예제 #1
파일: test_events.py 프로젝트: dlitz/inbox
def test_api_get(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {'title': 'subj', 'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    e_data2 = {'title': 'subj2', 'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data2, ns_id)

    event_list = api_client.get_data('/events', ns_id)

    event_ids = [event['id'] for event in event_list]

    c1found = False
    c2found = False
    for c_id in event_ids:
        event = api_client.get_data('/events/' + c_id, ns_id)

        if event['title'] == 'subj':
            c1found = True

        if event['title'] == 'subj2':
            c2found = True

    assert c1found
    assert c2found
예제 #2
파일: test_tags.py 프로젝트: dlitz/inbox
def test_create_tag(api_client, default_namespace):
    ns_id = default_namespace.public_id

    post_resp = api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'foo'})
    assert post_resp.status_code == 200
    tag_resp = json.loads(post_resp.data)
    assert tag_resp['name'] == 'foo'
    assert tag_resp['namespace_id'] == ns_id
    tag_id = tag_resp['id']

    # Check getting the tag
    tag_data = api_client.get_data('/tags/{}'.format(tag_id))
    assert tag_data['name'] == 'foo'
    assert tag_data['namespace_id'] == ns_id
    assert tag_data['id'] == tag_id

    # Check listing the tag
    assert 'foo' in [tag['name'] for tag in api_client.get_data('/tags/')]

    # Make sure we can specify the namespace that we are creating the tag in
    bad_ns_id = 0000000000000000000000000
    tag_data = {'name': 'foo3', 'namespace_id': bad_ns_id}
    put_resp = api_client.post_data('/tags/', tag_data)
    assert put_resp.status_code == 400
    assert 'foo3' not in [tag['name'] for tag in api_client.get_data('/tags/')]
예제 #3
def test_search_response(db, api_client, search_engine):
    endpoint = '/messages/search'
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint + '?limit={}&offset={}'.
                                format(1, 0), {})
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 1

    search_repr = results[0]['object']
    message_id = search_repr['id']

    api_repr = api_client.get_data('/messages/{}'.format(message_id))

    assert search_repr['to'] == api_repr['to']
    assert search_repr['from'] == api_repr['from']
    assert search_repr['cc'] == api_repr['cc']
    assert search_repr['bcc'] == api_repr['bcc']
    assert search_repr['files'] == api_repr['files']

    endpoint = '/threads/search'
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint + '?limit={}&offset={}'.
                                format(1, 0), {})
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 1

    search_repr = results[0]['object']
    thread_id = search_repr['id']

    api_repr = api_client.get_data('/threads/{}'.format(thread_id))

    assert sorted(search_repr['tags']) == sorted(api_repr['tags'])
    assert search_repr['participants'] == api_repr['participants']
예제 #4
def test_conflicting_updates(api_client):
    original_draft = {
        'subject': 'parent draft',
        'body': 'parent draft'
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', original_draft)
    original_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']

    updated_draft = {
        'subject': 'updated draft',
        'body': 'updated draft'
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts/{}'.format(original_public_id),
    assert r.status_code == 200
    updated_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']

    conflicting_draft = {
        'subject': 'conflicting draft',
        'body': 'conflicting draft'
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts/{}'.format(original_public_id),
    assert r.status_code == 409

    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    assert len(drafts) == 1
    assert drafts[0]['id'] == updated_public_id
예제 #5
파일: test_tags.py 프로젝트: dlitz/inbox
def test_add_remove_tags(api_client):
    assert 'foo' not in [tag['name'] for tag in api_client.get_data('/tags/')]
    assert 'bar' not in [tag['name'] for tag in api_client.get_data('/tags/')]

    api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'foo'})
    api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'bar'})

    thread_id = api_client.get_data('/threads/')[0]['id']
    thread_path = '/threads/{}'.format(thread_id)
    api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'add_tags': ['foo']})
    api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'add_tags': ['bar']})

    tag_names = [tag['name'] for tag in
    assert 'foo' in tag_names
    assert 'bar' in tag_names

    # Check that tag was only applied to this thread
    another_thread_id = api_client.get_data('/threads/')[1]['id']
    tag_names = get_tag_names(
    assert 'foo' not in tag_names

    api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'remove_tags': ['foo']})
    api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'remove_tags': ['bar']})
    tag_names = get_tag_names(api_client.get_data(thread_path))
    assert 'foo' not in tag_names
    assert 'bar' not in tag_names
예제 #6
def test_lens_tx(api_client, db):
    api_client.post_data('/drafts/', {
        'subject': 'Calaveras Dome / Hammer Dome',
        'to': [{'name': 'Somebody', 'email': '*****@*****.**'}],
        'cc': [{'name': 'Another Person', 'email': '*****@*****.**'}]

    transaction = db.session.query(Transaction). \
        filter(Transaction.table_name == 'spoolmessage'). \

    draft = db.session.query(SpoolMessage). \
    thread = draft.thread

    filter = Lens(subject='/Calaveras/')
    assert filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(subject='Calaveras')
    assert not filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(from_addr='*****@*****.**')
    assert filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(from_addr='/inboxapp/')
    assert filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(cc_addr='/Another/')
    assert filter.match(transaction)

    early_ts = calendar.timegm(thread.subjectdate.utctimetuple()) - 1
    late_ts = calendar.timegm(thread.subjectdate.utctimetuple()) + 1

    filter = Lens(started_before=late_ts)
    assert filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(started_before=early_ts)
    assert not filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(started_after=late_ts)
    assert not filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(started_after=early_ts)
    assert filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(last_message_after=early_ts)
    assert filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(last_message_after=late_ts)
    assert not filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(subject='/Calaveras/', any_email='Nobody')
    assert not filter.match(transaction)

    filter = Lens(subject='/Calaveras/', any_email='/inboxapp/')
    assert filter.match(transaction)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        filter = Lens(subject='/*/')
예제 #7
def test_api_get(db, api_client, calendar):
    e_data = {'title': 'subj', 'when': {'time': 1},
              'calendar_id': calendar.public_id, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    e_data2 = {'title': 'subj2', 'when': {'time': 1},
               'calendar_id': calendar.public_id, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data)
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data2)

    event_list = api_client.get_data('/events')

    event_ids = [event['id'] for event in event_list]

    c1found = False
    c2found = False
    for c_id in event_ids:
        event = api_client.get_data('/events/' + c_id)

        if event['title'] == 'subj':
            c1found = True

        if event['title'] == 'subj2':
            c2found = True

    assert c1found
    assert c2found
예제 #8
def test_delete_draft(api_client):
    original_draft = {
        'subject': 'parent draft',
        'body': 'parent draft'
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', original_draft)
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    updated_draft = {
        'subject': 'updated draft',
        'body': 'updated draft',
        'version': version
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts/{}'.format(draft_public_id),
    updated_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    updated_version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    r = api_client.delete('/drafts/{}'.format(updated_public_id),
                          {'version': updated_version})

    # Check that drafts were deleted
    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    assert not drafts
예제 #9
파일: test_drafts.py 프로젝트: dlitz/inbox
def test_drafts_filter(api_client, example_draft):
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', example_draft)
    public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']

    r = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    matching_saved_drafts = [draft for draft in r if draft['id'] == public_id]
    thread_public_id = matching_saved_drafts[0]['thread_id']

    reply_draft = {
        'subject': 'test reply',
        'body': 'test reply',
        'thread_id': thread_public_id
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', reply_draft)

    _filter = '?thread_id=0000000000000000000000000'
    results = api_client.get_data('/drafts' + _filter)
    assert len(results) == 0

    results = api_client.get_data('/drafts?thread_id={}'
    assert len(results) == 2

    results = api_client.get_data('/drafts?offset={}&thread_id={}'
                                  .format(1, thread_public_id))
    assert len(results) == 1
예제 #10
def test_update_draft(api_client):
    original_draft = {
        'subject': 'parent draft',
        'body': 'parent draft'
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', original_draft)
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    updated_draft = {
        'subject': 'updated draft',
        'body': 'updated draft',
        'version': version

    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts/{}'.format(draft_public_id),
    updated_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    updated_version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    assert updated_public_id == draft_public_id and \
        updated_version != version

    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    assert len(drafts) == 1
    assert drafts[0]['id'] == updated_public_id
예제 #11
파일: test_events.py 프로젝트: dlitz/inbox
def test_api_list(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {'title': 'subj', 'description': 'body1',
              'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    e_data2 = {'title': 'subj2', 'description': 'body2',
               'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data2, ns_id)

    event_list = api_client.get_data('/events', ns_id)
    event_titles = [event['title'] for event in event_list]
    assert 'subj' in event_titles
    assert 'subj2' in event_titles

    event_descriptions = [event['description'] for event in event_list]
    assert 'body1' in event_descriptions
    assert 'body2' in event_descriptions

    event_ids = [event['id'] for event in event_list]

    for e_id in event_ids:
        ev = db.session.query(Event).filter_by(public_id=e_id).one()
예제 #12
def test_delete_draft(api_client):
    original_draft = {"subject": "parent draft", "body": "parent draft"}
    r = api_client.post_data("/drafts", original_draft)
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)["id"]
    version = json.loads(r.data)["version"]

    updated_draft = {"subject": "updated draft", "body": "updated draft", "version": version}
    r = api_client.put_data("/drafts/{}".format(draft_public_id), updated_draft)
    updated_public_id = json.loads(r.data)["id"]
    updated_version = json.loads(r.data)["version"]

    r = api_client.delete("/drafts/{}".format(updated_public_id), {"version": updated_version})

    # Check that drafts were deleted
    drafts = api_client.get_data("/drafts")
    assert not drafts

    # Check that no orphaned threads are around
    threads = api_client.get_data("/threads?subject=parent%20draft")
    assert not threads
    threads = api_client.get_data("/threads?subject=updated%20draft")
    assert not threads

    # And check that threads aren't deleted if they still have messages.
    thread_public_id = api_client.get_data("/threads")[0]["id"]
    reply_draft = {"subject": "test reply", "body": "test reply", "thread_id": thread_public_id}
    r = api_client.post_data("/drafts", reply_draft)
    public_id = json.loads(r.data)["id"]
    version = json.loads(r.data)["version"]
    thread = api_client.get_data("/threads/{}".format(thread_public_id))
    assert "drafts" in [t["name"] for t in thread["tags"]]
    api_client.delete("/drafts/{}".format(public_id), {"version": version})
    thread = api_client.get_data("/threads/{}".format(thread_public_id))
    assert thread
    assert "drafts" not in [t["name"] for t in thread["tags"]]
예제 #13
def test_send_draft(db, api_client, example_draft, default_account):

    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', example_draft)
    assert r.status_code == 200
    public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    r = api_client.post_data('/send', {'draft_id': public_id,
                                       'version': version})
    assert r.status_code == 200

    draft = api_client.get_data('/drafts/{}'.format(public_id))
    assert draft is not None

    assert draft['object'] != 'draft'

    with crispin_client(default_account.id, default_account.provider) as c:
        criteria = ['NOT DELETED', 'SUBJECT "{0}"'.format(


        draft_uids = c.conn.search(criteria)
        assert not draft_uids, 'Message still in Drafts folder'

        c.conn.select_folder(default_account.sent_folder.name, readonly=False)

        sent_uids = c.conn.search(criteria)
        assert sent_uids, 'Message missing from Sent folder'

예제 #14
def test_api_list(db, api_client, calendar):
    e_data = {'title': 'subj', 'description': 'body1',
              'calendar_id': calendar.public_id,
              'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    e_data2 = {'title': 'subj2', 'description': 'body2',
               'calendar_id': calendar.public_id,
               'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data)
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data2)

    event_list = api_client.get_data('/events')
    event_titles = [event['title'] for event in event_list]
    assert 'subj' in event_titles
    assert 'subj2' in event_titles

    event_descriptions = [event['description'] for event in event_list]
    assert 'body1' in event_descriptions
    assert 'body2' in event_descriptions

    event_ids = [event['id'] for event in event_list]

    for e_id in event_ids:
        ev = db.session.query(Event).filter_by(public_id=e_id).one()
예제 #15
def test_send(api_client, example_draft, real_syncback_service, monkeypatch):
    # We're not testing the actual SMTP sending or syncback here, so
    # monkey-patch to make this run faster.
                        lambda *args, **kwargs: MockSMTPClient())
                        lambda *args, **kwargs: None)
                        lambda *args, **kwargs: None)
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', example_draft)
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']

    r = api_client.post_data('/send', {'draft_id': draft_public_id})

    # TODO(emfree) do this more rigorously

    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    threads_with_drafts = api_client.get_data('/threads?tag=drafts')
    assert not drafts
    assert not threads_with_drafts

    sent_threads = api_client.get_data('/threads?tag=sent')
    assert len(sent_threads) == 1

    message = api_client.get_data('/messages/{}'.format(draft_public_id))
    assert message['state'] == 'sent'
    assert message['object'] == 'message'
예제 #16
def test_quoted_printable_encoding_avoided_for_compatibility(
        patch_smtp, api_client):
    # Test that messages with long lines don't get quoted-printable encoded,
    # for maximum server compatibility.
        {'to': [{'email': '*****@*****.**'}],
         'subject': 'In Catilinam',
         'body': 'Etenim quid est, Catilina, quod iam amplius exspectes, si '
         'neque nox tenebris obscurare coeptus nefarios neque privata domus '
         'parietibus continere voces conjurationis tuae potest? Si '
         'illustrantur, si erumpunt omnia? Muta iam istam mentem, mihi crede! '
         'obliviscere caedis atque incendiorum. Teneris undique: luce sunt '
         'clariora nobis tua consilia omnia; quae iam mecum licet recognoscas.'
         ' Meministine me ante diem duodecimum Kalendas Novembres dicere in '
         'senatu, fore in armis certo die, qui dies futurus esset ante diem '
         'sextum Kalendas Novembres, C. Manlium, audaciae satellitem atque '
         'administrum tuae? Num me fefellit, Catilina, non modo res tanta, tam'
         ' atrox, tamque incredibilis, verum id quod multo magis admirandum, '
         'dies? '})
    _, msg = patch_smtp[-1]
    parsed = mime.from_string(msg)
    assert len(parsed.parts) == 2
    for part in parsed.parts:
        if part.content_type.value == 'text/html':
            assert part.content_encoding[0] == 'base64'
        elif part.content_type.value == 'text/plain':
            assert part.content_encoding[0] in ('7bit', 'base64')
예제 #17
def test_send_existing_draft(patch_smtp, api_client, example_draft):
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', example_draft)
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    r = api_client.post_data('/send',
                             {'draft_id': draft_public_id,
                              'version': version})
    assert r.status_code == 200

    # Test that the sent draft can't be sent again.
    r = api_client.post_data('/send',
                             {'draft_id': draft_public_id,
                              'version': version})
    assert r.status_code == 400

    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    threads_with_drafts = api_client.get_data('/threads?tag=drafts')
    assert not drafts
    assert not threads_with_drafts

    sent_threads = api_client.get_data('/threads?tag=sent')
    assert len(sent_threads) == 1

    message = api_client.get_data('/messages/{}'.format(draft_public_id))
    assert message['object'] == 'message'
예제 #18
def test_reply_headers_set(patch_smtp, api_client, example_draft):
    thread_id = api_client.get_data('/threads')[0]['id']

    api_client.post_data('/send', {'to': [{'email': '*****@*****.**'}],
                                   'thread_id': thread_id})
    _, msg = patch_smtp[-1]
    parsed = mime.from_string(msg)
    assert 'In-Reply-To' in parsed.headers
    assert 'References' in parsed.headers
예제 #19
def test_send_rejected_without_recipients(api_client):
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', {'subject': 'Hello there'})
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    r = api_client.post_data('/send',
                             {'draft_id': draft_public_id,
                              'version': version})
    assert r.status_code == 400
예제 #20
def test_create_event(db, api_client, calendar):
    e_data = {'title': 'subj', 'description': 'body1',
              'calendar_id': calendar.public_id,
              'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    e_data2 = {'title': 'subj2', 'description': 'body2',
               'calendar_id': calendar.public_id,
               'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data)
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data2)
예제 #21
파일: test_events.py 프로젝트: dlitz/inbox
def test_create_event(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {'title': 'subj', 'description': 'body1',
              'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    e_data2 = {'title': 'subj2', 'description': 'body2',
               'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data2, ns_id)
예제 #22
파일: test_drafts.py 프로젝트: bsorin/inbox
def test_rate_limiting(patch_network_functions, api_client):
    """Test that sending is rate-limited appropriately.
    (Relies on a low value for DAILY_SENDING_LIMIT being set in the test
    config, for performance.)"""
    for _ in range(7):
        r = api_client.post_data('/send', {'to': [{'email':
        assert r.status_code == 200
    r = api_client.post_data('/send', {'to': [{'email':
    assert r.status_code == 429
예제 #23
def test_sending_from_email_alias(patch_smtp, api_client):
                         {'to': [{'email': '*****@*****.**'}],
                          'from': [{'name': 'admin',
                                    'email': '*****@*****.**'}],
                          'subject': 'Banalities',
                          'body': '<html>Hello there</html>'})
    _, msg = patch_smtp[-1]
    parsed = mime.from_string(msg)
    assert 'From' in parsed.headers
    assert parsed.headers['From'] == 'admin <*****@*****.**>'
예제 #24
파일: test_drafts.py 프로젝트: 0xcd03/inbox
def test_get_all_drafts(api_client, example_draft):
    r = api_client.post_data("/drafts", example_draft)
    first_public_id = json.loads(r.data)["id"]

    r = api_client.post_data("/drafts", example_draft)
    second_public_id = json.loads(r.data)["id"]

    drafts = api_client.get_data("/drafts")
    assert len(drafts) == 2
    assert first_public_id != second_public_id
    assert {first_public_id, second_public_id} == {draft["id"] for draft in drafts}
    assert all(item["state"] == "draft" and item["object"] == "draft" for item in drafts)
예제 #25
def test_recipient_validation(api_client):
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', {'to': '*****@*****.**'})
    assert r.status_code == 400
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', {'to': [{'name': 'foo'}]})
    assert r.status_code == 400
    r = api_client.post_data('/send', {'to': [{'email': 'foo'}]})
    assert r.status_code == 400
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts',
                             {'to': [{'name': 'Good Recipient',
                                      'email': '*****@*****.**'},
    assert r.status_code == 400
예제 #26
def test_events_are_condensed(api_client):
    """Test that multiple revisions of the same object are rolled up in the
    delta response."""
    ts = int(time.time())
    api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'foo'})
    cursor = get_cursor(api_client, ts)
    thread_id = api_client.get_data('/threads/')[0]['id']
    thread_path = '/threads/{}'.format(thread_id)
    api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'add_tags': ['foo']})
    api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'remove_tags': ['foo']})
    sync_data = api_client.get_data('/delta?cursor={}'.format(cursor))
    assert len(sync_data['deltas']) == 2
예제 #27
파일: test_drafts.py 프로젝트: 0xcd03/inbox
def test_drafts_filter(api_client, example_draft):
    r = api_client.post_data("/drafts", example_draft)
    public_id = json.loads(r.data)["id"]

    r = api_client.get_data("/drafts")
    matching_saved_drafts = [draft for draft in r if draft["id"] == public_id]
    thread_public_id = matching_saved_drafts[0]["thread"]

    reply_draft = {"subject": "test reply", "body": "test reply", "reply_to_thread": thread_public_id}
    r = api_client.post_data("/drafts", reply_draft)

    results = api_client.get_data("/drafts?thread={}".format(thread_public_id))
    assert len(results) == 2
예제 #28
def test_get_all_drafts(api_client, example_draft):
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', example_draft)
    first_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']

    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', example_draft)
    second_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']

    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    assert len(drafts) == 2
    assert first_public_id != second_public_id
    assert {first_public_id, second_public_id} == {draft['id'] for draft in
    assert all(item['object'] == 'draft' for item in drafts)
예제 #29
파일: test_drafts.py 프로젝트: 0xcd03/inbox
def test_delete_draft(api_client):
    original_draft = {"subject": "parent draft", "body": "parent draft"}
    r = api_client.post_data("/drafts", original_draft)
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)["id"]

    updated_draft = {"subject": "updated draft", "body": "updated draft"}
    r = api_client.post_data("/drafts/{}".format(draft_public_id), updated_draft)
    updated_public_id = json.loads(r.data)["id"]

    r = api_client.delete("/drafts/{}".format(updated_public_id))

    # Check that drafts were deleted
    drafts = api_client.get_data("/drafts")
    assert not drafts
예제 #30
def test_add_to_default_calendar(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    default_calendar = acct.default_calendar
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id
    old_length = len(default_calendar.events)

    e_data = {'title': 'subj', 'description': 'body1',
              'when': {'time': 1}, 'location': 'InboxHQ'}
    api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)

    cal_list = api_client.get_data('/calendars', ns_id)
    event_list = cal_list[0]['event_ids']

    assert len(event_list) == old_length + 1
예제 #31
def test_api_create_bad_status(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'Friday Office Party',
        'when': {
            'time': 1407542195
        'participants': [{
            'name': 'alyssa p. hacker',
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'status': 'bad'

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)

    assert e_resp_data["type"] == "invalid_request_error"
예제 #32
def test_create_draft_replying_to_thread(api_client):
    thread = api_client.get_data('/threads')[0]
    thread_id = thread['id']
    latest_message_id = thread['message_ids'][-1]

    reply_draft = {
        'subject': 'test reply',
        'body': 'test reply',
        'thread_id': thread_id
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', reply_draft)
    draft_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']

    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    assert len(drafts) == 1

    assert thread_id == drafts[0]['thread_id']
    assert drafts[0]['reply_to_message_id'] == latest_message_id

    thread_data = api_client.get_data('/threads/{}'.format(thread_id))
    assert draft_id in thread_data['draft_ids']
예제 #33
파일: test_contacts.py 프로젝트: wmv/inbox
def test_api_create(contacts_provider, contact_sync, db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    c_data = {'name': 'Contact One', 'email': '*****@*****.**'}

    c_resp = api_client.post_data('/contacts', c_data, ns_id)
    c_resp_data = json.loads(c_resp.data)
    assert c_resp_data['object'] == 'contact'
    assert c_resp_data['namespace_id'] == acct.namespace.public_id
    assert c_resp_data['email'] == c_data['email']
    assert c_resp_data['name'] == c_data['name']
    assert 'id' in c_resp_data
    c_id = c_resp_data['id']
    c_get_resp = api_client.get_data('/contacts/' + c_id, ns_id)

    assert c_get_resp['object'] == 'contact'
    assert c_get_resp['namespace_id'] == acct.namespace.public_id
    assert c_get_resp['email'] == c_data['email']
    assert c_get_resp['name'] == c_data['name']
    assert c_get_resp['id'] == c_id
예제 #34
def test_api_create_status_no(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'title': 'Friday Office Party',
        'when': {'time': 1407542195},
        'participants': [{
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'status': 'no'

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)

    assert len(e_resp_data['participants']) == 1
    participant = e_resp_data['participants'][0]
    assert participant['name'] is None
    assert participant['email'] == e_data['participants'][0]['email']
    assert participant['status'] == e_data['participants'][0]['status']
예제 #35
파일: test_calendars.py 프로젝트: wmv/inbox
def test_get_calendar(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    c_data = {'name': 'Holidays'}

    resp = api_client.post_data('/calendars', c_data, ns_id)
    resp_data = json.loads(resp.data)
    cal_id = resp_data['id']

    resp_data = api_client.get_data('/calendars/' + cal_id, ns_id)
    assert resp_data['namespace'] == ns_id
    assert resp_data['name'] == c_data['name']
    assert resp_data['description'] is None
    assert resp_data['read_only'] is False
    assert resp_data['object'] == 'calendar'
    assert resp_data['event_ids'] == []

    cal = db.session.query(Calendar).filter_by(public_id=cal_id).one()
예제 #36
def test_file_filtering(api_client, uploaded_file_ids, draft):
    for f_id in uploaded_file_ids:
        results = api_client.get_data('/files?file_id={}'.format(f_id))
        assert len(results) == 1

    # Attach the files to a draft and search there
    draft['file_ids'] = uploaded_file_ids
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', draft)
    assert r.status_code == 200

    draft_resp = json.loads(r.data)
    assert len(draft_resp['files']) == 3
    d_id = draft_resp['id']

    results = api_client.get_data('/files?message_id={}'.format(d_id))

    assert all([d_id in f['message_ids'] for f in results])
    assert len(results) == 3

    results = api_client.get_data('/files?message_id={}&limit=1'.format(d_id))
    assert len(results) == 1

    results = api_client.get_data('/files?message_id={}&offset=2'.format(d_id))
    assert len(results) == 1

    results = api_client.get_data('/files?filename=LetMeSendYouEmail.wav')
    assert len(results) == 1

    results = api_client.get_data('/files?content_type=audio%2Fx-wav')
    assert len(results) == 1

    results = api_client.get_data('/files?content_type=image%2Fjpeg')
    assert len(results) == 2

    results = api_client.get_data(
    assert results["count"] == 2

    results = api_client.get_data('/files?content_type=image%2Fjpeg&view=ids')
    assert len(results) == 2
예제 #37
def test_event_generation(api_client):
    """Tests that deltas are returned in response to client sync API calls.
    Doesn't test formatting of individual deltas in the response."""
    ts = int(time.time())
    api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'foo'})

    cursor_response = api_client.post_data('/delta/generate_cursor',
                                           {'start': ts})
    cursor = json.loads(cursor_response.data)['cursor']

    sync_data = api_client.get_data('/delta?cursor={}'.format(cursor))
    assert len(sync_data['deltas']) == 1
    api_client.post_data('/contacts/', {
        'name': 'test',
        'email': '*****@*****.**'

    sync_data = api_client.get_data('/delta?cursor={}'.format(cursor))
    assert len(sync_data['deltas']) == 2

    thread_id = api_client.get_data('/threads/')[0]['id']
    thread_path = '/threads/{}'.format(thread_id)
    api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'add_tags': ['foo']})

    sync_data = api_client.get_data('/delta?cursor={}'.format(cursor))
    assert len(sync_data['deltas']) == 3


    ts = int(time.time())

    # Test result limiting
    for _ in range(5):
        api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'remove_tags': ['foo']})
        api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'add_tags': ['foo']})

    cursor_response = api_client.post_data('/delta/generate_cursor',
                                           {'start': ts})
    cursor = json.loads(cursor_response.data)['cursor']

    sync_data = api_client.get_data('/delta?cursor={0}&limit={1}'.format(
        cursor, 8))
    assert len(sync_data['deltas']) == 8

    cursor = sync_data['cursor_end']
    sync_data = api_client.get_data('/delta?cursor={0}'.format(cursor))
    assert len(sync_data['deltas']) == 2
예제 #38
def test_api_participant_reply(db, api_client, rsvp):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'title': 'Friday Office Party',
        'when': {'time': 1407542195},
        'participants': [{'email': '*****@*****.**'},
                         {'email': '*****@*****.**'},
                         {'email': '*****@*****.**'},
                         {'email': '*****@*****.**'},
                         {'email': '*****@*****.**'}]

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)
    assert len(e_resp_data['participants']) == 5

    event_id = e_resp_data['id']
    participants = e_resp_data['participants']

    url = '/events/{}?'.format(event_id)
예제 #39
def test_contacts_updated(api_client):
    """Tests that draft-contact associations are properly created and
    draft = {
        'to': [{
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'

    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', draft)
    assert r.status_code == 200
    draft_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    draft_version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    r = api_client.get_data('/[email protected]')
    assert len(r) == 1

    updated_draft = {
        'to': [{
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        'version': draft_version

    r = api_client.put_data('/drafts/{}'.format(draft_id), updated_draft)
    assert r.status_code == 200

    r = api_client.get_data('/[email protected]')
    assert len(r) == 1

    r = api_client.get_data('/[email protected]')
    assert len(r) == 0

    r = api_client.get_data('/[email protected]')
    assert len(r) == 1
예제 #40
def test_read_update_tags(api_client):
    r = api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'foo'})
    public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']

    tag_data = api_client.get_data('/tags/{}'.format(public_id))
    assert tag_data['name'] == 'foo'
    assert tag_data['id'] == public_id
    tag_ns_id = tag_data['namespace_id']

    r = api_client.put_data('/tags/{}'.format(public_id), {'name': 'bar'})
    assert json.loads(r.data)['name'] == 'bar'

    # include namespace
    r = api_client.put_data('/tags/{}'.format(public_id), {
        'name': 'baz',
        'namespace_id': tag_ns_id
    assert json.loads(r.data)['name'] == 'baz'

    updated_tag_data = api_client.get_data('/tags/{}'.format(public_id))
    assert updated_tag_data['name'] == 'baz'
    assert updated_tag_data['id'] == public_id
예제 #41
def test_delete_draft(api_client):
    original_draft = {'subject': 'parent draft', 'body': 'parent draft'}
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', original_draft)
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    updated_draft = {
        'subject': 'updated draft',
        'body': 'updated draft',
        'version': version
    r = api_client.put_data('/drafts/{}'.format(draft_public_id),
    updated_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    updated_version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    r = api_client.delete('/drafts/{}'.format(updated_public_id),
                          {'version': updated_version})

    # Check that drafts were deleted
    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    assert not drafts
예제 #42
def test_add_remove_tag_by_public_id(api_client):
    assert 'foo bar' not in [
        tag['name'] for tag in api_client.get_data('/tags/')

    post_resp = api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'foo bar'})
    public_id = json.loads(post_resp.data)['id']

    thread_id = api_client.get_data('/threads')[0]['id']
    thread_path = '/threads/{}'.format(thread_id)
    r = api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'add_tags': [public_id]})
    assert r.status_code == 200

    tag_names = [
        tag['name'] for tag in api_client.get_data(thread_path)['tags']
    assert 'foo bar' in tag_names

    r = api_client.put_data(thread_path, {'remove_tags': [public_id]})
    assert r.status_code == 200
    tag_names = get_tag_names(api_client.get_data(thread_path))
    assert 'foo bar' not in tag_names
예제 #43
def test_create_and_get_draft(api_client, example_draft):
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', example_draft)
    assert r.status_code == 200

    public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    version = json.loads(r.data)['version']
    assert version == 0

    r = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    matching_saved_drafts = [draft for draft in r if draft['id'] == public_id]
    assert len(matching_saved_drafts) == 1
    saved_draft = matching_saved_drafts[0]

    assert all(saved_draft[k] == v for k, v in example_draft.iteritems())

    # Check that thread gets the draft tag
    threads_with_drafts = api_client.get_data('/threads?tag=drafts')
    assert len(threads_with_drafts) == 1

    # Check that thread doesn't get the attachment tag, in this case
    thread_tags = threads_with_drafts[0]['tags']
    assert not any('attachment' == tag['name'] for tag in thread_tags)
예제 #44
def test_create_nonbool_all_day(events_provider, event_sync, db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'subject': '',
        'start': -1407543195,
        'end': 1407542195,
        'busy': True,
        'all_day': 'False'

    event_list = api_client.get_data('/events', ns_id)
    length_before = len(event_list)
    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)

    assert e_resp_data["type"] == "invalid_request_error"

    event_list = api_client.get_data('/events', ns_id)
    length_after = len(event_list)
    assert length_before == length_after
예제 #45
def test_api_delete(db, api_client, calendar, default_account):
    e_data = {
        'title': '',
        'calendar_id': calendar.public_id,
        'when': {
            'time': 1407542195

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)
    assert e_resp_data['object'] == 'event'
    assert e_resp_data['title'] == e_data['title']
    assert e_resp_data['when']['time'] == e_data['when']['time']
    assert 'id' in e_resp_data
    e_id = e_resp_data['id']

    e_delete_resp = api_client.delete('/events/' + e_id)
    assert e_delete_resp.status_code == 200

    e_resp = api_client.get_data('/events/' + e_id)
    assert e_resp['status'] == 'cancelled'
예제 #46
def test_is_attachment_filtering(api_client, uploaded_file_ids, draft):
    """Attach files to draft, make sure we can use is_attachment specifier"""
    old_total = len(api_client.get_data('/files'))
    old_orphan = len(api_client.get_data('/files?is_attachment=0'))
    old_attach = len(api_client.get_data('/files?is_attachment=1'))
    assert old_attach + old_orphan == old_total

    draft['file_ids'] = [uploaded_file_ids.pop()]
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', draft)
    assert r.status_code == 200

    draft_resp = json.loads(r.data)
    assert len(draft_resp['files']) == 1

    new_total = len(api_client.get_data('/files'))
    new_orphan = len(api_client.get_data('/files?is_attachment=0'))
    new_attach = len(api_client.get_data('/files?is_attachment=1'))
    assert new_attach + new_orphan == new_total
    assert new_attach == old_attach + 1

    assert new_orphan == old_orphan - 1
    assert new_total == old_total
예제 #47
def test_api_add_participant(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'Friday Office Party',
        'when': {
            'time': 1407542195
        'participants': [{
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)
    assert len(e_resp_data['participants']) == 5
    for i, p in enumerate(e_resp_data['participants']):
        assert p['email'] == e_data['participants'][i]['email']
        assert p['name'] is None

    event_id = e_resp_data['id']
    e_data['participants'].append({'email': '*****@*****.**'})
    e_resp = api_client.put_data('/events/' + event_id, e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)

    assert len(e_resp_data['participants']) == 6
    for i, p in enumerate(e_resp_data['participants']):
        assert p['email'] == e_data['participants'][i]['email']
        assert p['name'] is None
예제 #48
def test_bcc_in_recipients_but_stripped_from_headers(patch_smtp, api_client):
    r = api_client.post_data(
        '/send', {
            'to': [{
                'email': '*****@*****.**'
            'cc': [{
                'email': '*****@*****.**'
            'bcc': [{
                'email': '*****@*****.**'
            'subject': 'Banalities'
    assert r.status_code == 200
    recipients, msg = patch_smtp[0]
    assert set(recipients) == {
        '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'
    parsed = mime.from_string(msg)
    assert 'Bcc' not in parsed.headers
    assert parsed.headers.get('To') == '*****@*****.**'
    assert parsed.headers.get('Cc') == '*****@*****.**'
예제 #49
def test_update_draft(api_client):
    original_draft = {'subject': 'parent draft', 'body': 'parent draft'}
    r = api_client.post_data('/drafts', original_draft)
    draft_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    updated_draft = {
        'subject': 'updated draft',
        'body': 'updated draft',
        'version': version

    r = api_client.put_data('/drafts/{}'.format(draft_public_id),
    updated_public_id = json.loads(r.data)['id']
    updated_version = json.loads(r.data)['version']

    assert updated_public_id == draft_public_id and \
        updated_version != version

    drafts = api_client.get_data('/drafts')
    assert len(drafts) == 1
    assert drafts[0]['id'] == updated_public_id
예제 #50
def test_api_participant_reply_invalid_rsvp(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'Friday Office Party',
        'when': {
            'time': 1407542195
        'participants': [{
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)
    assert len(e_resp_data['participants']) == 5

    event_id = e_resp_data['id']
    participants = e_resp_data['participants']
    participant_id = participants[0]['id']

    url = '/events/{}?'.format(event_id)
    url += 'action=rsvp&participant_id={}&rsvp={}'.format(
        participant_id, 'bad')

    e_resp_data = api_client.get_data(url, ns_id)
    assert e_resp_data['type'] == 'api_error'
예제 #51
파일: test_calendars.py 프로젝트: wmv/inbox
def test_add_to_read_only_calendar(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    cal_list = api_client.get_data('/calendars', ns_id)
    assert len(cal_list) == 2
    ro_cal = None
    for c in cal_list:
        if c['read_only']:
            ro_cal = c

    assert ro_cal

    e_data = {
        'calendar_id': ro_cal['id'],
        'title': 'subj',
        'description': 'body1',
        'when': {
            'time': 1
        'location': 'InboxHQ'
    resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    assert resp.status_code != 200
예제 #52
def test_api_create_no_title(db, api_client, calendar, default_account):
    e_data = {
        'title': '',
        'calendar_id': calendar.public_id,
        'when': {
            'time': 1407542195

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)
    assert e_resp_data['object'] == 'event'
    assert e_resp_data['namespace_id'] == default_account.namespace.public_id
    assert e_resp_data['title'] == e_data['title']
    assert e_resp_data['when']['time'] == e_data['when']['time']
    assert 'id' in e_resp_data
    e_id = e_resp_data['id']
    e_get_resp = api_client.get_data('/events/' + e_id)

    assert e_get_resp['object'] == 'event'
    assert e_get_resp['namespace_id'] == default_account.namespace.public_id
    assert e_get_resp['id'] == e_id
    assert e_get_resp['title'] == e_data['title']
    assert e_get_resp['when']['time'] == e_data['when']['time']
예제 #53
def test_api_delete(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'title': '',
        'when': {
            'time': 1407542195

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)
    assert e_resp_data['object'] == 'event'
    assert e_resp_data['namespace_id'] == acct.namespace.public_id
    assert e_resp_data['title'] == e_data['title']
    assert e_resp_data['when']['time'] == e_data['when']['time']
    assert 'id' in e_resp_data
    e_id = e_resp_data['id']

    api_client.delete('/events/' + e_id, ns_id=ns_id)

    event = api_client.get_data('/events/' + e_id, ns_id)
    assert event['type'] == 'invalid_request_error'
def test_api_create_multiple(db, api_client, calendar):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'Friday Office Party',
        'when': {
            'time': 1407542195
        'participants': [{
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**',

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)

    assert len(e_resp_data['participants']) == 2
    for participant in e_resp_data['participants']:
        res = [
            e for e in e_data['participants']
            if e['email'] == participant['email']
        assert len(res) == 1

    participant0 = e_resp_data['participants'][0]
    participant1 = e_resp_data['participants'][1]
    assert participant0['name'] is None
    assert participant0['status'] == 'noreply'
    assert participant1['name'] is None
    assert participant1['status'] == 'noreply'
예제 #55
def _verify_create(ns_id, api_client, e_data):
    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    if e_resp.status_code != 200:
        raise CreateError()

    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)
    assert e_resp_data['object'] == 'event'
    assert e_resp_data['namespace_id'] == ns_id
    assert e_resp_data['title'] == e_data['title']
    assert e_resp_data['location'] == e_data['location']
    for k, v in e_data['when'].iteritems():
        assert arrow.get(e_resp_data['when'][k]) == arrow.get(v)
    assert 'id' in e_resp_data
    e_id = e_resp_data['id']
    e_get_resp = api_client.get_data('/events/' + e_id, ns_id)

    assert e_get_resp['object'] == 'event'
    assert e_get_resp['namespace_id'] == ns_id
    assert e_get_resp['id'] == e_id
    assert e_get_resp['title'] == e_data['title']
    for k, v in e_data['when'].iteritems():
        assert arrow.get(e_get_resp['when'][k]) == arrow.get(v)

    return e_resp_data
예제 #56
def test_smtp_ssl_verification_bad_cert(db, api_client, bad_cert_smtp_server,
                                        example_draft, local_smtp_account):
    ns_public_id = local_smtp_account.namespace.public_id
    r = api_client.post_data('/send', example_draft, ns_public_id)
    assert r.status_code == 503
    assert json.loads(r.data)['message'] == 'SSL certificate verify failed'
예제 #57
def test_message_search(db, api_client, search_engine):
    message = db.session.query(Message).get(2)

    subject = message.subject
    to_addr = message.to_addr[0][1]
    from_addr = message.from_addr[0][1]
    cc_addr = message.cc_addr[0][1]
    bcc_addr = message.bcc_addr
    #received_date = message.received_date

    endpoint = '/messages/search'

    # No query i.e. return all
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, {})
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    total = result_dict['total']
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert total == 16 and len(results) == 16
    third_msg_id = results[2]['object']['id']

    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint + '?limit={}&offset={}'.
                                format(2, 2), {})
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    total = result_dict['total']
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert total > 2 and len(results) == 2
    assert results[0]['object']['id'] == third_msg_id

    # Simple field match-phrase queries:
    data = dict(query=[{'thread_id': 'e6z26rjrxs2gu8at6gsa8svr1'}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 1

    data = dict(query=[{'cc': cc_addr}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 1

    data = dict(query=[{'bcc': bcc_addr}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 0

    data = dict(query=[{'from': from_addr}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 1

    data = dict(query=[{'subject': subject}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 1

    data = dict(query=[{
        'from': from_addr,
        'to': to_addr}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 1

    data = dict(query=[{'to': '*****@*****.**'}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint + '?limit={}&offset={}'.
                                format(2, 1), data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 2

    data = dict(query=[{'body': 'Google Search'}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(results) == 1

    # Simple field match queries:
    data = dict(query=[{'body': 'reproduce paste'}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    match_phrase_results = result_dict['results']

    data = dict(query=[{'body': ['reproduce', 'paste']}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    match_results = result_dict['results']

    assert len(match_phrase_results) == 0 and len(match_results) == 1

    # All fields, match-phrase query:
    data = dict(query=[{'all': 'yoga'}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    default_results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(default_results) >= 5

    default = [(r['object']['id'], r['relevance']) for r in default_results]

    data = dict(query=[{'all': 'yoga', 'weights': {'from': 2}}])
    resp = api_client.post_data(endpoint, data)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    result_dict = json.loads(resp.data)
    rescored_results = result_dict['results']
    assert len(rescored_results) >= 5

    rescored = [(r['object']['id'], r['relevance']) for r in rescored_results]

    assert rescored != default
예제 #58
def test_cant_create_existing_tag(api_client):
    api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'foo'})
    r = api_client.post_data('/tags/', {'name': 'foo'})
    assert r.status_code == 409
예제 #59
def test_api_update_participant_status(db, api_client):
    acct = db.session.query(Account).filter_by(id=ACCOUNT_ID).one()
    ns_id = acct.namespace.public_id

    e_data = {
        'Friday Office Party',
        'when': {
            'time': 1407542195
        'participants': [{
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'

    e_resp = api_client.post_data('/events', e_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)
    assert len(e_resp_data['participants']) == 5
    for i, p in enumerate(e_resp_data['participants']):
        res = [e for e in e_data['participants'] if e['email'] == p['email']]
        assert len(res) == 1
        assert p['name'] is None

    event_id = e_resp_data['id']

    update_data = {
        'participants': [{
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'status': 'yes'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'status': 'no'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'status': 'maybe'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'

    e_resp = api_client.put_data('/events/' + event_id, update_data, ns_id)
    e_resp_data = json.loads(e_resp.data)

    # Make sure that nothing changed that we didn't specify
    assert e_resp_data['title'] == 'Friday Office Party'
    assert e_resp_data['when']['time'] == 1407542195

    assert len(e_resp_data['participants']) == 5
    for i, p in enumerate(e_resp_data['participants']):
        res = [e for e in e_data['participants'] if e['email'] == p['email']]
        assert len(res) == 1
        assert p['name'] is None
예제 #60
def get_cursor(api_client, timestamp):
    cursor_response = api_client.post_data('/delta/generate_cursor',
                                           {'start': timestamp})
    return json.loads(cursor_response.data)['cursor']