예제 #1
class DataCollectorAndLabeler:

    def __init__(self, output_folder, server, menu_handler, marker_size, calibration_file):

        if not os.path.exists(output_folder):
            os.mkdir(output_folder)  # Create the new folder
            while True:
                msg = Fore.YELLOW + "To continue, the directory '{}' will be delete.\n"
                msg = msg + "Do you wish to continue? [y/N] " + Style.RESET_ALL

                answer = raw_input(msg.format(output_folder))
                if len(answer) > 0 and answer[0].lower() in ('y', 'n'):
                    if answer[0].lower() == 'n':
                    sys.exit(1)  # defaults to N

            shutil.rmtree(output_folder)  # Delete old folder
            os.mkdir(output_folder)  # Recreate the folder

        self.output_folder = output_folder
        self.listener = TransformListener()
        self.sensors = {}
        self.sensor_labelers = {}
        self.server = server
        self.menu_handler = menu_handler
        self.data_stamp = 0
        self.collections = {}
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        self.config = loadJSONConfig(calibration_file)
        if self.config is None:
            sys.exit(1)  # loadJSON should tell you why.

        self.world_link = self.config['world_link']

        # Add sensors
        print(Fore.BLUE + 'Sensors:' + Style.RESET_ALL)
        print('Number of sensors: ' + str(len(self.config['sensors'])))

        # Go through the sensors in the calib config.
        for sensor_key, value in self.config['sensors'].items():

            # Create a dictionary that describes this sensor
            sensor_dict = {'_name': sensor_key, 'parent': value['link'],
                           'calibration_parent': value['parent_link'],
                           'calibration_child': value['child_link']}

            # TODO replace by utils function
            print("Waiting for message")
            msg = rospy.wait_for_message(value['topic_name'], rospy.AnyMsg)
            connection_header = msg._connection_header['type'].split('/')
            ros_pkg = connection_header[0] + '.msg'
            msg_type = connection_header[1]
            print('Topic ' + value['topic_name'] + ' has type ' + msg_type)
            sensor_dict['topic'] = value['topic_name']
            sensor_dict['msg_type'] = msg_type

            # If topic contains a message type then get a camera_info message to store along with the sensor data
            if sensor_dict['msg_type'] == 'Image':  # if it is an image must get camera_info
                sensor_dict['camera_info_topic'] = os.path.dirname(sensor_dict['topic']) + '/camera_info'
                from sensor_msgs.msg import CameraInfo
                camera_info_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(sensor_dict['camera_info_topic'], CameraInfo)
                from rospy_message_converter import message_converter
                sensor_dict['camera_info'] = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(camera_info_msg)

            # Get the kinematic chain form world_link to this sensor's parent link
            now = rospy.Time()
            self.listener.waitForTransform(value['link'], self.world_link, now, rospy.Duration(5))
            chain = self.listener.chain(value['link'], now, self.world_link, now, self.world_link)

            chain_list = []
            for parent, child in zip(chain[0::], chain[1::]):
                key = self.generateKey(parent, child)
                chain_list.append({'key': key, 'parent': parent, 'child': child})

            sensor_dict['chain'] = chain_list  # Add to sensor dictionary
            self.sensors[sensor_key] = sensor_dict

            sensor_labeler = InteractiveDataLabeler(self.server, self.menu_handler, sensor_dict,
                                                    marker_size, self.config['calibration_pattern'])

            self.sensor_labelers[sensor_key] = sensor_labeler

            print('finished visiting sensor ' + sensor_key)
            print(Fore.BLUE + sensor_key + Style.RESET_ALL + ':\n' + str(sensor_dict))

        # print('sensor_labelers:')
        # print(self.sensor_labelers)

        self.abstract_transforms = self.getAllAbstractTransforms()
        # print("abstract_transforms = " + str(self.abstract_transforms))

    def getTransforms(self, abstract_transforms, time=None):
        transforms_dict = {}  # Initialize an empty dictionary that will store all the transforms for this data-stamp

        if time is None:
            time = rospy.Time.now()

        for ab in abstract_transforms:  # Update all transformations
            self.listener.waitForTransform(ab['parent'], ab['child'], time, rospy.Duration(1.0))
            (trans, quat) = self.listener.lookupTransform(ab['parent'], ab['child'], time)
            key = self.generateKey(ab['parent'], ab['child'])
            transforms_dict[key] = {'trans': trans, 'quat': quat, 'parent': ab['parent'], 'child': ab['child']}

        return transforms_dict

    def lockAllLabelers(self):
        for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.iteritems():
        print("Locked all labelers")

    def unlockAllLabelers(self):
        for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.iteritems():
        print("Unlocked all labelers")

    def getLabelersTimeStatistics(self):
        stamps = []  # a list of the several time stamps of the stored messages
        for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.iteritems():

        max_delta = getMaxTimeDelta(stamps)
        average_time = getAverageTime(stamps)  # For looking up transforms use average time of all sensor msgs

        for stamp in stamps:

        return stamps, average_time, max_delta

    def saveCollection(self):

        # --------------------------------------
        # Collect sensor data and labels (images, laser scans, etc)
        # --------------------------------------

        # Lock the semaphore for all labelers

        # Analyse message time stamps and decide if collection can be stored
        stamps, average_time, max_delta = self.getLabelersTimeStatistics()

        if max_delta.to_sec() > float(self.config['max_duration_between_msgs']):  # times are close enough?
            rospy.logwarn('Max duration between msgs in collection is ' + str(max_delta.to_sec()) +
                          '. Not saving collection.')
            return None
        else:  # test passed
            rospy.loginfo('Max duration between msgs in collection is ' + str(max_delta.to_sec()))

        # Collect all the transforms
        transforms = self.getTransforms(self.abstract_transforms, average_time)  # use average time of sensor msgs
        printRosTime(average_time, "Collected transforms for time ")

        all_sensor_data_dict = {}
        all_sensor_labels_dict = {}
        for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.iteritems():
            print('collect sensor: ' + sensor_name)

            msg = copy.deepcopy(self.sensor_labelers[sensor_name].msg)
            labels = copy.deepcopy(self.sensor_labelers[sensor_name].labels)

            # TODO add exception also for point cloud and depth image
            # Update sensor data ---------------------------------------------
            if sensor['msg_type'] == 'Image':  # Special case of requires saving image data as png separate files
                cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8")  # Convert to opencv image and save image to disk
                filename = self.output_folder + '/' + sensor['_name'] + '_' + str(self.data_stamp) + '.jpg'
                filename_relative = sensor['_name'] + '_' + str(self.data_stamp) + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(filename, cv_image)

                image_dict = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(msg) # Convert sensor data to dictionary
                del image_dict['data']  # Remove data field (which contains the image), and replace by "data_file"
                image_dict['data_file'] = filename_relative # Contains full path to where the image was saved

                # Update the data dictionary for this data stamp
                all_sensor_data_dict[sensor['_name']] = image_dict

                # Update the data dictionary for this data stamp
                all_sensor_data_dict[sensor['_name']] = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(msg)

            # Update sensor labels ---------------------------------------------
            if sensor['msg_type'] in ['Image', 'LaserScan']:
                all_sensor_labels_dict[sensor_name] = labels
                raise ValueError('Unknown message type.')

        collection_dict = {'data': all_sensor_data_dict, 'labels': all_sensor_labels_dict, 'transforms': transforms}
        self.collections[self.data_stamp] = collection_dict
        self.data_stamp += 1

        # Save to json file
        D = {'sensors': self.sensors, 'collections': self.collections, 'calibration_config': self.config}
        self.createJSONFile(self.output_folder + '/data_collected.json', D)


    def getAllAbstractTransforms(self):

        rospy.sleep(0.5)  # wait for transformations
        # Get a list of all transforms to collect
        transforms_list = []

        now = rospy.Time.now()
        all_frames = self.listener.getFrameStrings()

        for frame in all_frames:
            chain = self.listener.chain(frame, now, self.world_link, now, self.world_link)
            for idx in range(0, len(chain) - 1):
                parent = chain[idx]
                child = chain[idx + 1]
                transforms_list.append({'parent': parent, 'child': child, 'key': self.generateKey(parent, child)})

        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31792680/how-to-make-values-in-list-of-dictionary-unique
        uniq_l = list(map(dict, frozenset(frozenset(i.items()) for i in transforms_list)))
        return uniq_l  # get unique values

    def createJSONFile(self, output_file, D):
        print("Saving the json output file to " + str(output_file) + ", please wait, it could take a while ...")
        f = open(output_file, 'w')
        json.encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda f: ("%.6f" % f)  # to get only four decimal places on the json file
        print >> f, json.dumps(D, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    def generateKey(parent, child, suffix=''):
        return parent + '-' + child + suffix
예제 #2
class DataCollectorAndLabeler:
    def __init__(self, args, server, menu_handler):

        self.output_folder = utilities.resolvePath(args['output_folder'])

        if os.path.exists(
        ) and not args['overwrite']:  # dataset path exists, abort
                '\n' + Fore.RED + 'Error: Dataset ' + self.output_folder +
                ' exists.\nIf you want to replace it add a "--overwrite" flag.'
                + Style.RESET_ALL + '\n')

        elif os.path.exists(
        ) and args['overwrite']:  # move existing path to a backup location
            now = datetime.now()
            dt_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
            basename = os.path.basename(self.output_folder)
            backup_folder = '/tmp/' + basename + '_' + dt_string

            print('\n\nWarning: Dataset ' + Fore.YELLOW + self.output_folder +
                  Style.RESET_ALL + ' exists.\nMoving it to a new folder: ' +
                  Fore.YELLOW + backup_folder +
                  '\nThis will be deleted after a system reboot!' +
                  Style.RESET_ALL + '\n\n')

            execute('mv ' + self.output_folder + ' ' + backup_folder,

        os.mkdir(self.output_folder)  # Recreate the folder

        self.listener = TransformListener()
        self.sensors = {}
        self.sensor_labelers = {}
        self.server = server
        self.menu_handler = menu_handler
        self.data_stamp = 0
        self.collections = {}
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        self.config = loadConfig(args['calibration_file'])
        if self.config is None:
            sys.exit(1)  # loadJSON should tell you why.

        self.world_link = self.config['world_link']

        # Add sensors
        print(Fore.BLUE + 'Sensors:' + Style.RESET_ALL)
        print('Number of sensors: ' + str(len(self.config['sensors'])))

        # Go through the sensors in the calib config.
        for sensor_key, value in self.config['sensors'].items():

            # Create a dictionary that describes this sensor
            sensor_dict = {
                '_name': sensor_key,
                'parent': value['link'],
                'calibration_parent': value['parent_link'],
                'calibration_child': value['child_link']

            # TODO replace by utils function
            print("Waiting for message " + value['topic_name'] + ' ...')
            msg = rospy.wait_for_message(value['topic_name'], rospy.AnyMsg)
            print('... received!')
            connection_header = msg._connection_header['type'].split('/')
            ros_pkg = connection_header[0] + '.msg'
            msg_type = connection_header[1]
            print('Topic ' + value['topic_name'] + ' has type ' + msg_type)
            sensor_dict['topic'] = value['topic_name']
            sensor_dict['msg_type'] = msg_type

            # If topic contains a message type then get a camera_info message to store along with the sensor data
            if sensor_dict[
                    'msg_type'] == 'Image':  # if it is an image must get camera_info
                sensor_dict['camera_info_topic'] = os.path.dirname(
                    sensor_dict['topic']) + '/camera_info'
                from sensor_msgs.msg import CameraInfo
                print('Waiting for camera_info message on topic ' +
                      sensor_dict['camera_info_topic'] + ' ...')
                camera_info_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(
                    sensor_dict['camera_info_topic'], CameraInfo)
                print('... received!')
                from rospy_message_converter import message_converter
                    'camera_info'] = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(

            # Get the kinematic chain form world_link to this sensor's parent link
            now = rospy.Time()
            print('Waiting for transformation from ' + value['link'] + ' to ' +
            self.listener.waitForTransform(value['link'], self.world_link, now,
            print('... received!')
            chain = self.listener.chain(value['link'], now, self.world_link,
                                        now, self.world_link)

            chain_list = []
            for parent, child in zip(chain[0::], chain[1::]):
                key = self.generateKey(parent, child)
                    'key': key,
                    'parent': parent,
                    'child': child

            sensor_dict['chain'] = chain_list  # Add to sensor dictionary
            self.sensors[sensor_key] = sensor_dict

            sensor_labeler = InteractiveDataLabeler(
                self.server, self.menu_handler, sensor_dict,
                args['marker_size'], self.config['calibration_pattern'])

            self.sensor_labelers[sensor_key] = sensor_labeler

            print('Setup for sensor ' + sensor_key + ' is complete.')
            print(Fore.BLUE + sensor_key + Style.RESET_ALL + ':\n' +

        # print('sensor_labelers:')
        # print(self.sensor_labelers)

        self.abstract_transforms = self.getAllAbstractTransforms()
        # print("abstract_transforms = " + str(self.abstract_transforms))

    def getTransforms(self, abstract_transforms, time=None):
        transforms_dict = {
        }  # Initialize an empty dictionary that will store all the transforms for this data-stamp

        if time is None:
            time = rospy.Time.now()

        for ab in abstract_transforms:  # Update all transformations
            self.listener.waitForTransform(ab['parent'], ab['child'], time,
             quat) = self.listener.lookupTransform(ab['parent'], ab['child'],
            key = self.generateKey(ab['parent'], ab['child'])
            transforms_dict[key] = {
                'trans': trans,
                'quat': quat,
                'parent': ab['parent'],
                'child': ab['child']

        return transforms_dict

    def lockAllLabelers(self):
        for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.iteritems():
        print("Locked all labelers")

    def unlockAllLabelers(self):
        for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.iteritems():
        print("Unlocked all labelers")

    def getLabelersTimeStatistics(self):
        stamps = []  # a list of the several time stamps of the stored messages
        for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.iteritems():

        max_delta = getMaxTimeDelta(stamps)
        # TODO : this is because of Andre's bag file problem. We should go back to the getAverageTime
        # average_time = getAverageTime(stamps)  # For looking up transforms use average time of all sensor msgs
        average_time = getMaxTime(
        )  # For looking up transforms use average time of all sensor msgs

        for stamp, sensor_name in zip(stamps, self.sensors):
            printRosTime(stamp, prefix=sensor_name + ': ')

        return stamps, average_time, max_delta

    def saveCollection(self):

        # --------------------------------------
        # Collect sensor data and labels (images, laser scans, etc)
        # --------------------------------------

        # Lock the semaphore for all labelers

        # Analyse message time stamps and decide if collection can be stored
        stamps, average_time, max_delta = self.getLabelersTimeStatistics()

        if max_delta is not None:  # if max_delta is None (only one sensor), continue
            if max_delta.to_sec() > float(
            ):  # times are close enough?
                rospy.logwarn('Max duration between msgs in collection is ' +
                              str(max_delta.to_sec()) +
                              '. Not saving collection.')
                return None
            else:  # test passed
                rospy.loginfo('Max duration between msgs in collection is ' +

        # Collect all the transforms
        transforms = self.getTransforms(
            average_time)  # use average time of sensor msgs
        printRosTime(average_time, "Collected transforms for time ")

        all_sensor_data_dict = {}
        all_sensor_labels_dict = {}

        for sensor_key, sensor in self.sensors.iteritems():
            print('collect sensor: ' + sensor_key)

            msg = copy.deepcopy(self.sensor_labelers[sensor_key].msg)
            labels = copy.deepcopy(self.sensor_labelers[sensor_key].labels)

            print('sensor' + sensor_key)
            # TODO add exception also for point cloud and depth image
            # Update sensor data ---------------------------------------------
            if sensor[
                    'msg_type'] == 'Image':  # Special case of requires saving image data as png separate files
                cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(
                    "bgr8")  # Convert to opencv image and save image to disk
                filename = self.output_folder + '/' + sensor[
                    '_name'] + '_' + str(self.data_stamp) + '.jpg'
                filename_relative = sensor['_name'] + '_' + str(
                    self.data_stamp) + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(filename, cv_image)

                image_dict = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(
                    msg)  # Convert sensor data to dictionary
                del image_dict[
                    'data']  # Remove data field (which contains the image), and replace by "data_file"
                    'data_file'] = filename_relative  # Contains full path to where the image was saved

                # Update the data dictionary for this data stamp
                all_sensor_data_dict[sensor['_name']] = image_dict

                # Update the data dictionary for this data stamp
                    '_name']] = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(

            # Update sensor labels ---------------------------------------------
            if sensor['msg_type'] in ['Image', 'LaserScan', 'PointCloud2']:
                all_sensor_labels_dict[sensor_key] = labels
                raise ValueError('Unknown message type.')

        collection_dict = {
            'data': all_sensor_data_dict,
            'labels': all_sensor_labels_dict,
            'transforms': transforms
        self.collections[self.data_stamp] = collection_dict
        self.data_stamp += 1

        # Save to json file
        D = {
            'sensors': self.sensors,
            'collections': self.collections,
            'calibration_config': self.config
        print('Saving file ' + self.output_folder + '/data_collected.json')
        self.createJSONFile(self.output_folder + '/data_collected.json', D)


    def getAllAbstractTransforms(self):

        # Get a list of all transforms to collect
        transforms_list = []

        now = rospy.Time.now()
        all_frames = self.listener.getFrameStrings()

        for frame in all_frames:
            # print('Waiting for transformation from ' + frame + ' to ' + self.world_link + '(max 3 secs)')
                self.listener.waitForTransform(frame, self.world_link, now,
                chain = self.listener.chain(frame, now, self.world_link, now,
            except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
                rospy.logerr('Could not get transform from ' + frame + ' to ' +
                             self.world_link + '(max 3 secs)')

            for idx in range(0, len(chain) - 1):
                parent = chain[idx]
                child = chain[idx + 1]
                    'parent': parent,
                    'child': child,
                    'key': self.generateKey(parent, child)

        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31792680/how-to-make-values-in-list-of-dictionary-unique
        uniq_l = list(
                frozenset(frozenset(i.items()) for i in transforms_list)))
        return uniq_l  # get unique values

    def createJSONFile(self, output_file, D):
        print("Saving the json output file to " + str(output_file) +
              ", please wait, it could take a while ...")
        f = open(output_file, 'w')
        json.encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda f: (
            "%.6f" % f)  # to get only four decimal places on the json file
        print >> f, json.dumps(D, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    def generateKey(parent, child, suffix=''):
        return parent + '-' + child + suffix