예제 #1
    def __init__(
            #attention_layer=None, # TODO(zhiting): only valid for tf>=1.0
        RNNDecoderBase.__init__(self, cell, vocab_size, output_layer,
                                cell_dropout_mode, hparams)

        attn_hparams = self._hparams['attention']
        attn_kwargs = attn_hparams['kwargs'].todict()

        # Parse the 'probability_fn' argument
        if 'probability_fn' in attn_kwargs:
            prob_fn = attn_kwargs['probability_fn']
            if prob_fn is not None and not callable(prob_fn):
                prob_fn = utils.get_function(prob_fn, [
                    'tensorflow.nn', 'tensorflow.contrib.sparsemax',
            attn_kwargs['probability_fn'] = prob_fn

            "memory_sequence_length": memory_sequence_length,
            "memory": memory
        self._attn_kwargs = attn_kwargs
        attn_modules = ['tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq', 'texar.custom']
        # Use variable_scope to ensure all trainable variables created in
        # the attention mechanism are collected
        with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope):
            attention_mechanism = utils.check_or_get_instance(

        self._attn_cell_kwargs = {
            "attention_layer_size": attn_hparams["attention_layer_size"],
            "alignment_history": attn_hparams["alignment_history"],
            "output_attention": attn_hparams["output_attention"],
        self._cell_input_fn = cell_input_fn
        # Use variable_scope to ensure all trainable variables created in
        # AttentionWrapper are collected
        with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope):
            #if attention_layer is not None:
            #    self._attn_cell_kwargs["attention_layer_size"] = None
            attn_cell = AttentionWrapper(
            self._cell = attn_cell
예제 #2
 def __init__(self,
     RNNDecoderBase.__init__(self, cell, vocab_size, output_layer,
                             cell_dropout_mode, hparams)
예제 #3
 def __init__(self,
     RNNDecoderBase.__init__(self, cell, vocab_size, output_layer,
                             cell_dropout_mode, hparams)
     self.position_embedder = position_embedder
     self.current_segment_id = -1
예제 #4
    def default_hparams():
        """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values.

        .. code-block:: python

                "rnn_cell": default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
                "max_decoding_length_train": None,
                "max_decoding_length_infer": None,
                "helper_train": {
                    "type": "TrainingHelper",
                    "kwargs": {}
                "helper_infer": {
                    "type": "SampleEmbeddingHelper",
                    "kwargs": {}
                "name": "basic_rnn_decoder"


        "rnn_cell" : dict
            A dictionary of RNN cell hyperparameters. Ignored if
            :attr:`cell` is given to the decoder constructor.
            The default value is defined in

        "max_decoding_length_train": int or None
            Maximum allowed number of decoding steps in training mode.
            If `None` (default), decoding is
            performed until fully done, e.g., encountering the <EOS> token.
            Ignored if `max_decoding_length` is given when calling
            the decoder.

        "max_decoding_length_infer" : int or None
            Same as "max_decoding_length_train" but for inference mode.

        "helper_train" : dict
            The hyperparameters of the helper used in training.
            "type" can be a helper class, its name or module path, or a
            helper instance. If a class name is given, the class must be
            from module :tf_main:`tf.contrib.seq2seq <contrib/seq2seq>`,
            :mod:`texar.modules`, or :mod:`texar.custom`. This is used
            only when both `decoding_strategy` and `helper` augments are
            `None` when calling the decoder. See
            :meth:`~texar.modules.RNNDecoderBase._build` for more details.

        "helper_infer": dict
            Same as "helper_train" but during inference mode.

        "name" : str
            Name of the decoder.

            The default value is "basic_rnn_decoder".
        hparams = RNNDecoderBase.default_hparams()
        hparams["name"] = "basic_rnn_decoder"
        return hparams
예제 #5
    def default_hparams():
        """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values.

            .. code-block:: python

                    "rnn_cell": default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
                    "helper_train": default_helper_train_hparams(),
                    "helper_infer": default_helper_infer_hparams(),
                    "max_decoding_length_train": None,
                    "max_decoding_length_infer": None,
                    "name": "basic_rnn_decoder"


            "rnn_cell" : dict
                A dictionary of RNN cell hyperparameters. Ignored if
                :attr:`cell` is given when constructing the decoder.

                The default value is defined in

            "helper_train" : dict
                A dictionary of :class:`Helper` hyperparameters. The
                helper is used in training phase.

                The default value is defined in

            "helper_infer": dict
                A dictionary of :class:`Helper` hyperparameters. The
                helper is used in inference phase.

                The default value is defined in

            "max_decoding_length_train": int or None
                Maximum allowed number of decoding steps in training mode..

                The default is `None`, which means decoding is
                performed until fully done, e.g., encountering the <EOS> token.

            "max_decoding_length_infer" : int or None
                Maximum allowed number of decoding steps in inference mode.

                The default is `None`, which means decoding is
                performed until fully done, e.g., encountering the <EOS> token.

            "name" : str
                Name of the decoder.

                The default value is "basic_rnn_decoder".
        hparams = RNNDecoderBase.default_hparams()
        hparams["name"] = "basic_rnn_decoder"
        return hparams
예제 #6
    def default_hparams():
        r"""Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values.

        .. code-block:: python

                "rnn_cell": default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
                "max_decoding_length_train": None,
                "max_decoding_length_infer": None,
                "helper_train": {
                    "type": "TrainingHelper",
                    "kwargs": {}
                "helper_infer": {
                    "type": "SampleEmbeddingHelper",
                    "kwargs": {}
                "name": "basic_rnn_decoder"


        `"rnn_cell"`: dict
            A dictionary of RNN cell hyperparameters. Ignored if
            :attr:`cell` is given to the decoder constructor.
            The default value is defined in

        `"max_decoding_length_train"`: int or None
            Maximum allowed number of decoding steps in training mode. If
            `None` (default), decoding is performed until fully done, e.g.,
            encountering the ``<EOS>`` token. Ignored if
            ``"max_decoding_length"`` is not `None` given when calling the

        `"max_decoding_length_infer"`: int or None
            Same as ``"max_decoding_length_train"`` but for inference mode.

        `"helper_train"`: dict
            The hyperparameters of the helper used in training.
            ``"type"`` can be a helper class, its name or module path, or a
            helper instance. If a class name is given, the class must be
            from module :mod:`texar.modules`, or :mod:`texar.custom`.
            This is used only when both ``"decoding_strategy"`` and ``"helper"``
            arguments are `None` when calling the decoder. See
            :meth:`~texar.modules.RNNDecoderBase.forward` for more details.

        `"helper_infer"`: dict
            Same as ``"helper_train"`` but during inference mode.

        `"name"`: str
            Name of the decoder.
            The default value is ``"basic_rnn_decoder"``.
        hparams = RNNDecoderBase.default_hparams()
        hparams['name'] = 'basic_rnn_decoder'
        return hparams
예제 #7
    def default_hparams():
        r"""Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values.
        Common hyperparameters are the same as in
        Additional hyperparameters are for attention mechanism

        .. code-block:: python

                "attention": {
                    "type": "LuongAttention",
                    "kwargs": {
                        "num_units": 256,
                    "attention_layer_size": None,
                    "alignment_history": False,
                    "output_attention": True,
                # The following hyperparameters are the same as with
                # `BasicRNNDecoder`
                "rnn_cell": default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
                "max_decoding_length_train": None,
                "max_decoding_length_infer": None,
                "helper_train": {
                    "type": "TrainingHelper",
                    "kwargs": {}
                "helper_infer": {
                    "type": "SampleEmbeddingHelper",
                    "kwargs": {}
                "name": "attention_rnn_decoder"


        `"attention"`: dict
            Attention hyperparameters, including:

            `"type"`: str or class or instance
                The attention type. Can be an attention class, its name or
                module path, or a class instance. The class must be a subclass
                of :class:`~texar.core.AttentionMechanism`. If class name is
                given, the class must be from modules :mod:`texar.core` or

                .. code-block:: python

                    # class name
                    "type": "LuongAttention"
                    "type": "BahdanauAttention"
                    # module path
                    "type": "texar.core.BahdanauMonotonicAttention"
                    "type": "my_module.MyAttentionMechanismClass"
                    # class
                    "type": texar.core.LuongMonotonicAttention
                    # instance
                    "type": LuongAttention(...)

            `"kwargs"`: dict
                keyword arguments for the attention class constructor.
                Arguments :attr:`memory` and
                :attr:`memory_sequence_length` should **not** be
                specified here because they are given to the decoder
                constructor. Ignored if "type" is an attention class
                instance. For example:

                .. code-block:: python

                    "type": "LuongAttention",
                    "kwargs": {
                        "num_units": 256,
                        "probability_fn": torch.nn.functional.softmax,

                Here `"probability_fn"` can also be set to the string name
                or module path to a probability function.

                `"attention_layer_size"`: int or None
                    The depth of the attention (output) layer. The context and
                    cell output are fed into the attention layer to generate
                    attention at each time step.
                    If `None` (default), use the context as attention at each
                    time step.

                `"alignment_history"`: bool
                    whether to store alignment history from all time steps
                    in the final output state. (Stored as a time major
                    `TensorArray` on which you must call `stack()`.)

                `"output_attention"`: bool
                    If `True` (default), the output at each time step is
                    the attention value. This is the behavior of Luong-style
                    attention mechanisms. If `False`, the output at each
                    time step is the output of `cell`.  This is the
                    behavior of Bahdanau-style attention mechanisms.
                    In both cases, the `attention` tensor is propagated to
                    the next time step via the state and is used there.
                    This flag only controls whether the attention mechanism
                    is propagated up to the next cell in an RNN stack or to
                    the top RNN output.
        hparams = RNNDecoderBase.default_hparams()
        hparams["name"] = "attention_rnn_decoder"
        hparams["attention"] = {
            "type": "LuongAttention",
            "kwargs": {
                "num_units": 256,
            "attention_layer_size": None,
            "alignment_history": False,
            "output_attention": True,
        return hparams
예제 #8
    def default_hparams():
        """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values:

        Common hyperparameters are the same as in
        (see :meth:`texar.modules.BasicRNNDecoder.default_hparams`).
        Additional hyperparameters are included for attention mechanism

            .. code-block:: python

                    "attention": {
                        "type": "LuongAttention",
                        "kwargs": {
                            "num_units": 256,
                        "attention_layer_size": None,
                        "alignment_history": False,
                        "output_attention": True,
                    # The following hyperparameters are the same with
                    # `BasicRNNDecoder`
                    "rnn_cell": default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
                    "helper_train": default_helper_train_hparams(),
                    "helper_infer": default_helper_infer_hparams(),
                    "max_decoding_length_train": None,
                    "max_decoding_length_infer": None,
                    "name": "attention_rnn_decoder"


            "attention" : dict
                Attention hyperparameters, which includes:

                "type" : str
                    Name or full path to the attention class which can be

                    - Built-in attentions defined in \
                `tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq`, including \
                and \
                    - User-defined attention classes in :mod:`texar.custom`.
                    - External attention classes. Must provide the full path, \
                      e.g., "my_module.MyAttentionClass".

                    The default value is "LuongAttention".

                "kwargs" : dict
                    A dictionary of arguments for constructor of the attention
                    class. Any arguments besides the ones in the default
                    value are allowed, except :attr:`memory` and
                    :attr:`memory_sequence_length` (if exist) which are provided
                    by :attr:`attention_keys` and
                    :attr:`attention_values_length` in the decoder's
                    constructor, respectively.

                    The default value is:

                        .. code-block:: python

                                "num_units": 256,

                        - :attr:`"num_units"` is the depth of the attention \

                        E.g., We can specify :attr:`probability_fn` for
                        <contrib/seq2seq/LuongAttention>` or
                        <contrib/seq2seq/BahdanauAttention>` like:

                        .. code-block:: python

                                "probability_fn": pf_value,

                        where :attr:`pf_value` is a callable or its name
                        or full path to that converts the attention score to
                        The callable can be :tf_main:`tf.nn.softmax
                        <nn/softmax>` (default),
                        <contrib/seq2seq/hardmax>`, or
                        Its signature should be:
                        `probabilities = probability_fn(score)`

                    "attention_layer_size" : int or None
                        The depth of the attention (output) layer. If `None`
                        (default), use the context as attention at each time
                        step. Otherwise, feed the context and cell output into
                        the attention layer to generate attention at each time

                        The default value is `None`.

                        TODO(zhiting): what does this mean?

                    "alignment_history": bool
                        whether to store alignment history from all time steps
                        in the final output state.

                        The default value is `False`.

                        TODO(zhiting): what does this mean?

                    "output_attention": bool
                        If `True` (default), the output at each time step is
                        the attention value. This is the behavior of Luong-style
                        attention mechanisms. If `False`, the output at each
                        time step is the output of `cell`.  This is the
                        beahvior of Bhadanau-style attention mechanisms.
                        In both cases, the `attention` tensor is propagated to
                        the next time step via the state and is used there.
                        This flag only controls whether the attention mechanism
                        is propagated up to the next cell in an RNN stack or to
                        the top RNN output.

                        The default value is `True`.

        hparams = RNNDecoderBase.default_hparams()
        hparams["name"] = "attention_rnn_decoder"
        hparams["attention"] = {
            "type": "LuongAttention",
            "kwargs": {
                "num_units": 256,
            "attention_layer_size": None,
            "alignment_history": False,
            "output_attention": True,
        return hparams