예제 #1
    def set_body_parts(self, data):
        body_parts = BodyPartElm()
        body_parts.part_id = -1
        body_parts.x = -1
        body_parts.y = -1
        body_parts.confidence = -1
        np_body_part_id = np.full(19, -1)
        np_body_parts = np.full(19, body_parts)

        for i in range(len(data)):
            np_body_part_id[data[i].part_id] = data[i].part_id
            np_body_parts[data[i].part_id] = data[i]
        # print "----"
        # print data[i].part_id
        return np_body_part_id, np_body_parts
예제 #2
def humans_to_msg(humans):
    persons = Persons()

    for human in humans:
        person = Person()

        for k in human.body_parts:
            body_part = human.body_parts[k]

            body_part_msg = BodyPartElm()
            body_part_msg.part_id = body_part.part_idx
            body_part_msg.x = body_part.x
            body_part_msg.y = body_part.y
            body_part_msg.confidence = body_part.score

    return persons
예제 #3
def humans_to_msg(humans):
    persons = Persons()

    for human in humans:
        person = Person()

        for k in human.body_parts:
            body_part = human.body_parts[k]

            body_part_msg = BodyPartElm()
            body_part_msg.part_id = body_part.part_idx
            body_part_msg.x = body_part.x
            body_part_msg.y = body_part.y
            body_part_msg.confidence = body_part.score

    return persons
예제 #4
def action(human, n):
    # print(human.person_id)
    # print('-----------------')
    # print(type(human.body_part))
    # print(len(human.body_part))
    # print('-----------------')
    # print(type(human.body_part[1]))
    # l=np.array(human.body_part)
    # print('shape', l.shape)

    RShoulder = BodyPartElm()
    RElbow = BodyPartElm()
    RWrist = BodyPartElm()
    LShoulder = BodyPartElm()
    LElbow = BodyPartElm()
    LWrist = BodyPartElm()

    for part in human.body_part:
        # body right
        if part.part_id == 2:
            RShoulder.part_id = part.part_id
            RShoulder.x = part.x
            RShoulder.y = part.y
            RShoulder.confidence = part.confidence
        if part.part_id == 3:
            RElbow.part_id = part.part_id
            RElbow.x = part.x
            RElbow.y = part.y
            RElbow.confidence = part.confidence
        if part.part_id == 4:
            RWrist.part_id = part.part_id
            RWrist.x = part.x
            RWrist.y = part.y
            RWrist.confidence = part.confidence
        # body left
        if part.part_id == 5:
            LShoulder.part_id = part.part_id
            LShoulder.x = part.x
            LShoulder.y = part.y
            LShoulder.confidence = part.confidence
        if part.part_id == 6:
            LElbow.part_id = part.part_id
            LElbow.x = part.x
            LElbow.y = part.y
            LElbow.confidence = part.confidence
        if part.part_id == 7:
            LWrist.part_id = part.part_id
            LWrist.x = part.x
            LWrist.y = part.y
            LWrist.confidence = part.confidence

    print('RShoulder', RShoulder)

    print('RElbow', RElbow)
    print('RWrist', RWrist)

    threshold = 0.5
    # length of the big arm
    R_big_arm_len = np.sqrt((RShoulder.x - RElbow.x)**2 +
                            (RShoulder.y - RElbow.y)**2)
    # R_small_arm_len = np.sqrt((RWrist.x-RElbow.x)**2 + (RWrist.y-RElbow.y)**2)
    R_small_arm_ylen = abs(RWrist.y - RElbow.y)

    L_big_arm_len = np.sqrt((LShoulder.x - LElbow.x)**2 +
                            (LShoulder.y - LElbow.y)**2)
    # L_small_arm_len = np.sqrt((LWrist.x-LElbow.x)**2 + (LWrist.y-LElbow.y)**2)
    L_small_arm_ylen = abs(LWrist.y - LElbow.y)

    # Action recognize
    if RWrist.y < RShoulder.y and (RWrist.confidence > threshold
                                   and RShoulder.confidence > threshold):
        action_str = 'come on'
    elif R_small_arm_ylen < R_big_arm_len / 3 and (
            RWrist.confidence > threshold and RShoulder.confidence > threshold
            and RElbow.confidence > threshold):
        action_str = 'sit down'

    elif LWrist.y < LShoulder.y and (LWrist.confidence > threshold
                                     and LShoulder.confidence > threshold):
        action_str = 'stand up'
    elif L_small_arm_ylen < L_big_arm_len / 3 and (
            LWrist.confidence > threshold and LShoulder.confidence > threshold
            and LElbow.confidence > threshold):
        action_str = 'stop'
        action_str = 'do nothing'


    # last = ''
    # if last == action_str and action_str != 'do nothing':
    #     n += 1
    # else:
    #     n = 0
    # last = action_str
    # if n > 3:
    #     action_publisher(action_str)