def download_entire_package(packageid): channels = thelogodb.Channels().by_package(packageid) channels_ = [] for channel in channels: if channel['strLogoWide']: channels_.append(channel) channels = channels_ del channels_ if channels: channels_to_download = [] for channel in channels: channels_to_download.append(channel_to_downloaddict(channel)) if channels_to_download: Downloader(channels_to_download,False) else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader','No logos available') return else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader','No logos available') return
def get_nonhd_match(channel): #check if non-hd logo is available if no match is found if settings.getSetting( 'search_nonhd') == 'true' and ' hd' in urllib.unquote_plus( channel).lower(): temp = urllib.unquote_plus(channel.lower()) if ' hd ' in temp: newchannel = urllib.quote_plus( urllib.unquote_plus(channel.lower().replace(' hd', ''))) elif ' hd ' not in temp and ' hd' in temp: newchannel = urllib.quote_plus( urllib.unquote_plus(channel.lower()).replace(' hd', '')) else: newchannel = urllib.quote_plus( urllib.unquote_plus(channel.lower()).replace('hd', '')) match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword(newchannel) return match else: return []
def automatic_downloader(mode): dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create('TVLogo Downloader') dp.update(0, 'Getting user channels') failed_log = [] #grab all user channel groups #TV groupids = [] ch_ids = [] ch_names = [] json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "PVR.GetChannelGroups", "params": {"channeltype" : "tv"}, "id": 1 }' ) decoded_data = json.loads(json_response) try: groups = decoded_data['result']['channelgroups'] except: mensagemok( 'TVLogo Downloader', 'Live TV is not enabled in kodi or no channels are available.') sys.exit(0) for x in range(0, len(decoded_data['result']['channelgroups'])): has_channels = False if groups[x]["channelgroupid"] > -1: json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "PVR.GetChannels", "params": {"channelgroupid" : ' + str(groups[x]["channelgroupid"]) + ',"properties":["channel","channeltype","thumbnail","broadcastnow","broadcastnext"]}, "id": 1 }' ) channel_number = bool( "channels" in json.loads(json_response)["result"]) if channel_number: has_channels = True if has_channels: groupids.append(groups[x]["channelgroupid"]) #Radio json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "PVR.GetChannelGroups", "params": {"channeltype" : "radio"}, "id": 1 }' ) decoded_data = json.loads(json_response) groups = decoded_data['result']['channelgroups'] for x in range(0, len(decoded_data['result']['channelgroups'])): #check if group has channels has_channels = False if groups[x]["channelgroupid"] > -1: json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "PVR.GetChannels", "params": {"channelgroupid" : ' + str(groups[x]["channelgroupid"]) + ',"properties":["channel","channeltype","thumbnail","broadcastnow","broadcastnext"]}, "id": 1 }' ) channel_number = bool( "channels" in json.loads(json_response)["result"]) if channel_number: has_channels = True if has_channels: groupids.append(groups[x]["channelgroupid"]) #grab every channel name and label if groupids: for groupid in groupids: json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "PVR.GetChannels", "params": {"channelgroupid" : ' + str(groupid) + ',"properties":["channel","channeltype","thumbnail"]}, "id": 1 }' ) decoded_data = json.loads(json_response) if "channels" in decoded_data["result"].keys(): for channel in decoded_data["result"]["channels"]: if mode == 'all': if channel["label"] not in ch_names: ch_ids.append(channel["channelid"]) ch_names.append(channel["label"]) else: json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Settings.GetSettingValue","params":{"setting":"pvrmenu.iconpath"},"id":9}' ) decoded_data = json.loads(json_response) logo_folder = decoded_data['result']['value'] logofile = os.path.join( logo_folder, channel["label"].replace('/', '_') + '.png') if channel["label"] not in ch_names and channel[ 'thumbnail'].replace( 'image://', '' ) != (logo_folder + channel["label"].replace( ' ', '%20') + '.png').replace( '/', '%2f' ) + '/' and not os.path.exists(logofile): ch_ids.append(channel["channelid"]) ch_names.append(channel["label"]) if ch_names: download_list = [] initconst = const.Constr().restart_process() totalchannels = len(ch_names) i = 1 iscanceled = False for channel in ch_names: dp.update(int(i / float(totalchannels)), 'Processing channel ' + channel) if not dp.iscanceled(): match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword( urllib.quote_plus( get_replaced_names(channel.encode('utf-8')))) if match: match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: if ' hq' in channel.encode('utf-8').lower(): match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match( get_replaced_names( channel.encode('utf-8').lower().replace( 'hq', ' hd'))) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match( get_replaced_names(channel.encode('utf-8'))) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: #check if nonascii version exists match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword( urllib.quote_plus( removeNonAscii( get_replaced_names(channel)))) match = return_only_valid(match) #if no match check if channel is HD and grab logos for nonhd if not match: match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match( removeNonAscii( get_replaced_names(channel))) match = return_only_valid(match) else: if ' hq' in channel.encode('utf-8').lower(): match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match( get_replaced_names( channel.encode('utf-8').lower().replace( 'hq', ' hd'))) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match( get_replaced_names(channel.encode('utf-8'))) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: #check if nonascii version exists match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword( urllib.quote_plus( removeNonAscii( get_replaced_names(channel)))) match = return_only_valid(match) #if no match check if channel is HD and grab logos for nonhd if not match: match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match( removeNonAscii( get_replaced_names(channel))) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: if channel not in failed_log: failed_log.append(channel) if match: if len(match) == 1: obj = { 'channel_name': match[0]["strChannel"], 'channel_logo': match[0]["strLogoWide"], 'selected_channel': channel } const.Constr().add_to_array(obj) else: #manipulations seqmatch = {} for canal in match: try: print canal["strChannel"].lower( ), channel.lower() except: pass ratio = int( difflib.SequenceMatcher( None, canal["strChannel"].lower(), channel.lower()).ratio() * 100) seqmatch[ratio] = canal already = False if settings.getSetting('auto_if_100') == 'true': if max(seqmatch.keys()) == 100: already = True obj = { 'channel_name': seqmatch[max( seqmatch.keys())]["strChannel"], 'channel_logo': seqmatch[max( seqmatch.keys())]["strLogoWide"], 'selected_channel': channel } const.Constr().add_to_array(obj) if settings.getSetting( 'auto_if_multiple') == 'true' and not already: if max(seqmatch.keys()) >= int( settings.getSetting("minimum_ratio")): already = True obj = { 'channel_name': seqmatch[max( seqmatch.keys())]["strChannel"], 'channel_logo': seqmatch[max( seqmatch.keys())]["strLogoWide"], 'selected_channel': channel } const.Constr().add_to_array(obj) if not already: xbmc.sleep(3000) before = const.Constr().return_array() logowindow.start(match, "False", "False", selected_channel=channel) now = const.Constr().return_array() if before == now: if channel not in failed_log: failed_log.append(channel) del before del now else: if channel not in failed_log: failed_log.append(channel) i += 1 else: iscanceled = True dp.close() if not iscanceled: dp.update(100) dp.close() logos_to_download = const.Constr().return_array() downloader.Downloader(logos_to_download, True, failed_log) tvlogodownloader.main_menu(select=False, choose='')
def specific_channels(): options = ["By Country", "By Country Package", "By Package", "Search"] optionsvar = ["country", "country_package", "package", "search"] choose = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('TVLogo Downloader', options) if choose > -1: if optionsvar[choose] == 'country': countries = thelogodb.Channels().get_countries() if countries: country_list = [] for country in countries: if country["strCountry"] and country != 'None': country_list.append(country["strCountry"]) choose = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('TVLogo Downloader', country_list) if choose > -1: channels = thelogodb.Channels().by_country( urllib.quote(country_list[choose])) if channels: logowindow.start(channels, "True", "True") specific_channels() else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader', 'No channels with logos in thelogodb!') specific_channels() else: specific_channels() else: specific_channels() elif optionsvar[choose] == 'country_package': country_list = [] packages = thelogodb.Packages().get_all() if packages: for package in packages: country = package["strCountry"] if country and country != 'None' and country not in country_list: country_list.append(country) if country_list: country_list = sorted(country_list) choose = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('TVLogo Downloader', country_list) if choose > -1: country = country_list[choose] packages = thelogodb.Packages().get_all() package_list = [] package_id_list = [] if packages: for package in packages: if package["strCountry"] == country: package_label = '[' + str( package['strCountry'] ) + '] ' + package[ 'strPackage'] + ' (' + str( package['strType']) + ')' package_id = package['idPackage'] package_list.append(package_label) package_id_list.append(package_id) if package_list: choose = xbmcgui.Dialog().select( 'TVLogo Downloader', package_list) if choose > -1: channels = thelogodb.Channels().by_package( package_id_list[choose]) channels_have_logos = False for channel in channels: if channel["strLogoWide"]: channels_have_logos = True if channels and channels_have_logos: logowindow.start( channels, "True", "True") specific_channels() else: mensagemok( 'TVLogo Downloader', 'No logos available for this package!' ) specific_channels() else: entire_packages() else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader', 'No packages available!') entire_packages() else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader', 'Error getting packages!') entire_packages() else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader', 'No packages available!') entire_packages() elif optionsvar[choose] == 'package': packages = thelogodb.Packages().get_all() package_list = [] package_id_list = [] if packages: for package in packages: package_label = '[' + str( package['strCountry'] ) + '] ' + package['strPackage'] + ' (' + str( package['strType']) + ')' package_id = package['idPackage'] package_list.append(package_label) package_id_list.append(package_id) if package_list: choose = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('TVLogo Downloader', package_list) if choose > -1: channels = thelogodb.Channels().by_package( package_id_list[choose]) if channels: logowindow.start(channels, "True", "True") specific_channels() else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader', 'No logos available for this package!') specific_channels() else: entire_packages() else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader', 'Error getting packages!') entire_packages() elif optionsvar[choose] == 'search': keyb = xbmc.Keyboard('', 'Enter channel') keyb.doModal() if (keyb.isConfirmed()): search_parameter = urllib.quote_plus(keyb.getText()) if search_parameter: channels = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword( search_parameter) if channels: logowindow.start(channels, "True", "True") else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader', 'No packages available!') specific_channels() else: specific_channels() else: main_menu()
def run(channel_name): channel_name = urllib.unquote(channel_name) menu_labels = ['Exact channel name','Custom channel name'] menu_functions = ['auto','custom'] initconst = const.Constr().restart_process() choose = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('TVLogo Downloader',menu_labels) if choose > -1: if menu_functions[choose] == 'auto': channel = urllib.quote_plus(get_replaced_names(channel_name)) elif menu_functions[choose] == 'custom': keyb = xbmc.Keyboard('', 'Enter channel') keyb.doModal() if (keyb.isConfirmed()): search_parameter = urllib.quote_plus(get_replaced_names(keyb.getText())) if search_parameter: channel = search_parameter del search_parameter match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword(channel) if match: match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: #check if HQ exists and replace it by HD if '+hq' in channel.lower(): match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword(channel.lower().replace('+hq','+hd')) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match(urllib.unquote_plus(channel)) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: #check if nonascii version exists match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword(urllib.quote_plus(removeNonAscii(urllib.unquote_plus(channel)))) match = return_only_valid(match) #if no match check if channel is HD and grab logos for nonhd if not match: match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match(removeNonAscii(urllib.unquote_plus(channel))) match = return_only_valid(match) else: #check if HQ exists and replace it by HD if '+hq' in channel.lower(): match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword(channel.lower().replace('+hq','+hd')) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match(urllib.unquote_plus(channel)) match = return_only_valid(match) if not match: #check if nonascii version exists match = thelogodb.Channels().by_keyword(urllib.quote_plus(removeNonAscii(urllib.unquote_plus(channel)))) match = return_only_valid(match) #if no match check if channel is HD and grab logos for nonhd if not match: match = tvlogodownloader.get_nonhd_match(removeNonAscii(urllib.unquote_plus(channel))) match = return_only_valid(match) if match: if len(match) == 1: obj = {'channel_name': match[0]["strChannel"],'channel_logo': match[0]["strLogoWide"],'selected_channel':channel_name} const.Constr().add_to_array(obj) else: #manipulations seqmatch = {} for canal in match: ratio = int(difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, canal["strChannel"].lower(),urllib.unquote_plus(channel).lower()).ratio()*100) seqmatch[ratio] = canal already = False if settings.getSetting('auto_if_100') == 'true': if max(seqmatch.keys()) == 100: already = True obj = {'channel_name': seqmatch[max(seqmatch.keys())]["strChannel"],'channel_logo': seqmatch[max(seqmatch.keys())]["strLogoWide"],'selected_channel':channel_name} const.Constr().add_to_array(obj) if settings.getSetting('auto_if_multiple') == 'true' and not already: if max(seqmatch.keys()) >= int(settings.getSetting("minimum_ratio")): already = True obj = {'channel_name': seqmatch[max(seqmatch.keys())]["strChannel"],'channel_logo': seqmatch[max(seqmatch.keys())]["strLogoWide"],'selected_channel':channel_name} const.Constr().add_to_array(obj) if not already: logowindow.start(match,"False","False",selected_channel=channel_name) else: mensagemok('TVLogo Downloader','No channels match on the db. Try to use a custom search.') #download logos_to_download = const.Constr().return_array() if logos_to_download: downloader.Downloader(logos_to_download,True,'') return
def download_entire_package(packageid): channels = thelogodb.Channels().by_package(packageid) print channels