예제 #1
def test_add_streams():
    # simple example, same components
    ans = {'zs': [0.4, 0.6], 'ws': [0.20679185022051716, 0.7932081497794828], 'm': 0.34847176, 'n': 10}
    prod = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 2], T=300, P=1E5) + Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[3, 4], T=300, P=1E5)
    assert_allclose(prod.zs, ans['zs'])
    assert_allclose(prod.ws, ans['ws'])
    assert_allclose(prod.m, ans['m'])
    assert_allclose(prod.n, ans['n'])

    # add a not a stream
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        Stream(['decane', 'octane'],  T=300, P=1E5, ns=[4, 5]) +1
    # Add two streams, check they're the same if added in a different order
    ans = {'zs': [1/6., 1/3., 1/3., 1/6.], 
           'ws': [0.12364762781718204, 0.3687607770917325, 0.3080280163630483, 0.1995635787280373],
           'm': 0.92382298, 'n': 6}
    S1 = Stream(['decane', 'octane'],  T=300, P=1E5, ns=[2, 1])
    S2 = Stream(['Dodecane', 'Tridecane'],  T=300, P=1E5, ns=[2, 1]) 
    prod = S1 + S2
    assert_allclose(prod.ws, ans['ws'], rtol=2E-5)
    assert_allclose(prod.zs, ans['zs'], rtol=2E-5)
    assert_allclose(prod.m, ans['m'], rtol=1E-4)
    assert_allclose(prod.n, ans['n'], rtol=2E-5)
    prod = S2 + S1
    assert_allclose(prod.ws, ans['ws'], rtol=2E-5)
    assert_allclose(prod.zs, ans['zs'], rtol=2E-5)
    assert_allclose(prod.m, ans['m'], rtol=1E-4)
    assert_allclose(prod.n, ans['n'], rtol=2E-5)
예제 #2
def test_stream_TP_Q():
    n_known = 47.43612113350473
    n = Stream(T=433.0, P=680E3, Q=3800.0/3600, IDs=['CO2'], zs=[1], Q_TP=(273.15, 101325, 'g')).n
    assert_allclose(n, n_known, rtol=1e-3)
    n = Stream(T=433.0, P=680E3, Q=3800.0/3600, IDs=['CO2'], zs=[1], Q_TP=(273.15, 101325, '')).n
    assert_allclose(n, n_known, rtol=1e-3)
    n = Stream(T=433.0, P=680E3, Q=3800.0/3600, IDs=['CO2'], zs=[1], Q_TP=(273.15, 101325, None)).n
    assert_allclose(n, n_known, rtol=1e-3)
예제 #3
def test_Stream():
    Stream(['H2', 'NH3', 'CO', 'Ar', 'CH4', 'N2'],
           zs=[.7371, 0, .024, .027, .013, .2475],
    T=500, P=20.5E5, m=300)

    # Test the pressure will be set if none is specified
    obj = Stream(['methanol'], T=305, zs=[1], n=1)
    assert obj.P == obj.P_default
    obj = Stream(['methanol'], P=1E5, zs=[1], n=1)
    assert obj.T == obj.T_default
예제 #4
def test_assert_component_balance():
    f1 = Stream(['water', 'ethanol', 'pentane'],
                zs=[.5, .4, .1],
    f2 = Stream(['water', 'methanol'], zs=[.5, .5], T=300, P=9E5, n=25)
    f3 = Stream(IDs=['109-66-0', '64-17-5', '67-56-1', '7732-18-5'],
                ns=[5.0, 20.0, 12.5, 37.5],

    assert_component_balance([f1, f2], f3)

    f3 = Stream(IDs=['109-66-0', '64-17-5', '67-56-1', '7732-18-5'],
                ns=[6.0, 20.0, 12.5, 37.5],
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert_component_balance([f1, f2], f3)
예제 #5
def test_Stream_inputs():
    compositions = {
        'zs': [0.5953064630759212, 0.4046935369240788],
        'ws': [0.365177574313603, 0.634822425686397],
        'Vfgs': [0.6, 0.4],
        'Vfls': [0.3114290329842817, 0.6885709670157184]
    inputs = {'m': 100, 'n': 3405.042096313374, 'Q': 0.11409951553902598}
    flow_inputs = {
        'ns': [2027.0435669809347, 1377.998529332439],
        'ms': [36.517757431360295, 63.482242568639705],
        'Qls': [0.036643922302061455, 0.08101987400787004],
        'Qgs': [48.673177307086064, 32.448784871390714]

    for key1, val1 in compositions.items():
        for key2, val2 in inputs.items():
            m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'],
                           key1: val1,
                           key2: val2
            assert_allclose(m.n, inputs['n'])
            assert_allclose(m.m, inputs['m'])
            assert_allclose(m.Q, inputs['Q'])
            assert_allclose(m.ns, flow_inputs['ns'])
            assert_allclose(m.ms, flow_inputs['ms'])
            assert_allclose(m.Qls, flow_inputs['Qls'])
            assert_allclose(m.Qgs, flow_inputs['Qgs'])

    for key, val in flow_inputs.items():
        m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], T=300, P=1E5, **{key: val})
        assert_allclose(m.n, inputs['n'])
        assert_allclose(m.m, inputs['m'])
        assert_allclose(m.Q, inputs['Q'])
        assert_allclose(m.ns, flow_inputs['ns'])
        assert_allclose(m.ms, flow_inputs['ms'])
        assert_allclose(m.Qls, flow_inputs['Qls'])
        assert_allclose(m.Qgs, flow_inputs['Qgs'])

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # two compositions specified
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[6, 4], ws=[.4, .6], T=300, P=1E5)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # two flow rates specified
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[6, 4], n=10, T=300, P=1E5)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # no composition
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], n=1, T=300, P=1E5)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # no flow rate
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], zs=[.5, .5], T=300, P=1E5)
예제 #6
def test_Stream():
    Stream(['H2', 'NH3', 'CO', 'Ar', 'CH4', 'N2'],
           zs=[.7371, 0, .024, .027, .013, .2475],
예제 #7
def test_sub_streams():
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # remove a component not present
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 2], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
            ['decane'], ns=[.5], T=300, P=1E5)

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # Remove too much of a component
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 2], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
            ['ethanol'], ns=[3], T=300, P=1E5)

    # Take a component completely away
    no_ethanol = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 2], T=300,
                        P=1E5) - Stream(['ethanol'], ns=[2], T=300, P=1E5)
    assert len(no_ethanol.zs) == 1
    assert_allclose(no_ethanol.zs, 1)
    assert_allclose(no_ethanol.n, 1)
    assert_allclose(no_ethanol.m, 0.01801528)

    # basic case
    m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 2], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
        ['ethanol'], ns=[1], T=300, P=1E5)
    assert_allclose(m.ns, [1, 1])

    # test case
    m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol', 'decane', 'pentane'],
               ns=[1, 2, 3, 1E-9],
               P=1E5) - Stream(['ethanol'], ns=[2], T=300, P=1E5)
    assert_allclose(m.ns, [1, 3.0, 1e-09])
    assert m.CASs == ['7732-18-5', '124-18-5', '109-66-0']

    # Remove a bit more of the chemical that the tolerange allows for  wrt total stream flow:
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol', 'decane', 'pentane'],
               ns=[1, 2, 3, 1E-9],
               P=1E5) - Stream(
                   ['ethanol', 'pentane'], ns=[2, 1E-9 + 1E-11], T=300, P=1E5)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 1], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
            ['ethanol'], ns=[1 + 1E-12], T=300, P=1E5)
    m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 1], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
        ['ethanol'], ns=[1 + 9E-13], T=300, P=1E5)
    assert m.CASs == ['7732-18-5']

    # Relative to its own stream, removal threshold
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # test abs(ns_self[i] - nj)/ns_self[i] > 1E-9
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 1E-12], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
            ['ethanol'], ns=[1E-12 + 1E-20], T=300, P=1E5)
    # test with a little less it gets removed safely, one part in nine extra of the component
    m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1, 1E-12], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
        ['ethanol'], ns=[1E-12 + 1E-21], T=300, P=1E5)
    assert m.CASs == ['7732-18-5']

    # test relative to the product flow rate, ensure we don't remove any extra that results in the extra being much more than the product
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1E-7, 1], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
            ['ethanol'], ns=[1 + 1E-15], T=300, P=1E5)
    m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[1E-7, 1], T=300, P=1E5) - Stream(
        ['ethanol'], ns=[1 + 1E-16], T=300, P=1E5)
    assert_allclose(m.n, 1E-7, rtol=1E-12)
    assert m.CASs == ['7732-18-5']
예제 #8
def test_Stream_inputs():
    compositions = {'zs': [0.5953064630759212, 0.4046935369240788], 'ws': [0.365177574313603, 0.634822425686397],
                   'Vfgs': [0.6, 0.4], 'Vfls': [0.3114290329842817, 0.6885709670157184]}
    inputs = {'m': 100, 'n': 3405.042096313374, 'Q': 0.11409951553902598}
    flow_inputs = {'ns': [2027.0435669809347, 1377.998529332439], 'ms': [36.517757431360295, 63.482242568639705],
                  'Qls': [0.036643922302061455, 0.08101987400787004], 'Qgs': [50.561333889092964, 34.371951780014115]}

    for key1, val1 in compositions.items():
        for key2, val2 in inputs.items():
            m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], T=300, P=1E5, **{key1:val1, key2:val2})
            assert_allclose(m.n, inputs['n'])
            assert_allclose(m.m, inputs['m'])
            assert_allclose(m.Q, inputs['Q'], rtol=1e-5)
            assert_allclose(m.ns, flow_inputs['ns'])
            assert_allclose(m.ms, flow_inputs['ms'])
            assert_allclose(m.Qls, flow_inputs['Qls'], rtol=1e-5)
            assert_allclose(m.Qgs, flow_inputs['Qgs'], rtol=1e-5)

    for key, val in flow_inputs.items():
        m = Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], T=300, P=1E5, **{key:val})
        other_tol = 1e-7 if key not in ('Qls', 'Qgs') else 1e-5
        assert_allclose(m.n, inputs['n'], rtol=other_tol)
        assert_allclose(m.m, inputs['m'], rtol=other_tol)
        assert_allclose(m.Q, inputs['Q'], rtol=1e-5)
        assert_allclose(m.ns, flow_inputs['ns'], rtol=other_tol)
        assert_allclose(m.ms, flow_inputs['ms'], rtol=other_tol)
        assert_allclose(m.Qls, flow_inputs['Qls'], rtol=1e-5)
        assert_allclose(m.Qgs, flow_inputs['Qgs'], rtol=1e-5)

    # Test ordereddict input
    IDs = ['water', 'ethanol']

    for key1, val1 in compositions.items():
        d = OrderedDict()
        for i, j in zip(IDs, val1):
            d.update({i: j})

        for key2, val2 in inputs.items():
            m = Stream(T=300, P=1E5, **{key1:d, key2:val2})
            # Check the composition
            assert_allclose(m.zs, compositions['zs'], rtol=1E-6)
            assert_allclose(m.zs, m.xs)
            assert_allclose(m.Vfls(), compositions['Vfls'], rtol=1E-5)
            assert_allclose(m.Vfgs(), compositions['Vfgs'], rtol=1E-5)

            assert_allclose(m.n, inputs['n'])
            assert_allclose(m.m, inputs['m'])
            assert_allclose(m.Q, inputs['Q'], rtol=1e-5)
            assert_allclose(m.ns, flow_inputs['ns'])
            assert_allclose(m.ms, flow_inputs['ms'])
            assert_allclose(m.Qls, flow_inputs['Qls'], rtol=1e-5)
            assert_allclose(m.Qgs, flow_inputs['Qgs'], rtol=1e-5)

    # Test ordereddict input with flow rates being given as dicts
    for key, val in flow_inputs.items():
        other_tol = 1e-7 if key not in ('Qls', 'Qgs') else 1e-5
        d = OrderedDict()
        for i, j in zip(IDs, val):
            d.update({i: j})

        m = Stream(T=300, P=1E5, **{key:d})
        assert_allclose(m.n, inputs['n'], rtol=other_tol)
        assert_allclose(m.m, inputs['m'], rtol=other_tol)
        assert_allclose(m.Q, inputs['Q'], rtol=1e-5)
        assert_allclose(m.ns, flow_inputs['ns'], rtol=other_tol)
        assert_allclose(m.ms, flow_inputs['ms'], rtol=other_tol)
        assert_allclose(m.Qls, flow_inputs['Qls'], rtol=1e-5)
        assert_allclose(m.Qgs, flow_inputs['Qgs'], rtol=1e-5)

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # two compositions specified
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[6, 4], ws=[.4, .6], T=300, P=1E5)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # two flow rates specified
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], ns=[6, 4], n=10, T=300, P=1E5)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # no composition
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], n=1, T=300, P=1E5)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # no flow rate
        Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], zs=[.5, .5], T=300, P=1E5)