options.pedantic, abimem_check=options.abimem, etsf_check=options.etsf) if results is None: return 99 if count == max_iterations: cprint("Reached max_iterations", "red") # Threads do not play well with KeyBoardInterrupt #except KeyboardInterrupt: # all_programs = ["abinit", "anaddb", "mrgscr", "mrgddb", "mrgdv", "mpirun", "mpiexec"] # cprint("Interrupt sent by user. Will try to `killall executables` where:") # print("executables:", str(all_programs)) # answer = prompt("Do you want to kill'em all? [Y/n]") # if not answer.lower().strip() in ["n", "no"]: # for prog in all_programs: # os.system("killall %s" % prog) # return 66 # Edit input files. if options.edit: for status in parse_stats(options.edit): print("Editing input files of tests with status %s" % status) results.edit_inputs(status=status) # Edit error files. if options.stderr: for status in parse_stats(options.stderr): print("Opening stderror files of tests with status %s" % status) results.inspect_stderrs(status=status) # Patch reference files. if options.patch: for status in parse_stats(options.patch): cprint("Patching tests with status %s" % status, "yellow") results.patch_refs(status=status) if options.nag: for test in results.failed_tests: for trace in test.get_backtraces(): cprint(trace, "red") trace.edit_source() # Save test_suite after execution so that we can reread it. with open(".prev_run.pickle", "wb") as fh: pickle.dump(test_suite, fh) print("") print("Execution completed.") print("Results in HTML format are available in %s" % (os.path.join(workdir, "suite_report.html"))) try: return results.nfailed except AttributeError: return 99