def format_tag_info_admin(tag_dict): reply = "" #prepara i dati lunghi da inserire if tag_dict["reserved"] == True: reply = texts.get_text("adm_info_msg_system") else: reply = texts.get_text("adm_info_msg_usr") ow = tag_dict["owner"]["first_name"] + " " + tag_dict["owner"]["last_name"] + " @"+tag_dict["owner"]["username"] chat = tag_dict["origin_chat"]["type"] + " chat: " + tag_dict["origin_chat"]["name"] reports = "" for report in tag_dict["reports"]: reports +="\n - " + report["text"] #formatta la stringa e retituiscila return reply.format( tag = tag_dict["hashtag"], region = tag_dict["owner"]["region"], owner = ow, chat = chat, type = tag_dict["data"]["type"], used = str(tag_dict["use_count"]), exp = dbManager.calculate_delta_now(tag_dict["last_use_date"]), crt = tag_dict["creation_date"].strftime("%d/%m/%y"), rep = reports, inl = str(tag_dict["inline_count"] if "inline_count" in tag_dict else 0) )
def remove_tag(bot, update, tag_id): res = dbManager.get_tag_by_id(tag_id) send_private_message( bot, res["origin_chat"]["id"] , texts.get_text("admc_bad_tag_warn").format(tag=res["hashtag"]) ) dbManager.delete_tag_by_id(tag_id) user_id = res["owner"]["id"] qr = update.callback_query keyboard = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton(texts.get_text("admc_warn_usr"), callback_data = make_button_data("wu",user_id,tag_id) ), InlineKeyboardButton(texts.get_text("admc_ban_usr"), callback_data = make_button_data("bu",user_id,tag_id) ) ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(texts.get_text("admc_close_case"), callback_data = make_button_data("nb",user_id,tag_id) ), ] ] bot.edit_message_text(text = texts.get_text("admc_pending_adm_action"), chat_id=qr.message.chat_id, message_id=qr.message.message_id, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) )
def admin_remove(bot, update): if is_from_admin(update) == False: return tag = validate_cmd(update.message.text) if tag is None: update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("adm_rm_use")) return dbManager.delete_hashtag(tag) update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("adm_rm_ok"))
def helpme(bot, update): if SUSPEND_CREATION: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("suspend_input", update.message.from_user.language_code) + "\nTag backup: " + EOF_LINK) return update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("help_reply", update.message.from_user.language_code)) parallel.send_stats_event(, update.message, "help")
def admin_reserve(bot, update): if is_from_admin(update) == False: return tag = validate_cmd(update.message.text) if tag is None: update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("adm_reserve_use")) return dbManager.create_hashtag(tag, None, { "type": "text", "data": "Sorry this tag is reserved" }, True) update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("adm_reserve_ok"))
def text_at_revision(ref, version, lang, revision): """ Returns the state of a text (identified by ref/version/lang) at revision number 'revision' """ changes = texts.db.history.find({ "ref": ref, "version": version, "language": lang }).sort([['revision', -1]]) current = texts.get_text(ref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in current: return current textField = "text" if lang == "en" else lang text = current.get(textField, "") for i in range(changes.count()): r = changes[i] if r["revision"] == revision: break patch = dmp.patch_fromText(r["revert_patch"]) text = dmp.patch_apply(patch, text)[0] return text
def start(bot, update): if SUSPEND_CREATION: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("suspend_input", update.message.from_user.language_code) + "\nTag backup: " + EOF_LINK) return update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("welcome_message", update.message.from_user.language_code)) dbManager.add_chat_to_bcast_list( parallel.send_stats_event(, update.message, "start")
def send_tag_data_to_private_chat(bot, update, tag_id): result = dbManager.get_tag_by_id(tag_id) if result is None: bot.sendMessage(, text = texts.get_text("admc_missing_tag_data")) return uid = if result["data"]["type"] == "text": bot.sendMessage(uid, result["data"]["data"]) if result["data"]["type"] == "image": bot.sendPhoto(uid, result["data"]["data"]) if result["data"]["type"] == "gif": bot.sendDocument(uid, result["data"]["data"]) if result["data"]["type"] == "sticker": bot.sendSticker(uid, result["data"]["data"]) if result["data"]["type"] == "audio": bot.sendAudio(uid, result["data"]["data"]) if result["data"]["type"] == "voice": bot.sendVoice(uid, result["data"]["data"]) if result["data"]["type"] == "video": bot.sendVideo(uid, result["data"]["data"])
def make_text_index_document(ref, version, lang): """ Create a document for indexing from the text specified by ref/version/lang """ text = texts.get_text(ref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in text: print text["error"] return None if text["type"] == "Talmud": title = text["book"] + " Daf " + text["sections"][0] elif text["type"] == "Commentary" and text["commentaryCategories"][0] == "Talmud": title = text["book"] + " Daf " + text["sections"][0] else: title = text["book"] + " " + " ".join(["%s %d" % (p[0],p[1]) for p in zip(text["sectionNames"], text["sections"])]) title += " (%s)" % version content = text["he"] if lang == 'he' else text["text"] if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) return { "title": title, "ref": ref, "version": version, "lang": lang, "titleVariants": text["titleVariants"], "content": content, "categories": text["categories"], }
def mytags(bot, update): uid = name = update.message.from_user.first_name username = update.message.from_user.username if username is None: username = "" print("Preparing mytags data for " + name + " @" + username) firebase.send_user_data(uid, name, username, dbManager.get_user_hashtags(uid)) print(name + " page is ready") update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("mytags_message", update.message.from_user.language_code) + str( parallel.send_stats_event(, update.message, "mytags") if SUSPEND_CREATION: update.message.reply_text("Tag backup: " + EOF_LINK) return
def react(user_id, message): if message == '/start': bot.send_message(user_id, texts.get_text(texts.start_txt)) if message == '/help': bot.send_message(user_id, texts.get_text(texts.help_txt)) elif message == '/add': bot.send_message(user_id, texts.get_text(texts.add_txt), reply_markup=get_es_markup(user_id)) elif message == '/list': emails = database.get_emails(user_id) if emails: result = '' for email in emails: result = result + '\n' + bot.send_message(user_id, texts.get_text(texts.list_txt) + result)
def admin_info(bot, update): if is_from_admin(update) == False: return tag = validate_cmd(update.message.text) if tag is None: update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("adm_info_use")) return res = dbManager.get_hashtag_info(tag) if res is None: update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("not_found")) return update.message.reply_text(adminChannel.format_tag_info_admin(res))
def record_text_change(ref, version, lang, text, user, **kwargs): """ Record a change to a text (ref/version/lang) by user. """ # unpack text into smaller segments if necessary (e.g. chapter -> verse) if isinstance(text, list): for i in reversed(range(len(text))): n = i + 1 record_text_change("%s.%d" % (ref, n), version, lang, text[i], user, **kwargs) return # get the current state of the text in question current = texts.get_text(ref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in current and current["error"].startswith("No text found"): current = "" elif "error" in current: return current elif lang == "en" and current["text"]: current = current["text"] elif lang == "he" and current["he"]: current = current["he"] else: current = "" # Don't record anything if there's no change. if not text: text = "" if text == current: return # create a patch that turns the new version back into the old backwards_diff = dmp.diff_main(text, current) patch = dmp.patch_toText(dmp.patch_make(backwards_diff)) # get html displaying edits in this change. forwards_diff = dmp.diff_main(current, text) dmp.diff_cleanupSemantic(forwards_diff) diff_html = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(forwards_diff) # give this revision a new revision number revision = next_revision_num() log = { "ref": texts.norm_ref(ref), "version": version, "language": lang, "diff_html": diff_html, "revert_patch": patch, "user": user, "date":, "revision": revision, "message": kwargs.get("message", ""), "rev_type": kwargs.get("type", None) or "edit text" if len(current) else "add text", "method": kwargs.get("method", "Site") }
def get_hashtag_top_list_message(update): res = dbManager.get_top_list() if res is None or not res: return texts.get_text("top_list_error", update.message.from_user.language_code) text = texts.get_text("top_list_header", update.message.from_user.language_code) c = 0 for itm in res: c += 1 text = text + str(c) + ". " + itm["hashtag"] + " - " + str( itm["use_count"]) + "\n" text += texts.get_text("complete_list", update.message.from_user.language_code) return text
def record_text_change(ref, version, lang, text, user, **kwargs): """ Record a change to a text (ref/version/lang) by user. """ # unpack text into smaller segments if necessary (e.g. chapter -> verse) if isinstance(text, list): for i in reversed(range(len(text))): n = i + 1 record_text_change("%s.%d" % (ref, n), version, lang, text[i], user, **kwargs) return # get the current state of the text in question current = texts.get_text(ref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in current and current["error"].startswith("No text found"): current = "" elif "error" in current: return current elif lang == "en" and current["text"]: current = current["text"] elif lang == "he" and current["he"]: current = current["he"] else: current = "" # Don't record anything if there's no change. if not text: text = "" if text == current: return # create a patch that turns the new version back into the old backwards_diff = dmp.diff_main(text, current) patch = dmp.patch_toText(dmp.patch_make(backwards_diff)) # get html displaying edits in this change. forwards_diff = dmp.diff_main(current, text) dmp.diff_cleanupSemantic(forwards_diff) diff_html = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(forwards_diff) # give this revision a new revision number revision = next_revision_num() log = { "ref": texts.norm_ref(ref), "version": version, "language": lang, "diff_html": diff_html, "revert_patch": patch, "user": user, "date":, "revision": revision, "message": kwargs.get("message", ""), "rev_type": kwargs.get("type", None) or "edit text" if len(current) else "add text", "method": kwargs.get("method", "Site") }
def report(bot, update): if dbManager.is_user_banned( == True: return parallel.send_stats_event(, update.message, "report") parts = update.message.text.split(" ", 2) if len(parts) != 3: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("cmd_report_use", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return tag = check_if_hashtag(parts[1]) if tag is None: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("cmd_report_use", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return #controlla lunghezza tag if len(parts[2]) < 6: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("report_short", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return res = dbManager.add_report(bot, tag,, parts[2]) if res == 0: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("report_send_success", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return if res == 1: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("report_send_error", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return if res == 2: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("report_no_tag_error", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return if res == 3: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("report_not_allowed", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return if SUSPEND_CREATION: update.message.reply_text("Tag backup: " + EOF_LINK) return
def info(bot, update): tag = validate_cmd(update.message.text) parallel.send_stats_event(, update.message, "info") if tag is None: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("cmd_rm_use", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return res = dbManager.get_hashtag_info(tag) if res is None: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("not_found", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return #recupera la stringa giusta in base al tipo di tag e formattala di conseguenza reply = "" if res["reserved"] == True: reply = texts.get_text("info_msg_system", update.message.from_user.language_code) else: reply = texts.get_text("info_msg_user", update.message.from_user.language_code) reply = reply.format( tag=tag, type=res["data"]["type"], used=str(res["use_count"]), dtc=res["creation_date"].strftime("%d/%m/%y"), dte=dbManager.calculate_delta_now(res["last_use_date"]), inl=str(res["inline_count"] if "inline_count" in res else 0)) update.message.reply_text(reply) if SUSPEND_CREATION: update.message.reply_text("Tag backup: " + EOF_LINK) return
def close_case(bot, update, db_data, message): qr = update.callback_query reply = texts.get_text("admc_case_closed") head = "" if db_data is not None: head = "Tag "+ db_data["hashtag"]+":" else: head = texts.get_text("admc_case_delete_tag") reply = reply.format( head = head, act = message, aut = qr.from_user.first_name +" ("+qr.from_user.username+")", dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d/%m/%y") ) bot.edit_message_text(text = reply, chat_id=qr.message.chat_id, message_id=qr.message.message_id)
def message_handler(message): try: user_id = react(user_id, message.text) botan.track(config.botan_api_key, user_id, {'input': message.text}, message.text) except Exception as e: bot.send_message(user_id, texts.get_text(texts.error)) logger.error(str(e))
def admin_bcast(bot, update): if is_from_admin(update) == False: return parts = update.message.text.split(" ", 1) if len(parts) != 2: update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("adm_bcast_use")) return parallel.broadcast_message(bot, update, parts[1])
def send_report_data(bot, tag_dict): print("Sending report data to admin channel (" + str(CHANNEL_ID) + ")") msg = format_tag_info_admin(tag_dict) user_id = tag_dict["owner"]["id"] tag_id = tag_dict["_id"] if isinstance(tag_id, dict) and tag_dict["$oid"] is not None: tag_id = tag_id["$oid"] keyboard = [ [InlineKeyboardButton(texts.get_text("admc_clear_reports"), callback_data = make_button_data("cr",user_id,tag_id) ), InlineKeyboardButton(texts.get_text("admc_remove_tag"), callback_data = make_button_data("rt",user_id,tag_id) )], [InlineKeyboardButton(texts.get_text("admc_show_tag"), callback_data = make_button_data("st",user_id,tag_id) )] ] reply_buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=CHANNEL_ID, text=msg, reply_markup=reply_buttons)
def query_handler(bot, update): query = update.callback_query if int( != int(ADMIN_ID): #check if admin return parts ="_") if parts[0] == "st": send_tag_data_to_private_chat(bot,update,parts[2]) if parts[0] == "cr": clear_reports(bot,update, parts[2]) if parts[0] == "rt": remove_tag(bot,update, parts[2]) if parts[0] == "nb": close_case(bot, update, None, texts.get_text("admc_case_delete_tag")) if parts[0] == "wu": r = dbManager.warn_user(int(parts[1])) if r == 1: send_private_message(bot, int(parts[1]), texts.get_text("warn_received", update.message.from_user.language_code)) close_case(bot, update, None, texts.get_text("admc_case_delete_warn_tag")) else: send_private_message(bot, int(parts[1]), texts.get_text("ban_received", update.message.from_user.language_code)) close_case(bot, update, None, texts.get_text("admc_case_delete_ban_tag")) if parts[0] == "bu": dbManager.ban_user(int(parts[1])) close_case(bot, update, None, texts.get_text("admc_case_delete_ban_tag"))
def get_stats(self, id, name): http = httplib2.Http() resp, content = http.request('' + name + '/steam') soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') try: imgSRC = soup.find('img')['src'] print('Found !') src = '' + name + '/steam' return src except TypeError: print('Not found !') return get_text(id)
def get_picture(self, id, name): http = httplib2.Http() resp, content = http.request('' + name + '/steam') soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') try: imgSRC = soup.find('img')['src'] print('Found !') urllib.request.urlretrieve(imgSRC, 'temp_stats_picture.png') return except TypeError: print('Not found !') return get_text(id)
def remove(bot, update): if SUSPEND_CREATION: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("suspend_input", update.message.from_user.language_code) + "\nTag backup: " + EOF_LINK) return tag = validate_cmd(update.message.text) parallel.send_stats_event(, update.message, "remove") if tag is None: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("cmd_rm_use", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return #controlla se e' possibile rimuovere il tag res = dbManager.can_write_hashtag(tag,, True) if res == 0: #rimuovi il tag dbManager.delete_hashtag(tag) update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("tag_remove_ok", update.message.from_user.language_code)) else: if res == 3: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("rm_tag_free", update.message.from_user.language_code)) else: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("tag_not_owned", update.message.from_user.language_code))
def admin_set(bot, update): if is_from_admin(update) == False: return tag = validate_cmd(update.message.text) if tag is None: update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("adm_set_use")) return #controlla che sia stato quotato un messaggio if update.message.reply_to_message is None: update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("quote_missing")) return #crea il tag data = get_message_data(update.message.reply_to_message) #controlla validita dati if data is None: update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("too_much_chars")) else: dbManager.create_hashtag(tag, None, data, True) update.message.reply_text(texts.get_text("adm_set_ok").format(tag=tag))
def index_text(tref, version=None, lang=None): """ Index the text designated by ref. If no version and lang are given, this functon will be called for each availble version. Currently assumes ref is at section level. """ #tref = texts.norm_ref(unicode(tref)) #todo: why the unicode()? tref = model.Ref(tref).normal() # Recall this function for each specific text version, if non provided if not (version and lang): for v in texts.get_version_list(tref): index_text(tref, version=v["versionTitle"], lang=v["language"]) return # Index each segment of this document individually oref = model.Ref(tref).padded_ref() if len(oref.sections) < len(oref.index.sectionNames): text = texts.get_text(tref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in text: print text["error"] else: for i in range(max(len(text["text"]), len(text["he"]))): index_text("%s:%d" % (tref, i + 1)) # Don't try to index docs with depth 3 if len(oref.sections) < len(oref.index.sectionNames) - 1: return # Index this document as a whole doc = make_text_index_document(tref, version, lang) if doc: try: global doc_count if doc_count % 5000 == 0: print "[%d] Indexing %s / %s / %s" % (doc_count, tref, version, lang) es.index('sefaria', 'text', doc, make_text_doc_id(tref, version, lang)) doc_count += 1 except Exception, e: print "ERROR indexing %s / %s / %s" % (tref, version, lang) pprint(e)
def edit(bot, update): if SUSPEND_CREATION: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("suspend_input", update.message.from_user.language_code) + "\nTag backup: " + EOF_LINK) return if dbManager.is_user_banned( == True: return parts = update.message.text.split() parallel.send_stats_event(, update.message, "edit") if len(parts) != 3: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("cmd_edit_use", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return #controlla i due tag old_tag = check_if_hashtag(parts[1]) new_tag = check_if_hashtag(parts[2]) if old_tag is None or new_tag is None: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("cmd_edit_use", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return uid = #controlla che entrambi gli hashtag siano liberi o del propietario if dbManager.can_write_hashtag(old_tag, uid) == 0 and dbManager.can_write_hashtag( new_tag, uid) == 0: res = dbManager.change_hashtag(old_tag, new_tag) if res == 0: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("edit_tag_error", update.message.from_user.language_code)) else: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("edit_ok", update.message.from_user.language_code).format( old=old_tag, new=new_tag)) else: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("edit_perm_error", update.message.from_user.language_code))
def make_text_index_document(tref, version, lang): """ Create a document for indexing from the text specified by ref/version/lang """ text = texts.get_text(tref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in text: print text["error"] return None if text["type"] == "Talmud": title = text["book"] + " Daf " + text["sections"][0] elif text["type"] == "Commentary" and text["commentaryCategories"][ 0] == "Talmud": title = text["book"] + " Daf " + text["sections"][0] else: title = text["book"] + " " + " ".join([ "%s %d" % (p[0], p[1]) for p in zip(text["sectionNames"], text["sections"]) ]) title += " (%s)" % version if lang == "he": title = text.get("heTitle", "") + " " + title content = text["he"] if lang == 'he' else text["text"] if not content: # Don't bother indexing if there's no content return False if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) return { "title": title, "ref": tref, "version": version, "lang": lang, "titleVariants": text["titleVariants"], "content": content, "categories": text["categories"], }
def text_at_revision(ref, version, lang, revision): """ Returns the state of a text (identified by ref/version/lang) at revision number 'revision' """ changes = db.history.find({"ref": ref, "version": version, "language": lang}).sort([['revision', -1]]) current = texts.get_text(ref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in current and not current["error"].startswith("No text found"): return current textField = "text" if lang == "en" else lang text = unicode(current.get(textField, "")) for i in range(changes.count()): r = changes[i] if r["revision"] == revision: break patch = dmp.patch_fromText(r["revert_patch"]) text = dmp.patch_apply(patch, text)[0] return text
def index_text(ref, version=None, lang=None): """ Index the text designated by ref. If no version and lang are given, this functon will be called for each availble version. Currently assumes ref is at section level. """ ref = texts.norm_ref(unicode(ref)) # Recall this function for each specific text version, if non provided if not (version and lang): for v in texts.get_version_list(ref): index_text(ref, version=v["versionTitle"], lang=v["language"]) return # Index each segment of this document individually pRef = texts.parse_ref(ref) if len(pRef["sections"]) < len(pRef["sectionNames"]): text = texts.get_text(ref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in text: print text["error"] else: for i in range(max(len(text["text"]), len(text["he"]))): index_text("%s:%d" % (ref, i + 1)) # Don't try to index docs with depth 3 if len(pRef["sections"]) < len(pRef["sectionNames"]) - 1: return # Index this document as a whole doc = make_text_index_document(ref, version, lang) if doc: try: es.index(doc, 'sefaria', 'text', make_text_doc_id(ref, version, lang)) global doc_count doc_count += 1 except Exception, e: print "Error indexing %s / %s / %s" % (ref, version, lang) print e
def index_text(tref, version=None, lang=None): """ Index the text designated by ref. If no version and lang are given, this functon will be called for each availble version. Currently assumes ref is at section level. """ #tref = texts.norm_ref(unicode(tref)) #todo: why the unicode()? tref = model.Ref(tref).normal() # Recall this function for each specific text version, if non provided if not (version and lang): for v in texts.get_version_list(tref): index_text(tref, version=v["versionTitle"], lang=v["language"]) return # Index each segment of this document individually oref = model.Ref(tref).padded_ref() if len(oref.sections) < len(oref.index.sectionNames): text = texts.get_text(tref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in text: print text["error"] else: for i in range(max(len(text["text"]), len(text["he"]))): index_text("%s:%d" % (tref, i+1)) # Don't try to index docs with depth 3 if len(oref.sections) < len(oref.index.sectionNames) - 1: return # Index this document as a whole doc = make_text_index_document(tref, version, lang) if doc: try: global doc_count if doc_count % 5000 == 0: print "[%d] Indexing %s / %s / %s" % (doc_count, tref, version, lang) es.index('sefaria', 'text', doc, make_text_doc_id(tref, version, lang)) doc_count += 1 except Exception, e: print "ERROR indexing %s / %s / %s" % (tref, version, lang) pprint(e)
def claim(bot, update): if SUSPEND_CREATION: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("suspend_input", update.message.from_user.language_code) + "\nTag backup: " + EOF_LINK) return if dbManager.is_user_banned( == True: return tag = validate_cmd(update.message.text) parallel.send_stats_event(, update.message, "claim") if tag is None: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("claim_reply", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return #controlla che sia stato quotato un messaggio if update.message.reply_to_message is None: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("quote_missing", update.message.from_user.language_code)) return #cerca di creare il tag se possibile if dbManager.can_write_hashtag(tag, == 0: data = get_message_data(update.message.reply_to_message) #controlla validita dati if data is None: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("too_much_chars", update.message.from_user.language_code)) else: dbManager.create_hashtag(tag, update, data, False) update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("claim_ok", update.message.from_user.language_code) + tag) else: update.message.reply_text( texts.get_text("claim_error", update.message.from_user.language_code))
def count_terms(query={}, lang=None): #todo: move to object model. Maybe. What's this doing? """ Counts all terms in texts matching query, lang Saves reults to terms collection in db. """ terms = {} bavli_names = db.index.find(query).distinct("title") query = {"title": {"$in": bavli_names}} refs = counts.generate_refs_list(query) lookup_lang = "he" if lang == "ar" else lang for ref in refs: print ref text = texts.get_text(ref, commentary=False) for i, line in enumerate(text.get(lookup_lang, [])): # strip punctuation for c in string.punctuation: line = line.replace(c, "") these_terms = line.split(" ") for term in these_terms: line_ref = "%s:%d" % (ref, i + 1) term = hebrew.strip_nikkud(term) if term in terms: terms[term]["occurrences"] += 1 terms[term]["refs"].add(line_ref) else: terms[term] = { "term": term, "occurrences": 1, "language": lang, "refs": set([line_ref]) } for term in terms: print term # only include up to 20 random ref samples sample_size = len( terms[term]["refs"]) if len(terms[term]["refs"]) < 20 else 20 terms[term]["refs"] = list(sample(terms[term]["refs"], sample_size))[term])
def count_terms(query={}, lang=None): #todo: move to object model. Maybe. What's this doing? """ Counts all terms in texts matching query, lang Saves reults to terms collection in db. """ terms = {} bavli_names = db.index.find(query).distinct("title") query = {"title": {"$in": bavli_names}} refs = counts.generate_refs_list(query) lookup_lang = "he" if lang == "ar" else lang for ref in refs: print ref text = texts.get_text(ref, commentary=False) for i, line in enumerate(text.get(lookup_lang, [])): # strip punctuation for c in string.punctuation: line = line.replace(c,"") these_terms = line.split(" ") for term in these_terms: line_ref = "%s:%d" % (ref, i+1) term = hebrew.strip_nikkud(term) if term in terms: terms[term]["occurrences"] += 1 terms[term]["refs"].add(line_ref) else: terms[term] = { "term": term, "occurrences": 1, "language": lang, "refs": set([line_ref]) } for term in terms: print term # only include up to 20 random ref samples sample_size = len(terms[term]["refs"]) if len(terms[term]["refs"]) < 20 else 20 terms[term]["refs"] = list(sample(terms[term]["refs"], sample_size))[term])
def index_text(ref, version=None, lang=None): """ Index the text designated by ref. If no version and lang are given, this functon will be called for each availble version. Currently assumes ref is at section level. """ ref = texts.norm_ref(unicode(ref)) # Recall this function for each specific text version, if non provided if not (version and lang): for v in texts.get_version_list(ref): index_text(ref, version=v["versionTitle"], lang=v["language"]) return # Index each segment of this document individually pRef = texts.parse_ref(ref) if len(pRef["sections"]) < len(pRef["sectionNames"]): text = texts.get_text(ref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in text: print text["error"] else: for i in range(max(len(text["text"]), len(text["he"]))): index_text("%s:%d" % (ref, i+1)) # Don't try to index docs with depth 3 if len(pRef["sections"]) < len(pRef["sectionNames"]) - 1: return # Index this document as a whole doc = make_text_index_document(ref, version, lang) if doc: try: es.index(doc, 'sefaria', 'text', make_text_doc_id(ref, version, lang)) global doc_count doc_count += 1 except Exception, e: print "Error indexing %s / %s / %s" % (ref, version, lang) print e
def clear_reports(bot, update, tag_id): res = dbManager.remove_reports(tag_id) close_case(bot,update,res,texts.get_text("admc_report_clear"))