예제 #1
def test_match():
    rule = Rule.parse(
        "go :: at(P, r) & $link(r, d, r') & $free(r, r') & $free(r', r) -> at(P, r')"

    mapping = {
        Placeholder.parse("P"): Variable.parse("P"),
        Placeholder.parse("r"): Variable.parse("r1: r"),
        Placeholder.parse("r'"): Variable.parse("r2: r"),
        Placeholder.parse("d"): Variable.parse("d"),

    action = Action.parse(
        "go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) -> at(P, r2: r)"
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    # Order shouldn't matter

    action = Action.parse(
        "go :: $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & at(P, r1: r) -> at(P, r2: r)"
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    action = Action.parse(
        "go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) -> at(P, r2: r)"
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    # Predicate matches can't conflict
    action = Action.parse(
        "go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) -> at(P, r3: r)"
    assert rule.match(action) == None
예제 #2
def test_going_through_door():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    state = State(KnowledgeBase.default().logic)
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("north_of", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("free", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("free", [room, kitchen]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room, kitchen])

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = True
    options.max_depth = 3
    options.max_length = 3
    options.subquests = True
    options.create_variables = True
    options.rules_per_depth = [
        [KnowledgeBase.default().rules["take/c"], KnowledgeBase.default().rules["take/s"]],

    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 18
예제 #3
def test_get_visible_objects_in():
    P = Variable("P")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    chest = Variable("chest", "c")
    obj = Variable("obj", "o")

    # Closed chest.
    facts = [Proposition("at", [P, room]),
             Proposition("at", [chest, room]),
             Proposition("in", [obj, chest]),
             Proposition("closed", [chest])]

    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    objects = world.get_visible_objects_in(world.player_room)
    assert obj in world.objects
    assert obj not in objects

    # Open chest.
    facts = [Proposition("at", [P, room]),
             Proposition("at", [chest, room]),
             Proposition("in", [obj, chest]),
             Proposition("open", [chest])]

    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    objects = world.get_visible_objects_in(world.player_room)
    assert obj in world.objects
    assert obj in objects
예제 #4
def build_state(locked_door=False):
    # Set up a world with two rooms and a few objecs.
    P = Variable("P")
    I = Variable("I")
    bedroom = Variable("bedroom", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    rusty_key = Variable("rusty key", "k")
    small_key = Variable("small key", "k")
    wooden_door = Variable("wooden door", "d")
    chest = Variable("chest", "c")
    cabinet = Variable("cabinet", "c")
    robe = Variable("robe", "o")

    state = State(KnowledgeBase.default().logic, [
        Proposition("at", [P, bedroom]),
        Proposition("south_of", [kitchen, bedroom]),
        Proposition("north_of", [bedroom, kitchen]),
        Proposition("link", [bedroom, wooden_door, kitchen]),
        Proposition("link", [kitchen, wooden_door, bedroom]),

        Proposition("locked" if locked_door else "closed", [wooden_door]),

        Proposition("in", [rusty_key, I]),
        Proposition("match", [rusty_key, chest]),
        Proposition("locked", [chest]),
        Proposition("at", [chest, kitchen]),
        Proposition("in", [small_key, chest]),

        Proposition("match", [small_key, cabinet]),
        Proposition("locked", [cabinet]),
        Proposition("at", [cabinet, bedroom]),
        Proposition("in", [robe, cabinet]),

    return state
예제 #5
def test_state():
    state = State()

    P = Variable.parse("P")
    kitchen = Variable.parse("kitchen: r")
    study = Variable.parse("study: r")
    stove = Variable.parse("stove: o")
    at_kitchen = Proposition.parse("at(P, kitchen: r)")
    in_kitchen = Proposition.parse("in(stove: o, kitchen: r)")
    at_study = Proposition.parse("at(P, study: r)")

    assert not state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert len(state.variables) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("P")) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("r")) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("o")) == 0

    assert state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert set(state.variables) == {P, kitchen, stove}
    assert state.variables_of_type("P") == {P}
    assert state.variables_of_type("r") == {kitchen}
    assert state.variables_of_type("o") == {stove}

    assert not state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert set(state.variables) == {kitchen, stove}
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("P")) == 0
    assert state.variables_of_type("r") == {kitchen}
    assert state.variables_of_type("o") == {stove}

    assert not state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert len(state.variables) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("P")) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("r")) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("o")) == 0

    assert not state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert set(state.variables) == {P, study}
    assert state.variables_of_type("P") == {P}
    assert state.variables_of_type("r") == {study}
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("o")) == 0
예제 #6
def test_serialization_deserialization():
    rule = KnowledgeBase.default().rules["go/east"]
    mapping = {
        Placeholder("r'"): Variable("room1", "r"),
        Placeholder("r"): Variable("room2"),
    action = rule.instantiate(mapping)
    infos = action.serialize()
    action2 = Action.deserialize(infos)
    assert action == action2
예제 #7
def test_serialization_deserialization():
    rule = data.get_rules()["go/east"]
    mapping = {
        Placeholder("r'"): Variable("room1", "r"),
        Placeholder("r"): Variable("room2"),
    action = rule.instantiate(mapping)
    infos = action.serialize()
    action2 = Action.deserialize(infos)
    assert action == action2
예제 #8
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    P = Variable("P")
    # I = Variable("I")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    state = [
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("north_of", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("free", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("free", [room, kitchen]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room, kitchen])

    # Sample quests.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(args.seed)
    chains = []
    # rules_per_depth = {0: [data.get_rules()["take/c"], data.get_rules()["take/s"]],
    #                    1: [data.get_rules()["open/c"]],
    #                    }
    rules_per_depth = {
        0: [data.get_rules()["eat"]],
        1: data.get_rules().get_matching("take/s.*"),
        2: data.get_rules().get_matching("go.*"),
        3: [data.get_rules()["open/d"]],
        4: [data.get_rules()["unlock/d"]],
        5: data.get_rules().get_matching("take/s.*", "take/c.*")

    for i in range(args.nb_quests):
        chain = textworld.logic.sample_quest(state,

    print_chains(chains, verbose=args.verbose)
    actions_tree = build_tree_from_chains(chains)

    # Convert tree to networkx graph/tree
    filename = "sample_tree.svg"
    G, labels = actions_tree.to_networkx()
    if len(G) > 0:
        tree = nx.bfs_tree(G, actions_tree.no)
        save_graph_to_svg(tree, labels, filename, backward=True)
예제 #9
def test_backward_chaining():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    state = State([
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("north_of", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room, kitchen]),

    rules_per_depth = {
        0: [data.get_rules()["take/c"],
        1: [data.get_rules()["open/c"]]

    tree_of_possible = chaining.get_chains(state,

    chains = list(tree_of_possible.traverse_preorder(subquests=True))
    assert len(chains) == 3
    for chain in chains:
        for depth, action in enumerate(chain):
            assert action.action.name in [
                rule.name for rule in rules_per_depth[depth]

    rules_per_depth = {
        0: [data.get_rules()["put"]],
        1: [data.get_rules()["go/north"]],
        2: [data.get_rules()["take/c"]]

    tree_of_possible = chaining.get_chains(state,

    chains = list(tree_of_possible.traverse_preorder(subquests=True))
    assert len(chains) == 3
    for chain in chains:
        for depth, action in enumerate(chain):
            assert action.action.name in [
                rule.name for rule in rules_per_depth[depth]
예제 #10
def test_get_objects_in_inventory():
    P = Variable("P")
    I = Variable("I")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    obj = Variable("obj", "o")

    # Closed chest.
    facts = [Proposition("at", [P, room]),
             Proposition("in", [obj, I])]

    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    objects = world.get_objects_in_inventory()
    assert obj in world.objects
    assert obj in objects
예제 #11
def test_populate_with():
    # setup
    P = Variable('P')
    I = Variable('I')
    room = Variable('room', 'r')
    facts = [Proposition('at', [P, room])]

    world = World.from_facts(facts)

    # test
    obj = Variable('obj', 'o')

    assert obj in world.objects
    assert (Proposition('at', [obj, room]) in world.facts or Proposition('in', [obj, I]) in world.facts)
예제 #12
    def create_variable(self, state, ph, type_counts):
        """Create a new variable of the given type."""

        count = type_counts[ph.type]
        if not self.options.check_new_variable(state, ph.type, count):
            return None

        name = "{}_{}".format(ph.type, count)
        var = Variable(name, ph.type)
        while state.has_variable(var):
            name += "'"
            var = Variable(name, ph.type)

        type_counts[ph.type] += 1
        return var
예제 #13
def test_going_through_door():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    state = State()
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("north_of", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("free", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("free", [room, kitchen]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room, kitchen])

    # Sample quests.
    chains = []
    rules_per_depth = {
        0: [data.get_rules()["take/c"],
        1: data.get_rules().get_matching("go.*"),
        2: [data.get_rules()["open/d"]]
    tree_of_possible = chaining.get_chains(state,
    chains = list(tree_of_possible.traverse_preorder(subquests=True))
    # chaining.print_chains(chains)
    # 1. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I)
    # 2. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I) -> go/north(P, r_0, room)
    # 3. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I) -> go/north(P, r_0, room) -> open/d(P, r_0, d_0, room)
    # 4. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I) -> go/south(P, kitchen, room)
    # 5. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I) -> go/south(P, kitchen, room) -> open/d(P, kitchen, d_0, room)
    # 6. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I) -> go/east(P, r_0, room)
    # 7. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I) -> go/east(P, r_0, room) -> open/d(P, r_0, d_0, room)
    # 8. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I) -> go/west(P, r_0, room)
    # 9. take/c(P, room, c_0, o_0, I) -> go/west(P, r_0, room) -> open/d(P, r_0, d_0, room)
    # 10. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I)
    # 11. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I) -> go/north(P, r_0, room)
    # 12. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I) -> go/north(P, r_0, room) -> open/d(P, r_0, d_0, room)
    # 13. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I) -> go/south(P, kitchen, room)
    # 14. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I) -> go/south(P, kitchen, room) -> open/d(P, kitchen, d_0, room)
    # 15. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I) -> go/east(P, r_0, room)
    # 16. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I) -> go/east(P, r_0, room) -> open/d(P, r_0, d_0, room)
    # 17. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I) -> go/west(P, r_0, room)
    # 18. take/s(P, room, s_0, o_0, I) -> go/west(P, r_0, room) -> open/d(P, r_0, d_0, room)
    assert len(chains) == 18
예제 #14
    def new(self,
            type: str,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            desc: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[WorldEntity, WorldRoom]:
        """ Creates new entity given its type.

            type: The type of the entity.
            name: The name of the entity.
            desc: The description of the entity.

            The newly created entity.

            * If the `type` is `'r'`, then a `WorldRoom` object is returned.
            * Otherwise, a `WorldEntity` is returned.
        var_id = type
        if not data.get_types().is_constant(type):
            var_id = get_new(type, self._types_counts)

        var = Variable(var_id, type)
        if type == "r":
            entity = WorldRoom(var, name, desc)
            entity = WorldEntity(var, name, desc)

        self._entities[var_id] = entity
        return entity
예제 #15
    def _convert_to_needs_relation(proposition):
        if not proposition.name.startswith("needs_"):
            return proposition

        return Proposition("needs",
                            Variable(proposition.name.split("needs_")[-1], "STATE")])
예제 #16
def inventory_proposition(observation, objectVars, inventoryVar):
    updated_props = set()
    inventory = observation['inventory']
    for item in inventory:
        key = item['type']
            Proposition("in", [Variable.parse(key), inventoryVar]))
    return updated_props
예제 #17
    def _convert_variable(variable):
        if variable.name == "agent1":
            return Variable("P")

        elif variable.name.split("_", 1)[0] in [
                "apple", "tomato", "potato", "bread", "lettuce", "egg"
            return Variable(variable.name, "f")

        elif variable.name.split("_", 1)[0] in [
                "garbagecan", "cabinet", "container", "fridge", "microwave",
            return Variable(variable.name, "c")

        elif variable.name.split("_", 1)[0] in ["tabletop", "stoveburner"]:
            return Variable(variable.name, "s")

        elif variable.name.split("_", 1)[0] in [
                "bowl", "pot", "plate", "mug", "fork", "knife", "pan", "spoon"
            return Variable(variable.name, "o")

        elif variable.type == "location":
            return Variable(variable.name, "r")

        elif variable.type == "receptacle":
            return Variable(variable.name, "c")

        elif variable.type in ["otype", "rtype"]:
            return variable

        print("Unknown variable:", variable)
        return variable
예제 #18
def test_logic_parsing():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    egg = Variable("egg", "f")

    assert Variable.parse("P") == P
    assert Variable.parse("kitchen: r") == kitchen

    at_kitchen = Proposition("at", [P, kitchen])
    in_kitchen = Proposition("in", [egg, kitchen])
    raw_egg = Proposition("raw", [egg])
    cooked_egg = Proposition("cooked", [egg])

    assert Proposition.parse("at(P, kitchen: r)") == at_kitchen

    assert Signature.parse("at(P, r)") == at_kitchen.signature

    cook_egg = Action("cook", [at_kitchen, in_kitchen, raw_egg],
                      [at_kitchen, in_kitchen, cooked_egg])
    assert Action.parse(
        "cook :: $at(P, kitchen: r) & $in(egg: f, kitchen: r) & raw(egg: f) -> cooked(egg: f)"
    ) == cook_egg

    P = Placeholder("P", "P")
    r = Placeholder("r", "r")
    d = Placeholder("d", "d")
    rp = Placeholder("r'", "r")
    assert Placeholder.parse("P") == P
    assert Placeholder.parse("r") == r
    assert Placeholder.parse("d") == d
    assert Placeholder.parse("r'") == rp

    at_r = Predicate("at", [P, r])
    link = Predicate("link", [r, d, rp])
    unlocked = Predicate("unlocked", [d])
    at_rp = Predicate("at", [P, rp])
    assert Predicate.parse("link(r, d, r')") == link

    go = Rule("go", [at_r, link, unlocked], [link, unlocked, at_rp])
    assert Rule.parse(
        "go :: at(P, r) & $link(r, d, r') & $unlocked(d) -> at(P, r')") == go

    # Make sure the types match in the whole expression
    assert_raises(ValueError, Rule.parse,
                  "take :: $at(P, r) & $in(c, r) & in(o: k, c) -> in(o, I)")
예제 #19
    def get_human_readable_fact(self, fact: Proposition) -> Proposition:
        def _get_name(info):
            return info.name if info.name else info.id

        arguments = [
            Variable(_get_name(self.entity_infos[var.name]), var.type)
            for var in fact.arguments
        return Proposition(fact.name, arguments)
예제 #20
def test_automatically_positioning_rooms():
    P = Variable("P")
    r1 = Variable("Room1", "r")
    r2 = Variable("Room2", "r")
    d = Variable("door", "d")
    facts = [Proposition("at", [P, r1])]
    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    assert len(world.rooms) == 1
    assert len(world.find_room_by_id(r1.name).exits) == 0

    world.add_fact(Proposition("link", [r1, d, r2]))
    assert len(world.rooms) == 2
    r1_entity = world.find_room_by_id(r1.name)
    r2_entity = world.find_room_by_id(r2.name)
    assert len(r1_entity.exits) == 1
    assert len(r2_entity.exits) == 1

    assert list(r1_entity.exits.keys())[0] == reverse_direction(list(r2_entity.exits.keys())[0])
예제 #21
def test_type_hierarchy():
    assert list(a.ancestors) == []
    assert list(a.supertypes) == [a]
    assert list(a.descendants) == [b, c, d]
    assert list(a.subtypes) == [a, b, c, d]

    assert list(b.ancestors) == [a]
    assert list(b.supertypes) == [b, a]
    assert list(b.descendants) == [d]
    assert list(b.subtypes) == [b, d]

    assert list(c.ancestors) == [a]
    assert list(c.supertypes) == [c, a]
    assert list(c.descendants) == [d]
    assert list(c.subtypes) == [c, d]

    assert list(d.ancestors) == [b, c, a]
    assert list(d.supertypes) == [d, b, c, a]
    assert list(d.descendants) == []
    assert list(d.subtypes) == [d]

    va = Variable.parse("a")
    assert va.is_a(a)
    assert not va.is_a(b)
    assert not va.is_a(c)
    assert not va.is_a(d)

    vb = Variable.parse("b")
    assert vb.is_a(a)
    assert vb.is_a(b)
    assert not vb.is_a(c)
    assert not vb.is_a(d)

    vc = Variable.parse("c")
    assert vc.is_a(a)
    assert not vc.is_a(b)
    assert vc.is_a(c)
    assert not vc.is_a(d)

    vd = Variable.parse("d")
    assert vd.is_a(a)
    assert vd.is_a(b)
    assert vd.is_a(c)
    assert vd.is_a(d)
예제 #22
def test_backward_chaining():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    state = State(KnowledgeBase.default().logic, [
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("north_of", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room, kitchen]),

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = True
    options.max_depth = 2
    options.max_length = 2
    options.subquests = True
    options.create_variables = True
    options.rules_per_depth = [
    options.restricted_types = {"d"}

    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 3

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = True
    options.max_depth = 3
    options.max_length = 3
    options.subquests = True
    options.create_variables = True
    options.rules_per_depth = [
    options.restricted_types = {"d"}

    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 3
예제 #23
    def _atom2proposition(atom):
        if isinstance(atom, fast_downward.translate.pddl.conditions.Atom):
            if atom.predicate == "=":
                return None

            return Proposition(
                [Variable(arg, name2type[arg]) for arg in atom.args])

        elif isinstance(atom,
            if atom.fluent.symbol == "total-cost":
                return None

            #name = "{}_{}".format(atom.fluent.symbol, atom.expression.value)
            name = "{}".format(atom.expression.value)
            return Proposition(
                [Variable(arg, name2type[arg]) for arg in atom.fluent.args])
예제 #24
def test_mementos_memoization():
    # Variable-free proposition.
    fact = Proposition("name")
    assert Proposition("name") is fact
    assert Proposition(name="name") is fact
    assert Proposition("name", []) is fact
    assert Proposition("name", arguments=[]) is fact
    assert Proposition(name="name", arguments=[]) is fact
    assert Proposition("name2") is not fact

    # General proposition.
    variables = [Variable("var_1"), Variable("var_2")]
    fact2 = Proposition("name", variables)
    assert fact2 is not fact
    assert Proposition("name", variables) is fact2
    assert Proposition("name", arguments=variables) is fact2
    assert Proposition(name="name", arguments=variables) is fact2
    assert Proposition("name2", variables) is not fact2

    assert Proposition("name",
                       variables[:1]) is not fact2  # Missing a variable.
    assert Proposition("name",
                       variables[::-1]) is not fact2  # Variable are reversed.

    # Type-free signature.
    sig = Signature("name")
    assert Signature("name") is sig
    assert Signature("name", []) is sig
    assert Signature("name", types=[]) is sig
    assert Signature(name="name", types=[]) is sig

    # General signature.
    types = ["type_A", "type_B"]
    sig2 = Signature("name", types)
    assert sig2 is not sig
    assert Signature("name", types) is sig2
    assert Signature("name", types=types) is sig2
    assert Signature(name="name", types=types) is sig2

    assert Signature("name", types[:1]) is not sig2  # Missing a variable.
    assert Signature("name", types[::-1]) is not sig2  # Variable are reversed.
예제 #25
    def test_count(self):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
        types_counts = {t: rng.randint(2, 10) for t in self.types.variables}

        state = State()
        for t in self.types.variables:
            v = Variable(get_new(t, types_counts), t)
            state.add_fact(Proposition("dummy", [v]))

        counts = self.types.count(state)
        for t in self.types.variables:
            assert counts[t] == types_counts[t], (counts[t], types_counts[t])
예제 #26
def test_used_names_is_updated(verbose=False):
    # Make generation throughout the framework reproducible.

    # Generate a map that's shape in a cross with room0 in the middle.
    P = Variable('P')
    r = Variable('r_0', 'r')
    k1 = Variable('k_1', 'k')
    k2 = Variable('k_2', 'k')
    c1 = Variable('c_1', 'c')
    c2 = Variable('c_2', 'c')
    facts = [
        Proposition('at', [P, r]),
        Proposition('at', [k1, r]),
        Proposition('at', [k2, r]),
        Proposition('at', [c1, r]),
        Proposition('at', [c2, r]),
        Proposition('match', [k1, c1]),
        Proposition('match', [k2, c2])
    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    world.set_player_room()  # Set start room to the middle one.
                        world.player_room)  # Add objects to the starting room.

    # Generate the world representation.
    grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar({},

    game = textworld.generator.make_game_with(world, [], grammar)
    for entity_infos in game.infos.values():
        if entity_infos.name is None:

        assert entity_infos.name in grammar.used_names
예제 #27
def maybe_instantiate_variables(rule, mapping, state, max_types_counts=None):
    types_counts = KnowledgeBase.default().types.count(state)

    # Instantiate variables if needed
        for ph in rule.placeholders:
            if mapping.get(ph) is None:
                name = get_new(ph.type, types_counts, max_types_counts)
                mapping[ph] = Variable(name, ph.type)
    except NotEnoughNounsError:
        return None

    return rule.instantiate(mapping)
예제 #28
 def from_map(cls, map: networkx.Graph) -> "World":
         map: Graph defining the structure of the world.
     world = cls()
     names = [
         d.get("name", "r_{}".format(i))
         for i, (n, d) in enumerate(map.nodes.items())
     rooms = OrderedDict(
         (n, Variable(names[i], "r")) for i, n in enumerate(map.nodes()))
     world.add_facts(graph2state(map, rooms))
     return world
예제 #29
    def _update(self) -> None:
        """ Update the internal representation of the world.

        This method will create new entities based on facts. It should be called whenever
        backing facts are changed.
        self._entities = OrderedDict()  # Clear entities.
        self.player = self._get_entity(Variable("P"))
        self.inventory = self._get_entity(Variable("I"))
        self._player_room = None
        self._rooms = [
            entity for entity in self._entities.values()
            if isinstance(entity, WorldRoom)
        self._objects = [
            entity for entity in self._entities.values()
            if isinstance(entity, WorldObject)

        self._entities_per_type = defaultdict(list)
        for entity in self._entities.values():
예제 #30
def test_cannot_automatically_positioning_rooms():
    P = Variable("P")
    r0 = Variable("Room0", "r")
    r1 = Variable("Room1", "r")
    r2 = Variable("Room2", "r")
    r3 = Variable("Room3", "r")
    r4 = Variable("Room4", "r")
    r5 = Variable("Room5", "r")
    d = Variable("door", "d")

    facts = [Proposition("at", [P, r0])]
    facts.extend(connect(r0, 'north', r1))
    facts.extend(connect(r0, 'east', r2))
    facts.extend(connect(r0, 'south', r3))
    facts.extend(connect(r0, 'west', r4))

    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    npt.assert_raises(NoFreeExitError, world.add_fact, Proposition("link", [r0, d, r5]))