예제 #1
 def opt(node):
     if (isinstance(node.op, GpuElemwise)
             and node.op.scalar_op == scal.add and node.nin == 2):
         targ = find_node(node.inputs[0], cls)
         W = node.inputs[1]
         if targ is None:
             targ = find_node(node.inputs[1], cls)
             W = node.inputs[0]
         if targ is None:
             return None
         if W.dtype != targ.outputs[0].dtype:
             return None
         if not is_equal(targ.inputs[beta_in], 0.0):
             # other cases are too complex for now
             return None
         if W.broadcastable != targ.inputs[out_in].broadcastable:
             # Would need to explicitly tile the output to fill
             # the full shape here.  Disable for now.
             return None
         inputs = list(targ.inputs)
         inputs[out_in] = W
         dtype = inputs[beta_in].dtype
         one = scal.constant(np.asarray(1.0, dtype=dtype))
         inputs[beta_in] = one
         with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs):
             return maker(targ, *inputs)
예제 #2
 def opt(node):
     if (isinstance(node.op, GpuElemwise) and
             node.op.scalar_op == scal.add and
             node.nin == 2):
         targ = find_node(node.inputs[0], cls)
         W = node.inputs[1]
         if targ is None:
             targ = find_node(node.inputs[1], cls)
             W = node.inputs[0]
         if targ is None:
             return None
         if W.dtype != targ.outputs[0].dtype:
             return None
         if not is_equal(targ.inputs[beta_in], 0.0):
             # other cases are too complex for now
             return None
         if W.broadcastable != targ.inputs[out_in].broadcastable:
             # Would need to explicitly tile the output to fill
             # the full shape here.  Disable for now.
             return None
         inputs = list(targ.inputs)
         inputs[out_in] = W
         dtype = inputs[beta_in].dtype
         one = scal.constant(np.asarray(1.0, dtype=dtype))
         inputs[beta_in] = one
         with inherit_stack_trace(node.outputs):
             return maker(targ, *inputs)
예제 #3
파일: nerv.py 프로젝트: xzm2004260/Theano
def ensure_float(val, name):
    if not isinstance(val, Variable):
        val = constant(val)
    if hasattr(val, 'ndim') and val.ndim == 0:
        val = as_scalar(val)
    if not isinstance(val.type, theano.scalar.Scalar):
        raise TypeError("%s: expected a scalar value" % (name, ))
    if not val.type.dtype == 'float32':
        raise TypeError("%s: type is not float32" % (name, ))
    return val
예제 #4
def ensure_float(val, name):
    if not isinstance(val, Variable):
        val = constant(val)
    if hasattr(val, 'ndim') and val.ndim == 0:
        val = as_scalar(val)
    if not isinstance(val.type, theano.scalar.Scalar):
        raise TypeError("%s: expected a scalar value" % (name,))
    if not val.type.dtype == 'float32':
        raise TypeError("%s: type is not float32" % (name,))
    return val
예제 #5
파일: dnn.py 프로젝트: hfinger/Theano
def ensure_dt(val, default, name, dtype):
    if val is None:
        val = default.clone()
    if not isinstance(val, Variable):
        val = constant(val)
    if hasattr(val, 'ndim') and val.ndim == 0:
        val = as_scalar(val)
    if not isinstance(val.type, theano.scalar.Scalar):
        raise TypeError("%s: expected a scalar value" % (name,))
    if not val.type.dtype == dtype:
        val = val.astype(dtype)
    return val
예제 #6
파일: dnn.py 프로젝트: orhanf/Theano
def ensure_dt(val, default, name, dtype):
    if val is None:
        val = default.clone()
    if not isinstance(val, Variable):
        val = constant(val)
    if hasattr(val, 'ndim') and val.ndim == 0:
        val = as_scalar(val)
    if not isinstance(val.type, theano.scalar.Scalar):
        raise TypeError("%s: expected a scalar value" % (name,))
    if not val.type.dtype == dtype:
        val = val.astype(dtype)
    return val
예제 #7
파일: opt_util.py 프로젝트: HapeMask/Theano
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

from theano import tensor, scalar as scal, Constant
from theano.gof import local_optimizer
from theano.tensor import (DimShuffle, get_scalar_constant_value,

from .basic_ops import GpuFromHost, HostFromGpu, GpuAllocEmpty, GpuReshape
from .elemwise import GpuDimShuffle, GpuElemwise

_one = scal.constant(np.asarray(1.0, dtype='float32'))

def grab_cpu_scalar(v, nd):
    Get a scalar variable value from the tree at `v`.

    This function will dig through transfers and dimshuffles to get
    the constant value. If no such constant is found, it returns None.

        Theano variable to extract the constant value from.
    nd : int
        Expected number of dimensions for the variable (for
        broadcasted constants).
예제 #8
from functools import wraps

import numpy

from theano import scalar as scal, Constant
from theano.gof import local_optimizer
from theano.tensor import (DimShuffle, get_scalar_constant_value,

from theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops import (GpuFromHost, HostFromGpu,
                                           host_from_gpu, GpuDimShuffle,

_one = scal.constant(numpy.asarray(1.0, dtype='float32'))

def grab_cpu_scalar(v, nd):
    if v.owner is not None:
        n = v.owner
        if (isinstance(n.op, GpuDimShuffle)
                and n.op.new_order == ('x', ) * nd):
            return host_from_gpu(n.inputs[0])
        elif (isinstance(n.op, DimShuffle) and n.op.new_order == ('x', ) * nd):
            return n.inputs[0]
        elif isinstance(n.op, GpuFromHost):
            return grab_cpu_scalar(n.inputs[0], nd=nd)
            return None
        if (isinstance(v, Constant) and v.broadcastable == (True, ) * nd):
            return v.dimshuffle(())
예제 #9
파일: dnn.py 프로젝트: hfinger/Theano
        if len(self.subsample) > 2:
            sub2 = str(self.subsample[2])
            sub2 = '0'

        return [('NB_DIMS', str(len(self.subsample))),
                ('BORDER_MODE', bmode),
                ('PAD_0', pad0), ('PAD_1', pad1), ('PAD_2', pad2),
                ('CONV_MODE', conv_flag),
                ('SUB_0', sub0), ('SUB_1', sub1), ('SUB_2', sub2)]

    def c_code_cache_version(self):
        return (super(GpuDnnConvDesc, self).c_code_cache_version(), version())

# scalar constants
_zero = constant(numpy.asarray(0.0, dtype='float64'))
_one = constant(numpy.asarray(1.0, dtype='float64'))

def ensure_dt(val, default, name, dtype):
    if val is None:
        val = default.clone()
    if not isinstance(val, Variable):
        val = constant(val)
    if hasattr(val, 'ndim') and val.ndim == 0:
        val = as_scalar(val)
    if not isinstance(val.type, theano.scalar.Scalar):
        raise TypeError("%s: expected a scalar value" % (name,))
    if not val.type.dtype == dtype:
        val = val.astype(dtype)
    return val
예제 #10
파일: opt_util.py 프로젝트: cfsmile/Theano
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from functools import wraps

import numpy

from theano import scalar as scal, Constant
from theano.gof import local_optimizer
from theano.tensor import DimShuffle, get_scalar_constant_value, NotScalarConstantError

from .basic_ops import GpuFromHost, HostFromGpu, GpuAllocEmpty
from .elemwise import GpuDimShuffle, GpuElemwise

_one = scal.constant(numpy.asarray(1.0, dtype="float64"))

def grab_cpu_scalar(v, nd):
    Get a scalar variable value from the tree at `v`.

    This function will dig through transfers and dimshuffles to get
    the constant value. If no such constant is found, it returns None.

        Theano variable to extract the constant value from.
    nd : int
        Expected number of dimensions for the variable (for
        broadcasted constants).

예제 #11
파일: dnn.py 프로젝트: orhanf/Theano
        if len(self.subsample) > 2:
            sub2 = str(self.subsample[2])
            sub2 = '0'

        return [('NB_DIMS', str(len(self.subsample))),
                ('BORDER_MODE', bmode),
                ('PAD_0', pad0), ('PAD_1', pad1), ('PAD_2', pad2),
                ('CONV_MODE', conv_flag),
                ('SUB_0', sub0), ('SUB_1', sub1), ('SUB_2', sub2)]

    def c_code_cache_version(self):
        return (super(GpuDnnConvDesc, self).c_code_cache_version(), version())

# scalar constants
_zero = constant(numpy.asarray(0.0, dtype='float64'))
_one = constant(numpy.asarray(1.0, dtype='float64'))

def ensure_dt(val, default, name, dtype):
    if val is None:
        val = default.clone()
    if not isinstance(val, Variable):
        val = constant(val)
    if hasattr(val, 'ndim') and val.ndim == 0:
        val = as_scalar(val)
    if not isinstance(val.type, theano.scalar.Scalar):
        raise TypeError("%s: expected a scalar value" % (name,))
    if not val.type.dtype == dtype:
        val = val.astype(dtype)
    return val
예제 #12
파일: opt_util.py 프로젝트: aalmah/Theano
from functools import wraps

import numpy

from theano import scalar as scal, Constant
from theano.gof import local_optimizer
from theano.tensor import (DimShuffle, get_scalar_constant_value,

from .basic_ops import GpuFromHost, HostFromGpu, GpuAllocEmpty
from .elemwise import GpuDimShuffle, GpuElemwise

_one = scal.constant(numpy.asarray(1.0, dtype='float64'))

def grab_cpu_scalar(v, nd):
    Get a scalar variable value from the tree at `v`.

    This function will dig through transfers and dimshuffles to get
    the constant value. If no such constant is found, it returns None.

    v : variable
        Theano variable to extract the constant value from.
    nd : int
        Expected number of dimensions for the variable (for
        broadcasted constants).

예제 #13
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from functools import wraps

import numpy

from theano import scalar as scal, Constant, config
from theano.gof import local_optimizer
from theano.tensor import (DimShuffle, get_scalar_constant_value,

from .basic_ops import GpuFromHost, HostFromGpu, GpuAllocEmpty
from .elemwise import GpuDimShuffle, GpuElemwise

_one = scal.constant(numpy.asarray(1.0, dtype=config.floatX))

def grab_cpu_scalar(v, nd):
    Get a scalar variable value from the tree at `v`.

    This function will dig through transfers and dimshuffles to get
    the constant value. If no such constant is found, it returns None.

        Theano variable to extract the constant value from.
    nd : int
        Expected number of dimensions for the variable (for
        broadcasted constants).
예제 #14
파일: opt_util.py 프로젝트: flowgrad/Theano
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from functools import wraps

import numpy

from theano import scalar as scal, Constant, config
from theano.gof import local_optimizer
from theano.tensor import (DimShuffle, get_scalar_constant_value,

from .basic_ops import GpuFromHost, HostFromGpu, GpuAllocEmpty
from .elemwise import GpuDimShuffle, GpuElemwise

_one = scal.constant(numpy.asarray(1.0, dtype=config.floatX))

def grab_cpu_scalar(v, nd):
    Get a scalar variable value from the tree at `v`.

    This function will dig through transfers and dimshuffles to get
    the constant value. If no such constant is found, it returns None.

        Theano variable to extract the constant value from.
    nd : int
        Expected number of dimensions for the variable (for
        broadcasted constants).