def test_when_using_strict_context_it_returns_failures_for_unfired_rules( self): # -- Setup doc = '''<root> <child attr="hello"/> </root>''' # first pattern should fire and pass # second pattern should _not_fire, and with strict validation result in a failure sch = '''<sch:schema xmlns:sch=""> <sch:pattern id="patternA"> <sch:rule context="/root/child"> <sch:assert test="@attr = 'hello'" role="ERROR">Attr should be hello</sch:assert> </sch:rule> </sch:pattern> <sch:pattern id="patternB"> <sch:rule context="/root/bogus"> <sch:assert test="count(fake) = 123" role="ERROR">There should be 123 fake elements</sch:assert> </sch:rule> </sch:pattern> </sch:schema>''' # -- Act failures = validate_schematron(sch, doc, strict_context=True) # -- Assert # there should be one failure, the rule which was not fired assert len(failures) == 1 assert failures[ 0].message == 'Rule was NOT used for validation: /root/bogus'
def test_when_phase_is_unspecified_it_runs_all_phases(self): # -- Setup doc = '''<root> <child attr="world"/> </root>''' # create sch that uses phases - each of which should fail against the document sch = '''<sch:schema xmlns:sch=""> <sch:phase id="phaseA"> <sch:active pattern="patternA"/> </sch:phase> <sch:phase id="phaseB"> <sch:active pattern="patternB"/> </sch:phase> <sch:pattern id="patternA"> <sch:rule context="/root/child"> <sch:assert test="@attr = 'hello'" role="ERROR">Attr should be hello</sch:assert> </sch:rule> </sch:pattern> <sch:pattern id="patternB"> <sch:rule context="/root"> <sch:assert test="count(child) = 123" role="ERROR">There should be 123 child elements</sch:assert> </sch:rule> </sch:pattern> </sch:schema>''' # -- Act failures = validate_schematron(sch, doc) # -- Assert assert len(failures) == 2
def test_when_doc_is_valid_returns_no_errors(self, simple_valid_doc_content, simple_sch_content): # -- Act failures = validate_schematron(simple_sch_content, simple_valid_doc_content) # -- Assert assert len(failures) == 0
def test_when_phase_is_specified_and_it_does_not_exist_validation_fails( self): # -- Setup doc = '''<root> <child attr="world"/> </root>''' # create sch that uses phases - each of which should fail against the document sch = '''<sch:schema xmlns:sch=""> <sch:phase id="phaseA"> <sch:active pattern="patternA"/> </sch:phase> <sch:pattern id="patternA"> <sch:rule context="/root/child"> <sch:assert test="@attr = 'hello'" role="ERROR">Attr should be hello</sch:assert> </sch:rule> </sch:pattern> </sch:schema>''' # -- Act, Assert with pytest.raises(Exception): validate_schematron(sch, doc, phase='bogus_phase_id')
def test_when_doc_is_bad_returns_errors(self, simple_bad_doc_content, simple_sch_content): # -- Act failures = validate_schematron(simple_sch_content, simple_bad_doc_content) # -- Assert assert len(failures) == 1 failure = failures[0] assert failure.line == 2 assert failure.element == 'child' assert failure.message == 'Attr should be hello' assert failure.role == 'ERROR'
def test_accepts_file_path(self, tmpdir, simple_valid_doc_content, simple_sch_content): # -- Setup doc = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test.xml") with open(doc, 'w') as f: f.write(simple_valid_doc_content) sch = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test.sch") with open(sch, 'w') as f: f.write(simple_sch_content) # -- Act failures = validate_schematron(sch, doc) # -- Assert assert len(failures) == 0
def validate_schematrons(args): num_errors = 0 for doc in args.documents: failures = validate_schematron( args.schematron, doc, result_path=args.output, phase=args.phase, strict_context=args.strict ) for f in failures: if f.role == 'ERROR': num_errors += 1 print_failure(doc, f, colored=args.color, verbose=args.verbose) if num_errors > 0: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
def process_use_case(self, use_case): results = OrderedDict() results['valid'] = True results['errors'] = [] results['infos'] = [] results['warnings'] = [] errors = validate_schematron(use_case.import_file.path, self.filepath) temp_results = self.process_errors(errors) # set valid to valse if errors.count > 0 if len(temp_results['errors']) > 0: results['valid'] = False results['warnings'] = temp_results['warnings'] results['errors'] = temp_results['errors'] results['infos'] = temp_results['infos'] return results
def test_when_phase_is_specified_and_using_strict_context_it_ignores_rules_in_phases_not_run( self): # -- Setup doc = '''<root> <child attr="world"/> </root>''' # create sch that uses phases - each of which should fail against the document sch = '''<sch:schema xmlns:sch=""> <sch:phase id="phaseA"> <sch:active pattern="patternA"/> </sch:phase> <sch:phase id="phaseB"> <sch:active pattern="patternB"/> </sch:phase> <sch:pattern id="patternA"> <sch:rule context="/root/child"> <sch:assert test="@attr = 'hello'" role="ERROR">Attr should be hello</sch:assert> </sch:rule> </sch:pattern> <sch:pattern id="patternB"> <sch:rule context="/root"> <sch:assert test="count(child) = 123" role="ERROR">There should be 123 child elements</sch:assert> </sch:rule> </sch:pattern> </sch:schema>''' # -- Act # note that we are passing a phase ID in order to only run that one failures = validate_schematron(sch, doc, phase="phaseA", strict_context=True) # -- Assert # there should only be one failure b/c we only ran one phase assert len(failures) == 1 assert failures[0].message == 'Attr should be hello'