def get(self, profileid, count, recommendationtype): connection = bsql.get_connection("Floris09", "huwebshop") cursor = bsql.get_cursor(connection) """ This function represents the handler for GET requests coming in through the API. It currently returns a random sample of products. """ prodids = [] if recommendationtype == "popular": cat = profileid cat = cat.replace("-", " ") cat = cat.replace(" en ", " & ") print(cat) data = bsql.select_data( cursor, f"SELECT * FROM andere_kochten_ook WHERE LOWER(category) = LOWER('{cat}');" ) for row in data: print(row) prodids = [row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]] print(prodids) if recommendationtype == "similar": prod_id = profileid data = bsql.select_data( cursor, f"SELECT * FROM soort_gelijke_producten WHERE productid = '{prod_id}';" ) for row in data: print(row) prodids = [row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]] print(prod_id) if recommendationtype == "behaviour": data = bsql.select_data( cursor, f"SELECT * FROM passend_bij_uw_gedrag WHERE profileid = '{profileid}';" ) for row in data: print(row) prodids = [row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]] if recommendationtype == "combination": print(recommendationtype) prod_id = profileid data = bsql.select_data( cursor, f"SELECT * FROM combineert_goed_met WHERE productid = '{prod_id}'" ) for row in data: print(row) prodids = [row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]] if recommendationtype == "personal": data = bsql.select_data( cursor, f"SELECT * FROM public.persoonlijk_aangeboden WHERE profileid = '{profileid}';" ) for row in data: print(row) prodids = [row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]] return prodids, 200 randcursor = database.products.aggregate([{ '$sample': { 'size': count } }]) prodids = list(map(lambda x: x['_id'], list(randcursor))) return prodids, 200
import csv import thebestsql as bsql conn = bsql.get_connection("Floris09", "huwebshop") cur = bsql.get_cursor(conn) def most_bought(): orders_cats = {} orders = {} query = ''' SELECT o.productid, c.category, o.count FROM orders AS o, categories AS c, products AS p WHERE o.productid = p.ID AND p.categoriesid = c.ID AND o.sessionsid in ( SELECT id FROM sessions WHERE session_end BETWEEN ( select session_end FROM sessions ORDER BY session_end DESC LIMIT 1) - INTERVAL '30 DAY' AND (select session_end FROM sessions ORDER BY session_end DESC LIMIT 1))''' data = bsql.select_data(cur, query) for row in data: cat = row[1] product_id = row[0] product_count = row[2]
import csv import thebestsql as bsql conn = bsql.get_connection("3621", "postgres") cur = bsql.get_cursor(conn) def combineert_goed_met(): orders_cats = {} orders = {} query_1 = ''' select sessionsid, productid from orders ''' data_1 = bsql.select_data(cur, query_1) # query_2 = ''' # select, count( # from products as p, orders as o, sessions as s # where = o.productid # and o.sessionsid = # group by # having # count( > 1; # ''' # data_2 = bsql.select_data(cur, query_2) counter = 0 list = [] for row in data_1: counter += 1 if counter % 100 == 0: print(counter) ses_id = row[0]