def __FetchTextures(self): texturesToRetrieve = TextureHandler.Instance().NumberOfMissingTextures() if texturesToRetrieve > 0: w = None try: # show a blocking or background progress bar if texturesToRetrieve > 4: w = XbmcDialogProgressWrapper( "%s: %s" % (Config.appName, LanguageHelper.GetLocalizedString(LanguageHelper.InitChannelTitle)), LanguageHelper.GetLocalizedString(LanguageHelper.FetchTexturesTitle), # Config.TextureUrl ) else: w = XbmcDialogProgressBgWrapper( "%s: %s" % (Config.appName, LanguageHelper.GetLocalizedString(LanguageHelper.FetchTexturesTitle)), Config.TextureUrl ) bytesTransfered = TextureHandler.Instance().FetchTextures(w.ProgressUpdate) if bytesTransfered > 0: Statistics.RegisterCdnBytes(bytesTransfered) except: Logger.Error("Error fetching textures", exc_info=True) finally: if w is not None: # always close the progress bar w.Close() return
def __init__(self, cdn_url, cache_path, cache_uri, logger, uri_handler): """ Creates a Cached Texture handler @param cdn_url: The URL of the CDN @param cache_path: The os path of the profile for caching @param cache_uri: The uri path (Kodi uri special:// ) for caching @param logger: The Logger instance @param uri_handler: The UriHandler instance """ TextureHandler.__init__(self, logger) self.__cdnUrl = cdn_url if not self.__cdnUrl: self.__cdnUrl = "" self.__channelTexturePath = os.path.join(cache_path, "textures") self.__channelTextureUri = "%s/%s" % (cache_uri, "textures") if not os.path.isdir(self.__channelTexturePath): os.makedirs(self.__channelTexturePath) self.__uriHandler = uri_handler self.__textureQueue = {}
def __fetch_textures(self): textures_to_retrieve = TextureHandler.instance( ).number_of_missing_textures() if textures_to_retrieve > 0: w = None try: # show a blocking or background progress bar if textures_to_retrieve > 4: w = XbmcDialogProgressWrapper( "%s: %s" % (Config.appName, LanguageHelper.get_localized_string( LanguageHelper.InitChannelTitle)), LanguageHelper.get_localized_string( LanguageHelper.FetchTexturesTitle), # Config.textureUrl ) else: w = XbmcDialogProgressBgWrapper( "%s: %s" % (Config.appName, LanguageHelper.get_localized_string( LanguageHelper.FetchTexturesTitle)), Config.textureUrl) TextureHandler.instance().fetch_textures(w.progress_update) except: Logger.error("Error fetching textures", exc_info=True) finally: if w is not None: # always close the progress bar w.close() return
def __initialise_channel_set(self, channel_info): # type: (ChannelInfo) -> None """ Initialises a channelset (.py file) WARNING: these actions are done ONCE per python file, not per channel. Arguments: channelInfo : ChannelInfo - The channelinfo Keyword Arguments: abortOnNew : Boolean - If set to true, channel initialisation will not continue if a new channel was found. This will have to be done later. Returns True if any operations where executed """"Initialising channel set at: %s.", channel_info.path) # now import (required for the PerformFirstTimeActions sys.path.append(channel_info.path) # make sure a pyo or pyc exists # __import__(channelInfo.moduleName) # The debugger won't compile if __import__ is used. So let's use this one. import py_compile py_compile.compile(os.path.join(channel_info.path, "" % (channel_info.moduleName,))) # purge the texture cache. if TextureHandler.instance(): TextureHandler.instance().purge_texture_cache(channel_info) else: Logger.warning("Could not purge_texture_cache: no TextureHandler available") return
def __init__(self, cdnUrl, cachePath, logger, uriHandler): TextureHandler.__init__(self, logger) self.__cdnUrl = cdnUrl if not self.__cdnUrl: self.__cdnUrl = "" self.__channelTexturePath = os.path.join(cachePath, "textures") if not os.path.isdir(self.__channelTexturePath): os.makedirs(self.__channelTexturePath) self.__uriHandler = uriHandler self.__textureQueue = {}
def __InitialiseChannelSet(self, channelInfo): """ Initialises a channelset (.py file) WARNING: these actions are done ONCE per python file, not per channel. Arguments: channelInfo : ChannelInfo - The channelinfo Keyword Arguments: abortOnNew : Boolean - If set to true, channel initialisation will not continue if a new channel was found. This will have to be done later. Returns True if any operations where executed """ Logger.Info("Initialising channel set at: %s", channelInfo.path) # now import (required for the PerformFirstTimeActions sys.path.append(channelInfo.path) # make sure a pyo or pyc exists # __import__(channelInfo.moduleName) # The debugger won't compile if __import__ is used. So let's use this one. import py_compile py_compile.compile(os.path.join(channelInfo.path, "" % (channelInfo.moduleName,))) # see if the channel included XOT updates self.__DeployUpdates(channelInfo.path) # purge the texture cache. TextureHandler.Instance().PurgeTextureCache(channelInfo) return True
def get_image_location(self, image): """ Returns the path for a specific image name. :param str image: the filename of the requested argument. :return: The full local path to the requested image. :rtype: str """ return TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri(self, image)
def __get_image_path(self, image): """ Tries to determine the path of an image Arguments: image : String - The filename (not path) of the image Returns the path of the image. In case of a Kodi skin image it will return just the filename, else the full path. """ return TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri(self, image)
def __GetImagePath(self, image): """ Tries to determine the path of an image Arguments: image : String - The filename (not path) of the image Returns the path of the image. In case of a XBMC skin image it will return just the filename, else the full path. """ # if Config.CdnUrl is None: # return os.path.join(self.path, image) # # return "%s%s" % (Config.CdnUrl, image) return TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, image)
def GetImageLocation(self, image): """returns the path for a specific image name. Arguments: image : string - the filename of the requested argument. Returns: The full local path to the requested image. """ # if Config.CdnUrl is None: # return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[self.__module__].__file__), image) # return "%s%s" % (Config.CdnUrl, image) return TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, image)
def init_channel(self): """Initializes the channel and will call some post processing stuff. This method is called for each add-on call and can be used to do some channel initialisation. """ Logger.debug("Initializing channel (init_channel): %s", self) # Make sure all images are from the correct absolute location # self.icon = self.get_image_location(self.icon) -> already in the __init__ # self.fanart = self.get_image_location(self.fanart) -> already in the __init__ self.noImage = TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, self.noImage) return
def InitChannel(self): """Initializes the channel and will call some post processing stuff. This method is called for each add-on call and can be used to do some channel initialisation. """ Logger.Debug("Initializing channel (InitChannel): %s", self) # Make sure all images are from the correct absolute location # self.icon = self.GetImageLocation(self.icon) -> already in the __init__ # self.fanart = self.GetImageLocation(self.fanart) -> already in the __init__ self.noImage = TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, self.noImage) # perhaps log on? self.loggedOn = self.LogOn(self.userName, self.passWord) if not self.loggedOn: Logger.Error('Not logged on...exiting') return False return
def RunPlugin(): """ Runs Retrospect as a Video Add-On """ logFile = None try: from config import Config from helpers.sessionhelper import SessionHelper # get a logger up and running from logger import Logger # only append if there are no active sessions if not SessionHelper.IsSessionActive(): # first call in the session, so do not append the log appendLogFile = False else: appendLogFile = True logFile = Logger.CreateLogger(os.path.join(Config.profileDir, Config.logFileNameAddon), Config.appName, append=appendLogFile, dualLogger=lambda x, y=4: xbmc.log(x, y)) from urihandler import UriHandler from addonsettings import AddonSettings from textures import TextureHandler # update the loglevel Logger.Instance().minLogLevel = AddonSettings.GetLogLevel() useCaching = AddonSettings.CacheHttpResponses() cacheDir = None if useCaching: cacheDir = Config.cacheDir # determine the platform from envcontroller import EnvController from environments import Environments maxFileNameLength = None if EnvController.IsPlatform(Environments.Xbox): maxFileNameLength = 42 ignoreSslErrors = AddonSettings.IgnoreSslErrors() UriHandler.CreateUriHandler(cacheDir=cacheDir, maxFileNameLength=maxFileNameLength, cookieJar=os.path.join( Config.profileDir, "cookiejar.dat"), ignoreSslErrors=ignoreSslErrors) # start texture handler TextureHandler.SetTextureHandler(Config, Logger.Instance(), UriHandler.Instance()) # run the plugin import plugin plugin.Plugin(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1]) # close the log to prevent locking on next call Logger.Instance().CloseLog() logFile = None # make sure we leave no references behind AddonSettings.ClearCachedAddonSettingsObject() except: if logFile: logFile.Critical("Error running plugin", exc_info=True) raise
def run_plugin(): """ Runs Retrospect as a Video Add-On """ log_file = None try: from retroconfig import Config from helpers.sessionhelper import SessionHelper # get a logger up and running from logger import Logger # only append if there are no active sessions if not SessionHelper.is_session_active(): # first call in the session, so do not append the log append_log_file = False else: append_log_file = True log_file = Logger.create_logger( os.path.join(Config.profileDir, Config.logFileNameAddon), Config.appName, append=append_log_file, dual_logger=lambda x, y=4: xbmc.log(x, y)) from urihandler import UriHandler from addonsettings import AddonSettings AddonSettings.set_language() from textures import TextureHandler # update the loglevel Logger.instance().minLogLevel = AddonSettings.get_log_level() use_caching = AddonSettings.cache_http_responses() cache_dir = None if use_caching: cache_dir = Config.cacheDir ignore_ssl_errors = AddonSettings.ignore_ssl_errors() UriHandler.create_uri_handler(cache_dir=cache_dir, cookie_jar=os.path.join( Config.profileDir, "cookiejar.dat"), ignore_ssl_errors=ignore_ssl_errors) # start texture handler TextureHandler.set_texture_handler(Config, Logger.instance(), UriHandler.instance()) # run the plugin import plugin plugin.Plugin(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1]) # make sure we leave no references behind AddonSettings.clear_cached_addon_settings_object() # close the log to prevent locking on next call Logger.instance().close_log() log_file = None except: if log_file: log_file.critical("Error running plugin", exc_info=True) log_file.close_log() raise
def __init__(self, channel_info): """ Initialisation of the class. All class variables should be instantiated here and this method should not be overridden by any derived classes. :param ChannelInfo channel_info: The channel info object to base this channel on. """ chn_class.Channel.__init__(self, channel_info) # ============== Actual channel setup STARTS here and should be overwritten from derived classes =============== self.noImage = "vrtnuimage.png" self.mainListUri = "" self.baseUrl = "" # first regex is a bit tighter than the second one. episode_regex = r'<a[^>]+href="(?<url>/vrtnu[^"]+)"[^>]*>(?<title>[^<]+)\s*</a>\s*</h3>\s*<div[^>]+>(?:<p>)?(?<description>[^<]*)(?:<br[^>]*>)?(?<descriptionMore>[^<]*)?(?:</p>)?\W*</div>\s*(?:<p[^>]*data-brand="(?<channel>[^"]+)"[^>]*>[^<]+</p>)?\s*(?:<img[\w\W]{0,100}?data-responsive-image="(?<thumburl>//[^" ]+)")?' episode_regex = Regexer.from_expresso(episode_regex) self._add_data_parser(self.mainListUri, name="Main A-Z listing", preprocessor=self.add_categories, match_type=ParserData.MatchExact, parser=episode_regex, creator=self.create_episode_item) self._add_data_parser("#channels", name="Main channel name listing", preprocessor=self.list_channels) self._add_data_parser( "[categories]", name="JSON Show Parser", json=True, parser=[], creator=self.create_show_item) self._add_data_parser( "", json=True, name="Live streams parser", parser=[], creator=self.create_live_stream) self._add_data_parsers( ["", ""], name="Live streams updater", updater=self.update_live_video) self._add_data_parser(r"https://live-[^/]+\.vrtcdn\.be", match_type=ParserData.MatchRegex, name="Live streams updater", updater=self.update_live_video) catregex = r'<a[^>]+href="(?<url>/vrtnu/categorieen/(?<catid>[^"]+)/)"[^>]*>(?<title>[^<]+)\s*</a>\s*</h3>\s*<img[\w\W]{0,100}?data-responsive-image="(?<thumburl>//[^" ]+)"' catregex = Regexer.from_expresso(catregex) self._add_data_parser("", name="Category parser", match_type=ParserData.MatchExact, parser=catregex, creator=self.create_category) folder_regex = r'<li class="vrt-labelnav--item "[^>]*>\s*<h2[^<]*>\s*<a[^>]*href="' \ r'(?<url>[^"]+)"[^>]*>(?<title>[^<]+)</a>' folder_regex = Regexer.from_expresso(folder_regex) self._add_data_parser("*", name="Folder/Season parser", parser=folder_regex, creator=self.create_folder_item) video_regex = r'<a[^>]+href="(?<url>/vrtnu/(?:[^/]+/){2}[^/]*?(?<year>\d*)/[^"]+)"[^>]*>\W*' \ r'<div[^>]*>\W*<h[23][^>]*>\s*(?<title>[^<]+)\s*(?:<br />\s*)*</h[23]>\W*' \ r'<p[^>]*>\W*(?:<span[^>]*class="vrtnu-list--item-meta[^>]*>\W*(?<day>\d+)/' \ r'(?<month>\d+)[^<]*</span>\W*<span[^>]+>[^<]*</span>|)' \ r'(\W*(?<subtitle>[^|]+)\W*\|)?[^<]*<abbr[\w\W]{0,1000}?' \ r'<source srcset="[^"]+(?<thumburl>//[^ ]+)' # No need for a subtitle for now as it only includes the textual date video_regex = Regexer.from_expresso(video_regex) self._add_data_parser("*", name="Video item parser", parser=video_regex, creator=self.create_video_item) # needs to be after the standard video item regex single_video_regex = r'<script type="application/ld\+json">\W+({[\w\W]+?})\s*</script' single_video_regex = Regexer.from_expresso(single_video_regex) self._add_data_parser("*", name="Single video item parser", parser=single_video_regex, creator=self.create_single_video_item) self._add_data_parser("*", updater=self.update_video_item, requires_logon=True) # =============================================================================================================== # non standard items self.__hasAlreadyVideoItems = False self.__currentChannel = None # The key is the channel live stream key self.__channelData = { "vualto_mnm": { "title": "MNM", "metaCode": "mnm", "fanart": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "mnmfanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "mnmimage.jpg"), "icon": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri(self, "mnmicon.png") }, "vualto_stubru": { "title": "Studio Brussel", "metaCode": "stubru", "fanart": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "stubrufanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "stubruimage.jpg"), "icon": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "stubruicon.png") }, "vualto_een": { "title": "Eén", "metaCode": "een", "fanart": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "eenfanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "eenimage.png"), "icon": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "eenlarge.png"), "url": "" }, "vualto_canvas": { "title": "Canvas", "metaCode": "canvas", "fanart": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "canvasfanart.png"), "thumb": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "canvasimage.png"), "icon": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "canvaslarge.png"), "url": "" }, "vualto_ketnet": { "title": "KetNet", "metaCode": "ketnet", "fanart": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "ketnetfanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "ketnetimage.jpg"), "icon": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "ketnetlarge.png"), "url": "" }, "vualto_sporza": { # not in the channel filter maps, so no metaCode "title": "Sporza", "fanart": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "sporzafanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "sporzaimage.jpg"), "icon": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "sporzalarge.png"), "url": "" }, "ketnet-jr": { # Not in the live channels "title": "KetNet Junior", "metaCode": "ketnet-jr", "fanart": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "ketnetfanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "ketnetimage.jpg"), "icon": TextureHandler.instance().get_texture_uri( self, "ketnetlarge.png") } } # To get the tokens: # POST # Content-Type:application/json # # =============================================================================================================== # Test cases: # ====================================== Actual channel setup STOPS here ======================================= return
def __init__(self, cdnUrl, logger): TextureHandler.__init__(self, logger) self.__cdnUrl = cdnUrl if not self.__cdnUrl: self.__cdnUrl = ""
def __init__(self, cdn_url, logger): TextureHandler.__init__(self, logger) self.__cdnUrl = cdn_url if not self.__cdnUrl: self.__cdnUrl = ""
def __init__(self, channelInfo): """Initialisation of the class. Arguments: channelInfo: ChannelInfo - The channel info object to base this channel on. All class variables should be instantiated here and this method should not be overridden by any derived classes. """ Logger.Info("Initializing channel (__init__): %s", channelInfo) self.mainListItems = [] self.parentItem = None # The proxy to be used for this channel self.proxy = AddonSettings.GetProxyForChannel(channelInfo) # More and more API's need a specific set of headers. This set is used for the self.mainListUri, and is set to # all items generated by the self.httpHeaders = dict() self.loggedOn = False # Initialize channel stuff from ChannelInfo object self.guid = channelInfo.guid self.channelName = channelInfo.channelName self.safeName = channelInfo.safeName self.channelCode = channelInfo.channelCode self.channelDescription = channelInfo.channelDescription self.moduleName = channelInfo.moduleName self.compatiblePlatforms = channelInfo.compatiblePlatforms self.sortOrder = channelInfo.sortOrder self.category = channelInfo.category self.language = channelInfo.language self.path = channelInfo.path # get the textures from the channelinfo and get their full uri's. self.icon = TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, channelInfo.icon) self.fanart = TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, channelInfo.fanart) # ============== Actual channel setup STARTS here and should be overwritten from derived classes =============== self.noImage = "" # set context menu items self.contextMenuItems = [] # configure login stuff self.passWord = "" self.userName = "" self.logonUrl = "" self.requiresLogon = False # setup the urls self.mainListUri = "" self.baseUrl = "" self.swfUrl = "" # setup the main parsing data # self.dataHandlers = dict() # self.updateHandlers = dict() self.dataParsers = dict() self.episodeItemRegex = '' # : used for the ParseMainList self.episodeItemJson = None # : used for the ParseMainList self.videoItemRegex = '' # : used for the ParseMainList self.videoItemJson = None # : used for the ParseMainList self.folderItemRegex = '' # : used for the CreateFolderItem self.folderItemJson = None # : used for the CreateFolderItem self.mediaUrlRegex = '' # : used for the UpdateVideoItem self.mediaUrlJson = None # : used for the UpdateVideoItem """ The ProcessPageNavigation method will parse the current data using the pageNavigationRegex. It will create a pageItem using the CreatePageItem method. If no CreatePageItem method is in the channel, a default one will be created with the number present in the resultset location specified in the pageNavigationRegexIndex and the url from the combined resultset. If that url does not contain http:// the self.baseUrl will be added. """ self.pageNavigationIndicationRegex = '' self.pageNavigationRegex = '' self.pageNavigationJson = None self.pageNavigationRegexIndex = 0 self.pageNavigationJsonIndex = None #=============================================================================================================== # non standard items #=============================================================================================================== # Test cases: # ====================================== Actual channel setup STOPS here ======================================= return
def __init__(self, channelInfo): """Initialisation of the class. Arguments: channelInfo: ChannelInfo - The channel info object to base this channel on. All class variables should be instantiated here and this method should not be overridden by any derived classes. """ chn_class.Channel.__init__(self, channelInfo) # ============== Actual channel setup STARTS here and should be overwritten from derived classes =============== self.noImage = "vrtnuimage.png" self.mainListUri = "" self.baseUrl = "" episodeRegex = '<a[^>]+href="(?<url>/vrtnu[^"]+)"[^>]*>(?:\W*<div[^>]*>\W*){2}' \ '<picture[^>]*>\W+(?:<[^>]+>\W*){3}<source[^>]+srcset="(?<thumburl>[^ ]+)' \ '[\w\W]{0,1000}?<h3[^>]+>(?<title>[^<]+)</h3>\W*<hr[^>]*>\W*' \ '(?:<div[^>]*>|<div[^>]*><p>)(?<description>[^<]+)(?:<br[^>]*>)?' \ '(?<descriptionMore>[^<]*)?(?:</div>|</p></div>)(?:\W*</div>){1}\W+' \ '(?:<div class="tile__brand"[^>]+>\W+<svg[^>]+>\W+<title[^<]+</title>\W+' \ '<use xlink:href="[^"]*#logo-(?<channel>[^"]+)"><.use>\W+</svg>\W+' \ '</div>){0,1}\W+</a>' episodeRegex = Regexer.FromExpresso(episodeRegex) self._AddDataParser(self.mainListUri, name="Main A-Z listing", preprocessor=self.AddCategories, matchType=ParserData.MatchExact, parser=episodeRegex, creator=self.CreateEpisodeItem) self._AddDataParser("#channels", name="Main channel name listing", preprocessor=self.ListChannels) self._AddDataParser("[categories]", name="JSON Show Parser", json=True, parser=(), creator=self.CreateShowItem) self._AddDataParser("", json=True, name="Live streams parser", parser=(), creator=self.CreateLiveStream) self._AddDataParser("", name="Live streams updater", updater=self.UpdateLiveVideo) self._AddDataParser("https://live-[^/]+\.vrtcdn\.be", matchType=ParserData.MatchRegex, name="Live streams updater", updater=self.UpdateLiveVideo) catregex = '<a[^>]+href="(?<url>/vrtnu/categorieen/(?<catid>[^"]+)/)"[^>]*>(?:\W*<div[^>]' \ '*>\W*){2}<picture[^>]*>\W+(?:<[^>]+>\W*){3}<source[^>]+srcset="' \ '(?<thumburl>[^ ]+)[\w\W]{0,2000}?<h3[^>]+>(?<title>[^<]+)' catregex = Regexer.FromExpresso(catregex) self._AddDataParser("", name="Category parser", matchType=ParserData.MatchExact, parser=catregex, creator=self.CreateCategory) folderRegex = '<option[^>]+data-href="/(?<url>[^"]+)">(?<title>[^<]+)</option>' folderRegex = Regexer.FromExpresso(folderRegex) self._AddDataParser("*", name="Folder/Season parser", parser=folderRegex, creator=self.CreateFolderItem) videoRegex = '<a[^>]+href="(?<url>/vrtnu[^"]+)"[^>]*>(?:\W*<div[^>]*>\W*){2}<picture[^>]' \ '*>\W+(?:<[^>]+>\W*){3}<source[^>]+srcset="(?<thumburl>[^ ]+)[^>]*>\W*' \ '(?:<[^>]+>\W*){3}<img[^>]+>\W*(?:</\w+>\W*)+<div[^>]+>\W*<h3[^>]+>' \ '(?<title>[^<]+)</h3>[\w\W]{0,1000}?(?:<span[^>]+class="tile__broadcastdate' \ '--mobile[^>]*>(?<day>\d+)/(?<month>\d+)/?(?<year>\d+)?</span><span[^>]+' \ 'tile__broadcastdate--other[^>]+>(?<subtitle_>[^<]+)</span></div>\W*<div>)?' \ '[^<]*<abbr[^>]+title' # No need for a subtitle for now as it only includes the textual date videoRegex = Regexer.FromExpresso(videoRegex) self._AddDataParser("*", name="Video item parser", parser=videoRegex, creator=self.CreateVideoItem) # needs to be after the standard video item regex singleVideoRegex = '<picture[^>]*>\W+(?:<[^>]+>\W*){3}<source[^>]+srcset="(?<thumburl>' \ '[^ ]+)[\w\W]{0,4000}<span[^>]+id="title"[^>]*>(?<title>[^<]+)</span>' \ '\W*<span[^>]+>(?<description>[^<]+)' singleVideoRegex = Regexer.FromExpresso(singleVideoRegex) self._AddDataParser("*", name="Single video item parser", parser=singleVideoRegex, creator=self.CreateVideoItem) self._AddDataParser("*", updater=self.UpdateVideoItem, requiresLogon=True) # =============================================================================================================== # non standard items self.__hasAlreadyVideoItems = False self.__currentChannel = None # The key is the channel live stream key self.__channelData = { "vualto_mnm": { "title": "MNM", "metaCode": "mnm", "fanart": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "mnmfanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "mnmimage.jpg"), "icon": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "mnmicon.png"), }, "vualto_stubru": { "title": "Studio Brussel", "metaCode": "stubru", "fanart": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "stubrufanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "stubruimage.jpg"), "icon": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "stubruicon.png"), }, "vualto_een": { "title": "Eén", "metaCode": "een", "fanart": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "eenfanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "eenimage.png"), "icon": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "eenlarge.png") }, "vualto_canvas": { "title": "Canvas", "metaCode": "canvas", "fanart": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "canvasfanart.png"), "thumb": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "canvasimage.png"), "icon": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "canvaslarge.png") }, "vualto_ketnet": { "title": "KetNet", "metaCode": "ketnet", "fanart": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "ketnetfanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "ketnetimage.png"), "icon": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "ketnetlarge.png") }, "vualto_sporza": { # not in the channel filter maps, so no metaCode "title": "Sporza", "fanart": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "sporzafanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "sporzaimage.png"), "icon": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "sporzalarge.png") }, "ketnet-jr": { # Not in the live channels "title": "KetNet Junior", "metaCode": "ketnet-jr", "fanart": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "ketnetfanart.jpg"), "thumb": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "ketnetimage.png"), "icon": TextureHandler.Instance().GetTextureUri(self, "ketnetlarge.png") } } # =============================================================================================================== # Test cases: # ====================================== Actual channel setup STOPS here ======================================= return
def __init__(self, logger): TextureHandler.__init__(self, logger)
def purge_texture_cache(self, channel): TextureHandler.purge_texture_cache(self, channel)
def __init__(self, resource_add_on, logger): TextureHandler.__init__(self, logger) self.__resource_add_on = resource_add_on