def plot(self, xunit=1, pname='spectrum.png', lvprt=1, weight=1): pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) if xunit.lower() == 'ev': xlist = self.en pylab.xlabel('Energy (eV)') plot_sticks = self.sticks (xmin, xmax) = (self.emin, self.emax) elif xunit.lower() == 'nm': xfac =['nm'] *['eV'] xlist = self.lam #pylab.xlabel(r'$\lambda$') not working ... pylab.xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') plot_sticks = [(A, xfac / x0) for A, x0 in self.sticks] (xmin, xmax) = (xfac / self.emin, xfac / self.emax) elif xunit.lower() == 'rcm': xfac = 1. /['eV'] *['rcm'] xlist = [en * xfac for en in self.en] pylab.xlabel('Wavenumber (1/cm)') plot_sticks = [(A, x0 * xfac) for A, x0 in self.sticks] (xmin, xmax) = (self.emin * xfac, self.emax * xfac) else: raise error_handler.ElseError('xunit', xunit) pylab.ylabel('Oscillator strength') if weight == 1: pylab.plot(xlist, self.spec / max(self.spec), 'k-') for A, x0 in plot_sticks: pylab.plot([x0, x0], [-1., A], 'rx-') elif weight == 2: pylab.plot(xlist, self.dos / max(self.dos), 'k-') else: raise error_handler.ElseError('weight', weight) pylab.axis(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=0., ymax=1.) pylab.savefig(pname) if lvprt >= 1: print("Spectrum file %s created." % pname)
def write_table(self): sfile = lib_file.summ_file(self['ana_file']) header = sfile.ret_header() ddict = sfile.ret_ddict() state_labels = sfile.ret_state_labels() if self['prop_list'] == []: self['prop_list'] = header[1:] if self['output_format'] == 'html': wfile = lib_file.htmlfile wtable = lib_file.htmltable elif self['output_format'] == 'latex': wfile = lib_file.latexfile wtable = lib_file.latextable else: raise error_handler.ElseError(self['output_format'], 'output_format') wf = wfile(self['fname']) wf.pre(title='TheoDORE data') wt = wtable(ncol=len(self['prop_list']) + 1) wt.add_row(['State'] + self['prop_list']) for state in state_labels: if not self['lformula']: wt.add_el(state) else: wt.add_el('$%s$' % (state.replace('(', '^').replace(')', ''))) for prop in self['prop_list']: try: wt.add_el(self['fformat'] % ddict[state][prop]) except KeyError: wt.add_el('-') wf.write(wt.ret_table())
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Parsing and computations #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# ifile = '' arg = sys.argv.pop(0) while len(sys.argv) > 0: arg = sys.argv.pop(0) if arg in ["-h", "-H", "--help"]: ihelp() elif arg == '-ifile' or arg == '-f': ifile = sys.argv.pop(0) else: raise error_handler.ElseError(arg, 'command line option') if not os.path.exists(ifile): print('Input file %s not found!' % ifile) print( 'Please create this file using theoinp or specify its location using -ifile\n' ) ihelp() ioptions = input_options.tden_ana_options(ifile) theo_header.print_header('Transition density matrix analysis', ioptions=ioptions) tdena = lib_tden.tden_ana(ioptions) if 'mo_file' in ioptions: tdena.read_mos()
def plot(self): hfname = 'OmFrag.html' hfile = lib_file.htmlfile(hfname) hfile.pre('Electron-hole correlation plots') hfile.write( '<h2>Electron-hole correlation plots of the Omega matrices for the individual states.</h2>' ) htable = lib_file.htmltable(ncol=4) matplotlib.rc('font', size=self['fsize']) if self['grid']: edgecolors = 'k' else: edgecolors = None for state in self.state_list: if self['plot_type'] == 1: plot_arr = state['OmFrag'] elif self['plot_type'] == 2: plot_arr = numpy.sqrt(state['OmFrag']) else: raise error_handler.ElseError(str(self['plot_type']), 'plot_type') if self['sscale']: vmin = self['vmin'] vmax = self['vmax'] else: vmin = 0. vmax = state['OmFrag'].max() # Completely delete the small elements # for x in numpy.nditer(plot_arr, op_flags = ['readwrite']): # if x < vmin: # x[...] = -1. # numpy.nan pylab.figure(figsize=(2, 2)) pylab.pcolor(plot_arr, cmap=pylab.get_cmap(name=self['cmap']), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, edgecolors=edgecolors) # *** Different colouring of different parts *** # frag_lists = [[0, 2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5]] # cmaps = ['Reds', 'Blues'] # OmDim = len(plot_arr) # for frag in frag_lists: # tmp_arr = numpy.array([[numpy.nan for i in range(OmDim)] for j in range(OmDim)]) # for i in frag: # tmp_arr[i,i] = plot_arr[i,i] # pylab.pcolor(tmp_arr, cmap=pylab.get_cmap(cmaps.pop(0)), vmin=0., vmax=vmax, edgecolors=edgecolors) if self['axis']: pylab.axis('on') if self['ticks']: pylab.tick_params(which='both', length=0) if self['cticks']: pylab.xticks([x + 0.5 for x in range(len(plot_arr))], self['xticks']) pylab.yticks([y + 0.5 for y in range(len(plot_arr))], self['yticks']) else: pylab.xticks([x + 0.5 for x in range(len(plot_arr))], [x + 1 for x in range(len(plot_arr))]) pylab.yticks([y + 0.5 for y in range(len(plot_arr))], [y + 1 for y in range(len(plot_arr))]) else: pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) else: pylab.axis('off') if self['cbar']: pylab.colorbar() pname = 'pcolor_%s.%s' % (state['name'], self['output_format']) print("Writing %s ..." % pname) pylab.tight_layout() pylab.savefig(pname, dpi=self['plot_dpi']) pylab.close() tel = '<img src="%s", border="1" width="200">\n' % pname tel += '<br>%s' % state['name'] htable.add_el(tel) # create a plot with the e/h axes and optionally the scale pylab.figure(figsize=(3, 2)) matplotlib.rc('font', size=14) ax = pylab.axes() ax.arrow(0.15, 0.15, 0.5, 0., head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, fc='r', ec='r') ax.text(0.20, 0.03, 'hole', color='r') ax.arrow(0.15, 0.15, 0., 0.5, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, fc='b', ec='b') ax.text(0.02, 0.20, 'electron', rotation='vertical', color='b') pylab.axis('off') if self['sscale']: pylab.savefig('axes_no.%s' % self['output_format'], dpi=self['plot_dpi']) # pylab.figure(figsize=(2,2)) pylab.pcolor(numpy.zeros([1, 1]), cmap=pylab.get_cmap(name=self['cmap']), vmin=self['vmin'], vmax=self['vmax']) pylab.colorbar() pylab.savefig('axes.%s' % self['output_format'], dpi=self['plot_dpi']) tel = '<img src="axes.%s", border="1" width="200">\n' % self[ 'output_format'] tel += '<br>Axes / Scale' htable.add_el(tel) hfile.write(htable.ret_table()) print( " HTML file %s containing the electron-hole correlation plots written." % hfname)