def get_extended_tile(tile_db, tilename): drv = gdal.GetDriverByName("Gtiff") con = db.connect(tile_db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select path,row,col from coverage where tile_name=?", (tilename, )) data = cur.fetchone() path, row, col = data print("Reading " + path) g0 = grid.fromGDAL(path) cur.execute( "select path,row,col from coverage where abs(row-?)<2 and abs(col-?)<2", (row, col)) data = cur.fetchall() vert_expansions = {-1: False, 1: False} #top,bottom hor_expansions = {-1: False, 1: False} #left,right for path, r, c in data: if r == row and c == col: continue dr = r - row dc = c - col if dr != 0 and not vert_expansions[dr]: #print "vexp",dr vert_expansions[dr] = True g0.expand_vert(dr, pixel_buf) #print g0.geo_ref[3] if dc != 0 and not hor_expansions[dc]: #print "hexp",dc hor_expansions[dc] = True g0.expand_hor(dc, pixel_buf) #print g0.geo_ref[0] print("Reading " + path + " at %d,%d" % (dr, dc)) #print g0.shape ds = gdal.Open(path) band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) geo_ref = ds.GetGeoTransform() assert (geo_ref[1] == g0.geo_ref[1] and geo_ref[5] == g0.geo_ref[5]) slices0, slices1 = grid.intersect_grid_extents( g0.geo_ref, g0.shape, geo_ref, (ds.RasterYSize, ds.RasterXSize)) assert (slices0 is not None) piece = band.ReadAsArray(int(slices1[1].start), int(slices1[0].start), int(slices1[1].stop - slices1[1].start), int(slices1[0].stop - slices1[0].start)) print(str(piece.shape)) g0.grid[slices0[0], slices0[1]] = piece ds = None return g0, vert_expansions, hor_expansions
print("Could not get extent from tilename.") raise e lines=vector_io.get_features(linename,pargs.layername,pargs.layersql,extent) print("Found %d features in %s" %(len(lines),linename)) if len(lines)==0: return 2 cut_input_to=pargs.cut_to print("Reading "+lasname+"....") pc=pointcloud.fromAny(lasname).cut_to_class(cut_input_to) #what to cut to here...?? if pargs.debug: print("Cutting input pointcloud to class %d" %cut_input_to) if pc.get_size()<5: print("Few points in pointcloud!!") return 3 if pargs.toH: geoid=grid.fromGDAL(GEOID_GRID,upcast=True) print("Using geoid from %s to warp to orthometric heights." %GEOID_GRID) pc.toH(geoid) print("Sorting...") pc.sort_spatially(pargs.srad) print("Starting loop..") n_found=0 for line in lines: if pargs.id_attr is not None: line_id=line.GetFieldAsString(pargs.id_attr) else: line_id="" #explode geom=line.GetGeometryRef() ng=geom.GetGeometryCount() geoms_here=[geom]
def main(args): try: pargs = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return 1 kmname = constants.get_tilename(pargs.dem_tile) print("Running %s on block: %s, %s" % (progname, kmname, time.asctime())) extent = np.asarray(constants.tilename_to_extent(kmname)) shoes = vector_io.get_geometries(pargs.horse_ds, pargs.layername, pargs.layersql, extent) outname = os.path.join(pargs.outdir, "dhym_" + kmname + ".tif") if len(shoes) == 0: print("No shoes, man!") shutil.copy(pargs.dem_tile, outname) return 0 # We always interpolate values from the large dataset (vrt) which is not changed in the loop below. dtm = grid.fromGDAL(pargs.dem_tile) mesh_xy = pointcloud.mesh_as_points(dtm.shape, dtm.geo_ref) dem_ds = gdal.Open(pargs.dem_all) dem_band = dem_ds.GetRasterBand(1) ndval = dem_band.GetNoDataValue() georef = np.asarray(dem_ds.GetGeoTransform()) #if True: # import matplotlib # matplotlib.use("Qt4Agg") # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for shoe in shoes: arr = array_geometry.ogrline2array(shoe, flatten=True) assert (arr.shape[0] == 4) # okie dokie - now load a small raster around the horseshoe # the shoes can have quite long 'sides' (extruders), # however the two 'ends' should be small enough to keep in # memory - so load two grids along the two 'ends' cm, scale, nsteps, H, Hinv = get_transformation_params(arr) small_grids = [] for e in ((0, 3), (1, 2)): xy = arr[e, :] # take the corresponding edge ll = xy.min(axis=0) ur = xy.max(axis=0) # map to pixel-space ll_pix = grid.user2array(georef, ll) ur_pix = grid.user2array(georef, ur) xwin, mywin = (ur_pix - ll_pix) #negative ywin # Buffer grid slightly - can do with less I suppose... xoff = max(0, int(ll_pix[0]) - 2) yoff = max(0, int(ur_pix[1]) - 2) xwin = min(int(xwin + 1), dem_ds.RasterXSize - xoff - 4) + 4 ywin = min(int(1 - mywin), dem_ds.RasterYSize - yoff - 4) + 4 # If not completely contained in large raster - continue?? assert (xoff >= 0 and yoff >= 0 and xwin >= 1 and ywin >= 1) #hmmm piece = dem_band.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xwin, ywin).astype(np.float64) # What to do with nodata-values?? N = (piece == ndval) if N.any(): print("WARNING: setting nodata values to 0!!!") piece[N] = 0 piece_georef = georef.copy() piece_georef[0] += xoff * georef[1] piece_georef[3] += yoff * georef[5] small_grids.append(grid.Grid(piece, piece_georef, ndval)) # Make sure that the grid is 'fine' enough - since the projective transformation # will distort distances across the lines we want to subdivide cs = 1 / float(nsteps) # check numerical diff moved = np.array(((0, cs), (1, cs), (1, 1 - cs), (0, 1 - cs))) tmoved = inverse_transform(moved, cm, scale, Hinv) delta = arr - tmoved ndelta = np.sqrt(np.sum(delta**2, axis=1)) nrows = int(nsteps * ndelta.max()) + 1 # construct the vertical two lines, along the two 'ends', in projective space hspace, cs = np.linspace(1, 0, nrows, endpoint=True, retstep=True) cs = -cs l1 = np.zeros((nrows, 2), dtype=np.float64) l1[:, 1] = hspace l2 = np.ones((nrows, 2), dtype=np.float64) l2[:, 1] = hspace tl1 = inverse_transform(l1, cm, scale, Hinv) tl2 = inverse_transform(l2, cm, scale, Hinv) z1 = small_grids[0].interpolate(tl1) z2 = small_grids[1].interpolate(tl2) assert ((z1 != ndval).all()) assert ((z2 != ndval).all()) # now construct a psudo-grid in 'projective space' Z = np.column_stack((z1, z2)) pseudo_georef = [-0.5, 1.0, 0, 1 + 0.5 * cs, 0, -cs] pseudo_grid = grid.Grid(Z, pseudo_georef, ndval) # Transform input points! # first cut to bounding box of shoe M = np.logical_and(mesh_xy >= arr.min(axis=0), mesh_xy <= arr.max(axis=0)).all(axis=1) print("Number of points in bb: %d" % M.sum()) xy_small = mesh_xy[M] txy = transform(xy_small, cm, scale, H) N = np.logical_and(txy >= 0, txy <= 1).all(axis=1) xy_in_grid = txy[N] print("Number of points in shoe: %d" % xy_in_grid.shape[0]) new_z = pseudo_grid.interpolate(xy_in_grid) # Construct new mask as N is 'relative' to M MM = np.zeros((mesh_xy.shape[0]), dtype=np.bool) MM[M] = N MM = MM.reshape(dtm.shape) dtm.grid[MM] = new_z # OLD STUFF FOR TRIANGULATION APPROACH # N1 = np.arange(0,nsteps-1) # N2 = N1 + 1 # N3 = N1+nsteps # N4 = N3+1 # T1 = np.column_stack((N1,N3,N4)) # T2 = np.column_stack((N4,N2,N1)) # T = np.vstack((T1,T2)) # # plt.figure() # plt.triplot(xy[:,0], xy[:,1], T) # plt.plot(arr[:,0], arr[:,1], color = "green") # plt.plot(l1[:,0], l1[:,1], ".", color = "blue", ms = 10) # plt.plot(l2[:,0], l2[:,1], ".", color = "red", ms = 10) #, dco=["TILED=YES", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "PREDICTOR=3", "ZLEVEL=9"])
pargs = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) except Exception, e: print(str(e)) return 1 kmname = constants.get_tilename(pargs.dem_tile) print("Running %s on block: %s, %s" % (progname, kmname, time.asctime())) extent = np.asarray(constants.tilename_to_extent(kmname)) shoes = vector_io.get_geometries(pargs.horse_ds, pargs.layername, pargs.layersql, extent) outname = os.path.join(pargs.outdir, "dhym_lines_" + kmname + ".tif") if len(shoes) == 0: print("No shoes, man!") shutil.copy(pargs.dem_tile, outname) return 0 #We allways interpolate values from the large ds (vrt) which is not changed in the loop below. dtm = grid.fromGDAL(pargs.dem_tile) cs = dtm.geo_ref[1] mesh_xy = pointcloud.mesh_as_points(dtm.shape, dtm.geo_ref) dem_ds = gdal.Open(pargs.dem_all) dem_band = dem_ds.GetRasterBand(1) ndval = dem_band.GetNoDataValue() georef = np.asarray(dem_ds.GetGeoTransform()) m_drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("Memory") line_ds = m_drv.CreateDataSource("dummy") layer = line_ds.CreateLayer("lines", None, ogr.wkbLineString25D) layerdefn = layer.GetLayerDefn() #if True: # import matplotlib # matplotlib.use("Qt4Agg") # mport matplotlib.pyplot as plt for shoe in shoes:
def main(args): try: pargs = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return 1 kmname = constants.get_tilename(pargs.dem_tile) print("Running %s on block: %s, %s" %(progname,kmname,time.asctime())) extent = np.asarray(constants.tilename_to_extent(kmname)) outname = os.path.join(pargs.outdir, "dhym_" + kmname + ".tif") if os.path.exists(outname) and not pargs.overwrite: print("File already exists - skipping...") return 0 # We always interpolate values from the large dataset (vrt) which is not changed in the loop below. dtm = grid.fromGDAL(pargs.dem_tile) dem_ds = gdal.Open(pargs.dem_all) dem_band = dem_ds.GetRasterBand(1) ndval = dem_band.GetNoDataValue() georef = np.asarray(dem_ds.GetGeoTransform()) cell_res = min(georef[1], -georef[5] ) #the minimal cell size #get the geometries! # a list of (geometry_as_np_array, 'grid1', 'grid2') - the grids should be objects with an interpolate method. The first represents the line 0-3, while the other one represents 1-2. # and yes, keep all that in memory. Buy some more memory if you need it, man! stuff_to_handle=[] #get relevant geometries and process 'em if pargs.horsesql is not None: #fetch the horseshoes shoes = vector_io.get_geometries(pargs.vector_ds, layersql = pargs.horsesql, extent= extent ) #for the horse shoes we want to read z from the dtm! for shoe in shoes: arr = array_geometry.ogrline2array(shoe, flatten = True) assert(arr.shape[0]==4) g1=get_dtm_piece(arr[(0,3),:],dem_band, georef, ndval) #the 'small' piece for the line from p0 to p3. g2=get_dtm_piece(arr[(1,2),:],dem_band, georef, ndval) #the 'small' piece for the line from p0 to p3. stuff_to_handle.append((arr,g1,g2)) del shoes for sql,own_z in ((pargs.linesql_own_z,True),(pargs.linesql_dtm_z,False)): #handle the two line types in one go... if sql is not None: #fetch the 3d lines lines= vector_io.get_geometries(pargs.vector_ds, layersql = sql , extent= extent) print("%d features in "%len(lines)+sql) for line in lines: arr = array_geometry.ogrline2array(line, flatten = not own_z) if own_z: assert (arr.shape[1]==3) #should be a 3d geometry!!! z=arr[:,2] #construct a horse shoe pr line segment! #should we assert that there are exactly two points? #We can handle the general case, but it gets tricky to determine what the interpolation should mean (z1 and z2 from endpoints of linestring and interpolating via relative length?) xy=arr[:,:2] n= xy.shape[0] - 1 # number of segments. #SO: for now assert that n==1, only one segment. Else modify what the grids should be for the 'inner' vertices... assert(n==1) #vectorice - even though there should be only one segment. Will handle the general case... N=array_geometry.linestring_displacements(xy)*(cell_res) #displacement vectors - probably too broad with all touched!!!! buf_left=xy+N buf_right=xy-N for i in range(n): # be prepared to handle the general case!!! shoe=np.vstack((buf_left[i],buf_left[i+1],buf_right[i+1],buf_right[i])) # a horseshoe which is open in the 'first end' if own_z: g1=ConstantGrid(z[i]) g2=ConstantGrid(z[i+1]) else: g1=get_dtm_piece(shoe[(0,3),:],dem_band, georef, ndval) #the 'small' piece for the line from p0 to p3. g2=get_dtm_piece(shoe[(1,2),:],dem_band, georef, ndval) #the 'small' piece for the line from p0 to p3. stuff_to_handle.append((shoe,g1,g2)) del lines if len(stuff_to_handle)==0: print("No features to burn, copying dtm...") shutil.copy(pargs.dem_tile,outname) dem_band=None dem_ds=None return 0 t1=time.time() if pargs.burn_as_lines: print("Burning as lines...") m_drv=ogr.GetDriverByName("Memory") line_ds = m_drv.CreateDataSource( "dummy") layer = line_ds.CreateLayer( "lines", osr.SpatialReference(dtm.srs), ogr.wkbLineString25D) create_3d_lines(stuff_to_handle,layer,cell_res*0.6,ndval) #will add 3d lines to layer (in place) - increase resolution to cell_res*0.8 for fewer lines print("Number of lines: %d" %layer.GetFeatureCount()) #ok - layer created, Burn it!! layer.ResetReading() arr=vector_io.just_burn_layer(layer,dtm.geo_ref,dtm.shape,nd_val=ndval,dtype=np.float32,all_touched=True,burn3d=True) M=(arr!=ndval) assert M.any() if pargs.debug: drv=ogr.GetDriverByName("SQLITE") drv.CopyDataSource(line_ds,os.path.join(pargs.outdir,"dalines_"+kmname+".sqlite")) layer=None line_ds=None dtm.grid[M]=arr[M] else: mesh_xy = pointcloud.mesh_as_points(dtm.shape, dtm.geo_ref) print("Burning using projective transformation...") burn_projective(stuff_to_handle,dtm,cell_res,ndval,mesh_xy) t2=time.time() print("Burning took: %.3fs" %(t2-t1)),dco = ["TILED=YES", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "PREDICTOR=3", "ZLEVEL=9"])
return g0, vert_expansions, hor_expansions def main(args): try: pargs = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) except Exception, e: print(str(e)) return 1 kmname = constants.get_tilename(pargs.tile_name) print("Running %s on block: %s, %s" % (progname, kmname, time.asctime())) if pargs.tiledb is not None: G, v_expansions, h_expansions = get_extended_tile(pargs.tiledb, kmname) else: v_expansions = h_expansions = {-1: False, 1: False} G = grid.fromGDAL(pargs.tile_name) if pargs.ZT: method = 1 else: method = 0 H = G.get_hillshade(azimuth=pargs.azimuth, height=pargs.height, z_factor=pargs.zfactor, method=method) for pos in (-1, 1): if h_expansions[pos]: H.shrink_hor(pos, pixel_buf) if v_expansions[pos]: H.shrink_vert(pos, pixel_buf) outname = os.path.join( pargs.outdir, "hs_" +