예제 #1
import pytest
from thefrick.rules.cd_correction import match
from thefrick.types import Command

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('cd foo', 'cd: foo: No such file or directory'),
    Command('cd foo/bar/baz', 'cd: foo: No such file or directory'),
    Command('cd foo/bar/baz', 'cd: can\'t cd to foo/bar/baz'),
    Command('cd /foo/bar/', 'cd: The directory "/foo/bar/" does not exist')
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [Command('cd foo', ''), Command('', '')])
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not match(command)

# Note that get_new_command uses local filesystem, so not testing it here.
# Instead, see the functional test `functional.test_cd_correction`
예제 #2
def test_match():
    assert match(Command('gulp srve', output('srve')))
예제 #3
def test_match():
    assert match(Command('git merge test', output))
    assert not match(Command('git merge master', ''))
    assert not match(Command('ls', output))
예제 #4
def test_match():
    assert match(Command('mandiff', 'mandiff: command not found'))
    assert not match(Command('', ''))
예제 #5
import pytest
from thefrick.rules.javac import match, get_new_command
from thefrick.types import Command

                         [Command('javac foo', ''),
                          Command('javac bar', '')])
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command',
                         [(Command('javac foo', ''), 'javac foo.java'),
                          (Command('javac bar', ''), 'javac bar.java')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
    assert get_new_command(command) == new_command
예제 #6
def test_get_new_command(output, new_command, script, formula):
    assert get_new_command(Command(script, output)) == new_command
예제 #7
def test_not_match(script, output):
    assert not match(Command(script, output))
예제 #8
import pytest
from thefrick.rules.no_such_file import match, get_new_command
from thefrick.types import Command

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('mv foo bar/foo',
            "mv: cannot move 'foo' to 'bar/foo': No such file or directory"),
    Command('mv foo bar/',
            "mv: cannot move 'foo' to 'bar/': No such file or directory"),
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('mv foo bar/', ""),
    Command('mv foo bar/foo', "mv: permission denied"),
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
    (Command('mv foo bar/foo',
             "mv: cannot move 'foo' to 'bar/foo': No such file or directory"),
     'mkdir -p bar && mv foo bar/foo'),
    (Command('mv foo bar/',
             "mv: cannot move 'foo' to 'bar/': No such file or directory"),
     'mkdir -p bar && mv foo bar/'),
예제 #9
def test_not_match():
    assert not match(Command('', ''))
예제 #10
Task '{}' is ambiguous in root project 'org.rerenderer_example.snake'. Candidates are: 'assembleRelease', 'assembleReleaseUnitTest'.

* Try:
Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

def tasks(mocker):
    patch = mocker.patch('thefrick.rules.gradle_no_task.Popen')
    patch.return_value.stdout = BytesIO(gradle_tasks)
    return patch

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('./gradlew assembler', output_ambiguous('assembler')),
    Command('./gradlew instar', output_not_found('instar')),
    Command('gradle assembler', output_ambiguous('assembler')),
    Command('gradle instar', output_not_found('instar'))])
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('./gradlew assemble', ''),
    Command('gradle assemble', ''),
    Command('npm assembler', output_ambiguous('assembler')),
    Command('npm instar', output_not_found('instar'))])
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not match(command)
예제 #11
def test_get_new_command():
    """ Replace the Alt+Space character by a simple space """
    assert (get_new_command(Command(u'ps -ef | grep foo', ''))
            == 'ps -ef | grep foo')
예제 #12
def test_match(script, result):
    output = get_output('source')
    assert match(Command(script, output))
    assert get_new_command(Command(script, output)) == result
예제 #13
def test_not_match(file_exists, script, output, exists):
    file_exists.return_value = exists
    assert not match(Command(script, output))
import pytest
from thefrick.rules.git_flag_after_filename import match, get_new_command
from thefrick.types import Command

command1 = Command('git log README.md -p',
                   "fatal: bad flag '-p' used after filename")
command2 = Command('git log README.md -p CONTRIBUTING.md',
                   "fatal: bad flag '-p' used after filename")
command3 = Command('git log -p README.md --name-only',
                   "fatal: bad flag '--name-only' used after filename")
command4 = Command('git log README.md -p',
                   "fatal: option '-p' must come before non-option arguments")
command5 = Command('git log README.md -p CONTRIBUTING.md',
                   "fatal: option '-p' must come before non-option arguments")
command6 = Command(
    'git log -p README.md --name-only',
    "fatal: option '--name-only' must come before non-option arguments")

    'command', [command1, command2, command3, command4, command5, command6])
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

    [Command('git log README.md', ''),
     Command('git log -p README.md', '')])
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not match(command)
예제 #15
def test_match(output, script):
    assert match(Command(script, output))
예제 #16
def test_get_new_command(before, after):
    assert get_new_command(Command(before, '')) == after
예제 #17
def test_not_match(script):
    assert not match(Command(script, ''))
예제 #18
def test_match(output):
    assert match(Command('grep -h', output))
예제 #19
def test_match(cmd):
    assert match(
        Command('heroku {}'.format(cmd), suggest_output))
예제 #20
def test_get_new_command():
    assert get_new_command(Command('main --help', '')) == './main --help'
예제 #21
def test_get_new_command(cmd, result):
    command = Command('heroku {}'.format(cmd), suggest_output)
    assert get_new_command(command) == result
예제 #22
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import pytest

from thefrick.rules import switch_lang
from thefrick.types import Command

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command(u'фзе-пуе', 'command not found: фзе-пуе'),
    Command(u'λσ', 'command not found: λσ'),
    Command(u'שפא-עקא', 'command not found: שפא-עקא'),
    Command(u'ךד', 'command not found: ךד'),
    Command(u'녀애 ㅣㄴ', 'command not found: 녀애 ㅣㄴ')
def test_match(command):
    assert switch_lang.match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command(u'pat-get', 'command not found: pat-get'),
    Command(u'ls', 'command not found: ls'),
    Command(u'агсл', 'command not found: агсл'),
    Command(u'фзе-пуе', 'some info'),
    Command(u'שפא-עקא', 'some info'),
    Command(u'녀애 ㅣㄴ', 'some info')
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not switch_lang.match(command)

예제 #23
def test_get_new_command():
    assert get_new_command(Command('mandiff', '')) == 'man diff'
예제 #24
def test_get_new_command(output, script, target, new_command):
    assert get_new_command(Command(script, output)) == new_command
예제 #25
node    18233 nvbn   16u  IPv4 557134      0t0  TCP localhost:http-alt (LISTEN)

def lsof(mocker):
    patch = mocker.patch('thefrick.rules.port_already_in_use.Popen')
    patch.return_value.stdout = BytesIO(lsof_stdout)
    return patch

                         [Command('./app', output) for output in outputs] +
                         [Command('./app', output) for output in outputs])
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, lsof_output',
                         [(Command('./app', ''), lsof_stdout),
                          (Command('./app', outputs[1]), b''),
                          (Command('./app', outputs[2]), b'')])
def test_not_match(lsof, command, lsof_output):
    lsof.return_value.stdout = BytesIO(lsof_output)

    assert not match(command)
예제 #26
import pytest
from thefrick.rules.cat_dir import match, get_new_command
from thefrick.types import Command

def isdir(mocker):
    return mocker.patch('thefrick.rules.cat_dir'

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('cat foo', 'cat: foo: Is a directory\n'),
    Command('cat /foo/bar/', 'cat: /foo/bar/: Is a directory\n'),
    Command('cat cat/', 'cat: cat/: Is a directory\n'),
def test_match(command, isdir):
    isdir.return_value = True
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('cat foo', 'foo bar baz'),
    Command('cat foo bar', 'foo bar baz'),
    Command('notcat foo bar', 'some output'),
def test_not_match(command, isdir):
    isdir.return_value = False
    assert not match(command)

예제 #27
def test_not_march(script, stdout):
    assert not match(Command(script, stdout))
예제 #28
import pytest
from thefrick.rules.git_merge_unrelated import match, get_new_command
from thefrick.types import Command

output = 'fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories'

def test_match():
    assert match(Command('git merge test', output))
    assert not match(Command('git merge master', ''))
    assert not match(Command('ls', output))

    'command, new_command',
    [(Command('git merge local',
              output), 'git merge local --allow-unrelated-histories'),
     (Command('git merge -m "test" local', output),
      'git merge -m "test" local --allow-unrelated-histories'),
     (Command('git merge -m "test local" local', output),
      'git merge -m "test local" local --allow-unrelated-histories')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
    assert get_new_command(command) == new_command