def write_preamble(self, fp): bbox = [self.__xmin-1, self.__ymin-1, self.__xmax+1, self.__ymax+1] fp.write('%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2\n') fp.write('%%Title: ' + self.title + '\n') fp.write('%%Creator: ' + self.creator + '\n') if fp.write('%%Author: ' + + '\n') fp.write('%%CreationDate: ' + self.creation_date + '\n') fp.write('%%DocumentFonts: ' + ' '.join(self.__font_ids.keys()) + '\n') fp.write('%%Pages: 1\n') bbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box(bbox) fp.write('%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n' % \ (round(xscale(bbox[0])), round(yscale(bbox[1])), round(xscale(bbox[2])), round(yscale(bbox[3])))) fp.write('%%EndComments\n') if self.aux_comments != '': for line in self.aux_comments.split('\n'): fp.write('% ' + line + '\n') fp.write(preamble_text) for name, font_id in self.__font_ids.items(): fp.write('/%s {/%s findfont SF} def\n' % (font_id, name)) fp.write('%%EndProlog\n%%Page: 1 1\n')
def start_gs(self, arg): self.bbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box([xscale(self.__xmin), yscale(self.__ymin), xscale(self.__xmax), yscale(self.__ymax)]) gs_path = get_gs_path() self.pipe_fp = None if self.__output_lines == []: return if sys.platform != "win32" and hasattr(os, "popen"): # UNIX-like systems cmdline = "\"%s\" -q %s -g%dx%d -q >/dev/null 2>&1" % \ (gs_path, arg, self.bbox[2] - self.bbox[0], self.bbox[3] - self.bbox[1]) self.pipe_fp = os.popen(cmdline, "w") self.__write_contents(self.pipe_fp) else: # XXX should use mktemp, but need to support python<=2.2 as well. fname = tempfile.mktemp("xxx") fp = open(fname, "wb") self.__write_contents(fp) fp.close() cmdline = "\"%s\" -q %s -g%dx%d -q <%s >NUL" % \ (gs_path, arg, self.bbox[2] - self.bbox[0], self.bbox[3] - self.bbox[1], fname) os.system(cmdline) os.unlink(fname)
def close(self): basecanvas.T.close(self) self.grestore() # matching the gsave in __init__ if (self.__cur_element.nodeName != 'svg') : raise ValueError, "Incomplete document at close!" # Don't bother to output an empty document - this can happen # when we get close()d immediately by theme reinit if (len(self.__svg.childNodes[-1].childNodes) == 0) : return fp, need_close = self.open_output(self.__out_fname) bbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box([self.__xmin, self.__ymin, self.__xmax, self.__ymax]) self.__svg.setAttribute('viewBox','%g %g %g %g' % (xscale(bbox[0]), -yscale(bbox[3]), xscale(bbox[2])-xscale(bbox[0]), yscale(bbox[3])-yscale(bbox[1]))) self.__svg.setAttribute('xmlns','') self.__svg.setAttribute('xmlns:xlink','') self.__doc.writexml(fp,'',' ','\n') if need_close: fp.close()
def start_gs(self, arg): self.bbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box([ xscale(self.__xmin), yscale(self.__ymin), xscale(self.__xmax), yscale(self.__ymax) ]) gs_path = _get_gs_path() self.pipe_fp = None if self.__output_lines == []: return if sys.platform != "win32" and hasattr(os, "popen"): # UNIX-like systems cmdline = "\"%s\" -q %s -g%dx%d -q >/dev/null 2>&1" % \ (gs_path, arg, self.bbox[2] - self.bbox[0], self.bbox[3] - self.bbox[1]) self.pipe_fp = os.popen(cmdline, "w") self.__write_contents(self.pipe_fp) else: # XXX should use mktemp, but need to support python<=2.2 as well. fname = tempfile.mktemp("xxx") fp = open(fname, "wb") self.__write_contents(fp) fp.close() cmdline = "\"%s\" -q %s -g%dx%d -q <%s >NUL" % \ (gs_path, arg, self.bbox[2] - self.bbox[0], self.bbox[3] - self.bbox[1], fname) os.system(cmdline) os.unlink(fname)
def draw(self, ar, can): # Draw the line clipbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box([ar.loc[0], ar.loc[1], ar.loc[0] + ar.size[0], ar.loc[1] + ar.size[1]]) can.clip(clipbox[0], clipbox[1], clipbox[2], clipbox[3]) if self.line_style: points = [] for pair in yval = pychart_util.get_sample_val(pair, self.ycol) xval = pair[self.xcol] if None not in (xval, yval): points.append((ar.x_pos(xval), ar.y_pos(yval))) can.lines(self.line_style, points) can.endclip() # Draw tick marks and error bars can.clip(ar.loc[0] - 10, ar.loc[1] - 10, ar.loc[0] + ar.size[0] + 10, ar.loc[1] + ar.size[1] + 10) for pair in x = pair[self.xcol] y = pychart_util.get_sample_val(pair, self.ycol) if None in (x, y): continue x_pos = ar.x_pos(x) y_pos = ar.y_pos(y) if self.error_bar: plus = pair[self.y_error_plus_col or self.y_error_minus_col] minus = pair[self.y_error_minus_col or self.y_error_plus_col] if self.y_qerror_minus_col or self.y_qerror_plus_col: q_plus = pair[self.y_qerror_plus_col or self.y_qerror_minus_col] q_minus = pair[self.y_qerror_minus_col or self.y_qerror_plus_col] if None not in (minus, plus, q_minus, q_plus): self.error_bar.draw( can, (x_pos, y_pos), ar.y_pos(y - minus), ar.y_pos(y + plus), ar.y_pos(y - q_minus), ar.y_pos(y + q_plus), ) else: if None not in (minus, plus): # PDS self.error_bar.draw(can, (x_pos, y_pos), ar.y_pos(y - minus), ar.y_pos(y + plus)) if self.tick_mark: self.tick_mark.draw(can, x_pos, y_pos) if self.data_label_format: x_pos + self.data_label_offset[0], y_pos + self.data_label_offset[1], "/hC" + pychart_util.apply_format(self.data_label_format, (x, y), 1), ) can.endclip()
def draw(self, ar, can): # Draw the line clipbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box([ar.loc[0], ar.loc[1], ar.loc[0] + ar.size[0], ar.loc[1] + ar.size[1]]); can.clip(clipbox[0],clipbox[1],clipbox[2],clipbox[3]) if self.line_style: points = [] for pair in yval = pychart_util.get_sample_val(pair, self.ycol) xval = pair[self.xcol] if None not in (xval, yval): points.append((ar.x_pos(xval), ar.y_pos(yval))) can.lines(self.line_style, points) can.endclip() # Draw tick marks and error bars can.clip(ar.loc[0] - 10, ar.loc[1] - 10, ar.loc[0] + ar.size[0] + 10, ar.loc[1] + ar.size[1] + 10) for pair in x = pair[self.xcol] y = pychart_util.get_sample_val(pair, self.ycol) if None in (x, y): continue x_pos = ar.x_pos(x) y_pos = ar.y_pos(y) if self.error_bar: plus = pair[self.y_error_plus_col or self.y_error_minus_col] minus = pair[self.y_error_minus_col or self.y_error_plus_col] if self.y_qerror_minus_col or self.y_qerror_plus_col: q_plus = pair[self.y_qerror_plus_col or self.y_qerror_minus_col] q_minus = pair[self.y_qerror_minus_col or self.y_qerror_plus_col] if None not in (minus,plus,q_minus,q_plus): self.error_bar.draw(can, (x_pos, y_pos), ar.y_pos(y - minus), ar.y_pos(y + plus), ar.y_pos(y - q_minus), ar.y_pos(y + q_plus)) else: if None not in (minus,plus): #PDS self.error_bar.draw(can, (x_pos, y_pos), ar.y_pos(y - minus), ar.y_pos(y + plus)) if self.tick_mark: self.tick_mark.draw(can, x_pos, y_pos) if self.data_label_format: + self.data_label_offset[0], y_pos + self.data_label_offset[1], '/hC' + pychart_util.apply_format(self.data_label_format, (x, y), 1)) can.endclip()
def close(self): basecanvas.T.close(self) if self.__lines == []: return _fp, need_close = self.open_output(self.__out_fname) fp = pdf_stream(_fp) fp.write("%PDF-1.2\n") stream_obj_id = self.__define_stream_obj(fp, " ".join(self.__lines)) fontstr = "" for font_name, font_id in self.__registered_fonts.items(): obj_id = self.__define_font_obj(fp, font_name, font_id) fontstr += "/F%d %d 0 R " % (font_id, obj_id) pages_obj_id = self.__define_obj(fp, " <</Type/Pages /Kids [%d 0 R] /Count 1 >>" % (self.__next_obj_id + 1)) bbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box([xscale(self.__xmin), yscale(self.__ymin), xscale(self.__xmax), yscale(self.__ymax)]) page_obj_id = self.__define_obj(fp, """ <</Type/Page \t/Parent %d 0 R \t/Contents %d 0 R \t/MediaBox [%d %d %d %d] \t/Resources << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] \t\t/Font << %s >> >> >>""" % (pages_obj_id, stream_obj_id, bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], fontstr)) info_str = "/Producer (%s)\n/CreationDate (%s)" % (self.creator, self.creation_date) if self.title: info_str += "\n/Title (%s)" % (self.title, ) if info_str += "\n/Author (%s)" % (, ) info_obj_id = self.__define_obj(fp, """<<%s>>""" % info_str) catalog_obj_id = self.__define_obj(fp, """ <</Type/Catalog/Pages %d 0 R>>""" % (pages_obj_id)) xref_offset = fp.tell() fp.write("xref\n0 %d\n" % (len(self.__obj_offsets)+1)) fp.write("0000000000 65535 f \n") id = 1 while id <= len(self.__obj_offsets): fp.write("%010d 00000 n \n" % (self.__obj_offsets[id])) id += 1 fp.write("trailer << /Size %d /Root %d 0 R /Info %d 0 R\n>>\n" % (len(self.__obj_offsets)+1, catalog_obj_id, info_obj_id)) fp.write("startxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF\n" % xref_offset) if need_close: _fp.close()
def close(self): basecanvas.T.close(self) self.grestore() # matching the gsave in __init__ if (self.__currElt.nodeName != 'svg'): raise ValueError, "Incomplete document at close!" # Don't bother to output an empty document - this can happen # when we get close()d immediately by theme reinit if (len(self.__svg.childNodes[-1].childNodes) == 0): return fp, need_close = self.open_output(self.__out_fname) bbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box( [self.__xmin, self.__ymin, self.__xmax, self.__ymax]) self.__svg.setAttribute( 'viewBox', '%g %g %g %g' % (xscale(bbox[0]), -yscale(bbox[3]), xscale(bbox[2]) - xscale(bbox[0]), yscale(bbox[3]) - yscale(bbox[1]))) self.__doc.writexml(fp, '', ' ', '\n') if need_close: fp.close()
def draw(self, can = None): "Draw the charts." if can == None: can = canvas.default_canvas() assert self.check_integrity() for plot in self.__plots: plot.check_integrity() self.x_range, self.x_grid_interval = \ self.__get_data_range(self.x_range, 'X', self.x_coord, self.x_grid_interval) self.y_range, self.y_grid_interval = \ self.__get_data_range(self.y_range, 'Y', self.y_coord, self.y_grid_interval) can.rectangle(self.border_line_style, self.bg_style, self.loc[0], self.loc[1], self.loc[0] + self.size[0], self.loc[1] + self.size[1]) if not self.x_grid_over_plot: self.__draw_x_grid_and_axis(can) if not self.y_grid_over_plot: self.__draw_y_grid_and_axis(can) clipbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box([self.loc[0], self.loc[1], self.loc[0] + self.size[0], self.loc[1] + self.size[1]]) can.clip(clipbox[0], clipbox[1], clipbox[2], clipbox[3]) for plot in self.__plots: plot.draw(self, can) can.endclip() if self.x_grid_over_plot: self.__draw_x_grid_and_axis(can) if self.y_grid_over_plot: self.__draw_y_grid_and_axis(can) if self.legend == _dummy_legend: self.legend = legend.T() if self.legend: legends = [] for plot in self.__plots: entry = plot.get_legend_entry() if entry == None: pass elif type(entry) != ListType: legends.append(entry) else: for e in entry: legends.append(e) self.legend.draw(self, legends, can)
def draw(self, can=None): "Draw the charts." if can == None: can = canvas.default_canvas() assert self.check_integrity() for plot in self.__plots: plot.check_integrity() self.x_range, self.x_grid_interval = \ self.__get_data_range(self.x_range, 'X', self.x_coord, self.x_grid_interval) self.y_range, self.y_grid_interval = \ self.__get_data_range(self.y_range, 'Y', self.y_coord, self.y_grid_interval) can.rectangle(self.border_line_style, self.bg_style, self.loc[0], self.loc[1], self.loc[0] + self.size[0], self.loc[1] + self.size[1]) if not self.x_grid_over_plot: self.__draw_x_grid_and_axis(can) if not self.y_grid_over_plot: self.__draw_y_grid_and_axis(can) clipbox = theme.adjust_bounding_box([ self.loc[0], self.loc[1], self.loc[0] + self.size[0], self.loc[1] + self.size[1] ]) can.clip(clipbox[0], clipbox[1], clipbox[2], clipbox[3]) for plot in self.__plots: plot.draw(self, can) can.endclip() if self.x_grid_over_plot: self.__draw_x_grid_and_axis(can) if self.y_grid_over_plot: self.__draw_y_grid_and_axis(can) if self.legend == _dummy_legend: self.legend = legend.T() if self.legend: legends = [] for plot in self.__plots: entry = plot.get_legend_entry() if entry == None: pass elif type(entry) != ListType: legends.append(entry) else: for e in entry: legends.append(e) self.legend.draw(self, legends, can)