예제 #1
 def get_sanitize_content(self, content):
         tidy and sanitize content
     enml = sanitize(content)
     # python 2
     if sys.version_info.major == 2:
         return enml.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
         return str(enml)
예제 #2
 def _content(note, content):
     content of the note
     :param note: note object
     :param content: content string to make the main body of the note
     note.content = EvernoteMgr.set_header()
     note.content += sanitize(content)
     return note
예제 #3
 def get_sanitize_content(self, content):
         tidy and sanitize content
     enml = sanitize(content)
     # python 2
     if sys.version_info.major == 2:
         return enml.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
         return str(enml)
예제 #4
 def _content(note, content):
     content of the note
     :param note: note object
     :param content: content string to make the main body of the note
     note.content = EvernoteMgr.set_header()
     note.content += sanitize(content)
     return note
예제 #5
 def test_sanitize(self):
     html = "<html><body>" \
            "<p>coucou</p>" \
            "<dir>foobar</dir>" \
            "<div data-foobar='nothing'>foobar2</div>" \
            "<a href='ftp://localhost'>dropped</a>" \
            "<a href='http://localhost'>kept</a>" \
     html = sanitize(html)
     self.assertTrue("dir" not in html)
     self.assertTrue("ftp" not in html)
     self.assertTrue("data-foobar" not in html)
     self.assertTrue("http" in html)
예제 #6
 def test_sanitize(self):
     html = "<html><body>" \
            "<p>coucou</p>" \
            "<dir>foobar</dir>" \
            "<div data-foobar='nothing'>foobar2</div>" \
            "<a href='ftp://localhost'>dropped</a>" \
            "<a href='http://localhost'>kept</a>" \
     html = sanitize(html)
     self.assertTrue("dir" not in html)
     self.assertTrue("ftp" not in html)
     self.assertTrue("data-foobar" not in html)
     self.assertTrue("http" in html)
예제 #7
    def save_data(self, token, trigger_id, **data):
            let's save the data
            dont want to handle empty title nor content
            otherwise this will produce an Exception by
            the Evernote's API
        content = ''

        if 'content' in data:
            if type(data['content']) is list:
                if 'value' in data['content'][0]:
                    content = data['content'][0].value
                if 'value' in data['content']:
                    content = data['content']['value']
                    content = data['content']

        elif 'summary_detail' in data:
            if type(data['summary_detail']) is list:
                if 'value' in data['summary_detail'][0]:
                    content = data['summary_detail'][0].value
                if 'value' in data['summary_detail']:
                    content = data['summary_detail']['value']
                    content = data['summary_detail']

        elif 'description' in data:
            content = data['description']

        # if no title provided, fallback to the URL which should be provided
        # by any exiting service
        title = (data['title'] if 'title' in data else data['link'])
        if token and len(title):
            # get the evernote data of this trigger
            trigger = Evernote.objects.get(trigger_id=trigger_id)

            client = EvernoteClient(
                token=token, sandbox=settings.TH_EVERNOTE['sandbox'])
            # user_store = client.get_user_store()
            note_store = client.get_note_store()

            # note object
            note = Types.Note()
            if trigger.notebook:
                notebooks = note_store.listNotebooks()
                listtags = note_store.listTags()
                notebookGuid = 0
                tagGuid = []
                # get the notebookGUID ...
                for notebook in notebooks:
                    if notebook.name.lower() == trigger.notebook.lower():
                        notebookGuid = notebook.guid
                #... and get the tagGUID if a tag has been provided

                if trigger.tag is not '':
                    # cut the string by piece of tag with comma
                    if ',' in trigger.tag:
                        for my_tag in trigger.tag.split(','):
                            for tag in listtags:
                                # remove space before and after
                                # thus we keep "foo bar"
                                # but not " foo bar" nor "foo bar "
                                if tag.name.lower() == my_tag.lower().lstrip().rstrip():
                        for tag in listtags:
                            if tag.name.lower() == my_tag.lower():

                # notebookGUID does not exist:
                # create it
                if notebookGuid == 0:
                    new_notebook = Types.Notebook()
                    new_notebook.name = trigger.notebook
                    new_notebook.defaultNotebook = False
                    note.notebookGuid = note_store.createNotebook(
                    note.notebookGuid = notebookGuid
                # tagGUID does not exist:
                # create it if a tag has been provided
                if tagGuid == 0 and trigger.tag is not '':
                    new_tag = Types.Tag()
                    new_tag.name = trigger.tag
                    tagGuid = note_store.createTag(new_tag).guid

                if trigger.tag is not '':
                    # set the tag to the note if a tag has been provided
                    note.tagGuids = tagGuid

                logger.debug("notebook that will be used %s", trigger.notebook)

            if 'link' in data:
                # add the link of the 'source' in the note
                # get a NoteAttributes object
                na = Types.NoteAttributes()
                # add the url
                na.sourceURL = data['link']
                # add the object to the note
                note.attributes = na

                # will add this kind of info in the footer of the note :
                # "provided by FoxMaSk's News from http://domain.com"
                # domain.com will be the link and the text of the link
                provided_by = _('Provided by')
                provided_from = _('from')
                footer_from = "<br/><br/>{} <em>{}</em> {} <a href='{}'>{}</a>"
                footer = footer_from.format(
                    provided_by, trigger.trigger.description, provided_from,
                    data['link'], data['link'])
                content += footer

            # start to build the "note"
            # the title
            note.title = title
            # the body
            prolog = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
            prolog += '<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd">'
            note.content = prolog
            # tidy and sanitize content
            enml = sanitize(content)
            note.content += str(enml)
            # create the note !
                created_note = note_store.createNote(note)
                sentance = str('note %s created') % created_note.guid
            except Exception as e:

            sentence = "no token provided for trigger ID {} and title {}"
            logger.critical(sentence.format(trigger_id, title))