예제 #1
def CalculateSolution(Pe):

    # Create the TFC Class:
    N = 200
    m = 190
    nC = 2
    tfc = utfc(N, nC, m, basis='LeP', x0=0., xf=1.)
    x = tfc.x

    # Get the Chebyshev polynomials
    H = tfc.H
    H0 = H(np.array([0.]))
    Hf = H(np.array([1.]))

    # Create the constraint expression and its derivatives
    y = lambda x, xi: np.dot(H(x), xi) + (1. - x) * (1. - np.dot(H0, xi)
                                                     ) - x * np.dot(Hf, xi)
    yd = egrad(y)
    ydd = egrad(yd)

    L = lambda xi: ydd(x, xi) - Pe * yd(x, xi)

    # Calculate the solution
    zXi = np.zeros(H(x).shape[1])
    xi, it = NLLS(zXi, L)

    # Create the test set:
    N = 1000
    xTest = np.linspace(0., 1., N)
    err = np.abs(y(xTest, xi) - soln(xTest, Pe))
    return np.max(err), np.mean(err)
예제 #2
def BVP_tfc(N, m, basis, iterMax, tol):
    ## Unpack Paramters: *********************************************************
    x0 = 0.
    xf = np.pi

    ## Initial Conditions: *******************************************************
    y0 = 0.
    yf = 0.
    nC = 2  # number of constraints

    ## Determine call tfc class needs to be 1 for ELMs
    if basis == 'CP' or basis == 'LeP':
        c = 2. / (xf - x0)
    elif basis == 'FS':
        c = 2. * np.pi / (xf - x0)
        c = 1. / (xf - x0)

    ## Compute true solution
    ytrue = lambda x: np.exp(-x) * np.sin(x)

    err = onp.ones_like(m) * np.nan
    res = onp.ones_like(m) * np.nan

    ## GET CHEBYSHEV VALUES: *********************************************

    tfc = utfc(N, nC, int(m), basis=basis, x0=x0, xf=xf)
    x = tfc.x

    H = tfc.H
    H0 = H(tfc.x[0])
    Hf = H(tfc.x[-1])

    ## DEFINE THE ASSUMED SOLUTION: *************************************
    phi1 = lambda x: (np.pi - x) / np.pi
    phi2 = lambda x: x / np.pi

    f = lambda x: np.exp(-2. * x) * np.sin(x) * (np.cos(x) - np.sin(
        x)) - 2. * np.exp(-x) * np.cos(x)

    y = lambda x, xi: np.dot(H(x), xi) + phi1(x) * (y0 - np.dot(
        H0, xi)) + phi2(x) * (yf - np.dot(Hf, xi))
    yp = egrad(y)
    ypp = egrad(yp)

    ## DEFINE LOSS AND JACOB ********************************************
    L = lambda xi: ypp(x, xi) + y(x, xi) * yp(x, xi) - f(x)

    ## SOLVE THE SYSTEM *************************************************
    xi = onp.zeros(H(x).shape[1])

    xi, _, time = NLLS(xi, L, timer=True, maxIter=iterMax)

    ## COMPUTE ERROR AND RESIDUAL ***************************************
    err = onp.linalg.norm(y(x, xi) - ytrue(x))
    res = onp.linalg.norm(L(xi))

    return err, res, time
예제 #3
파일: IVP2BVP.py 프로젝트: leakec/tfc
def IVP2BVP(N, m, gamma, basis, iterMax, tol):
    ## Unpack Paramters: *********************************************************
    x0 = -1.
    xf =  1.

    ## Initial Conditions: *******************************************************
    y0  = -2.
    y0p = -2.
    yf  =  2.

    nC  =  2 # number of constraints

    ## Determine call tfc class needs to be 1 for ELMs
    if basis == 'CP' or basis == 'LeP':
        c = 2./ (xf - x0)
    elif basis == 'FS':
        c = 2. * np.pi / (xf - x0)
        c = 1./ (xf - x0)

    ## GET CHEBYSHEV VALUES: *********************************************

    tfc = utfc(N,nC,m,basis = basis, x0=-1., xf=1.)
    x = tfc.x

    H = tfc.H
    dH = tfc.dH
    H0 = H(tfc.z[0])
    Hf = H(tfc.z[-1])
    H0p = dH(tfc.z[0])

    ## DEFINE THE ASSUMED SOLUTION: *************************************
    phi1 = lambda a: 1./(1. + 4.*gamma - gamma**2) * ( (1. + gamma) - 2.*gamma*a )
    phi2 = lambda a: 1./(1. + 4.*gamma - gamma**2) * ( (1. - gamma)**2 + (1. - gamma**2)*a)
    phi3 = lambda a: 1./(1. + 4.*gamma - gamma**2) * ( -gamma*(gamma-3.) + 2.*gamma*a )

    y = lambda x, xi: np.dot(H(x),xi) + phi1(x)*(y0  - np.dot(H0,xi)) \
                                      + phi2(x)*(y0p - np.dot(H0p,xi)) \
                                      + phi3(x)*(yf  - np.dot(Hf,xi))
    yp = egrad(y,0)
    ypp = egrad(yp,0)

    ## DEFINE LOSS AND JACOB ********************************************
    L = lambda xi: ypp(x,xi) + (np.cos(3.*x**2) -3.*x + 1.)*yp(x,xi) \
                             + (6.*np.sin(4.*x**2) - np.exp(np.cos(3.*x)))*y(x,xi) \
                             - 2. * (1.-np.sin(3.*x))*(3.*x-np.pi)/(4.-x)

    ## SOLVE THE SYSTEM *************************************************
    xi   = onp.zeros(H(x).shape[1])

    xi,_,_ = NLLS(xi,L,timer=True)

    return y(x,xi), L(xi), x
예제 #4
파일: test_ODE.py 프로젝트: leakec/tfc
def test_ODE():
    # This script will solve the non-linear differential equation
    # of the form: y''+f(t)*y*y' = f2(t)

    # Constants used in the differential equation:
    f = lambda t: np.ones(t.shape)
    f2 = lambda t: np.exp(-2. * t) * np.sin(t) * (np.cos(t) - np.sin(
        t)) - 2. * np.exp(-t) * np.cos(t)

    ti = 0.
    tf = np.pi
    yi = 0.
    yf = 0.

    # Real analytical solution:
    real = lambda t: np.exp(-t) * np.sin(t)

    # Create the ToC Class:
    N = 100
    m = 30
    nC = 2
    tfc = TFC(N, nC, m, x0=ti, xf=tf, basis='LeP')
    t = tfc.x

    # Get the Chebyshev polynomials
    H = tfc.H
    dH = tfc.dH

    Zero = np.zeros_like(t)
    End = tf * np.ones_like(t)

    H0 = H(Zero)
    Hd0 = dH(Zero)
    Hf = H(End)

    # Create the constraint expression and its derivatives
    beta0 = lambda t: (t - tf) / (ti - tf)
    beta1 = lambda t: (ti - t) / (ti - tf)
    y = lambda t, xi: np.dot(H(t), xi) + beta0(t) * (yi - np.dot(
        H0, xi)) + beta1(t) * (yf - np.dot(Hf, xi))

    yd = egrad(y)
    ydd = egrad(yd)

    # Create the residual and jacobians
    r = lambda xi, t: ydd(t, xi) + f(t) * y(t, xi) * yd(t, xi) - f2(t)
    xi = np.zeros(H(t).shape[1])

    xi, it = NLLS(xi, r, t, constant_arg_nums=[1])

    assert (np.max(np.abs(r(xi, t))) < 1e-10)
예제 #5
def test_PDE():
    ## TFC Parameters
    maxIter = 10
    tol = 1e-13

    # Constants and switches:
    n = 20
    m = 20
    x0 = np.array([0., 0.])
    xf = np.array([1., 1.])

    # Real analytical solution:
    real = lambda x, y: y**2 * np.sin(np.pi * x)

    # Create the TFC Class:
    N = np.array([n, n])
    nC = np.array([2, 2])
    tfc = TFC(N, nC, m, x0=x0, xf=xf, dim=2, basis='CP')
    x = tfc.x

    Zero = np.zeros_like(x[0])
    One = np.ones_like(x[0])

    # Get the basis functions
    H = tfc.H
    Hy = tfc.Hy

    z1 = lambda xi, *x: np.dot(H(*x), xi) - (1. - x[0]) * np.dot(
        H(*(Zero, x[1])), xi) - x[0] * np.dot(H(*(One, x[1])), xi)
    z = lambda xi, *x: z1(xi, *x) - z1(xi, x[0], Zero) + x[1] * (2. * np.sin(
        np.pi * x[0]) - egrad(z1, 2)(xi, x[0], One))

    # Create the residual
    zxx = egrad(egrad(z, 1), 1)
    zyy = egrad(egrad(z, 2), 2)
    zy = egrad(z, 2)

    r = lambda xi, *x: zxx(xi, *x) + zyy(xi, *x) + z(xi, *x) * zy(
        xi, *x) - np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * (2. - np.pi**2 * x[1]**2 + 2. * x[1]**
                                          3 * np.sin(np.pi * x[0]))
    xi = np.zeros(H(*x).shape[1])

    xi, it = NLLS(xi, r, *x, constant_arg_nums=[1, 2])

    zr = real(x[0], x[1])
    ze = z(xi, *x)
    err = zr - ze
    maxErr = np.max(np.abs(err))
    assert (maxErr < 1e-10)
예제 #6
                               - f(xs2)

L = jit(lambda xi: np.hstack((L1(xi), L2(xi))))

## SOLVE THE SYSTEM *************************************************
xi1 = onp.zeros(Hs1(xs1).shape[1])
xi2 = onp.zeros(Hs2(xs2).shape[1])

m = (yf - y0) / (xf - x0)
y1 = onp.ones(1) * (m * xs1[-1] + y0)
y1d = onp.ones(1) * m

xi0 = TFCDict({'xi1': xi1, 'xi2': xi2, 'y1': y1, 'y1d': y1d})
xi = TFCDict({'xi1': xi1, 'xi2': xi2, 'y1': y1, 'y1d': y1d})

xi, it, time = NLLS(xi, L, timer=True)

## COMPUTE ERROR AND RESIDUAL ***************************************
x = np.hstack((xs1, xs2))

yinit = np.hstack((ys1(xs1, xi0), ys2(xs2, xi0)))
y = np.hstack((ys1(xs1, xi), ys2(xs2, xi)))
yp = np.hstack((yps1(xs1, xi), yps2(xs2, xi)))

err = onp.abs(y - ytrue(x))
res = onp.abs(L(xi))

print('Max Error: ' + str(np.max(err)))
print('Max Loss: ' + str(np.max(res)))
print('Computation time [ms]: ' + str(time * 1000))
예제 #7
파일: UnknownTime.py 프로젝트: leakec/tfc
Lu = lambda z, xi: -xi['b']**2 * up(z, xi['xi_u']) - beta * x(z, xi[
    'xi_x']) + alfa * u(z, xi['xi_u'])
H = lambda z, xi: 0.5 * x(z, xi['xi_x'])**2 - 0.5 * u(z, xi[
    'xi_u'])**2 - alfa / beta * x(z, xi['xi_x']) * u(z, xi['xi_u'])
Lf = lambda z, xi: H(z, xi)[-1]

L = lambda xi: np.hstack((Lx(z, xi), Lu(z, xi), H(z, xi)))

xi_x = onp.zeros(Hx(z).shape[1])
xi_u = onp.zeros(Hu(z).shape[1])
b = onp.ones(1) * np.sqrt(2.)

xi = TFCDict({'xi_x': xi_x, 'xi_u': xi_u, 'b': b})

## SOLVE THE SYSTEM *************************************************
xi, it, time = NLLS(xi, L, timer=True, tol=tol, maxIter=iterMax)

t = (z - z[0]) / xi['b']**2

X = x(z, xi['xi_x'])
U = u(z, xi['xi_u'])

Ham = onp.zeros(len(t))
int = onp.zeros(len(t))
for i in range(0, len(t)):
    int[i] = 0.5 * (X[i]**2 + U[i]**2)
    Ham[i] = int[i] + -U[i] / beta * (alfa * X[i] + beta * U[i])

cost = simps(int, t)

tf = 2. / xi['b']**2
예제 #8
파일: Problem_4.py 프로젝트: leakec/tfc
# Create constrained expression:
g = lambda th, xi: np.dot(H(th), xi)
r = lambda th,xi: g(th,xi)+\

# Create loss function:
dr = egrad(r)
d2r = egrad(dr)
L = lambda xi: -r(th,xi)**2*(dr(th,xi)*np.tan(th)+2.*d2r(th,xi))+\

# Solve the problem:
xi = np.zeros(H(th).shape[1])
xi, _, time = NLLS(xi, L, timer=True)

# Print out statistics:
print("Solution time: {0} seconds".format(time))

# Plot the solution and residual
p = MakePlot([r"$y$"], [r"$x$"])
p.ax[0].plot(r(th, xi) * np.sin(th), r(th, xi) * np.cos(th), "k")
p.PartScreen(8, 7)

p2 = MakePlot([r"$\theta$"], [r"$L$"])
예제 #9
ft = egrad(f,3)

# Create the residual and jacobian
L1 = lambda xiu,xiv,*x: fx(xiu,*x)+fy(xiv,*x)
L2 = lambda xiu,xiv,*x: rho*(ft(xiu,*x)+f(xiu,*x)*fx(xiu,*x)+f(xiv,*x)*fy(xiu,*x))+P-mu*(f2x(xiu,*x)+f2y(xiu,*x))
L3 = lambda xiu,xiv,*x: rho*(ft(xiv,*x)+f(xiu,*x)*fx(xiv,*x)+f(xiv,*x)*fy(xiv,*x))-mu*(f2x(xiv,*x)+f2y(xiv,*x))
L = lambda xi: np.hstack([L1(xi['xiu'],xi['xiv'],*x),L2(xi['xiu'],xi['xiv'],*x),L3(xi['xiu'],xi['xiv'],*x)])

# Calculate the xi values
M = H(*x).shape[1]
xiu = np.zeros(M)
xiv = np.zeros(M)
xi = TFCDict({'xiu':xiu,'xiv':xiv})

if xTfc: 
    xi,it,time = NLLS(xi,L,maxIter=maxIter,method='lstsq',timer=True)
    xi,it,time = NLLS(xi,L,maxIter=maxIter,method='pinv',timer=True)
xiu = xi['xiu']; xiv = xi['xiv']

# Calcualte u and plot for different times
n = 100
X = onp.matlib.repmat(onp.reshape(onp.linspace(0,xf[0],num=n),(n,1)),n,1).flatten()
Y = onp.reshape(onp.matlib.repmat(onp.reshape(onp.linspace(-Hb/2.,Hb/2.,num=n),(n,1)),1,n),(n**2,1)).flatten()
xTest = onp.zeros((3,n**2*3))
xTest[0,:] = onp.hstack([X,]*3)
xTest[1,:] = onp.hstack([Y,]*3)
xTest[2,:] = onp.hstack([onp.ones(n**2)*0.01,onp.ones(n**2)*0.1,onp.ones(n**2)*tf])

p = []; U = [];
vals = [0.01,0.1,tf]
예제 #10
def runLaneEmden(N, m, basis, k, xf):
    ## user defined parameters: ************************************************************************
    # N      - number of discretization points
    # m      - number of basis function terms
    # basis  - basis function type
    # k      - specific problem type, k >=0 (analytical solution known for k = 0, 1, and 5)

    ## problem initial conditions: *****************************************************************
    xspan = [0., xf]  # problem domain range [x0, xf], where x₀ > 0
    y0 = 1.  # y(x0)  = 1
    y0p = 0.  # y'(x0) = 0
    nC = 2  # number of constraints

    ## construct univariate tfc class: *************************************************************
    tfc = utfc(N, nC, int(m), basis=basis, x0=xspan[0], xf=xspan[1])
    x = tfc.x

    H = tfc.H
    dH = tfc.dH
    H0 = H(x[0:1])
    H0p = dH(x[0:1])

    ## define tfc constrained expression and derivatives: ******************************************
    # switching function
    phi1 = lambda x: np.ones_like(x)
    phi2 = lambda x: x

    # tfc constrained expression
    y = lambda x, xi: np.dot(H(x), xi) + phi1(x) * (y0 - np.dot(
        H0, xi)) + phi2(x) * (y0p - np.dot(H0p, xi))
    yp = egrad(y)
    ypp = egrad(yp)

    ## define the loss function: *******************************************************************
    L = lambda xi: x * ypp(x, xi) + 2. * yp(x, xi) + x * y(x, xi)**k

    ## solve the problem via nonlinear least-squares ***********************************************
    xi = np.zeros(H(x).shape[1])

    # if k==0 or k==1, the problem is linear
    if k == 0 or k == 1:
        xi, time = LS(xi, L, timer=True)
        iter = 1

        xi, iter, time = NLLS(xi, L, timer=True)

    ## compute the error (if k = 0, 1, or 5): ******************************************************
    if k == 0:
        ytrue = 1. - 1. / 6. * x**2
    elif k == 1:
        ytrue = onp.ones_like(x)
        ytrue[1:] = np.sin(x[1:]) / x[1:]
    elif k == 5:
        ytrue = (1. + x**2 / 3)**(-1 / 2)
        ytrue = np.empty_like(x)

    err = np.abs(y(x, xi) - ytrue)

    ## compute the residual of the loss vector: ****************************************************
    res = np.abs(L(xi))

    return x, y(x, xi), err, res
예제 #11
def laneEmden_tfc(N, m, type, xspan, basis, iterMax, tol):
    ## Unpack Paramters: *********************************************************
    x0 = xspan[0]
    xf = xspan[1]

    ## Initial Conditions: *******************************************************
    y0 = 1.
    y0p = 0.
    nC = 2  # number of constraints

    ## Determine call tfc class needs to be 1 for ELMs
    if basis == 'CP' or basis == 'LeP':
        c = 2. / (xf - x0)
    elif basis == 'FS':
        c = 2. * np.pi / (xf - x0)
        c = 1. / (xf - x0)

    ## Compute true solution
    if type == 0:
        maxIter = 1

        def ytrue(x):
            val = onp.zeros_like(x)
            val[0] = 1.
            val[1:] = 1. - 1. / 6. * x[1:]**2
            return val
    elif type == 1:
        maxIter = 1

        def ytrue(x):
            val = onp.zeros_like(x)
            val[0] = 1.
            val[1:] = np.sin(x[1:]) / x[1:]
            return val

    elif type == 5:
        maxIter = iterMax

        def ytrue(x):
            val = onp.zeros_like(x)
            val[0] = 1.
            val[1:] = (1. + x[1:]**2 / 3)**(-1 / 2)
            return val

        def ytrue(x):
            return np.nan * np.ones_like(x)

    err = np.ones_like(m) * np.nan
    res = np.ones_like(m) * np.nan

    ## GET CHEBYSHEV VALUES: *********************************************

    tfc = utfc(N, nC, int(m), basis=basis, x0=x0, xf=xf)
    x = tfc.x

    H = tfc.H
    dH = tfc.dH
    H0 = H(x[0])
    H0p = dH(x[0])

    ## DEFINE THE ASSUMED SOLUTION: *************************************
    phi1 = lambda x: np.ones_like(x)
    phi2 = lambda x: x

    y = lambda x,xi: np.dot(H(x),xi) \
                    + phi1(x)*(y0  - np.dot(H0,xi)) \
                    + phi2(x)*(y0p - np.dot(H0p,xi))
    yp = egrad(y)
    ypp = egrad(yp)

    ## DEFINE LOSS AND JACOB ********************************************
    L = jit(lambda xi: x * ypp(x, xi) + 2. * yp(x, xi) + x * y(x, xi)**type)

    ## SOLVE THE SYSTEM *************************************************

    # Solve the problem
    xi = np.zeros(H(x).shape[1])

    xi, _, time = NLLS(xi, L, timer=True, maxIter=maxIter)

    ## COMPUTE ERROR AND RESIDUAL ***************************************
    err = np.linalg.norm(y(x, xi) - ytrue(x))
    res = np.linalg.norm(L(xi))

    return err, res, time
예제 #12
def CalculateSolutionSplit(Pe):

    if Pe > 1e3:
        xpBoundL = 0. + 1.e-3
        xpBoundU = 1. - 1e-3
        xpBoundL = 0. + 1.e-1
        xpBoundU = 1. - 1e-1

    # Create the ToC Class:
    N = 200
    m = 190
    nC = 3
    tfc = utfc(N, nC, m, basis='LeP', x0=-1., xf=1.)

    # Get the Chebyshev polynomials
    H = tfc.H
    dH = tfc.dH
    H0 = H(np.array([-1.]))
    Hf = H(np.array([1.]))
    Hd0 = dH(np.array([-1.]))
    Hdf = dH(np.array([1.]))

    # Create the constraint expression and its derivatives
    z = tfc.z

    xp = lambda xi: xi['xpHat'] + (xpBoundU - xi['xpHat']) * step(xi[
        'xpHat'] - xpBoundU) + (xpBoundL - xi['xpHat']) * step(xpBoundL - xi[

    c1 = lambda xi: 2. / (xp(xi))
    c2 = lambda xi: 2. / (1. - xp(xi))

    x1 = lambda z, xi: (z + 1.) / c1(xi)
    x2 = lambda z, xi: (z + 1.) / c2(xi) + xp(xi)

    y1 = lambda z,xi: np.dot(H(z),xi['xi1'])+(1.-2.*z+z**2)/4.*(1.-np.dot(H0,xi['xi1']))\
    ydz1 = egrad(y1, 0)
    yddz1 = egrad(ydz1, 0)
    yd1 = lambda z, xi: ydz1(z, xi) * c1(xi)
    ydd1 = lambda z, xi: yddz1(z, xi) * c1(xi)**2

    y2 = lambda z,xi: np.dot(H(z),xi['xi2'])+(3.-2.*z-z**2)/4.*(xi['y']-np.dot(H0,xi['xi2']))\
    ydz2 = egrad(y2, 0)
    yddz2 = egrad(ydz2, 0)
    yd2 = lambda z, xi: ydz2(z, xi) * c2(xi)
    ydd2 = lambda z, xi: yddz2(z, xi) * c2(xi)**2

    # Solve the problem
    xi = TFCDict({
        'xi1': onp.zeros(H(z).shape[1]),
        'xi2': onp.zeros(H(z).shape[1]),
        'xpHat': onp.array([0.99]),
        'y': onp.array([0.]),
        'yd': onp.array([0.])

    L1 = lambda xi: ydd1(z, xi) - Pe * yd1(z, xi)
    L2 = lambda xi: ydd2(z, xi) - Pe * yd2(z, xi)
    L = lambda xi: np.hstack([L1(xi), L2(xi)])

    xi, it = NLLS(xi, L)

    # Create the test set:
    N = 1000
    z = np.linspace(-1., 1., N)

    # Calculate the error and return the results
    X = np.hstack([x1(z, xi), x2(z, xi)])
    Y = np.hstack([y1(z, xi), y2(z, xi)])
    err = np.abs(Y - soln(X, Pe))
    return np.max(err), np.mean(err)
예제 #13
u = lambda xi,*x: u1(xi,*x)+\

# Create the residual
ux = egrad(u, 1)
d2x = egrad(ux, 1)
ut = egrad(u, 2)
r = lambda xi: ut(xi, *x) + alpha * u(xi, *x) * ux(xi, *x) - nu * d2x(xi, *x)

# Solve the problem
xi = np.zeros(H(*x).shape[1])
xi, it, time = NLLS(xi,

# Calculate error at the test points:
dark = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(xInit, xFinal, nTest),
                   np.linspace(0., 1., nTest))
xTest = tuple([j.flatten() for j in dark])
err = np.abs(u(xi, *xTest) - real(*xTest))

print("Training time: " + str(time))
print("Max error: " + str(np.max(err)))
print("Mean error: " + str(np.mean(err)))

# Plot analytical solution
if usePlotly: