def read_video(): while True: ret, image = if not ret: continue detector_ip.push(Inference(image.copy())) detector_op.wait() ret, inference = detector_op.pull() if ret: i_dets = inference.get_result() trk_ip.push(Inference(i_dets))
def read(): while True: ret, image = if not ret: continue image = image.copy() stock_image_in.push(image) # image = cv2.resize(image, (int(image.shape[1] / 2), int(image.shape[0] / 2))) detector_ip.push(Inference(image)) detector_op.wait() ret, inference = detector_op.pull() if ret: i_dets = inference.get_result() trk_ip.push(Inference(i_dets))
def read_video(): # start = time.time() while True: ret, image = if not ret: continue detector_ip.push(Inference(image.copy()))
def detect_age_gender(trackers): if not Tracker.__age_inference: print("initializing Age Model") Tracker.__age_inference = AgeApiRunner(SessionRunner()) detector_ip = Tracker.__age_inference.get_detector_ip() detector_op = Tracker.__age_inference.get_detector_op() for i, trk in enumerate(trackers): trk_trail = trk.get_trail() person = trk_trail.get_person() if not trk.detect_age() or len(person.get_age_list()) >= 10 or len(person.get_gender_list()) >= 10 or trk.get_image() is None: continue # print("len of tracker", i, " " ,len(trk.get_patches())) detector_ip.push(Inference(trk.get_image().copy())) # ret, inference = detector_op.pull(True) while True: detector_op.wait() ret, inference = detector_op.pull(True) if ret: # print(ret) if inference.get_result().get_genders() is None or inference.get_result().get_ages() is None: break print(inference.get_result().get_genders()) print(inference.get_result().get_ages()) gender_confidence = inference.get_result().get_genders()[0][0] gender = 'M' if gender_confidence < 0.5 else 'F' age = int(inference.get_result().get_ages()[0]) # print(type()) trk.get_trail().get_person().add_age(age) trk.get_trail().get_person().add_gender(gender, gender_confidence) print("ages", trk.get_trail().get_person().get_age_list()) print("genders", trk.get_trail().get_person().get_gender_list()) break
def infer_yolo(timestamp, margin, points): while True: yolo_input.wait() ret, image = yolo_input.pull(flush=True) if not ret: continue # ret, flag = zone_image_update.pull() # if ret and flag: # cv2.imwrite('../../../Angular-Dashboard-master/src/assets/rack_image.jpg', image) # print("After Update") inference = Inference(image) img_shape = image.shape ret, point_set_dict = point_set.pull() if ret: point_set_dict["point_set_2"] = [ [0, 0.6 * margin], [img_shape[1] - 4.25 * margin, 0.6 * margin], [img_shape[1] - 4.25 * margin, img_shape[0] - 0.6 * margin], [0, img_shape[0] - 0.6 * margin] ] print("updated points") points = point_set_dict['point_set_2'] retail_an_object.rack_dict = point_set_dict retail_an_object.global_init() inference.get_meta_dict()['warp_points'] = retail_an_object.rack_dict yolo_ip.push(inference) yolo_op.wait() ret, inference = yolo_op.pull() ret1, zones = zone_detection_in_pipe.pull() if ret: i_dets = inference.get_result() boxes = tracker_stock.update(i_dets) image = i_dets.get_annotated(boxes) if ret1 and not zones: image = retail_an_object.print_shelfNo(image) image = retail_an_object.misplacedBoxes(boxes, image) image = retail_an_object.draw_empty_space(boxes, image) flag = retail_an_object.change_of_state() # cv2.rectangle(image, (margin, margin), (img_shape[1]-margin, img_shape[0]-margin), (0, 0, 255), 3) current_time = time.time() elapsed_seconds = (current_time - timestamp) # print(elapsed_seconds) if (elapsed_seconds > 3): if flag == 1: # pass Thread(target=retail_an_object.postdata).start() timestamp = time.time() # print("left corner: ",points[0][1]) image = image[int(points[0][1] - margin / 2):int(points[2][1] + margin / 2), int(points[0][0]):int(points[2][0] + margin / 2), :] stock_in_pipe.push(image) cv2.imshow("retail_out", image) cv2.waitKey(1)
def start_cam(): while True: ret, image = if not ret: continue inference = Inference(image.copy(), return_pipe=ret_pipe) detector.get_in_pipe().push_wait() detector.get_in_pipe().push(inference)
def readvideo(): while True: re, image = if re: ip0.push(Inference(image.copy())) else: break time.sleep(0.025)
def extract_features(patch, ip, op): patch[0] = cv2.equalizeHist(patch[0]) patch[1] = cv2.equalizeHist(patch[1]) patch[2] = cv2.equalizeHist(patch[2]) ip.push(Inference(patch, meta_dict={})) op.wait() ret, feature_inference = op.pull() if ret: return feature_inference.get_result()
def load(): # print("LOADED") while True: ret, image = print(ret) if not ret: continue detector_ip.push(Inference(image.copy())) # print("#################################") sleep(0.05)
def read(): while True: ret, image = if not ret: continue image = image.copy() yolo_input.push(image) # print("Image read count: ", count) # count+=1 # image = cv2.resize(image, (int(image.shape[1] / 2), int(image.shape[0] / 2))) detector_ip.push(Inference(image)) detector_op.wait() ret, inference = detector_op.pull() if ret: i_dets = inference.get_result() infer_idets = Inference(i_dets) infer_idets.get_meta_dict()['zone_pipe'] = zone_pipe trk_ip.push(infer_idets)
def read(): while True: ret, image = # image = cv2.resize(image, (int(image.shape[1]/2), int(image.shape[0]/2))) # if count == 100: # detector_ip.close() # print("breaking...") # trk_ip.close() # break if not ret: continue detector_ip.push(Inference(image.copy())) # print('waiting') detector_op.pull_wait() # print('done') ret, inference = detector_op.pull() if ret: i_dets = inference.get_result() trk_ip.push(Inference(i_dets))
def read(): lst = [] skip = 2 count = 0 while True: count += 1 ret, image = if not ret or count % skip != 0: continue detector_ip.push_wait() inference = Inference(image) detector_ip.push(inference)
image = cv2.resize(image, tuple(image_shape[:2][::-1])) image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) # K.set_session(session) extractor = ResNet50ExtractorAPI('rn50_api', True) ip = extractor.get_in_pipe() # op = extractor.get_out_pipe() extractor.use_session_runner(session_runner) session_runner.start() ret_pipe = Pipe() # for i in range(1000): i = 0 while True: ret, image = if not ret: continue ip.push(Inference(image, ret_pipe, {})) ret, feature_inference = ret_pipe.pull() if ret: print(feature_inference.get_result().shape) else: ret_pipe.wait() session_runner.stop()
detection = TFObjectDetectionAPI( PRETRAINED_faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28, image.shape, 'tf_api', True) detector_ip = detection.get_in_pipe() detector_op = detection.get_out_pipe() detection.use_session_runner(session_runner) detection.use_threading() session_runner.start() frame_no = 0 while True: ret, image = if not ret: continue detector_ip.push(Inference(image.copy())) detector_op.wait() ret, inference = detector_op.pull(True) if ret: i_dets = inference.get_result() # print(i_dets.get_masks()[0].shape) frame = i_dets.get_annotated() cv2.imshow("annotated", i_dets.get_annotated()) # cv2.imshow("annotated", i_dets.extract_patch(0)) cv2.waitKey(1) # person = i_dets.get_category('person') # for i in range(i_dets.get_length()): # if i_dets.get_classes(i) == 1 and i_dets.get_scores(i) > 0.7: # cv2.imwrite("/home/uniquetrij/PycharmProjects/SecureIt/data/obj_tracking/outputs/patches/" + ( # str(frame_no).zfill(5)) + (str(i).zfill(2)) + ".jpg", i_dets.extract_patches(i)) print(frame_no)
def __job(self, inference): self.__enc_in_pipe.push( Inference(inference.get_data(), meta_dict={'inference': inference}, return_pipe=self.__out_pipe))