예제 #1
파일: spancat.py 프로젝트: bpben/spaCy
    def ngram_suggester(docs: Iterable[Doc], *, ops: Optional[Ops] = None) -> Ragged:
        if ops is None:
            ops = get_current_ops()
        spans = []
        lengths = []
        for doc in docs:
            starts = ops.xp.arange(len(doc), dtype="i")
            starts = starts.reshape((-1, 1))
            length = 0
            for size in sizes:
                if size <= len(doc):
                    starts_size = starts[: len(doc) - (size - 1)]
                    spans.append(ops.xp.hstack((starts_size, starts_size + size)))
                    length += spans[-1].shape[0]
                if spans:
                    assert spans[-1].ndim == 2, spans[-1].shape
        lengths_array = cast(Ints1d, ops.asarray(lengths, dtype="i"))
        if len(spans) > 0:
            output = Ragged(ops.xp.vstack(spans), lengths_array)
            output = Ragged(ops.xp.zeros((0, 0), dtype="i"), lengths_array)

        assert output.dataXd.ndim == 2
        return output
예제 #2
def forward(model: Model, source_spans: Tuple[Ragged, Ragged],
            is_train: bool) -> Tuple[Ragged, Callable]:
    """Get subsequences from source vectors."""
    ops = model.ops
    X, spans = source_spans
    assert spans.dataXd.ndim == 2
    indices = _get_span_indices(ops, spans, X.lengths)
    if len(indices) > 0:
        Y = Ragged(X.dataXd[indices], spans.dataXd[:, 1] -
                   spans.dataXd[:, 0])  # type: ignore[arg-type, index]
        Y = Ragged(
            ops.xp.zeros(X.dataXd.shape, dtype=X.dataXd.dtype),
            ops.xp.zeros((len(X.lengths), ), dtype="i"),
    x_shape = X.dataXd.shape
    x_lengths = X.lengths

    def backprop_windows(dY: Ragged) -> Tuple[Ragged, Ragged]:
        dX = Ragged(ops.alloc2f(*x_shape), x_lengths)
        ops.scatter_add(dX.dataXd, indices,
                        dY.dataXd)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        return (dX, spans)

    return Y, backprop_windows
예제 #3
 def zeros(cls, length: int, width: int, *, xp=numpy) -> "TransformerData":
     """Create a valid TransformerData container for a given shape, filled
     with zeros."""
     return cls(tokens={"input_ids": numpy.zeros((length, ), dtype="i")},
                tensors=[xp.zeros((1, length, width), dtype="f")],
                             numpy.ones((length, ), dtype="i")))
예제 #4
def _truncate_alignment(align: Ragged, mask: numpy.ndarray) -> Ragged:
    # We're going to have fewer wordpieces in the new array, so all of our
    # wordpiece indices in the alignment table will be off --- they'll point
    # to the wrong row. So we need to do three things here:
    # 1) Adjust all the indices in align.dataXd to account for the dropped data
    # 2) Remove the dropped indices from the align.dataXd
    # 3) Calculate new align.lengths
    # The wordpiece mapping is easily calculated by the cumulative sum of the
    # mask table.
    # Let's say we have [True, False, False, True]. The mapping of the dropped
    # wordpieces doesn't matter, because we can filter it with the mask. So we
    # have [0, 0, 0, 1], i.e the wordpiece that was
    # at 0 is still at 0, and the wordpiece that was at 3 is now at 1.
    mask = mask.ravel()
    idx_map = mask.cumsum() - 1
    idx_map[~mask] = -1
    # Step 1: Adjust all the indices in align.dataXd.
    new_align = idx_map[align.data.ravel()]
    # Step 2: Remove the dropped indices
    new_align = new_align[new_align >= 0]
    # Step 3: Calculate new align.lengths
    new_lengths = align.lengths.copy()
    for i in range(len(align.lengths)):
        drops = ~mask[align[i].data.ravel()]
        new_lengths[i] -= drops.sum()
    return Ragged(new_align, new_lengths)
예제 #5
 def empty(cls) -> "TransformerData":
     align = Ragged(numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype="i"),
                    numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype="i"))
     return cls(wordpieces=WordpieceBatch.empty(),
    def _trim_ragged_forward(model, Xr, is_train):
        def backprop(dYr):
            dY = dYr.data
            dX = model.ops.alloc2f(dY.shape[0], dY.shape[1] + 1)
            return Ragged(dX, dYr.lengths)

        return Ragged(Xr.data[:, :-1], Xr.lengths), backprop
예제 #7
 def zeros(cls, length: int, width: int, *, xp=numpy) -> "TransformerData":
     """Create a valid TransformerData container for a given shape, filled
     with zeros."""
     return cls(
         wordpieces=WordpieceBatch.zeros([length], xp=xp),
         tensors=[xp.zeros((1, length, width), dtype="f")],
         align=Ragged(numpy.arange(length), numpy.ones((length, ),
def align(sequences):
    lengths = []
    indices = []
    offset = 0
    for seq in sequences:
        for token_length in seq:
            indices.extend(i + offset for i in range(token_length))
            offset += token_length
    return Ragged(numpy.array(indices, dtype="i"), numpy.array(lengths, dtype="i"))
예제 #9
def ragged():
    data = numpy.zeros((20, 4), dtype="f")
    lengths = numpy.array([4, 2, 8, 1, 4], dtype="i")
    data[0] = 0
    data[1] = 1
    data[2] = 2
    data[3] = 3
    data[4] = 4
    data[5] = 5
    return Ragged(data, lengths)
예제 #10
def test_ragged_empty():
    data = numpy.zeros((0, 4), dtype="f")
    lengths = numpy.array([], dtype="i")
    ragged = Ragged(data, lengths)
    assert_allclose(ragged[0:0].data, ragged.data)
    assert_allclose(ragged[0:0].lengths, ragged.lengths)
    assert_allclose(ragged[0:2].data, ragged.data)
    assert_allclose(ragged[0:2].lengths, ragged.lengths)
    assert_allclose(ragged[1:2].data, ragged.data)
    assert_allclose(ragged[1:2].lengths, ragged.lengths)
예제 #11
 def empty(cls, nr_docs) -> "FullTransformerBatch":
     spans = [[] for i in range(nr_docs)]
     doc_data = [TransformerData.empty() for i in range(nr_docs)]
     align = Ragged(numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype="i"),
                    numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype="i"))
     return cls(spans=spans,
예제 #12
def get_alignment(spans: List[Span], wordpieces: List[List[str]]) -> Ragged:
    """Compute a ragged alignment array that records, for each unique token in
    `spans`, the corresponding indices in the flattened `wordpieces` array.
    For instance, imagine you have two overlapping spans:
        [[I, like, walking], [walking, outdoors]]

    And their wordpieces are:

        [[I, like, walk, ing], [walk, ing, out, doors]]

    We want to align "walking" against [walk, ing, walk, ing], which have
    indices [2, 3, 4, 5] once the nested wordpieces list is flattened.

    The nested alignment list would be:

    [[0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]
      I   like    walking    outdoors

    Which gets flattened into the ragged array:

    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    [1, 1, 4, 2]

    The ragged format allows the aligned data to be computed via:

    tokens = Ragged(wp_tensor[align.data], align.lengths)

    This produces a ragged format, indicating which tokens need to be collapsed
    to make the aligned array. The reduction is deferred for a later step, so
    the user can configure it. The indexing is especially efficient in trivial
    cases like this where the indexing array is completely continuous.
    if len(spans) != len(wordpieces):
        raise ValueError("Cannot align batches of different sizes.")
    # Tokens can occur more than once, and we need the alignment of each token
    # to its place in the concatenated wordpieces array.
    token_positions = get_token_positions(spans)
    alignment: List[Set[int]] = [set() for _ in range(len(token_positions))]
    wp_start = 0
    for i, (span, wp_toks) in enumerate(zip(spans, wordpieces)):
        sp_toks = [token.text for token in span]
        span2wp, wp2span = tokenizations.get_alignments(sp_toks, wp_toks)
        for token, wp_js in zip(span, span2wp):
            position = token_positions[token]
            alignment[position].update(wp_start + j for j in wp_js)
        wp_start += len(wp_toks)
    lengths: List[int] = []
    flat: List[int] = []
    for a in alignment:
    align = Ragged(numpy.array(flat, dtype="i"), numpy.array(lengths,
    return align
예제 #13
def _apply_empty_alignment(ops, align, X):
    shape = X.shape
    Y = Ragged(
        ops.alloc2f(align.lengths.shape[0], X.shape[1]),
        ops.alloc1i(align.lengths.shape[0]) + 1,

    def backprop_null_alignment(dY: Ragged) -> Floats2d:
        return ops.alloc2f(*shape)

    return Y, backprop_null_alignment
예제 #14
def test_size_mismatch(Xs):
    for reduce in [
            reduce_first, reduce_last, reduce_max, reduce_mean, reduce_sum
        model = reduce()
        lengths = model.ops.asarray([x.shape[0] for x in Xs], dtype="i")
        X = Ragged(model.ops.flatten(Xs), lengths)
        Y, backprop = model(X, is_train=True)

        Y_bad = Y[:-1]
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #15
파일: test_config.py 프로젝트: EricM2/venv
def test_config_dataclasses():
    def catsie_ragged(arg: Ragged):
        return arg

    data = numpy.zeros((20, 4), dtype="f")
    lengths = numpy.array([4, 2, 8, 1, 4], dtype="i")
    ragged = Ragged(data, lengths)
    config = {"cfg": {"@cats": "catsie.ragged", "arg": ragged}}
    result = my_registry.resolve(config)["cfg"]
    assert isinstance(result, Ragged)
    assert list(result._get_cumsums()) == [4, 6, 14, 15, 19]
def test_reduce_last(Xs):
    model = reduce_last()
    lengths = model.ops.asarray([x.shape[0] for x in Xs], dtype="i")
    X = Ragged(model.ops.flatten(Xs), lengths)
    Y, backprop = model(X, is_train=True)
    assert isinstance(Y, numpy.ndarray)
    assert Y.shape == (len(Xs), Xs[0].shape[1])
    assert Y.dtype == Xs[0].dtype
    assert list(Y[0]) == list(Xs[0][-1])
    assert list(Y[1]) == list(Xs[1][-1])
    dX = backprop(Y)
    assert dX.dataXd.shape == X.dataXd.shape
예제 #17
 def empty(cls, nr_docs) -> "FullTransformerBatch":
     spans = [[] for i in range(nr_docs)]
     doc_data = [TransformerData.empty() for i in range(nr_docs)]
     align = Ragged(numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype="i"),
                    numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype="i"))
     return cls(
예제 #18
 def empty(cls, nr_docs) -> "FullTransformerBatch":
     spans = [[] for i in range(nr_docs)]
     doc_data = [TransformerData.empty() for i in range(nr_docs)]
     align = Ragged(numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype="i"),
                    numpy.zeros((0, ), dtype="i"))
     return cls(
예제 #19
def forward(model: Model[List[Doc], Ragged], docs: List[Doc],
            is_train: bool) -> Tuple[Ragged, Callable]:
    token_count = sum(len(doc) for doc in docs)
    if not token_count:
        return _handle_empty(model.ops, model.get_dim("nO"))
    key_attr: int = model.attrs["key_attr"]
    keys: Ints1d = model.ops.flatten(
        cast(Sequence, [doc.to_array(key_attr) for doc in docs]))
    vocab: Vocab = docs[0].vocab
    W = cast(Floats2d, model.ops.as_contig(model.get_param("W")))
    if vocab.vectors.mode == Mode.default:
        V = cast(Floats2d, model.ops.asarray(vocab.vectors.data))
        rows = vocab.vectors.find(keys=keys)
        V = model.ops.as_contig(V[rows])
    elif vocab.vectors.mode == Mode.floret:
        V = cast(Floats2d, vocab.vectors.get_batch(keys))
        V = model.ops.as_contig(V)
        raise RuntimeError(Errors.E896)
        vectors_data = model.ops.gemm(V, W, trans2=True)
    except ValueError:
        raise RuntimeError(Errors.E896)
    if vocab.vectors.mode == Mode.default:
        # Convert negative indices to 0-vectors
        # TODO: more options for UNK tokens
        vectors_data[rows < 0] = 0
    output = Ragged(
        model.ops.asarray([len(doc) for doc in docs],
                          dtype="i")  # type: ignore
    mask = None
    if is_train:
        mask = _get_drop_mask(model.ops, W.shape[0],
        if mask is not None:
            output.data *= mask

    def backprop(d_output: Ragged) -> List[Doc]:
        if mask is not None:
            d_output.data *= mask
            model.ops.gemm(cast(Floats2d, d_output.data),
        return []

    return output, backprop
def test_noop_transforms(noop_models, ragged_input, padded_input, list_input):
    # Make distinct backprop values,
    # to check that the gradients get passed correctly
    d_ragged = Ragged(ragged_input.data + 1, ragged_input.lengths)
    d_padded = padded_input.copy()
    d_padded.data += 1
    d_list = [dx + 1 for dx in list_input]
    for model in noop_models:
        check_transform_doesnt_change_noop_values(model, padded_input,
        check_transform_doesnt_change_noop_values(model, list_input, d_list)
        check_transform_doesnt_change_noop_values(model, ragged_input,
예제 #21
파일: spancat.py 프로젝트: bpben/spaCy
    def get_loss(
        self, examples: Iterable[Example], spans_scores: Tuple[Ragged, Floats2d]
    ) -> Tuple[float, float]:
        """Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and
        their predicted scores.

        examples (Iterable[Examples]): The batch of examples.
        spans_scores: Scores representing the model's predictions.
        RETURNS (Tuple[float, float]): The loss and the gradient.

        DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/spancategorizer#get_loss
        spans, scores = spans_scores
        spans = Ragged(
            self.model.ops.to_numpy(spans.data), self.model.ops.to_numpy(spans.lengths)
        label_map = {label: i for i, label in enumerate(self.labels)}
        target = numpy.zeros(scores.shape, dtype=scores.dtype)
        offset = 0
        for i, eg in enumerate(examples):
            # Map (start, end) offset of spans to the row in the d_scores array,
            # so that we can adjust the gradient for predictions that were
            # in the gold standard.
            spans_index = {}
            spans_i = spans[i].dataXd
            for j in range(spans.lengths[i]):
                start = int(spans_i[j, 0])  # type: ignore
                end = int(spans_i[j, 1])  # type: ignore
                spans_index[(start, end)] = offset + j
            for gold_span in self._get_aligned_spans(eg):
                key = (gold_span.start, gold_span.end)
                if key in spans_index:
                    row = spans_index[key]
                    k = label_map[gold_span.label_]
                    target[row, k] = 1.0
            # The target is a flat array for all docs. Track the position
            # we're at within the flat array.
            offset += spans.lengths[i]
        target = self.model.ops.asarray(target, dtype="f")  # type: ignore
        # The target will have the values 0 (for untrue predictions) or 1
        # (for true predictions).
        # The scores should be in the range [0, 1].
        # If the prediction is 0.9 and it's true, the gradient
        # will be -0.1 (0.9 - 1.0).
        # If the prediction is 0.9 and it's false, the gradient will be
        # 0.9 (0.9 - 0.0)
        d_scores = scores - target
        loss = float((d_scores**2).sum())
        return loss, d_scores
예제 #22
def test_reduce_mean(Xs):
    Xs = [x * 1000 for x in Xs]  # use large numbers for numeric stability
    model = reduce_mean()
    lengths = model.ops.asarray([x.shape[0] for x in Xs], dtype="i")
    X = Ragged(model.ops.flatten(Xs), lengths)
    Y, backprop = model(X, is_train=True)
    assert isinstance(Y, numpy.ndarray)
    assert Y.shape == (len(Xs), Xs[0].shape[1])
    assert Y.dtype == Xs[0].dtype
    assert numpy.all(Y[0] == Y[0][0])  # all values in row should be equal
    assert Y[0][0] == Xs[0].mean()
    assert numpy.all(Y[1] == Y[1][0])
    assert Y[1][0] == Xs[1].mean()
    dX = backprop(Y)
    assert dX.dataXd.shape == X.dataXd.shape
예제 #23
def instance_forward(model: Model[List[Doc], Floats2d], docs: List[Doc],
                     is_train: bool) -> Tuple[Floats2d, Callable]:
    pooling = model.get_ref("pooling")
    tok2vec = model.get_ref("tok2vec")
    get_instances = model.attrs["get_instances"]
    all_instances = [get_instances(doc) for doc in docs]
    tokvecs, bp_tokvecs = tok2vec(docs, is_train)

    ents = []
    lengths = []

    for doc_nr, (instances, tokvec) in enumerate(zip(all_instances, tokvecs)):
        token_indices = []
        for instance in instances:
            for ent in instance:
                token_indices.extend([i for i in range(ent.start, ent.end)])
                lengths.append(ent.end - ent.start)
    lengths = cast(Ints1d, model.ops.asarray(lengths, dtype="int32"))
    entities = Ragged(model.ops.flatten(ents), lengths)
    pooled, bp_pooled = pooling(entities, is_train)

    # Reshape so that pairs of rows are concatenated
    relations = model.ops.reshape2f(pooled, -1, pooled.shape[1] * 2)

    def backprop(d_relations: Floats2d) -> List[Doc]:
        d_pooled = model.ops.reshape2f(d_relations, d_relations.shape[0] * 2,
        d_ents = bp_pooled(d_pooled).data
        d_tokvecs = []
        ent_index = 0
        for doc_nr, instances in enumerate(all_instances):
            shape = tokvecs[doc_nr].shape
            d_tokvec = model.ops.alloc2f(*shape)
            count_occ = model.ops.alloc2f(*shape)
            for instance in instances:
                for ent in instance:
                    d_tokvec[ent.start:ent.end] += d_ents[ent_index]
                    count_occ[ent.start:ent.end] += 1
                    ent_index += ent.end - ent.start
            d_tokvec /= count_occ + 0.00000000001

        d_docs = bp_tokvecs(d_tokvecs)
        return d_docs

    return relations, backprop
예제 #24
def apply_alignment(ops: Ops, align: Ragged,
                    X: Floats2d) -> Tuple[Ragged, Callable]:
    """Align wordpiece data (X) to match tokens, and provide a callback to
    reverse it.
    This function returns a Ragged array, which represents the fact that one
    token may be aligned against multiple wordpieces. It's a nested list,
    concatenated with a lengths array to indicate the nested structure. 

    The alignment is also a Ragged array, where the lengths indicate how many
    wordpieces each token is aligned against. The output ragged therefore has
    the same lengths as the alignment ragged, which means the output data
    also has the same number of data rows as the alignment. The size of the
    lengths array indicates the number of tokens in the batch.

    The actual alignment is a simple indexing operation:

        for i, index in enumerate(align.data):
            Y[i] = X[index]

    Which is vectorized via numpy advanced indexing:
        Y = X[align.data]

    The inverse operation, for the backward pass, uses the 'scatter_add' op
    because one wordpiece may be aligned against multiple tokens. So we need:

        for i, index in enumerate(align.data):
            X[index] += Y[i]

    The addition wouldn't occur if we simply did `X[index] = Y`, so we use
    the scatter_add op.
    if not align.lengths.sum():
        return _apply_empty_alignment(ops, align, X)
    shape = X.shape
    indices = cast(Ints1d, align.dataXd)
    Y = Ragged(X[indices], cast(Ints1d, ops.asarray(align.lengths)))

    def backprop_apply_alignment(dY: Ragged) -> Floats2d:
        assert dY.data.shape[0] == indices.shape[0]
        dX = ops.alloc2f(*shape)
        ops.scatter_add(dX, indices, cast(Floats2d, dY.dataXd))
        return dX

    return Y, backprop_apply_alignment
예제 #25
def forward(model: Model, source_spans: Tuple[Ragged, Ragged],
            is_train: bool) -> Tuple[Ragged, Callable]:
    """Get subsequences from source vectors."""
    ops = model.ops
    X, spans = source_spans
    assert spans.dataXd.ndim == 2
    indices = _get_span_indices(ops, spans, X.lengths)
    Y = Ragged(X.dataXd[indices], spans.dataXd[:, 1] - spans.dataXd[:, 0])
    x_shape = X.dataXd.shape
    x_lengths = X.lengths

    def backprop_windows(dY: Ragged) -> Tuple[Ragged, Ragged]:
        dX = Ragged(ops.alloc2f(*x_shape), x_lengths)
        ops.scatter_add(dX.dataXd, indices, dY.dataXd)
        return (dX, spans)

    return Y, backprop_windows
예제 #26
def get_alignment_via_offset_mapping(spans: List[Span], token_data) -> Ragged:
    # Tokens can occur more than once, and we need the alignment of each token
    # to its place in the concatenated wordpieces array.
    token_positions = get_token_positions(spans)
    alignment: List[Set[int]] = [set() for _ in range(len(token_positions))]
    wp_start = 0
    for i, span in enumerate(spans):
        for j, token in enumerate(span):
            position = token_positions[token]
            for char_idx in range(token.idx, token.idx + len(token)):
                wp_j = token_data.char_to_token(i, char_idx)
                if wp_j is not None:
                    alignment[position].add(wp_start + wp_j)
        wp_start += len(token_data.input_ids[i])
    lengths: List[int] = []
    flat: List[int] = []
    for a in alignment:
    align = Ragged(numpy.array(flat, dtype="i"), numpy.array(lengths,
    return align
예제 #27
def forward(model: Model[List[Doc], Ragged], docs: List[Doc],
            is_train: bool) -> Tuple[Ragged, Callable]:
    if not sum(len(doc) for doc in docs):
        return _handle_empty(model.ops, model.get_dim("nO"))
    key_attr = model.attrs["key_attr"]
    W = cast(Floats2d, model.ops.as_contig(model.get_param("W")))
    V = cast(Floats2d, model.ops.asarray(docs[0].vocab.vectors.data))
    rows = model.ops.flatten(
        [doc.vocab.vectors.find(keys=doc.to_array(key_attr)) for doc in docs])
        vectors_data = model.ops.gemm(model.ops.as_contig(V[rows]),
    except ValueError:
        raise RuntimeError(Errors.E896)
    # Convert negative indices to 0-vectors (TODO: more options for UNK tokens)
    vectors_data[rows < 0] = 0
    output = Ragged(vectors_data,
                    model.ops.asarray([len(doc) for doc in docs], dtype="i"))
    mask = None
    if is_train:
        mask = _get_drop_mask(model.ops, W.shape[0],
        if mask is not None:
            output.data *= mask

    def backprop(d_output: Ragged) -> List[Doc]:
        if mask is not None:
            d_output.data *= mask
        return []

    return output, backprop
def ragged_input(ops, list_input):
    lengths = numpy.array([len(x) for x in list_input], dtype="i")
    if not list_input:
        return Ragged(ops.alloc2f(0, 0), lengths)
        return Ragged(ops.flatten(list_input), lengths)
 def backprop(dYr):
     dY = dYr.data
     dX = model.ops.alloc2f(dY.shape[0], dY.shape[1] + 1)
     return Ragged(dX, dYr.lengths)
예제 #30
def _handle_empty(ops: Ops, nO: int):
    return Ragged(ops.alloc2f(0, nO), ops.alloc1i(0)), lambda d_ragged: []