예제 #1
파일: test_logging.py 프로젝트: neilh/viper
def test_event_logging_with_multiple_logs_topics_and_data():
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: indexed(num), arg2: bytes <= 3})
YourLog: __log__({arg1: indexed(address), arg2: bytes <= 5})

def foo():
    log.MyLog(1, 'bar')
    log.YourLog(self, 'house')

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(loggy_code)
    logs1 = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-2]
    logs2 = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id1 = u.bytes_to_int(u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(int128,bytes3)', 'utf-8')))
    event_id2 = u.bytes_to_int(
        u.sha3(bytes('YourLog(address,bytes5)', 'utf-8')))
    # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs1.topics[0] == event_id1
    assert logs2.topics[0] == event_id2
    # Event ids are calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id1]
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id2]
    # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id1] == {
        'types': ['int128', 'bytes3'],
        'name': 'MyLog',
        'names': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
        'indexed': [True, False],
        'anonymous': False
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id2] == {
        'types': ['address', 'bytes5'],
        'name': 'YourLog',
        'names': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
        'indexed': [True, False],
        'anonymous': False
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs1.topics, logs1.data) == {
        'arg1': 1,
        'arg2': b'bar',
        '_event_type': b'MyLog'
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs2.topics, logs2.data) == {
        'arg1': '0x' + c.address.hex(),
        'arg2': b'house',
        '_event_type': b'YourLog'
예제 #2
def test_modmul():
    modexper = """
def exp(base: num256, exponent: num256, modulus: num256) -> num256:
      o = as_num256(1)
      for i in range(256):
          o = num256_mulmod(o, o, modulus)
          if bitwise_and(exponent, shift(as_num256(1), 255 - i)) != as_num256(0):
              o = num256_mulmod(o, base, modulus)
      return o

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(modexper)
    assert c.exp(3, 5, 100) == 43
    assert c.exp(2, 997, 997) == 2
예제 #3
def test_two_d_array_accessor():
    two_d_array_accessor = """
def test_array(x: num, y: num, z: num, w: num) -> num:
    a: num[2][2]
    a[0][0] = x
    a[0][1] = y
    a[1][0] = z
    a[1][1] = w
    return a[0][0] * 1000 + a[0][1] * 100 + a[1][0] * 10 + a[1][1]

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(two_d_array_accessor)
    assert c.test_array(2, 7, 1, 8) == 2718
    print('Passed complex array accessor test')
예제 #4
def test_test_slice2():
    test_slice2 = """
def slice_tower_test(inp1: bytes <= 50) -> bytes <= 50:
    inp = inp1
    for i in range(1, 11):
        inp = slice(inp, start=1, len=30 - i * 2)
    return inp

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(test_slice2)
    x = c.slice_tower_test(b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234")
    assert x == b"klmnopqrst", x

    print('Passed advanced slice test')
예제 #5
def test_is_contract():
    contract_1 = """
def foo(arg1: address) -> bool:
    result = arg1.is_contract
    return result

    contract_2 = """
def foo(arg1: address) -> bool:
    return arg1.is_contract
    c1 = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(contract_1)
    c2 = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(contract_2)

    assert c1.foo(c1.address) is True
    assert c1.foo(c2.address) is True
    assert c1.foo(t.a1) is False
    assert c1.foo(t.a3) is False
    assert c2.foo(c1.address) is True
    assert c2.foo(c2.address) is True
    assert c2.foo(t.a1) is False
    assert c2.foo(t.a3) is False
예제 #6
def test_private_test():
    private_test_code = """
def a() -> num:
    return 5

def returnten() -> num:
    return self.a() * 2

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(private_test_code)
    assert c.returnten() == 10

    print("Passed private function test")
예제 #7
def test_internal_test():
    internal_test = """
def a() -> num:
    return 5

def returnten() -> num:
    return self.a() * 2

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(internal_test)
    assert c.returnten() == 10

    print("Passed internal function test")
예제 #8
def test_negative_nums(assert_tx_failed):
    negative_nums_code = """
def _negative_num() -> num:
    return -1

def _negative_exp() -> num:
    return -(1+2)

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(negative_nums_code)
    t.s = s
    assert c._negative_num() == -1
    assert c._negative_exp() == -3
예제 #9
def test_array_accessor():
    array_accessor = """
def test_array(x: num, y: num, z: num, w: num) -> num:
    a: num[4]
    a[0] = x
    a[1] = y
    a[2] = z
    a[3] = w
    return a[0] * 1000 + a[1] * 100 + a[2] * 10 + a[3]

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(array_accessor)
    assert c.test_array(2, 7, 1, 8) == 2718
    print('Passed basic array accessor test')
예제 #10
def test_large_input_code():
    large_input_code = """
def foo(x: num) -> num:
    return 3

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(large_input_code)
        success = True
        success = False
    assert not success
예제 #11
def test_init_argument_test():
    init_argument_test = """
moose: num

def __init__(_moose: num):
    self.moose = _moose

def returnMoose() -> num:
    return self.moose

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(init_argument_test, args=[5])
    assert c.returnMoose() == 5
    print('Passed init argument test')
예제 #12
def test_constructor_advanced_code2():
    constructor_advanced_code2 = """
comb: num

def __init__(x: num[2], y: bytes <= 3, z: num):
    self.comb = x[0] * 1000 + x[1] * 100 + len(y) * 10 + z

def get_comb() -> num:
    return self.comb
    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(constructor_advanced_code2,
                                         args=[[5, 7], "dog", 8])
    assert c.get_comb() == 5738
    print("Passed advanced init argument tests")
예제 #13
def test_num256_with_exponents(assert_tx_failed):
    exp_code = """
def _num256_exp(x: num256, y: num256) -> num256:
        return num256_exp(x,y)

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(exp_code)
    t.s = s

    assert c._num256_exp(2, 0) == 1
    assert c._num256_exp(2, 1) == 2
    assert c._num256_exp(2, 3) == 8
    assert_tx_failed(lambda: c._num256_exp(2**128, 2))
    assert c._num256_exp(2**64, 2) == 2**128
    assert c._num256_exp(7**23, 3) == 7**69
예제 #14
def test_offset_repeater_2():
    offset_repeater_2 = """
def sum(frm: num, to: num) -> num:
    out = 0
    for i in range(frm, frm + 101):
        if i == to:
        out = out + i

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(offset_repeater_2)
    assert c.sum(100, 99999) == 15150
    assert c.sum(70, 131) == 6100

    print('Passed more complex repeater with offset test')
예제 #15
def test_crazy_concat_code():
    crazy_concat_code = """
y: bytes <= 10

def krazykonkat(z: bytes <= 10) -> bytes <= 25:
    x = "cow"
    self.y = "horse"
    return concat(x, " ", self.y, " ", z)

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(crazy_concat_code)

    assert c.krazykonkat(b"moose") == b'cow horse moose'

    print('Passed third concat test')
예제 #16
def test_cmp_in_list():
    code = """
def in_test(x: num) -> bool:
    if x in [9, 7, 6, 5]:
        return True
    return False

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(code)

    assert c.in_test(1) is False
    assert c.in_test(-7) is False
    assert c.in_test(-9) is False
    assert c.in_test(5) is True
    assert c.in_test(7) is True
예제 #17
def test_altering_list_within_for_loop(assert_compile_failed):
    code = """
def data() -> num:
    s = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    count = 0
    for i in s:
        s[count] = 1  # this should not be allowed.
        if i >= 3:
            return i
        count += 1
    return -1

    assert_compile_failed(lambda: get_contract_with_gas_estimation(code),
예제 #18
def test_test_bytes2():
    test_bytes2 = """
def foo(x: bytes <= 100) -> bytes <= 100:
    y = x
    return y

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(test_bytes2)
    assert c.foo(b'cow') == b'cow'
    assert c.foo(b'') == b''
    assert c.foo(b'\x35' * 63) == b'\x35' * 63
    assert c.foo(b'\x35' * 64) == b'\x35' * 64
    assert c.foo(b'\x35' * 65) == b'\x35' * 65

    print('Passed string copying test')
예제 #19
def test_conditional_return_code():
    conditional_return_code = """
def foo(i: bool) -> num:
    if i:
        return 5
        assert 2
        return 7
    return 11

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(conditional_return_code)
    assert c.foo(True) == 5
    assert c.foo(False) == 7

    print('Passed conditional return tests')
예제 #20
def test_minmax():
    minmax_test = """
def foo() -> decimal:
    return min(3, 5) + max(10, 20) + min(200.1, 400) + max(3000, 8000.02) + min(50000.003, 70000.004)

def goo() -> num256:
    return num256_add(min(as_num256(3), as_num256(5)), max(as_num256(40), as_num256(80)))

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(minmax_test)
    assert c.foo() == 58223.123
    assert c.goo() == 83

    print("Passed min/max test")
예제 #21
def test_hash_code():
    hash_code = """
def foo(inp: bytes <= 100) -> bytes32:
    return sha3(inp)

def bar() -> bytes32:
    return sha3("inp")

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(hash_code)
    for inp in (b"", b"cow", b"s" * 31, b"\xff" * 32, b"\n" * 33, b"g" * 64,
                b"h" * 65):
        assert c.foo(inp) == u.sha3(inp)

    assert c.bar() == u.sha3("inp")
예제 #22
def test_packing_test():
    packing_test = """
x: num
y: num[5]
z: {foo: num[3], bar: {a: num, b: num}[2]}
a: num

def foo() -> num:
    self.x = 1
    self.y[0] = 2
    self.y[4] = 4
    self.z.foo[0] = 8
    self.z.foo[2] = 16
    self.z.bar[0].a = 32
    self.z.bar[0].b = 64
    self.z.bar[1].a = 128
    self.z.bar[1].b = 256
    self.a = 512
    return self.x + self.y[0] + self.y[4] + self.z.foo[0] + self.z.foo[2] + \
        self.z.bar[0].a + self.z.bar[0].b + self.z.bar[1].a + self.z.bar[1].b + self.a

def fop() -> num:
    _x: num
    _y: num[5]
    _z: {foo: num[3], bar: {a: num, b: num}[2]}
    _a: num
    _x = 1
    _y[0] = 2
    _y[4] = 4
    _z.foo[0] = 8
    _z.foo[2] = 16
    _z.bar[0].a = 32
    _z.bar[0].b = 64
    _z.bar[1].a = 128
    _z.bar[1].b = 256
    _a = 512
    return _x + _y[0] + _y[4] + _z.foo[0] + _z.foo[2] + \
        _z.bar[0].a + _z.bar[0].b + _z.bar[1].a + _z.bar[1].b + _a

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(packing_test)
    assert c.foo() == 1023, c.foo()
    assert c.fop() == 1023, c.fop()
    print('Passed packing test')
예제 #23
def test_permanent_variables_test():
    permanent_variables_test = """
var: {a: num, b: num}

def __init__(a: num, b: num):
    self.var.a = a
    self.var.b = b

def returnMoose() -> num:
    return self.var.a * 10 + self.var.b

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(permanent_variables_test, args=[5, 7])
    assert c.returnMoose() == 57
    print('Passed init argument and variable member test')
예제 #24
def test_num_bound(assert_tx_failed):
    num_bound_code = """
def _num(x: num) -> num:
    return x

def _num_add(x: num, y: num) -> num:
    return x + y

def _num_sub(x: num, y: num) -> num:
    return x - y

def _num_add3(x: num, y: num, z: num) -> num:
    return x + y + z

def _num_max() -> num:
    return  170141183460469231731687303715884105727   #  2**127 - 1

def _num_min() -> num:
    return -170141183460469231731687303715884105728   # -2**127

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(num_bound_code)

    t.s = s
    NUM_MAX = 2**127 - 1
    NUM_MIN = -2**127
    assert c._num_add(NUM_MAX, 0) == NUM_MAX
    assert c._num_sub(NUM_MIN, 0) == NUM_MIN
    assert c._num_add(NUM_MAX - 1, 1) == NUM_MAX
    assert c._num_sub(NUM_MIN + 1, 1) == NUM_MIN
    assert_tx_failed(lambda: c._num_add(NUM_MAX, 1))
    assert_tx_failed(lambda: c._num_sub(NUM_MIN, 1))
    assert_tx_failed(lambda: c._num_add(NUM_MAX - 1, 2))
    assert_tx_failed(lambda: c._num_sub(NUM_MIN + 1, 2))
    assert c._num_max() == NUM_MAX
    assert c._num_min() == NUM_MIN

    assert_tx_failed(lambda: c._num_add3(NUM_MAX, 1, -1))
    assert c._num_add3(NUM_MAX, -1, 1) == NUM_MAX
예제 #25
def test_extract32_code():
    extract32_code = """
def foo(inp: bytes <= 32) -> num:
    return extract32(inp, 0, type=num128)

def bar(inp: bytes <= 32) -> num256:
    return extract32(inp, 0, type=num256)

def baz(inp: bytes <= 32) -> bytes32:
    return extract32(inp, 0, type=bytes32)

def fop(inp: bytes <= 32) -> bytes32:
    return extract32(inp, 0)

def foq(inp: bytes <= 32) -> address:
    return extract32(inp, 0, type=address)

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(extract32_code)
    assert c.foo(b"\x00" * 30 + b"\x01\x01") == 257
    assert c.bar(b"\x00" * 30 + b"\x01\x01") == 257
        c.foo(b"\x80" + b"\x00" * 30)
        success = True
        success = False
    assert not success
    assert c.bar(b"\x80" + b"\x00" * 31) == 2**255

    assert c.baz(b"crow" * 8) == b"crow" * 8
    assert c.fop(b"crow" * 8) == b"crow" * 8
    assert c.foq(b"\x00" * 12 + b"3" * 20) == "0x" + "3" * 40
        c.foq(b"crow" * 8)
        success = True
        success = False
    assert not success

    print('Passed extract32 test')
예제 #26
def test_list_tester_code():
    list_tester_code = """
z: num[3]
z2: num[2][2]
z3: num[2]

def foo(x: num[3]) -> num:
    return x[0] + x[1] + x[2]

def goo(x: num[2][2]) -> num:
    return x[0][0] + x[0][1] + x[1][0] * 10 + x[1][1] * 10

def hoo(x: num[3]) -> num:
    y = x
    return y[0] + x[1] + y[2]

def joo(x: num[2][2]) -> num:
    y = x
    y2 = x[1]
    return y[0][0] + y[0][1] + y2[0] * 10 + y2[1] * 10

def koo(x: num[3]) -> num:
    self.z = x
    return self.z[0] + x[1] + self.z[2]

def loo(x: num[2][2]) -> num:
    self.z2 = x
    self.z3 = x[1]
    return self.z2[0][0] + self.z2[0][1] + self.z3[0] * 10 + self.z3[1] * 10

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(list_tester_code)
    assert c.foo([3, 4, 5]) == 12
    assert c.goo([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) == 73
    assert c.hoo([3, 4, 5]) == 12
    assert c.joo([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) == 73
    assert c.koo([3, 4, 5]) == 12
    assert c.loo([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) == 73
    print("Passed list tests")
예제 #27
def test_clamper_test_code():
    clamper_test_code = """
def foo(s: bytes <= 3) -> bytes <= 3:
    return s

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(clamper_test_code, value=1)
    assert c.foo(b"ca") == b"ca"
    assert c.foo(b"cat") == b"cat"
        success = True
    except t.TransactionFailed:
        success = False
    assert not success

    print("Passed bytearray clamping test")
예제 #28
def test_digit_reverser():
    digit_reverser = """

def reverse_digits(x: num) -> num:
    dig: num[6]
    z = x
    for i in range(6):
        dig[i] = z % 10
        z = z / 10
    o = 0
    for i in range(6):
        o = o * 10 + dig[i]
    return o


    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(digit_reverser)
    assert c.reverse_digits(123456) == 654321
    print('Passed digit reverser test')
예제 #29
def test_in_storage_list():
    code = """
allowed: num[10]

def in_test(x: num) -> bool:
    self.allowed = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    if x in self.allowed:
        return True
    return False

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(code)

    assert c.in_test(1) is True
    assert c.in_test(9) is True
    assert c.in_test(11) is False
    assert c.in_test(-1) is False
    assert c.in_test(32000) is False
예제 #30
def test_break_test():
    break_test = """
def log(n: num) -> num:
    c = n * 1.0
    output = 0
    for i in range(400):
        c = c / 1.2589
        if c < 1.0:
            output = i
    return output

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(break_test)
    assert c.log(1) == 0
    assert c.log(2) == 3
    assert c.log(10) == 10
    assert c.log(200) == 23
    print('Passed for-loop break test')