def test_component(): @inline def inlined(y): l = [] for _ in range(y): l.append(y.do_stuff()) return l def outer(x): a = if a: b = a * 10 a = b + inlined(x) return a check_component( inline_functions, outer, expected_source=""" def outer(x): a = if a: b = (a * 10) __peval_mangled_1 = x __peval_mangled_2 = [] for __peval_mangled_3 in range(__peval_mangled_1): __peval_mangled_2.append(__peval_mangled_1.do_stuff()) __peval_return_1 = __peval_mangled_2 a = (b + __peval_return_1) return a """)
def test_not_simplify_while(): def f(x): while x > 1: x += 1 else: x = 10 check_component(prune_cfg, f, {})
def test_if_no_elimination(): """ Test that there is no unneeded elimination of if test """ def f(x): if x: a = 1 else: a = 2 check_component(prune_cfg, f, dict(y=2))
def test_fold(): check_component( fold, dummy, expected_source=""" def dummy(x): a = 1 if False: b = 3 c = 10 else: b = 2 c = 4 return 1 + b + c + x """)
def test_fold(): check_component( fold, dummy, expected_source=""" def dummy(x): a = 1 if {false_const}: b = 3 c = 10 else: b = 2 c = 4 return 1 + b + c + x """.format(false_const='__peval_False_1' if sys.version_info < (3, 4) else 'False'))
def test_remove_code_after_jump(): def f(x): x += 1 return x x += 1 check_component( prune_cfg, f, {}, expected_source=""" def f(x): x += 1 return x """, )
def test_remove_pass(): def f(x): x += 1 pass x += 1 check_component( prune_cfg, f, {}, expected_source=""" def f(x): x += 1 x += 1 """, )
def test_if_visit_only_true_branch(): # This optimization can potentially save some time during constant propagation # (by not evaluating the functions that will be eliminated anyway). # Not implemented at the moment. pytest.xfail() global_state = dict(cnt=0) @pure def inc(): global_state['cnt'] += 1 return True def if_body(): if a: inc() def if_else(): if a: dec() else: inc() check_component( fold, if_body, additional_bindings=dict(a=False, inc=inc), expected_source=""" def if_body(): if False: inc() """) assert global_state['cnt'] == 0 check_component( fold, if_else, additional_bindings=dict(a=False, inc=inc), expected_source=""" def if_else(): if False: dec() else: inc() """) assert global_state['cnt'] == 1
def test_if_false_elimination(): """ Eliminate if test, when test is false """ class Falsy(object): def __bool__(self): # For Python 3 return False false_values = [0, "", [], {}, set(), False, None, Falsy()] assert not any(false_values) def f_if(): if x: print("x is True") for x in false_values: check_component( prune_cfg, f_if, additional_bindings=dict(x=x), expected_source=""" def f_if(): pass """, ) def f_if_else(): if x: print("x is True") else: print("x is False") check_component( prune_cfg, f_if_else, additional_bindings=dict(x=False), expected_source=""" def f_if_else(): print("x is False") """, )
def test_simplify_while_with_break(): def f(x): while x > 1: x += 1 break else: x = 10 check_component( prune_cfg, f, {}, expected_source=""" def f(x): if x > 1: x += 1 else: x = 10 """, )
def test_simplify_while(): def f(x): while x > 1: x += 1 raise Exception else: x = 10 check_component( prune_cfg, f, {}, expected_source=""" def f(x): if x > 1: x += 1 raise Exception else: x = 10 """, )
def test_visit_all_branches(): def f(): if x > 0: if True: x += 1 else: if False: return 0 check_component( prune_cfg, f, {}, expected_source=""" def f(): if x > 0: x += 1 else: pass """, )
def test_if_true(): """ Eliminate if test, if the value is known at compile time """ true_values = [True, 1, 2.0, object(), "foo", int] assert all(true_values) def f_if(): if x: print("x is True") for x in true_values: check_component( prune_cfg, f_if, additional_bindings=dict(x=x), expected_source=""" def f_if(): print('x is True') """, ) def f_if_else(): if x: print("x is True") else: print("x is False") check_component( prune_cfg, f_if_else, additional_bindings=dict(x=2), expected_source=""" def f_if_else(): print("x is True") """, )
def test_not_remove_pass(): def f(x): pass check_component(prune_cfg, f, {})