예제 #1
 def test_get_doc_freqs(self):
     doc_freqs = vsm.get_doc_freqs(self.doc_term_matrix, normalized=False)
     self.assertEqual(len(doc_freqs), self.doc_term_matrix.shape[1])
     self.assertEqual(doc_freqs.max(), 5)
     self.assertEqual(doc_freqs.min(), 1)
     self.assertEqual(doc_freqs[self.idx_lamb], 5)
     self.assertEqual(doc_freqs[self.idx_child], 2)
예제 #2
 def test_get_doc_freqs_normalized(self):
     doc_freqs = vsm.get_doc_freqs(self.doc_term_matrix, normalized=True)
     self.assertEqual(len(doc_freqs), self.doc_term_matrix.shape[1])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc_freqs.max(), 0.625, places=3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc_freqs.min(), 0.125, places=3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc_freqs[self.idx_lamb], 0.625, places=3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc_freqs[self.idx_child], 0.250, places=3)
예제 #3
 def test_get_doc_freqs_normalized(self):
     doc_freqs = vsm.get_doc_freqs(self.doc_term_matrix, normalized=True)
     self.assertEqual(len(doc_freqs), self.doc_term_matrix.shape[1])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc_freqs.max(), 0.625, places=3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc_freqs.min(), 0.125, places=3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc_freqs[self.idx_lamb], 0.625, places=3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc_freqs[self.idx_child], 0.250, places=3)
예제 #4
 def test_get_doc_freqs(self):
     doc_freqs = vsm.get_doc_freqs(self.doc_term_matrix, normalized=False)
     self.assertEqual(len(doc_freqs), self.doc_term_matrix.shape[1])
     self.assertEqual(doc_freqs.max(), 5)
     self.assertEqual(doc_freqs.min(), 1)
     self.assertEqual(doc_freqs[self.idx_lamb], 5)
     self.assertEqual(doc_freqs[self.idx_child], 2)
예제 #5
파일: test_vsm.py 프로젝트: tkhan3/textacy
def test_get_doc_freqs(vectorizer_and_dtm, lamb_and_child_idxs):
    _, doc_term_matrix = vectorizer_and_dtm
    idx_lamb, idx_child = lamb_and_child_idxs
    doc_freqs = vsm.get_doc_freqs(doc_term_matrix)
    assert len(doc_freqs) == doc_term_matrix.shape[1]
    assert doc_freqs.max() == 5
    assert doc_freqs.min() == 1
    assert doc_freqs[idx_lamb] == 5
    assert doc_freqs[idx_child] == 2
예제 #6
def test_get_doc_freqs_normalized(vectorizer_and_dtm, lamb_and_child_idxs):
    _, doc_term_matrix = vectorizer_and_dtm
    idx_lamb, idx_child = lamb_and_child_idxs
    doc_freqs = vsm.get_doc_freqs(doc_term_matrix, normalized=True)
    assert len(doc_freqs) == doc_term_matrix.shape[1]
    assert doc_freqs.max() == pytest.approx(0.625, rel=1e-3)
    assert doc_freqs.min() == pytest.approx(0.125, rel=1e-3)
    assert doc_freqs[idx_lamb] == pytest.approx(0.625, rel=1e-3)
    assert doc_freqs[idx_child] == pytest.approx(0.250, rel=1e-3)
예제 #7
파일: test_vsm.py 프로젝트: tkhan3/textacy
def test_get_doc_freqs_exception():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = vsm.get_doc_freqs(coo_matrix((1, 1)).tocsr())
예제 #8
def most_discriminating_terms(terms_lists, bool_array_grp1,
                              max_n_terms=1000, top_n_terms=25):
    Given a collection of documents assigned to 1 of 2 exclusive groups, get the
    `top_n_terms` most discriminating terms for group1-and-not-group2 and

        terms_lists (Iterable[Iterable[str]]): a sequence of documents, each as a
            sequence of (str) terms; used as input to :func:`doc_term_matrix()`
        bool_array_grp1 (Iterable[bool]): an ordered sequence of True/False values,
            where True corresponds to documents falling into "group 1" and False
            corresponds to those in "group 2"
        max_n_terms (int): only consider terms whose document frequency is within
            the top `max_n_terms` out of all distinct terms; must be > 0
        top_n_terms (int or float): if int (must be > 0), the total number of most
            discriminating terms to return for each group; if float (must be in
            the interval (0, 1)), the fraction of `max_n_terms` to return for each group

        List[str]: top `top_n_terms` most discriminating terms for grp1-not-grp2
        List[str]: top `top_n_terms` most discriminating terms for grp2-not-grp1

        King, Gary, Patrick Lam, and Margaret Roberts. "Computer-Assisted Keyword
            and Document Set Discovery from Unstructured Text." (2014).
    alpha_grp1 = 1
    alpha_grp2 = 1
    if isinstance(top_n_terms, float):
        top_n_terms = top_n_terms * max_n_terms
    bool_array_grp1 = np.array(bool_array_grp1)
    bool_array_grp2 = np.invert(bool_array_grp1)

    dtm, id2term = vsm.doc_term_matrix(
        terms_lists, weighting='tf', normalize=False,
        sublinear_tf=False, smooth_idf=True,
        min_df=3, max_df=0.95, min_ic=0.0, max_n_terms=max_n_terms)

    # get doc freqs for all terms in grp1 documents
    dtm_grp1 = dtm[bool_array_grp1, :]
    n_docs_grp1 = dtm_grp1.shape[0]
    doc_freqs_grp1 = vsm.get_doc_freqs(dtm_grp1, normalized=False)

    # get doc freqs for all terms in grp2 documents
    dtm_grp2 = dtm[bool_array_grp2, :]
    n_docs_grp2 = dtm_grp2.shape[0]
    doc_freqs_grp2 = vsm.get_doc_freqs(dtm_grp2, normalized=False)

    # get terms that occur in a larger fraction of grp1 docs than grp2 docs
    term_ids_grp1 = np.where(doc_freqs_grp1 / n_docs_grp1 > doc_freqs_grp2 / n_docs_grp2)[0]

    # get terms that occur in a larger fraction of grp2 docs than grp1 docs
    term_ids_grp2 = np.where(doc_freqs_grp1 / n_docs_grp1 < doc_freqs_grp2 / n_docs_grp2)[0]

    # get grp1 terms doc freqs in and not-in grp1 and grp2 docs, plus marginal totals
    grp1_terms_grp1_df = doc_freqs_grp1[term_ids_grp1]
    grp1_terms_grp2_df = doc_freqs_grp2[term_ids_grp1]
    # grp1_terms_grp1_not_df = n_docs_grp1 - grp1_terms_grp1_df
    # grp1_terms_grp2_not_df = n_docs_grp2 - grp1_terms_grp2_df
    # grp1_terms_total_df = grp1_terms_grp1_df + grp1_terms_grp2_df
    # grp1_terms_total_not_df = grp1_terms_grp1_not_df + grp1_terms_grp2_not_df

    # get grp2 terms doc freqs in and not-in grp2 and grp1 docs, plus marginal totals
    grp2_terms_grp2_df = doc_freqs_grp2[term_ids_grp2]
    grp2_terms_grp1_df = doc_freqs_grp1[term_ids_grp2]
    # grp2_terms_grp2_not_df = n_docs_grp2 - grp2_terms_grp2_df
    # grp2_terms_grp1_not_df = n_docs_grp1 - grp2_terms_grp1_df
    # grp2_terms_total_df = grp2_terms_grp2_df + grp2_terms_grp1_df
    # grp2_terms_total_not_df = grp2_terms_grp2_not_df + grp2_terms_grp1_not_df

    # get grp1 terms likelihoods, then sort for most discriminating grp1-not-grp2 terms
    grp1_terms_likelihoods = {}
    for idx, term_id in enumerate(term_ids_grp1):
        term1 = Decimal(math.factorial(grp1_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 - 1)) * Decimal(math.factorial(grp1_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 - 1)) / Decimal(math.factorial(grp1_terms_grp1_df[idx] + grp1_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 + alpha_grp2 - 1))
        term2 = Decimal(math.factorial(n_docs_grp1 - grp1_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 - 1)) * Decimal(math.factorial(n_docs_grp2 - grp1_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 - 1)) / Decimal((math.factorial(n_docs_grp1 + n_docs_grp2 - grp1_terms_grp1_df[idx] - grp1_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 + alpha_grp2 - 1)))
        grp1_terms_likelihoods[id2term[term_id]] = term1 * term2
    top_grp1_terms = [term for term, likelihood
                      in sorted(grp1_terms_likelihoods.items(),
                                key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:top_n_terms]]

    # get grp2 terms likelihoods, then sort for most discriminating grp2-not-grp1 terms
    grp2_terms_likelihoods = {}
    for idx, term_id in enumerate(term_ids_grp2):
        term1 = Decimal(math.factorial(grp2_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 - 1)) * Decimal(math.factorial(grp2_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 - 1)) / Decimal(math.factorial(grp2_terms_grp2_df[idx] + grp2_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 + alpha_grp1 - 1))
        term2 = Decimal(math.factorial(n_docs_grp2 - grp2_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 - 1)) * Decimal(math.factorial(n_docs_grp1 - grp2_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 - 1)) / Decimal((math.factorial(n_docs_grp2 + n_docs_grp1 - grp2_terms_grp2_df[idx] - grp2_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 + alpha_grp1 - 1)))
        grp2_terms_likelihoods[id2term[term_id]] = term1 * term2
    top_grp2_terms = [term for term, likelihood
                      in sorted(grp2_terms_likelihoods.items(),
                                key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:top_n_terms]]

    return (top_grp1_terms, top_grp2_terms)
예제 #9
def most_discriminating_terms(terms_lists, bool_array_grp1,
                              max_n_terms=1000, top_n_terms=25):
    Given a collection of documents assigned to 1 of 2 exclusive groups, get the
    `top_n_terms` most discriminating terms for group1-and-not-group2 and

        terms_lists (Iterable[Iterable[str]]): a sequence of documents, each as a
            sequence of (str) terms; used as input to :func:`doc_term_matrix()`
        bool_array_grp1 (Iterable[bool]): an ordered sequence of True/False values,
            where True corresponds to documents falling into "group 1" and False
            corresponds to those in "group 2"
        max_n_terms (int): only consider terms whose document frequency is within
            the top `max_n_terms` out of all distinct terms; must be > 0
        top_n_terms (int or float): if int (must be > 0), the total number of most
            discriminating terms to return for each group; if float (must be in
            the interval (0, 1)), the fraction of `max_n_terms` to return for each group

        List[str]: top `top_n_terms` most discriminating terms for grp1-not-grp2
        List[str]: top `top_n_terms` most discriminating terms for grp2-not-grp1

        King, Gary, Patrick Lam, and Margaret Roberts. "Computer-Assisted Keyword
            and Document Set Discovery from Unstructured Text." (2014).
    alpha_grp1 = 1
    alpha_grp2 = 1
    if isinstance(top_n_terms, float):
        top_n_terms = top_n_terms * max_n_terms
    bool_array_grp1 = np.array(bool_array_grp1)
    bool_array_grp2 = np.invert(bool_array_grp1)

    dtm, id2term = vsm.doc_term_matrix(
        terms_lists, weighting='tf', normalize=False,
        sublinear_tf=False, smooth_idf=True,
        min_df=3, max_df=0.95, min_ic=0.0, max_n_terms=max_n_terms)

    # get doc freqs for all terms in grp1 documents
    dtm_grp1 = dtm[bool_array_grp1, :]
    n_docs_grp1 = dtm_grp1.shape[0]
    doc_freqs_grp1 = vsm.get_doc_freqs(dtm_grp1, normalized=False)

    # get doc freqs for all terms in grp2 documents
    dtm_grp2 = dtm[bool_array_grp2, :]
    n_docs_grp2 = dtm_grp2.shape[0]
    doc_freqs_grp2 = vsm.get_doc_freqs(dtm_grp2, normalized=False)

    # get terms that occur in a larger fraction of grp1 docs than grp2 docs
    term_ids_grp1 = np.where(doc_freqs_grp1 / n_docs_grp1 > doc_freqs_grp2 / n_docs_grp2)[0]

    # get terms that occur in a larger fraction of grp2 docs than grp1 docs
    term_ids_grp2 = np.where(doc_freqs_grp1 / n_docs_grp1 < doc_freqs_grp2 / n_docs_grp2)[0]

    # get grp1 terms doc freqs in and not-in grp1 and grp2 docs, plus marginal totals
    grp1_terms_grp1_df = doc_freqs_grp1[term_ids_grp1]
    grp1_terms_grp2_df = doc_freqs_grp2[term_ids_grp1]
    # grp1_terms_grp1_not_df = n_docs_grp1 - grp1_terms_grp1_df
    # grp1_terms_grp2_not_df = n_docs_grp2 - grp1_terms_grp2_df
    # grp1_terms_total_df = grp1_terms_grp1_df + grp1_terms_grp2_df
    # grp1_terms_total_not_df = grp1_terms_grp1_not_df + grp1_terms_grp2_not_df

    # get grp2 terms doc freqs in and not-in grp2 and grp1 docs, plus marginal totals
    grp2_terms_grp2_df = doc_freqs_grp2[term_ids_grp2]
    grp2_terms_grp1_df = doc_freqs_grp1[term_ids_grp2]
    # grp2_terms_grp2_not_df = n_docs_grp2 - grp2_terms_grp2_df
    # grp2_terms_grp1_not_df = n_docs_grp1 - grp2_terms_grp1_df
    # grp2_terms_total_df = grp2_terms_grp2_df + grp2_terms_grp1_df
    # grp2_terms_total_not_df = grp2_terms_grp2_not_df + grp2_terms_grp1_not_df

    # get grp1 terms likelihoods, then sort for most discriminating grp1-not-grp2 terms
    grp1_terms_likelihoods = {}
    for idx, term_id in enumerate(term_ids_grp1):
        term1 = Decimal(math.factorial(grp1_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 - 1)) * Decimal(math.factorial(grp1_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 - 1)) / Decimal(math.factorial(grp1_terms_grp1_df[idx] + grp1_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 + alpha_grp2 - 1))
        term2 = Decimal(math.factorial(n_docs_grp1 - grp1_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 - 1)) * Decimal(math.factorial(n_docs_grp2 - grp1_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 - 1)) / Decimal((math.factorial(n_docs_grp1 + n_docs_grp2 - grp1_terms_grp1_df[idx] - grp1_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 + alpha_grp2 - 1)))
        grp1_terms_likelihoods[id2term[term_id]] = term1 * term2
    top_grp1_terms = [term for term, likelihood
                      in sorted(grp1_terms_likelihoods.items(),
                                key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:top_n_terms]]

    # get grp2 terms likelihoods, then sort for most discriminating grp2-not-grp1 terms
    grp2_terms_likelihoods = {}
    for idx, term_id in enumerate(term_ids_grp2):
        term1 = Decimal(math.factorial(grp2_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 - 1)) * Decimal(math.factorial(grp2_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 - 1)) / Decimal(math.factorial(grp2_terms_grp2_df[idx] + grp2_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 + alpha_grp1 - 1))
        term2 = Decimal(math.factorial(n_docs_grp2 - grp2_terms_grp2_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 - 1)) * Decimal(math.factorial(n_docs_grp1 - grp2_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp1 - 1)) / Decimal((math.factorial(n_docs_grp2 + n_docs_grp1 - grp2_terms_grp2_df[idx] - grp2_terms_grp1_df[idx] + alpha_grp2 + alpha_grp1 - 1)))
        grp2_terms_likelihoods[id2term[term_id]] = term1 * term2
    top_grp2_terms = [term for term, likelihood
                      in sorted(grp2_terms_likelihoods.items(),
                                key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:top_n_terms]]

    return (top_grp1_terms, top_grp2_terms)