def classify_new_data(x_new):
    Loads the pickled classifier and tfidf vectorizer then uses those for transforming and classifying new data
    :param x_new: New data that needs to be classified
    :return: prediction on new data

    file_path_dict = MyUtils.get_file_path_dict()

    with open(file_path_dict[CONSTANTS.TRAINED_MODEL], 'rb') as file:
        classifier = pickle.load(file)
    with open(file_path_dict[CONSTANTS.TFIDF_VECTORIZER], 'rb') as file:
        tfidf_vect = pickle.load(file)

    predicted = classifier.predict(tfidf_vect.transform(x_new))
    return predicted
def train_model(X_data, y_data):
    Trains the model by using the parameter values. Default classifier is MultinomialNB
    Also stores the trained model and fitted tfidf vectorizer on disk with file names 'trained_model' and 'tfidf_vect' under utility dir
    :return: Fitted model and fitted tfidf_vectorizer

    file_path_dict = MyUtils.get_file_path_dict()

    tfidf_vect = get_tfidf_vectorizer()
    classifier = get_classifier()
    X_tfidfed = tfidf_vect.fit_transform(X_data), y_data)

    with open(file_path_dict[CONSTANTS.TRAINED_MODEL], 'wb') as file:
        pickle.dump(classifier, file)
    with open(file_path_dict[CONSTANTS.TFIDF_VECTORIZER], 'wb') as file:
        pickle.dump(tfidf_vect, file)

    return classifier, tfidf_vect