class Site: def __init__( self, site_id: str, reuse: bool = True, version: str = CMKVersion.DEFAULT, edition: str = CMKVersion.CEE, branch: str = "master", update_from_git: bool = False, install_test_python_modules: bool = True, admin_password: str = "cmk", ) -> None: assert site_id = site_id self.root = "/omd/sites/%s" % self.version = CMKVersion(version, edition, branch) self.update_from_git = update_from_git self.install_test_python_modules = install_test_python_modules self.reuse = reuse self.http_proto = "http" self.http_address = "" self._apache_port: Optional[int] = None # internal cache for the port self._livestatus_port: Optional[int] = None self.admin_password = admin_password self.openapi = CMKOpenApiSession( host=self.http_address, port=self.apache_port if self.exists() else 80, user="******" if self.exists() else "cmkadmin", password=self.get_automation_secret() if self.exists() else self.admin_password,, ) @property def apache_port(self) -> int: if self._apache_port is None: self._apache_port = int(self.get_config("APACHE_TCP_PORT")) return self._apache_port @property def internal_url(self) -> str: """This gives the address-port combination where the site-Apache process listens.""" return f"{self.http_proto}://{self.http_address}:{self.apache_port}/{}/check_mk/" # Previous versions of integration/composition tests needed this distinction. This is no # longer the case and can be safely removed once all tests switch to either one of url # or internal_url. url = internal_url @property def livestatus_port(self) -> int: if self._livestatus_port is None: raise Exception("Livestatus TCP not opened yet") return self._livestatus_port @property def live(self) -> livestatus.SingleSiteConnection: # Note: If the site comes from a SiteFactory instance, the TCP connection # is insecure, i.e. no TLS. live = (livestatus.LocalConnection() if self._is_running_as_site_user() else livestatus.SingleSiteConnection( "tcp:%s:%d" % (self.http_address, self.livestatus_port))) live.set_timeout(2) return live def url_for_path(self, path: str) -> str: """ Computes a full URL inkl. http://... from a URL starting with the path. In case no path component is in URL, prepend "/[site]/check_mk" to the path. """ assert not path.startswith("http") assert "://" not in path if "/" not in urllib.parse.urlparse(path).path: path = "/%s/check_mk/%s" % (, path) return f"{self.http_proto}://{self.http_address}:{self.apache_port}{path}" def wait_for_core_reloaded(self, after) -> None: # Activating changes can involve an asynchronous(!) monitoring # core restart/reload, so e.g. querying a Livestatus table immediately # might not reflect the changes yet. Ask the core for a successful reload. def config_reloaded(): try: new_t = "GET status\nColumns: program_start\n") except livestatus.MKLivestatusException: # Seems like the socket may vanish for a short time. Keep waiting in case # of livestatus (connection) issues... return False return new_t > after reload_time, timeout = time.time(), 40 while not config_reloaded(): if time.time() > reload_time + timeout: raise Exception("Config did not update within %d seconds" % timeout) time.sleep(0.2) assert config_reloaded() def restart_core(self) -> None: # Remember the time for the core reload check and wait a second because the program_start # is reported as integer and wait_for_core_reloaded() compares with ">". before_restart = time.time() time.sleep(1) self.omd("restart", "core") self.wait_for_core_reloaded(before_restart) def send_host_check_result(self, hostname: str, state: int, output: str, expected_state: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if expected_state is None: expected_state = state last_check_before = self._last_host_check(hostname) command_timestamp = self._command_timestamp(last_check_before) f"[{command_timestamp:.0f}] PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT;{hostname};{state};{output}" ) self._wait_for_next_host_check(hostname, last_check_before, command_timestamp, expected_state) def send_service_check_result( self, hostname: str, service_description: str, state: int, output: str, expected_state: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: if expected_state is None: expected_state = state last_check_before = self._last_service_check(hostname, service_description) command_timestamp = self._command_timestamp(last_check_before) f"[{command_timestamp:.0f}] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;{hostname};{service_description};{state};{output}" ) self._wait_for_next_service_check(hostname, service_description, last_check_before, command_timestamp, expected_state) def schedule_check(self, hostname: str, service_description: str, expected_state: int) -> None: logger.debug("%s;%s schedule check", hostname, service_description) last_check_before = self._last_service_check(hostname, service_description) logger.debug("%s;%s last check before %r", hostname, service_description, last_check_before) command_timestamp = self._command_timestamp(last_check_before) command = f"[{command_timestamp:.0f}] SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;{hostname};{service_description};{command_timestamp:.0f}" logger.debug("%s;%s: %r", hostname, service_description, command) self._wait_for_next_service_check(hostname, service_description, last_check_before, command_timestamp, expected_state) def _command_timestamp(self, last_check_before: float) -> float: # Ensure the next check result is not in same second as the previous check timestamp = time.time() while int(last_check_before) == int(timestamp): timestamp = time.time() time.sleep(0.1) return timestamp def _wait_for_next_host_check(self, hostname: str, last_check_before: float, command_timestamp: float, expected_state: int) -> None: wait_timeout = 20 last_check, state, plugin_output = "GET hosts\n" "Columns: last_check state plugin_output\n" f"Filter: host_name = {hostname}\n" f"WaitObject: {hostname}\n" f"WaitTimeout: {wait_timeout*1000:d}\n" f"WaitCondition: last_check > {last_check_before:.0f}\n" f"WaitCondition: state = {expected_state}\n" "WaitTrigger: check\n") self._verify_next_check_output( command_timestamp, last_check, last_check_before, state, expected_state, plugin_output, wait_timeout, ) def _wait_for_next_service_check( self, hostname: str, service_description: str, last_check_before: float, command_timestamp: float, expected_state: int, ) -> None: wait_timeout = 20 last_check, state, plugin_output = "GET services\n" "Columns: last_check state plugin_output\n" f"Filter: host_name = {hostname}\n" f"Filter: description = {service_description}\n" f"WaitObject: {hostname};{service_description}\n" f"WaitTimeout: {wait_timeout*1000:d}\n" f"WaitCondition: last_check > {last_check_before:.0f}\n" f"WaitCondition: state = {expected_state}\n" "WaitCondition: has_been_checked = 1\n" "WaitTrigger: check\n") self._verify_next_check_output( command_timestamp, last_check, last_check_before, state, expected_state, plugin_output, wait_timeout, ) def _verify_next_check_output( self, command_timestamp: float, last_check: float, last_check_before: float, state: int, expected_state: int, plugin_output: str, wait_timeout: int, ) -> None: logger.debug("processing check result took %0.2f seconds", time.time() - command_timestamp) assert last_check > last_check_before, ( f"Check result not processed within {wait_timeout} seconds " f"(last check before reschedule: {last_check_before:.0f}, " f"scheduled at: {command_timestamp:.0f}, last check: {last_check:.0f})" ) assert ( state == expected_state ), f"Expected {expected_state} state, got {state} state, output {plugin_output}" def _last_host_check(self, hostname: str) -> float: return f"GET hosts\nColumns: last_check\nFilter: host_name = {hostname}\n" ) def _last_service_check(self, hostname: str, service_description: str) -> float: return "GET services\n" "Columns: last_check\n" f"Filter: host_name = {hostname}\n" f"Filter: service_description = {service_description}\n") def get_host_state(self, hostname: str) -> int: return f"GET hosts\nColumns: state\nFilter: host_name = {hostname}") def _is_running_as_site_user(self) -> bool: return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name == def execute(self, cmd: List[str], *args, **kwargs) -> subprocess.Popen: assert isinstance(cmd, list), "The command must be given as list" kwargs.setdefault("encoding", "utf-8") cmd_txt = ( subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd) if self._is_running_as_site_user() else " ".join( # [ "sudo", "su", "-l",, "-c", pipes.quote(" ".join(pipes.quote(p) for p in cmd)), ]))"Executing: %s", cmd_txt) kwargs["shell"] = True return subprocess.Popen(cmd_txt, *args, **kwargs) def omd(self, mode: str, *args: str) -> int: sudo, site_id = ([], []) if self._is_running_as_site_user() else ( ["sudo"], []) cmd = sudo + ["/usr/bin/omd", mode] + site_id + list(args)"Executing: %s", subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen( # pylint:disable=consider-using-with cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding="utf-8") stdout, _stderr = p.communicate() log_level = logging.DEBUG if p.returncode == 0 else logging.WARNING logger.log(log_level, "Exit code: %d", p.returncode) if stdout: logger.log(log_level, "Output:") for line in stdout.strip().split("\n"): logger.log(log_level, "> %s", line) return p.returncode def path(self, rel_path: str) -> str: return os.path.join(self.root, rel_path) def read_file(self, rel_path: str) -> str: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["cat", self.path(rel_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to read file %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) return if p.stdout is not None else "" return open(self.path(rel_path)).read() def delete_file(self, rel_path: str, missing_ok: bool = False) -> None: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["rm", "-f", self.path(rel_path)]) if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to delete file %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) else: Path(self.path(rel_path)).unlink(missing_ok=missing_ok) def delete_dir(self, rel_path: str) -> None: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["rm", "-rf", self.path(rel_path)]) if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception( "Failed to delete directory %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) else: shutil.rmtree(self.path(rel_path)) def write_text_file(self, rel_path: str, content: str) -> None: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute( ["tee", self.path(rel_path)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open(os.devnull, "w"), # pylint:disable=consider-using-with ) # ? content seems to have the type str p.communicate(content) if p.stdin is not None: p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to write file %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) else: file_path = Path(self.path(rel_path)) file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) def write_binary_file(self, rel_path: str, content: bytes) -> None: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute( ["tee", self.path(rel_path)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open(os.devnull, "w"), # pylint:disable=consider-using-with encoding=None, ) p.communicate(content) if p.stdin is not None: p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to write file %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) else: file_path = Path(self.path(rel_path)) file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"wb") as f: f.write(content) def create_rel_symlink(self, link_rel_target: str, rel_link_name: str) -> None: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute( # pylint:disable=consider-using-with ["ln", "-s", link_rel_target, rel_link_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, ) p.communicate() if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception( "Failed to create symlink from %s to ./%s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_link_name, link_rel_target, p.wait())) else: os.symlink(link_rel_target, os.path.join(self.root, rel_link_name)) def resolve_path(self, rel_path: Path) -> Path: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute( ["readlink", "-e", self.path(str(rel_path))], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception( f"Failed to read symlink at {rel_path}. Exit-Code: {p.wait()}" ) if p.stdout is None: raise Exception( f"Failed to read symlink at {rel_path}. No stdout.") return Path( return Path(self.path(str(rel_path))).resolve() def file_exists(self, rel_path: str) -> bool: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["test", "-e", self.path(rel_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return p.wait() == 0 return os.path.exists(self.path(rel_path)) def makedirs(self, rel_path: str) -> bool: p = self.execute(["mkdir", "-p", self.path(rel_path)]) return p.wait() == 0 def cleanup_if_wrong_version(self) -> None: if not self.exists(): return if self.current_version_directory() == self.version.version_directory( ): return # Now cleanup! self.rm() def current_version_directory(self) -> str: return os.path.split(os.readlink("/omd/sites/%s/version" %[-1] def create(self) -> None: if not self.version.is_installed(): raise Exception( "Version %s not installed. " 'Use "tests/scripts/" or install it manually.' % self.version.version) if not self.reuse and self.exists(): raise Exception("The site %s already exists." % if not self.exists():"Creating site '%s'", p = subprocess.Popen( # pylint:disable=consider-using-with [ "/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/omd", "-V", self.version.version_directory(), "create", "--admin-password", self.admin_password, "--apache-reload",, ]) exit_code = p.wait() assert exit_code == 0 assert os.path.exists("/omd/sites/%s" % self._ensure_sample_config_is_present() if not self.version.is_raw_edition(): self._set_number_of_helpers() self._log_cmc_startup() self._enable_cmc_core_dumps() self._enable_cmc_debug_logging() self._disable_cmc_log_rotation() self._enabled_liveproxyd_debug_logging() self._enable_mkeventd_debug_logging() self._enable_gui_debug_logging() self._tune_nagios() if self.install_test_python_modules: self._install_test_python_modules() if self.update_from_git: self._update_with_f12_files() # The tmpfs is already mounted during "omd create". We have just created some # Checkmk configuration files and want to be sure they are used once the core # starts. self._update_cmk_core_config() self.makedirs(self.result_dir()) self.openapi.port = self.apache_port self.openapi.set_authentication_header( user="******", password=self.get_automation_secret()) def _ensure_sample_config_is_present(self) -> None: if missing_files := self._missing_but_required_wato_files(): raise Exception( "Sample config was not created by post create hook " " (Missing files: %s)" % missing_files)
class Site: def __init__( self, site_id, reuse=True, version=CMKVersion.DEFAULT, edition=CMKVersion.CEE, branch="master", update_from_git=False, install_test_python_modules=True, ): assert site_id = site_id self.root = "/omd/sites/%s" % self.version = CMKVersion(version, edition, branch) self.update_from_git = update_from_git self.install_test_python_modules = install_test_python_modules self.reuse = reuse self.http_proto = "http" self.http_address = "" self._apache_port = None # internal cache for the port self._livestatus_port = None @property def apache_port(self): if self._apache_port is None: self._apache_port = int(self.get_config("APACHE_TCP_PORT")) return self._apache_port @property def internal_url(self): """This gives the address-port combination where the site-Apache process listens.""" return "%s://%s:%s/%s/check_mk/" % ( self.http_proto, self.http_address, self.apache_port,, ) # Previous versions of integration/composition tests needed this distinction. This is no # longer the case and can be safely removed once all tests switch to either one of url # or internal_url. url = internal_url @property def livestatus_port(self): if self._livestatus_port is None: raise Exception("Livestatus TCP not opened yet") return self._livestatus_port @property def live(self): import livestatus # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,import-outside-toplevel # Note: If the site comes from a SiteFactory instance, the TCP connection # is insecure, i.e. no TLS. live = (livestatus.LocalConnection() if self._is_running_as_site_user() else livestatus.SingleSiteConnection( "tcp:%s:%d" % (self.http_address, self.livestatus_port))) live.set_timeout(2) return live def url_for_path(self, path): """ Computes a full URL inkl. http://... from a URL starting with the path. In case no path component is in URL, prepend "/[site]/check_mk" to the path. """ assert not path.startswith("http") assert "://" not in path if "/" not in urllib.parse.urlparse(path).path: path = "/%s/check_mk/%s" % (, path) return "%s://%s:%d%s" % (self.http_proto, self.http_address, self.apache_port, path) def wait_for_core_reloaded(self, after): # Activating changes can involve an asynchronous(!) monitoring # core restart/reload, so e.g. querying a Livestatus table immediately # might not reflect the changes yet. Ask the core for a successful reload. def config_reloaded(): import livestatus # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,import-outside-toplevel try: new_t = "GET status\nColumns: program_start\n") except livestatus.MKLivestatusException: # Seems like the socket may vanish for a short time. Keep waiting in case # of livestatus (connection) issues... return False return new_t > after reload_time, timeout = time.time(), 40 while not config_reloaded(): if time.time() > reload_time + timeout: raise Exception("Config did not update within %d seconds" % timeout) time.sleep(0.2) assert config_reloaded() def restart_core(self): # Remember the time for the core reload check and wait a second because the program_start # is reported as integer and wait_for_core_reloaded() compares with ">". before_restart = time.time() time.sleep(1) self.omd("restart", "core") self.wait_for_core_reloaded(before_restart) def send_host_check_result(self, hostname, state, output, expected_state=None): if expected_state is None: expected_state = state last_check_before = self._last_host_check(hostname) command_timestamp = self._command_timestamp(last_check_before)"[%d] PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%d;%s" % (command_timestamp, hostname, state, output)) self._wait_for_next_host_check(hostname, last_check_before, command_timestamp, expected_state) def send_service_check_result(self, hostname, service_description, state, output, expected_state=None): if expected_state is None: expected_state = state last_check_before = self._last_service_check(hostname, service_description) command_timestamp = self._command_timestamp(last_check_before) "[%d] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%d;%s" % (command_timestamp, hostname, service_description, state, output)) self._wait_for_next_service_check(hostname, service_description, last_check_before, command_timestamp, expected_state) def schedule_check(self, hostname, service_description, expected_state): logger.debug("%s;%s schedule check", hostname, service_description) last_check_before = self._last_service_check(hostname, service_description) logger.debug("%s;%s last check before %r", hostname, service_description, last_check_before) command_timestamp = self._command_timestamp(last_check_before) command = "[%d] SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;%s;%s;%d" % ( command_timestamp, hostname, service_description, command_timestamp, ) logger.debug("%s;%s: %r", hostname, service_description, command) self._wait_for_next_service_check(hostname, service_description, last_check_before, command_timestamp, expected_state) def _command_timestamp(self, last_check_before): # Ensure the next check result is not in same second as the previous check timestamp = time.time() while int(last_check_before) == int(timestamp): timestamp = time.time() time.sleep(0.1) return timestamp def _wait_for_next_host_check(self, hostname, last_check_before, command_timestamp, expected_state): wait_timeout = 20 last_check, state, plugin_output = "GET hosts\n" "Columns: last_check state plugin_output\n" "Filter: host_name = %s\n" "WaitObject: %s\n" "WaitTimeout: %d\n" "WaitCondition: last_check > %d\n" "WaitCondition: state = %d\n" "WaitTrigger: check\n" % (hostname, hostname, wait_timeout * 1000, last_check_before, expected_state)) self._verify_next_check_output( command_timestamp, last_check, last_check_before, state, expected_state, plugin_output, wait_timeout, ) def _wait_for_next_service_check(self, hostname, service_description, last_check_before, command_timestamp, expected_state): wait_timeout = 20 last_check, state, plugin_output = "GET services\n" "Columns: last_check state plugin_output\n" "Filter: host_name = %s\n" "Filter: description = %s\n" "WaitObject: %s;%s\n" "WaitTimeout: %d\n" "WaitCondition: last_check > %d\n" "WaitCondition: state = %d\n" "WaitCondition: has_been_checked = 1\n" "WaitTrigger: check\n" % ( hostname, service_description, hostname, service_description, wait_timeout * 1000, last_check_before, expected_state, )) self._verify_next_check_output( command_timestamp, last_check, last_check_before, state, expected_state, plugin_output, wait_timeout, ) def _verify_next_check_output( self, command_timestamp, last_check, last_check_before, state, expected_state, plugin_output, wait_timeout, ): logger.debug("processing check result took %0.2f seconds", time.time() - command_timestamp) assert last_check > last_check_before, ( "Check result not processed within %d seconds (last check before reschedule: %d, " "scheduled at: %d, last check: %d)" % (wait_timeout, last_check_before, command_timestamp, last_check)) assert state == expected_state, "Expected %d state, got %d state, output %s" % ( expected_state, state, plugin_output, ) def _last_host_check(self, hostname): return"GET hosts\n" "Columns: last_check\n" "Filter: host_name = %s\n" % (hostname)) def _last_service_check(self, hostname, service_description): return"GET services\n" "Columns: last_check\n" "Filter: host_name = %s\n" "Filter: service_description = %s\n" % (hostname, service_description)) def get_host_state(self, hostname): return "GET hosts\nColumns: state\nFilter: host_name = %s" % hostname) def _is_running_as_site_user(self): return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name == def execute(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): assert isinstance(cmd, list), "The command must be given as list" kwargs.setdefault("encoding", "utf-8") cmd_txt = ( subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd) if self._is_running_as_site_user() else " ".join( # [ "sudo", "su", "-l",, "-c", pipes.quote(" ".join(pipes.quote(p) for p in cmd)), ]))"Executing: %s", cmd_txt) kwargs["shell"] = True return subprocess.Popen(cmd_txt, *args, **kwargs) def omd(self, mode: str, *args: str) -> int: sudo, site_id = ([], []) if self._is_running_as_site_user() else ( ["sudo"], []) cmd = sudo + ["/usr/bin/omd", mode] + site_id + list(args)"Executing: %s", subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding="utf-8") stdout, _stderr = p.communicate() logger.debug("Exit code: %d", p.returncode) if stdout: logger.debug("Output:") for line in stdout.strip().split("\n"): logger.debug("> %s", line) return p.returncode def path(self, rel_path): return os.path.join(self.root, rel_path) def read_file(self, rel_path): if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["cat", self.path(rel_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to read file %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) return return open(self.path(rel_path)).read() def delete_file(self, rel_path, missing_ok=False): if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["rm", "-f", self.path(rel_path)]) if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to delete file %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) else: Path(self.path(rel_path)).unlink(missing_ok=missing_ok) def delete_dir(self, rel_path): if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["rm", "-rf", self.path(rel_path)]) if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception( "Failed to delete directory %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) else: shutil.rmtree(self.path(rel_path)) # TODO: Rename to write_text_file? def write_file(self, rel_path, content): if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["tee", self.path(rel_path)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open(os.devnull, "w")) p.communicate(ensure_str(content)) p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to write file %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) else: file_path = Path(self.path(rel_path)) file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) def write_binary_file(self, rel_path, content): if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute( ["tee", self.path(rel_path)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open(os.devnull, "w"), encoding=None, ) p.communicate(content) p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to write file %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) else: file_path = Path(self.path(rel_path)) file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"wb") as f: f.write(content) def create_rel_symlink(self, link_rel_target, rel_link_name): if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute( ["ln", "-s", link_rel_target, rel_link_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, ) p.communicate() if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception( "Failed to create symlink from %s to ./%s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_link_name, link_rel_target, p.wait())) else: return os.symlink(link_rel_target, os.path.join(self.root, rel_link_name)) def resolve_path(self, rel_path: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute( ["readlink", "-e", self.path(rel_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if p.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Failed to read symlink at %s. Exit-Code: %d" % (rel_path, p.wait())) return Path( return self.path(rel_path).resolve() def file_exists(self, rel_path): if not self._is_running_as_site_user(): p = self.execute(["test", "-e", self.path(rel_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return p.wait() == 0 return os.path.exists(self.path(rel_path)) def makedirs(self, rel_path): p = self.execute(["mkdir", "-p", self.path(rel_path)]) return p.wait() == 0 def cleanup_if_wrong_version(self): if not self.exists(): return if self.current_version_directory() == self.version.version_directory( ): return # Now cleanup! self.rm() def current_version_directory(self): return os.path.split(os.readlink("/omd/sites/%s/version" %[-1] def create(self): if not self.version.is_installed(): raise Exception( "Version %s not installed. " 'Use "tests/scripts/" or install it manually.' % self.version.version) if not self.reuse and self.exists(): raise Exception("The site %s already exists." % if not self.exists():"Creating site '%s'", p = subprocess.Popen([ "/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/omd", "-V", self.version.version_directory(), "create", "--admin-password", "cmk", "--apache-reload",, ]) exit_code = p.wait() assert exit_code == 0 assert os.path.exists("/omd/sites/%s" % if not self.version.is_raw_edition(): self._set_number_of_helpers() self._enable_cmc_core_dumps() self._enable_cmc_debug_logging() self._enabled_liveproxyd_debug_logging() self._enable_mkeventd_debug_logging() self._enable_gui_debug_logging() self._tune_nagios() if self.install_test_python_modules: self._install_test_python_modules() if self.update_from_git: self._update_with_f12_files() # The tmpfs is already mounted during "omd create". We have just created some # Checkmk configuration files and want to be sure they are used once the core # starts. self._update_cmk_core_config() self.makedirs(self.result_dir()) def _update_with_f12_files(self): paths = [ cmk_path() + "/omd/packages/omd", cmk_path() + "/livestatus", cmk_path() + "/livestatus/api/python", cmk_path() + "/bin", cmk_path() + "/agents/special", cmk_path() + "/agents/plugins", cmk_path() + "/agents/windows/plugins", cmk_path() + "/agents", cmk_path() + "/modules", cmk_path() + "/cmk/base", cmk_path() + "/cmk", cmk_path() + "/checks", cmk_path() + "/checkman", cmk_path() + "/web", cmk_path() + "/inventory", cmk_path() + "/notifications", cmk_path() + "/.werks", ] if os.path.exists(cmc_path()) and not self.version.is_raw_edition(): paths += [ cmc_path() + "/bin", cmc_path() + "/agents/plugins", cmc_path() + "/modules", cmc_path() + "/cmk/base", cmc_path() + "/cmk", cmc_path() + "/web", cmc_path() + "/alert_handlers", cmc_path() + "/misc", cmc_path() + "/core", # TODO: Do not invoke the chroot build mechanism here, which is very time # consuming when not initialized yet # cmc_path() + "/agents", ] if os.path.exists(cme_path()) and self.version.is_managed_edition(): paths += [ cme_path(), cme_path() + "/cmk/base", ] for path in paths: if os.path.exists("%s/.f12" % path): print('Executing .f12 in "%s"...' % path) assert (os.system( # nosec 'cd "%s" ; ' "sudo PATH=$PATH ONLY_COPY=1 ALL_EDITIONS=0 SITE=%s " "CHROOT_BASE_PATH=$CHROOT_BASE_PATH CHROOT_BUILD_DIR=$CHROOT_BUILD_DIR " "bash .f12" % (path, >> 8 == 0) print('Executing .f12 in "%s" DONE' % path) sys.stdout.flush() def _update_cmk_core_config(self):"Updating core configuration...") p = self.execute(["cmk", "-U"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) assert p.wait( ) == 0, "Failed to execute 'cmk -U': %s" % p.communicate()[0] def _set_number_of_helpers(self): self.makedirs("etc/check_mk/conf.d") self.write_file("etc/check_mk/conf.d/", "cmc_cmk_helpers = 5\n") def _enabled_liveproxyd_debug_logging(self): self.makedirs("etc/check_mk/liveproxyd.d") # 15 = verbose # 10 = debug self.write_file("etc/check_mk/liveproxyd.d/", "liveproxyd_log_levels = {'cmk.liveproxyd': 15}") def _enable_mkeventd_debug_logging(self): self.makedirs("etc/check_mk/mkeventd.d") self.write_file( "etc/check_mk/mkeventd.d/", "log_level = %r\n" % { "cmk.mkeventd": 10, "cmk.mkeventd.EventServer": 10, "cmk.mkeventd.EventServer.snmp": 10, "cmk.mkeventd.EventStatus": 10, "cmk.mkeventd.StatusServer": 10, "cmk.mkeventd.lock": 20, }, ) def _enable_cmc_core_dumps(self): self.makedirs("etc/check_mk/conf.d") self.write_file("etc/check_mk/conf.d/", "cmc_dump_core = True\n") def _enable_cmc_debug_logging(self): self.makedirs("etc/check_mk/conf.d") self.write_file( "etc/check_mk/conf.d/", "cmc_log_levels = %r\n" % { "cmk.alert": 7, "cmk.carbon": 7, "cmk.core": 7, "cmk.downtime": 7, "cmk.helper": 6, "cmk.livestatus": 7, "cmk.notification": 7, "cmk.rrd": 7, "cmk.influxdb": 7, "cmk.smartping": 7, }, ) def _enable_gui_debug_logging(self): self.makedirs("etc/check_mk/multisite.d") self.write_file( "etc/check_mk/multisite.d/", "log_levels = %r\n" % { "cmk.web": 10, "cmk.web.ldap": 10, "cmk.web.auth": 10, "": 10, "cmk.web.automations": 10, "cmk.web.background-job": 10, }, ) def _tune_nagios(self): # We want nagios to process queued external commands as fast as possible. Even if we # set command_check_interval to -1, nagios is doing some sleeping in between the # command processing. We reduce the sleep time here to make it a little faster. self.write_file( "etc/nagios/nagios.d/zzz-test-tuning.cfg", "log_passive_checks=1\n" "service_inter_check_delay_method=n\n" "host_inter_check_delay_method=n\n" "sleep_time=0.05\n", ) def _install_test_python_modules(self): venv = virtualenv_path() bin_dir = venv / "bin" self._copy_python_modules_from( venv / f"lib/python{PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.{PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}/site-packages" ) # Some distros have a separate platfrom dependent library directory, handle it.... platlib64 = ( venv / f"lib64/python{PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.{PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}/site-packages" ) if platlib64.exists(): self._copy_python_modules_from(platlib64) for file_name in ["py.test", "pytest"]: assert (os.system( # nosec "sudo rsync -a --chown %s:%s %s %s/local/bin" % (,, bin_dir / file_name, self.root)) >> 8 == 0) def _copy_python_modules_from(self, packages_dir): enforce_override = ["backports"] for file_name in os.listdir(str(packages_dir)): # Only copy modules that do not exist in regular module path if file_name not in enforce_override: if os.path.exists( "%s/lib/python/%s" % (self.root, file_name)) or os.path.exists( f"{self.root}/lib/python{PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.{PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}/site-packages/{file_name}" ): continue assert (os.system( # nosec f"sudo rsync -a --chown {}:{} {packages_dir / file_name} {self.root}/local/lib/python{PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}/" ) >> 8 == 0) def rm(self, site_id=None): if site_id is None: site_id = # TODO: LM: Temporarily disabled until "omd rm" issue is fixed. # assert subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/omd", subprocess.Popen([ "/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/omd", "-f", "rm", "--apache-reload", "--kill", site_id ]).wait() def start(self): if not self.is_running(): assert self.omd("start") == 0 # print("= BEGIN PROCESSES AFTER START ==============================") # self.execute(["ps", "aux"]).wait() # print("= END PROCESSES AFTER START ==============================") i = 0 while not self.is_running(): i += 1 if i > 10: self.execute(["/usr/bin/omd", "status"]).wait() # print("= BEGIN PROCESSES FAIL ==============================") # self.execute(["ps", "aux"]).wait() # print("= END PROCESSES FAIL ==============================") logger.warning("Could not start site %s. Stop waiting.", break logger.warning( "The site %s is not running yet, sleeping... (round %d)",, i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.2) self.ensure_running() assert os.path.ismount( self.path("tmp") ), "The site does not have a tmpfs mounted! We require this for good performing tests" def stop(self): if self.is_stopped(): return # Nothing to do # logger.debug("= BEGIN PROCESSES BEFORE =======================================") # os.system("ps -fwwu %s" % # nosec # logger.debug("= END PROCESSES BEFORE =======================================") stop_exit_code = self.omd("stop") if stop_exit_code != 0: logger.error("omd stop exit code: %d", stop_exit_code) # logger.debug("= BEGIN PROCESSES AFTER STOP =======================================") # os.system("ps -fwwu %s" % # nosec # logger.debug("= END PROCESSES AFTER STOP =======================================") i = 0 while not self.is_stopped(): i += 1 if i > 10: raise Exception("Could not stop site %s" % logger.warning( "The site %s is still running, sleeping... (round %d)",, i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.2) def exists(self): return os.path.exists("/omd/sites/%s" % def ensure_running(self): if not self.is_running(): pytest.exit( "Site was not running completely while it should. Enforcing stop." ) def is_running(self): return (self.execute(["/usr/bin/omd", "status", "--bare"], stdout=open(os.devnull, "w")).wait() == 0) def is_stopped(self): # 0 -> fully running # 1 -> fully stopped # 2 -> partially running return (self.execute(["/usr/bin/omd", "status", "--bare"], stdout=open(os.devnull, "w")).wait() == 1) def set_config(self, key, val, with_restart=False): if self.get_config(key) == val:"omd config: %s is already at %r", key, val) return if with_restart: logger.debug("Stopping site") self.stop()"omd config: Set %s to %r", key, val) assert self.omd("config", "set", key, val) == 0 if with_restart: self.start() logger.debug("Started site") def set_core(self, core): self.set_config("CORE", core, with_restart=True) def get_config(self, key): p = self.execute(["omd", "config", "show", key], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() logger.debug("omd config: %s is set to %r", key, stdout.strip()) if stderr: logger.error(stderr) return stdout.strip() # These things are needed to make the site basically being setup. So this # is checked during site initialization instead of a dedicated test. def verify_cmk(self): p = self.execute(["cmk", "--help"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout = p.communicate()[0] assert p.returncode == 0, "Failed to execute 'cmk': %s" % stdout p = self.execute(["cmk", "-U"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout = p.communicate()[0] assert p.returncode == 0, "Failed to execute 'cmk -U': %s" % stdout def prepare_for_tests(self): self.verify_cmk() self.init_wato() def init_wato(self): if not self._missing_but_required_wato_files(): "WATO is already initialized -> Skipping initializiation") return logger.debug("Initializing WATO...") web = CMKWebSession(self) web.login() # Call WATO once for creating the default WATO configuration logger.debug( "Requesting (which creates the WATO factory settings)...") response = web.get("").text # logger.debug("Debug: %r" % response) assert "site=%s" % in response logger.debug("Waiting for WATO files to be created...") wait_time = 20.0 while self._missing_but_required_wato_files() and wait_time >= 0: time.sleep(0.5) wait_time -= 0.5 missing_files = self._missing_but_required_wato_files() assert not missing_files, ("Failed to initialize WATO data structures " "(Still missing: %s)" % missing_files) web.enforce_non_localized_gui() self._add_wato_test_config(web) # Add some test configuration that is not test specific. These settings are set only to have a # bit more complex Checkmk config. def _add_wato_test_config(self, web): # This entry is interesting because it is a check specific setting. These # settings are only registered during check loading. In case one tries to # load the config without loading the checks in advance, this leads into an # exception. # We set this config option here trying to catch this kind of issue. web.set_ruleset( "fileinfo_groups", { "ruleset": { "": [ # "" -> folder { "condition": {}, "options": {}, "value": { "group_patterns": [("TESTGROUP", ("*gwia*", ""))] }, }, ], } }, ) def _missing_but_required_wato_files(self): required_files = [ "etc/check_mk/conf.d/wato/", "etc/check_mk/multisite.d/wato/", "etc/check_mk/conf.d/wato/", "var/check_mk/web/automation", "var/check_mk/web/automation/automation.secret", ] missing = [] for f in required_files: if not self.file_exists(f): missing.append(f) return missing def open_livestatus_tcp(self, encrypted): """This opens a currently free TCP port and remembers it in the object for later use Not free of races, but should be sufficient.""" start_again = False if not self.is_stopped(): start_again = True self.stop()"Have livestatus port lock") self.set_config("LIVESTATUS_TCP", "on") self._gather_livestatus_port() self.set_config("LIVESTATUS_TCP_PORT", str(self._livestatus_port)) self.set_config("LIVESTATUS_TCP_TLS", "on" if encrypted else "off") if start_again: self.start()"After livestatus port lock") def _gather_livestatus_port(self): if self.reuse and self.exists(): port = int(self.get_config("LIVESTATUS_TCP_PORT")) else: port = self.get_free_port_from(9123) self._livestatus_port = port def get_free_port_from(self, port): used_ports = set([]) for cfg_path in glob.glob("/omd/sites/*/etc/omd/site.conf"): for line in open(cfg_path): if line.startswith("CONFIG_LIVESTATUS_TCP_PORT="): port = int(line.strip().split("=", 1)[1].strip("'")) used_ports.add(port) while port in used_ports: port += 1 logger.debug("Livestatus ports already in use: %r, using port: %d", used_ports, port) return port def save_results(self): if not _is_dockerized():"Not dockerized: not copying results") return"Saving to %s", self.result_dir()) os.makedirs(self.result_dir(), exist_ok=True) with suppress(FileNotFoundError): shutil.copy(self.path("junit.xml"), self.result_dir()) shutil.copytree( self.path("var/log"), "%s/logs" % self.result_dir(), ignore_dangling_symlinks=True, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(".*"), ) for nagios_log_path in glob.glob(self.path("var/nagios/*.log")): shutil.copy(nagios_log_path, "%s/logs" % self.result_dir()) with suppress(FileNotFoundError): shutil.copy(self.path("var/check_mk/core/core"), "%s/cmc_core_dump" % self.result_dir()) with suppress(FileNotFoundError): shutil.copytree( self.path("var/check_mk/crashes"), "%s/crashes" % self.result_dir(), ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(".*"), ) def result_dir(self): return os.path.join( os.environ.get("RESULT_PATH", self.path("results")),