예제 #1
def likelihood(f, l, R, mu, eps, sigma2, lambda_1=1e-4):
    # The similarity matrix W is a linear combination of the slices in R
    W = T.tensordot(R, mu, axes=1)

    # The following indices correspond to labeled and unlabeled examples
    labeled = T.eq(l, 1).nonzero()

    # Calculating the graph Laplacian of W
    D = T.diag(W.sum(axis=0))
    L = D - W

    # The Covariance (or Kernel) matrix is the inverse of the (regularized) Laplacian
    epsI = eps * T.eye(L.shape[0])
    rL = L + epsI
    Sigma = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(rL)

    # The marginal density of labeled examples uses Sigma_LL as covariance (sub-)matrix
    Sigma_LL = Sigma[labeled][:, labeled][:, 0, :]

    # We also consider additive Gaussian noise with variance sigma2
    K_L = Sigma_LL + (sigma2 * T.eye(Sigma_LL.shape[0]))

    # Calculating the inverse and the determinant of K_L
    iK_L = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(K_L)
    dK_L = nlinalg.det(K_L)

    f_L = f[labeled]

    # The (L1-regularized) log-likelihood is given by the summation of the following four terms
    term_A = - (1 / 2) * f_L.dot(iK_L.dot(f_L))
    term_B = - (1 / 2) * T.log(dK_L)
    term_C = - (1 / 2) * T.log(2 * np.pi)
    term_D = - lambda_1 * T.sum(abs(mu))

    return term_A + term_B + term_C + term_D
예제 #2
 def compute_S(idx, Sp1, zAA, zBB):
     Sm = ifelse(T.eq(idx, nT-2), 
                 T.dot(zBB[iib[-1]], Tla.matrix_inverse(zAA[iia[-1]])),
                 - T.dot(Sp1,T.transpose(zBB[iib[T.min([idx+1,nT-2])]]))))
     return Sm
예제 #3
def quadratic_saturating_loss(mx, Sx, target, Q, *args, **kwargs):
        Squashing loss penalty function
        c(x) = ( 1 - e^(-0.5*quadratic_loss(x, target)) )
    if Sx is None:
        if mx.ndim == 1:
            mx = mx[None, :]
        delta = mx - target[None, :]
        deltaQ = delta.dot(Q)
        cost = 1.0 - tt.exp(-0.5 * tt.batched_dot(deltaQ, delta))
        return cost
        # stochastic case (moment matching)
        delta = mx - target
        SxQ = Sx.dot(Q)
        EyeM = tt.eye(mx.shape[0])
        IpSxQ = EyeM + SxQ
        Ip2SxQ = EyeM + 2 * SxQ
        S1 = tt.dot(Q, matrix_inverse(IpSxQ))
        S2 = tt.dot(Q, matrix_inverse(Ip2SxQ))
        # S1 = solve(IpSxQ.T, Q.T).T
        # S2 = solve(Ip2SxQ.T, Q.T).T
        # mean
        m_cost = -tt.exp(-0.5 * delta.dot(S1).dot(delta)) / tt.sqrt(det(IpSxQ))
        # var
        s_cost = tt.exp(-delta.dot(S2).dot(delta)) / tt.sqrt(
            det(Ip2SxQ)) - m_cost**2

        return 1.0 + m_cost, s_cost
예제 #4
 def compute_S(idx, Sp1, zAA, zBB):
     Sm = ifelse(
         T.eq(idx, nT - 2),
         T.dot(zBB[iib[-1]], Tla.matrix_inverse(zAA[iia[-1]])),
             Tla.matrix_inverse(zAA[iia[T.min([idx + 1, nT - 2])]] - T.dot(
                 Sp1, T.transpose(zBB[iib[T.min([idx + 1, nT - 2])]])))))
     return Sm
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, GenerativeParams, xDim, yDim, srng = None, nrng = None):

        super(LDS, self).__init__(GenerativeParams,xDim,yDim,srng,nrng)

        # parameters
        if 'A' in GenerativeParams:
            self.A      = theano.shared(value=GenerativeParams['A'].astype(theano.config.floatX), name='A'     ,borrow=True)     # dynamics matrix
            self.A      = theano.shared(value=.5*np.diag(np.ones(xDim).astype(theano.config.floatX)), name='A'     ,borrow=True)     # dynamics matrix

        if 'QChol' in GenerativeParams:
            self.QChol  = theano.shared(value=GenerativeParams['QChol'].astype(theano.config.floatX), name='QChol' ,borrow=True)     # cholesky of innovation cov matrix
            self.QChol  = theano.shared(value=(np.eye(xDim)).astype(theano.config.floatX), name='QChol' ,borrow=True)     # cholesky of innovation cov matrix

        if 'Q0Chol' in GenerativeParams:
            self.Q0Chol = theano.shared(value=GenerativeParams['Q0Chol'].astype(theano.config.floatX), name='Q0Chol',borrow=True)     # cholesky of starting distribution cov matrix
            self.Q0Chol = theano.shared(value=(np.eye(xDim)).astype(theano.config.floatX), name='Q0Chol',borrow=True)     # cholesky of starting distribution cov matrix

        if 'RChol' in GenerativeParams:
            self.RChol  = theano.shared(value=np.ndarray.flatten(GenerativeParams['RChol'].astype(theano.config.floatX)), name='RChol' ,borrow=True)     # cholesky of observation noise cov matrix
            self.RChol  = theano.shared(value=np.random.randn(yDim).astype(theano.config.floatX)/10, name='RChol' ,borrow=True)     # cholesky of observation noise cov matrix

        if 'x0' in GenerativeParams:
            self.x0     = theano.shared(value=GenerativeParams['x0'].astype(theano.config.floatX), name='x0'    ,borrow=True)     # set to zero for stationary distribution
            self.x0     = theano.shared(value=np.zeros((xDim,)).astype(theano.config.floatX), name='x0'    ,borrow=True)     # set to zero for stationary distribution

        if 'NN_XtoY_Params' in GenerativeParams:
            self.NN_XtoY = GenerativeParams['NN_XtoY_Params']['network']
            # Define a neural network that maps the latent state into the output
            gen_nn = lasagne.layers.InputLayer((None, xDim))
            self.NN_XtoY = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(gen_nn, yDim, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.linear, W=lasagne.init.Orthogonal())

        # set to our lovely initial values
        if 'C' in GenerativeParams:
        if 'd' in GenerativeParams:

        # we assume diagonal covariance (RChol is a vector)
        self.Rinv    = 1./(self.RChol**2) #Tla.matrix_inverse(T.dot(self.RChol ,T.transpose(self.RChol)))
        self.Lambda  = Tla.matrix_inverse(T.dot(self.QChol ,self.QChol.T))
        self.Lambda0 = Tla.matrix_inverse(T.dot(self.Q0Chol,self.Q0Chol.T))

        # Call the neural network output a rate, basically to keep things consistent with the PLDS class
        self.rate = lasagne.layers.get_output(self.NN_XtoY, inputs = self.Xsamp)
예제 #6
def logNormalPDFmat(X, Mu, XChol, xDim):
    ''' Use this version when X is a matrix [N x xDim] '''
    Lambda = Tla.matrix_inverse(T.dot(XChol, T.transpose(XChol)))
    XMu = X - Mu
    return (-0.5 * T.dot(XMu, T.dot(Lambda, T.transpose(XMu))) +
            0.5 * X.shape[0] * T.log(Tla.det(Lambda)) -
            0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) * X.shape[0] * xDim)
예제 #7
def get_bivariate_normal_spec():
    X1,X2,mu,sigma = [T.scalar('X1'),T.scalar('X2'), T.vector('mu'), T.matrix('sigma')]
    GaussianDensitySpec = FunctionSpec(variables=[X1, X2, mu, sigma],
                                       output_expression = -0.5*T.dot(T.dot((T.concatenate([X1.dimshuffle('x'),X2.dimshuffle('x')])-mu).T,
    return GaussianDensitySpec
예제 #8
def th_MvLDAN(data_inputs, labels):
    n_view = len(data_inputs)
    dtype = 'float32'
    mean = []
    std = []
    data = []
    for v in range(n_view):
        _data = theano.shared(data_inputs[v])
        _mean = T.mean(_data, axis=0).reshape([1, -1])
        _std = T.std(_data, axis=0).reshape([1, -1])
        _std += T.eq(_std, 0).astype(dtype)
        data.append((_data - _mean) / _std)

    Sw, Sb, _ = th_MvLDAN_Sw_Sb(data, labels)

    from theano.tensor import nlinalg
    eigvals, eigvecs = nlinalg.eig(T.dot(nlinalg.matrix_inverse(Sw), Sb))
    # evals = slinalg.eigvalsh(Sb, Sw)
    mean = list(theano.function([], mean)())
    std = list(theano.function([], std)())
    eigvals, eigvecs = theano.function([], [eigvals, eigvecs])()
    inx = np.argsort(eigvals)[::-1]
    eigvals = eigvals[inx]
    eigvecs = eigvecs[:, inx]
    W = []
    pre = 0
    for v in range(n_view):
        W.append(eigvecs[pre:pre + mean[v].shape[1], :])
        pre += mean[v].shape[1]
    return [mean, std], W, eigvals
예제 #9
def gaussian_kl_loss(mx, Sx, mt, St):
        Returns KL ( Normal(mx, Sx) || Normal(mt, St) )
    if St is None:
        target_samples = mt
        mt, St = empirical_gaussian_params(target_samples)

    if Sx is None:
        # evaluate empirical KL (expectation over the rolled out samples)
        x = mx
        mx, Sx = empirical_gaussian_params(x)

        def logprob(x, m, S):
            delta = x - m
            L = cholesky(S)
            beta = solve_lower_triangular(L, delta.T).T
            lp = -0.5 * tt.square(beta).sum(-1)
            lp -= tt.sum(tt.log(tt.diagonal(L)))
            lp -= (0.5 * m.size * tt.log(2 * np.pi)).astype(
            return lp

        return (logprob(x, mx, Sx) - logprob(x, mt, St)).mean(0)
        delta = mt - mx
        Stinv = matrix_inverse(St)
        kl = tt.log(det(St)) - tt.log(det(Sx))
        kl += trace(Stinv.dot(delta.T.dot(delta) + Sx - St))
        return 0.5 * kl
예제 #10
 def test_gpu_matrix_inverse_inplace_opt(self):
     A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
     fn = theano.function([A], matrix_inverse(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
     assert any([
         node.op.inplace for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
         if isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaMatrixInverse)
예제 #11
def propagate(f, l, R, mu, eps):
    # The similarity matrix W is a linear combination of the slices in R
    W = T.tensordot(R, mu, axes=1)

    # The following indices correspond to labeled and unlabeled examples
    labeled = T.eq(l, 1).nonzero()
    unlabeled = T.eq(l, 0).nonzero()

    # Calculating the graph Laplacian of W
    D = T.diag(W.sum(axis=0))
    L = D - W

    # Computing L_UU (the Laplacian over unlabeled examples)
    L_UU = L[unlabeled][:, unlabeled][:, 0, :]

    # Computing the inverse of the (regularized) Laplacian iA = (L_UU + epsI)^-1
    epsI = eps * T.eye(L_UU.shape[0])
    rL_UU = L_UU + epsI
    iA = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(rL_UU)

    # Computing W_UL (the similarity matrix between unlabeled and labeled examples)
    W_UL = W[unlabeled][:, labeled][:, 0, :]
    f_L = f[labeled]

    # f* = (L_UU + epsI)^-1 W_UL f_L
    f_star = iA.dot(W_UL.dot(f_L))

    return f_star
예제 #12
    def compute_D(idx, Dm1, zS, zAA, zBB):
        D = ifelse(T.eq(idx, nT-1),
		       III + T.dot(T.transpose(zBB[iib[idx-1]]),
                   ifelse(T.eq(idx, 0), 
			      - T.dot(zBB[iib[0]], T.transpose(S[-1]))),
                                - T.dot(zBB[iib[T.min([idx,nT-2])]],T.transpose(S[T.max([-idx-1,-nT+1])]))),
			        III + T.dot(T.transpose(zBB[iib[T.min([idx-1,nT-2])]]),
        return D
예제 #13
 def _tf_solve_inverse(self, A, b, reg):
     ''' solve via pseudo inverse Ax=b return x= inv(A).b'''
     A2 = T.dot(A.T, A)
     A2reg = A2 + T.eye(A.shape[1]) * reg
     vv = T.dot(b, A)
     v = T.dot(vv, matrix_inverse(A2reg))
     return v
예제 #14
    def _get_updates(self):
        n = self.params['batch_size']
        N = self.params['train_size']
        prec_lik = self.params['prec_lik']
        prec_prior = self.params['prec_prior']
        gc_norm = self.params['gc_norm']
        gamma = float(n + N) / n

        # compute log-likelihood
        error = self.model_outputs - self.true_outputs
        logliks = log_normal(error, prec_lik)
        sumloglik = logliks.sum()

        # compute gradient of likelihood wrt each data point
        grads = tensor.jacobian(expression=logliks, wrt=self.weights)
        grads = tensor.concatenate([g.flatten(ndim=2) for g in grads], axis=1)
        avg_grads = grads.mean(axis=0)
        dist_grads = grads - avg_grads

        # compute variance of gradient
        var_grads = (1. / (n - 1)) * tensor.dot(dist_grads.T, dist_grads)

        logprior = log_prior_normal(self.weights, prec_prior)
        grads_prior = tensor.grad(cost=logprior, wrt=self.weights)
        grads_prior = tensor.concatenate([g.flatten() for g in grads_prior])

        # update Fisher information
        I_t_next = (1 - 1 / self.it) * self.I_t + 1 / self.it * var_grads

        # compute noise
        if 'B' in self.params:
            B = self.params['B']
            B = gamma * I_t_next * N
        # B += np.eye(self.n_weights) * (10 ** -9)
        B_ch = slinalg.cholesky(B)
        noise = tensor.dot(((2. / tensor.sqrt(self.lr)) * B_ch),
                           trng.normal((self.n_weights, 1)))

        # expensive inversion
        inv_cond_mat = gamma * N * I_t_next + (4. / self.lr) * B
        cond_mat = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(inv_cond_mat)

        updates = []
        updates.append((self.I_t, I_t_next))
        updates.append((self.it, self.it + 1))

        # update the parameters
        updated_params = 2 * tensor.dot(
            cond_mat, grads_prior + N * avg_grads + noise.flatten())
        updated_params = updated_params.flatten()
        last_row = 0
        for p in self.weights:
            sub_index = np.prod(p.get_value().shape)
            up = updated_params[last_row:last_row + sub_index]
            up = up.reshape(p.shape)
            updates.append((p, up))
            last_row += sub_index

        return updates, sumloglik
예제 #15
 def __call__(self, A, b, inference=False):
     if inference is True:
         solve = slinalg.Solve()
         x = solve(A, b)
         x = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(A).dot(b)
     return x
예제 #16
 def test_gpu_matrix_inverse_inplace_opt(self):
     A = theano.tensor.fmatrix("A")
     fn = theano.function([A], matrix_inverse(A), mode=mode_with_gpu)
     assert any([
         for node in fn.maker.fgraph.toposort() if
         isinstance(node.op, GpuMagmaMatrixInverse)
예제 #17
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: dhernandd/vind_old
def blk_chol_inv(A, B, b, lower=True, transpose=False):
    Solve the equation Cx = b for x, where C is assumed to be a 
    block-bi-diagonal matrix ( where only the first (lower or upper) 
    off-diagonal block is nonzero.

    A - [T x n x n]   tensor, where each A[i,:,:] is the ith block diagonal matrix 
    B - [T-1 x n x n] tensor, where each B[i,:,:] is the ith (upper or lower) 
        1st block off-diagonal matrix
    lower (default: True) - boolean specifying whether to treat B as the lower
          or upper 1st block off-diagonal of matrix C
    transpose (default: False) - boolean specifying whether to transpose the 
          off-diagonal blocks B[i,:,:] (useful if you want to compute solve 
          the problem C^T x = b with a representation of C.) 

    x - solution of Cx = b

    if transpose:
        A = A.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1)
        B = B.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1)
    if lower:
        x0 = Tla.matrix_inverse(A[0]).dot(b[0])

        def lower_step(Akp1, Bk, bkp1, xk):
            return Tla.matrix_inverse(Akp1).dot(bkp1 - Bk.dot(xk))

        X = theano.scan(fn=lower_step,
                        sequences=[A[1:], B, b[1:]],
        X = T.concatenate([T.shape_padleft(x0), X])
        xN = Tla.matrix_inverse(A[-1]).dot(b[-1])

        def upper_step(Akm1, Bkm1, bkm1, xk):
            return Tla.matrix_inverse(Akm1).dot(bkm1 - (Bkm1).dot(xk))

        X = theano.scan(fn=upper_step,
                        sequences=[A[:-1][::-1], B[::-1], b[:-1][::-1]],
        X = T.concatenate([T.shape_padleft(xN), X])[::-1]
    return X
예제 #18
 def _calc_caylay_delta(step_size, param, gradient):
     A = Tensor.dot(((step_size / 2) * gradient).T, param) - Tensor.dot(param.T, ((step_size / 2) * gradient))
     I = Tensor.identity_like(A)
     temp = I + A
     # Q = Tensor.dot(batched_inv(temp.dimshuffle('x',0,1))[0], (I - A))
     Q = Tensor.dot(matrix_inverse(temp), I - A)
     update = Tensor.dot(param, Q)
     delta = (step_size / 2) * Tensor.dot((param + update), A)
     return update, delta
예제 #19
def test_inverse_singular():
    singular = numpy.array([[1, 0, 0]] + [[0, 1, 0]] * 2, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    a = tensor.matrix()
    f = function([a], matrix_inverse(a))
    except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
    assert False
예제 #20
def invLogDet(C):
    # Return inv(A) and log det A where A = C . C^T
    iC = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(C)
    iC.name = 'i' + C.name
    iA = T.dot(iC.T, iC)
    iA.name = 'i' + C.name[1:]
    logDetA = 2.0 * T.sum(T.log(T.abs_(T.diag(C))))
    logDetA.name = 'logDet' + C.name[1:]
    return (iA, logDetA)
예제 #21
def invLogDet(C):
    # Return inv(A) and log det A where A = C . C^T
    iC = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(C)
    iC.name = "i" + C.name
    iA = T.dot(iC.T, iC)
    iA.name = "i" + C.name[1:]
    logDetA = 2.0 * T.sum(T.log(T.abs_(T.diag(C))))
    logDetA.name = "logDet" + C.name[1:]
    return (iA, logDetA)
예제 #22
def test_inverse_singular():
    singular = np.array([[1, 0, 0]] + [[0, 1, 0]] * 2, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    a = tensor.matrix()
    f = function([a], matrix_inverse(a))
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
    assert False
예제 #23
 def compute_D(idx, Dm1, zS, zAA, zBB):
     D = ifelse(
         T.eq(idx, nT - 1),
             III + T.dot(T.transpose(zBB[iib[idx - 1]]), T.dot(Dm1, S[0]))),
             T.eq(idx, 0),
             Tla.matrix_inverse(zAA[iia[0]] -
                                T.dot(zBB[iib[0]], T.transpose(S[-1]))),
                     zAA[iia[idx]] -
                     T.dot(zBB[iib[T.min([idx, nT - 2])]],
                           T.transpose(S[T.max([-idx - 1, -nT + 1])]))),
                 III +
                 T.dot(T.transpose(zBB[iib[T.min([idx - 1, nT - 2])]]),
                       T.dot(Dm1, S[-idx])))))
     return D
예제 #24
    def logp(self, X):
        n = self.n
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)

        return bound(
            ((n - p - 1) * log(IVI) - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X)) -
             n * p * log(2) - n * log(IVI) - 2 * multigammaln(p, n / 2)) / 2,
            n > (p - 1))
예제 #25
def gaussInit(muin, varin):
    d = muin.shape[0]
    vardet, varinv = nlinalg.det(varin), nlinalg.matrix_inverse(varin)
    logconst = -d / 2. * np.log(2 * PI) - .5 * T.log(vardet)

    def logP(x):
        submu = x - muin
        out = logconst - .5 * T.sum(submu * (T.dot(submu, varinv.T)), axis=1)
        return out

    return logP
예제 #26
    def logp(self, X):
        n = self.n
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(
            ((n - p - 1) * tt.log(IXI) - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X)) -
             n * p * tt.log(2) - n * tt.log(IVI) - 2 * multigammaln(n / 2., p))
            / 2, matrix_pos_def(X), tt.eq(X, X.T), n > (p - 1))
예제 #27
    def logp(self, X):
        n = self.n
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(
            ((n - p - 1) * log(IXI) - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X)) -
                n * p * log(2) - n * log(IVI) - 2 * multigammaln(n / 2., p)) / 2,
             n > (p - 1))
예제 #28
    def logp(self, X):
        n = self.n
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(
            ((n - p - 1) * log(IXI) - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X)) -
             n * p * log(2) - n * log(IVI) - 2 * multigammaln(n / 2., p)) / 2,
            gt(n, (p - 1)), all(gt(eigh(X)[0], 0)), eq(X, X.T))
예제 #29
    def logp(self, X):
        n = self.n
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(
            ((n - p - 1) * T.log(IXI) - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X)) -
             n * p * T.log(2) - n * T.log(IVI) - 2 * multigammaln(n / 2., p)) /
            2, T.all(eigh(X)[0] > 0), T.eq(X, X.T), n > (p - 1))
예제 #30
def project(x_val, x_coords, x_star_coords, cov_fn):
    """Projects a Gaussian process defined by `x_val` at `x_coords`
       onto a set of coordinates `x_star_coords`.
    :param x_val: values of the GP at `x_coords`
    :param x_coords: a set of coordinates for each `x_val`
    :param x_star_coords: a set of coordinates onto which to project the GP
    :param cov_fn: a covariance function returning a covariance matrix given a set of coordinates
    :returns: a vector of projected values at `x_star_coords`
    kxx = cov_fn(x_coords)
    kxxtx = matrix_inverse(stabilize(kxx))
    kxxs = tt.dot(kxxtx, x_val)
    knew = cov_fn(x_star_coords, x_coords)
    return tt.dot(knew, kxxs)
예제 #31
파일: hand.py 프로젝트: zenna/ig
def invert_weight_matrix_symb(w):
  invw = []
  for i in range(len(w)):
    # layer_weight = w[-(i+1)]
    if i%2 == 1:
      layer_weight = w[-(i+1)]
      print("inv val", -(i+1+1), "of length", len(w))
      layer_weight = w[-(i+1)]
      print("bias inv val", -(i+1-1), "of length", len(w))

  return invw
예제 #32
def blk_chol_inv(A, B, b, lower = True, transpose = False):
    Solve the equation Cx = b for x, where C is assumed to be a 
    block-bi-diagonal matrix ( where only the first (lower or upper) 
    off-diagonal block is nonzero.

    A - [T x n x n]   tensor, where each A[i,:,:] is the ith block diagonal matrix 
    B - [T-1 x n x n] tensor, where each B[i,:,:] is the ith (upper or lower) 
        1st block off-diagonal matrix
    lower (default: True) - boolean specifying whether to treat B as the lower
          or upper 1st block off-diagonal of matrix C
    transpose (default: False) - boolean specifying whether to transpose the 
          off-diagonal blocks B[i,:,:] (useful if you want to compute solve 
          the problem C^T x = b with a representation of C.) 

    x - solution of Cx = b

    if transpose:
        A = A.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1)
        B = B.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1)
    if lower:
        x0 = Tla.matrix_inverse(A[0]).dot(b[0])
        def lower_step(Akp1, Bk, bkp1, xk):
            return Tla.matrix_inverse(Akp1).dot(bkp1-Bk.dot(xk))
        X = theano.scan(fn = lower_step, sequences=[A[1:], B, b[1:]], outputs_info=[x0])[0]
        X = T.concatenate([T.shape_padleft(x0), X])
        xN = Tla.matrix_inverse(A[-1]).dot(b[-1])
        def upper_step(Akm1, Bkm1, bkm1, xk):
            return Tla.matrix_inverse(Akm1).dot(bkm1-(Bkm1).dot(xk))
        X = theano.scan(fn = upper_step, sequences=[A[:-1][::-1], B[::-1], b[:-1][::-1]], outputs_info=[xN])[0]
        X = T.concatenate([T.shape_padleft(xN), X])[::-1]
    return X
예제 #33
    def logp(self, X):
        n = self.n
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(
            ((n - p - 1) * log(IXI) - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X)) -
                n * p * log(2) - n * log(IVI) - 2 * multigammaln(n / 2., p)) / 2,
            gt(n, (p - 1)),
            all(gt(eigh(X)[0], 0)),
            eq(X, X.T)
예제 #34
    def logp(self, X):
        n = self.n
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(((n - p - 1) * tt.log(IXI)
                      - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X))
                      - n * p * tt.log(2) - n * tt.log(IVI)
                      - 2 * multigammaln(n / 2., p)) / 2,
                     tt.eq(X, X.T),
                     n > (p - 1))
예제 #35
    def logp(self, X):
        nu = self.nu
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(((nu - p - 1) * tt.log(IXI) -
                      trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X)) - nu * p * tt.log(2) -
                      nu * tt.log(IVI) - 2 * multigammaln(nu / 2., p)) / 2,
                     tt.eq(X, X.T),
                     nu > (p - 1),
예제 #36
def cholInvLogDet(A, dim, jitter, fast=False):

    A_jitter = A + jitter * T.eye(dim)
    cA = myCholesky()(A_jitter)
    cA.name = "c" + A.name

    if fast:
        (iA, logDetA) = invLogDet(cA)
        iA = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(A_jitter)
        # logDetA = T.log( nlinalg.Det()(A_jitter) )
        logDetA = 2.0 * T.sum(T.log(T.abs_(T.diag(cA))))
        iA.name = "i" + A.name
        logDetA.name = "logDet" + A.name

    return (cA, iA, logDetA)
예제 #37
def cholInvLogDet(A, dim, jitter, fast=False):

    A_jitter = A + jitter * T.eye(dim)
    cA = myCholesky()(A_jitter)
    cA.name = 'c' + A.name

    if fast:
        (iA, logDetA) = invLogDet(cA)
        iA = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(A_jitter)
        #logDetA = T.log( nlinalg.Det()(A_jitter) )
        logDetA = 2.0 * T.sum(T.log(T.abs_(T.diag(cA))))
        iA.name = 'i' + A.name
        logDetA.name = 'logDet' + A.name

    return (cA, iA, logDetA)
예제 #38
    def logp(self, value):

        S = self.Sigma
        nu = self.nu
        mu = self.mu

        d = S.shape[0]

        X = value - mu

        Q = X.dot(matrix_inverse(S)).dot(X.T).sum()
        log_det = tt.log(det(S))
        log_pdf = gammaln((nu + d) / 2.) - 0.5 * \
            (d * tt.log(np.pi * nu) + log_det) - gammaln(nu / 2.)
        log_pdf -= 0.5 * (nu + d) * tt.log(1 + Q / nu)

        return log_pdf
예제 #39
def test_inverse_correctness():
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

    r = rng.randn(4, 4).astype(theano.config.floatX)

    x = tensor.matrix()
    xi = matrix_inverse(x)

    ri = function([x], xi)(r)
    assert ri.shape == r.shape
    assert ri.dtype == r.dtype

    rir = numpy.dot(ri, r)
    rri = numpy.dot(r, ri)

    assert _allclose(numpy.identity(4), rir), rir
    assert _allclose(numpy.identity(4), rri), rri
예제 #40
    def logp(self, value):

        S = self.Sigma
        nu = self.nu
        mu = self.mu

        d = S.shape[0]

        X = value - mu

        Q = X.dot(matrix_inverse(S)).dot(X.T).sum()
        log_det = tt.log(det(S))
        log_pdf = gammaln((nu + d) / 2.) - 0.5 * \
            (d * tt.log(np.pi * nu) + log_det) - gammaln(nu / 2.)
        log_pdf -= 0.5 * (nu + d) * tt.log(1 + Q / nu)

        return log_pdf
예제 #41
def test_inverse_correctness():
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

    r = rng.randn(4, 4).astype(theano.config.floatX)

    x = tensor.matrix()
    xi = matrix_inverse(x)

    ri = function([x], xi)(r)
    assert ri.shape == r.shape
    assert ri.dtype == r.dtype

    rir = numpy.dot(ri, r)
    rri = numpy.dot(r, ri)

    assert _allclose(numpy.identity(4), rir), rir
    assert _allclose(numpy.identity(4), rri), rri
예제 #42
    def logp(self, X):
        nu = self.nu
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(((nu - p - 1) * tt.log(IXI)
                      - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X))
                      - nu * p * tt.log(2) - nu * tt.log(IVI)
                      - 2 * multigammaln(nu / 2., p)) / 2,
                     tt.eq(X, X.T),
                     nu > (p - 1),
예제 #43
파일: mathT.py 프로젝트: AndyZhang17/iaf2
def multiNormInit_sharedParams(mean, varmat, dim):
    :param mean:  theano.tensor.TensorVaraible
    :param varmat: theano.tensor.TensorVaraible
    :param dim: number
    d = dim
    const = -d / 2. * np.log(2 * PI) - 0.5 * T.log(T.abs_(tlin.det(varmat)))
    varinv = tlin.matrix_inverse(varmat)

    def loglik(x):
        subx = x - mean
        subxcvt = T.dot(subx, varinv)  # Nxd
        subxsqr = subx * subxcvt  # Nxd
        return -T.sum(subxsqr, axis=1) / 2. + const

    return loglik
예제 #44
    def negative_log_likelihood_symbolic(L, y, mu, R, eta, eps):
        Negative Marginal Log-Likelihood in a Gaussian Process regression model.

        The marginal likelihood  for a set of parameters Theta is defined as follows:

            \log(y|X, \Theta) = - 1/2 y^T K_y^-1 y - 1/2 log |K_y| - n/2 log 2 \pi

        where K_y = K_f + sigma^2_n I is the covariance matrix for the noisy targets y,
        and K_f is the covariance matrix for the noise-free latent f.
        N = L.shape[0]
        W = T.tensordot(R, eta, axes=1)

        large_W = T.zeros((N * 2, N * 2))
        large_W = T.set_subtensor(large_W[:N, :N], 2. * mu * W)
        large_W = T.set_subtensor(large_W[N:, :N], T.diag(L))
        large_W = T.set_subtensor(large_W[:N, N:], T.diag(L))

        large_D = T.diag(T.sum(abs(large_W), axis=0))
        large_M = large_D - large_W

        PrecisionMatrix = T.inc_subtensor(large_M[:N, :N], mu * eps * T.eye(N))

        # Let's try to avoid singular matrices
        _EPSILON = 1e-8
        PrecisionMatrix += _EPSILON * T.eye(N * 2)

        # K matrix in a Gaussian Process regression model
        CovarianceMatrix = nlinalg.matrix_inverse(PrecisionMatrix)

        L_idx = L.nonzero()[0]

        y_l = y[L_idx]
        CovarianceMatrix_L = CovarianceMatrix[N + L_idx, :][:, N + L_idx]

        log_likelihood = 0.

        log_likelihood -= .5 * y_l.T.dot(CovarianceMatrix_L.dot(y_l))
        log_likelihood -= .5 * T.log(nlinalg.det(CovarianceMatrix_L))
        log_likelihood -= .5 * T.log(2 * T.pi)

        return -log_likelihood
예제 #45
    def logp(self, X):
        n = self.n
        p = self.p
        V = self.V

        IVI = det(V)
        IXI = det(X)

        return bound(
                (n - p - 1) * T.log(IXI)
                - trace(matrix_inverse(V).dot(X))
                - n * p * T.log(2)
                - n * T.log(IVI)
                - 2 * multigammaln(n / 2.0, p)
            / 2,
            T.all(eigh(X)[0] > 0),
            T.eq(X, X.T),
            n > (p - 1),
예제 #46
 def f(self, x, sampling=True, **kwargs):
     x /= np.cast[theano.config.floatX](np.sqrt(self.dim_in))
     indx, indy = self.params[3], self.params[4]
     indx /= np.cast[theano.config.floatX](np.sqrt(self.dim_in))
     if sampling:
         noisex = sample_mult_noise(T.exp(self.params[-2]), indx.shape)
         noisey = sample_mult_noise(T.exp(self.params[-1]), indy.shape)
         indy *= noisey; indx *= noisex
     Rr, Rc = T.exp(self.params[1]), T.exp(self.params[2])
     U = T.sqr(Rr)
     sigma11 = T.dot(indx * U.dimshuffle('x', 0), indx.T) + eps_ind * T.eye(self.n_inducing)
     sigma22 = T.dot(x * U.dimshuffle('x', 0), x.T)
     sigma12 = T.dot(indx * U.dimshuffle('x', 0), x.T)
     mu_ind = T.dot(indx, self.params[0])
     inv_sigma11 = Tn.matrix_inverse(sigma11)
     mu_x = T.dot(x, self.params[0]) + T.dot(sigma12.T, inv_sigma11).dot(indy - mu_ind)
     if not sampling:
         return mu_x
     sigma_x = Tn.extract_diag(sigma22 - T.dot(sigma12.T, inv_sigma11).dot(sigma12))
     std = T.outer(T.sqrt(sigma_x), Rc)
     out_sample = sample_gauss(mu_x, std)
     return out_sample
예제 #47
파일: mnist2.py 프로젝트: zenna/ig
def make_inv(y, p1, p2, nlayers, gammas, betas, weights, inv_stds, means):
    inv_network_layers = []
    mlow =  T.max(1.0/y, axis=1)
    e = np.array(np.exp(1.0),dtype=T.config.floatX)
    mhigh = T.min(e/y, axis=1)
    m = p1*(mhigh-mlow) + mlow
    unsoftmax = T.log(y*m.dimshuffle(0, 'x'))
    lastl = T.concatenate([unsoftmax,p2],axis=1)

    inv_network = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, 28*28),
    j = 1
    for i in range(nlayers):
        inv_network = lasagne.layers.NonlinearityLayer(inv_network, nonlinearity = inv_nonlinearity)
        inv_network = InvBatchNormLayer(inv_network, gamma = gammas[-j], beta=betas[-j], inv_std=inv_stds[-j], mean=means[-j])
        inv_network = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(inv_network, 28*28, W = matrix_inverse(weights[-j]), b=None, nonlinearity=None)
        j = j + 1

    return inv_network, inv_network_layers, p1, p2
예제 #48
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: dhernandd/vind_old
 def upper_step(Akm1, Bkm1, bkm1, xk):
     return Tla.matrix_inverse(Akm1).dot(bkm1 - (Bkm1).dot(xk))
 def grad(self, inputs, g_outputs):
     [gz] = g_outputs
     [x] = inputs
     return [gz * matrix_inverse(x).T]
예제 #50
 def step(self, X, states):
     inv = TLA.matrix_inverse(X)
     return inv, []
예제 #51
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: dhernandd/vind_old
 def lower_step(Akp1, Bk, bkp1, xk):
     return Tla.matrix_inverse(Akp1).dot(bkp1 - Bk.dot(xk))
예제 #52
 def upper_step(Akm1, Bkm1, bkm1, xk):
     return Tla.matrix_inverse(Akm1).dot(bkm1-(Bkm1).dot(xk))
예제 #53
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: dhernandd/vind_old
 def compute_chol(Aip1, Bi, Li, Ci):
     Ci = T.dot(Bi.T, Tla.matrix_inverse(Li).T)
     Dii = Aip1 - T.dot(Ci, Ci.T)
     Lii = Tsla.cholesky(Dii)
     return [Lii, Ci]
예제 #54
 def lower_step(Akp1, Bk, bkp1, xk):
     return Tla.matrix_inverse(Akp1).dot(bkp1-Bk.dot(xk))
예제 #55
 def grad(self, inputs, g_outputs):
     [gz] = g_outputs
     [x] = inputs
     return [gz * matrix_inverse(x).T]
예제 #56
 def compute_chol(Aip1, Bi, Li, Ci):
     Ci = T.dot(Bi.T, Tla.matrix_inverse(Li).T)
     Dii = Aip1 - T.dot(Ci, Ci.T)
     Lii = Tsla.cholesky(Dii)
     return [Lii,Ci]
예제 #57
파일: model.py 프로젝트: while519/tranpes
def ProjecVec(A, vec):
    This function calculate the projection of vec onto the
    column plane spanned by A
    return  T.dot(T.dot(T.dot(A, NL.matrix_inverse(T.dot(A.T, A) + 1e-8*T.eye(2))), A.T), vec)
예제 #58
def get_normal_spec():
    X,mu,sigma = [T.vector('X'), T.vector('Mu'), T.matrix('Sigma')]
    GaussianDensitySpec = FunctionSpec(variables=[X, mu, sigma],
                                       output_expression = -0.5*T.dot(T.dot((X-mu).T, nlinalg.matrix_inverse(sigma)), (X-mu)))
    return GaussianDensitySpec