예제 #1
def main(width=32, nr_vector=1000):
    train_data, check_data, nr_tag = ancora_pos_tags(encode_words=True)

    model = with_flatten(
        chain(HashEmbed(width, 1000), ReLu(width, width), ReLu(width, width),
              Softmax(nr_tag, width)))

    train_X, train_y = zip(*train_data)
    dev_X, dev_y = zip(*check_data)
    train_y = [to_categorical(y, nb_classes=nr_tag) for y in train_y]
    dev_y = [to_categorical(y, nb_classes=nr_tag) for y in dev_y]
    with model.begin_training(train_X, train_y) as (trainer, optimizer):
        trainer.each_epoch.append(lambda: print(model.evaluate(dev_X, dev_y)))
        for X, y in trainer.iterate(train_X, train_y):
            yh, backprop = model.begin_update(X, drop=trainer.dropout)
            backprop([yh[i] - y[i] for i in range(len(yh))], optimizer)
    with model.use_params(optimizer.averages):
        print(model.evaluate(dev_X, dev_y))
예제 #2
def build_text_classifier(nr_class, width=64, **cfg):
    nr_vector = cfg.get('nr_vector', 5000)
    pretrained_dims = cfg.get('pretrained_dims', 0)
    with Model.define_operators({
            '>>': chain,
            '+': add,
            '|': concatenate,
            '**': clone
        if cfg.get('low_data') and pretrained_dims:
            model = (SpacyVectors >> flatten_add_lengths >> with_getitem(
                0, Affine(width, pretrained_dims)) >>
                     ParametricAttention(width) >> Pooling(sum_pool) >>
                     Residual(ReLu(width, width))**2 >> zero_init(
                         Affine(nr_class, width, drop_factor=0.0)) >> logistic)
            return model

        lower = HashEmbed(width, nr_vector, column=1)
        prefix = HashEmbed(width // 2, nr_vector, column=2)
        suffix = HashEmbed(width // 2, nr_vector, column=3)
        shape = HashEmbed(width // 2, nr_vector, column=4)

        trained_vectors = (FeatureExtracter(
            [ORTH, LOWER, PREFIX, SUFFIX, SHAPE, ID]) >> with_flatten(
                uniqued((lower | prefix | suffix | shape) >> LN(
                    Maxout(width, width + (width // 2) * 3)),

        if pretrained_dims:
            static_vectors = (
                SpacyVectors >> with_flatten(Affine(width, pretrained_dims)))
            # TODO Make concatenate support lists
            vectors = concatenate_lists(trained_vectors, static_vectors)
            vectors_width = width * 2
            vectors = trained_vectors
            vectors_width = width
            static_vectors = None
        cnn_model = (
            vectors >> with_flatten(
                LN(Maxout(width, vectors_width)) >> Residual(
                    (ExtractWindow(nW=1) >> LN(Maxout(width, width * 3))))**2,
                pad=2) >> flatten_add_lengths >> ParametricAttention(width) >>
            Pooling(sum_pool) >> Residual(zero_init(Maxout(width, width))) >>
            zero_init(Affine(nr_class, width, drop_factor=0.0)))

        linear_model = (
            _preprocess_doc >> LinearModel(nr_class, drop_factor=0.))

        model = ((linear_model | cnn_model) >> zero_init(
            Affine(nr_class, nr_class * 2, drop_factor=0.0)) >> logistic)
    model.nO = nr_class
    model.lsuv = False
    return model
예제 #3
def main(depth=2, width=512, nb_epoch=30):
    if CupyOps.xp != None:
        Model.ops = CupyOps()
        Model.Ops = CupyOps
    # Configuration here isn't especially good. But, for demo..
    with Model.define_operators({'**': clone, '>>': chain}):
        model = ReLu(width) >> ReLu(width) >> Softmax()

    train_data, dev_data, _ = datasets.mnist()
    train_X, train_y = model.ops.unzip(train_data)
    dev_X, dev_y = model.ops.unzip(dev_data)

    dev_y = to_categorical(dev_y)
    with model.begin_training(train_X, train_y,
                              L2=1e-6) as (trainer, optimizer):
        epoch_loss = [0.]

        def report_progress():
            with model.use_params(optimizer.averages):
                print(epoch_loss[-1], model.evaluate(dev_X, dev_y),

        trainer.nb_epoch = nb_epoch
        trainer.dropout = 0.3
        trainer.batch_size = 128
        trainer.dropout_decay = 0.0
        train_X = model.ops.asarray(train_X, dtype='float32')
        y_onehot = to_categorical(train_y)
        for X, y in trainer.iterate(train_X, y_onehot):
            yh, backprop = model.begin_update(X, drop=trainer.dropout)
            loss = ((yh - y)**2.).sum() / y.shape[0]
            backprop(yh - y, optimizer)
            epoch_loss[-1] += loss
        with model.use_params(optimizer.averages):
            print('Avg dev.: %.3f' % model.evaluate(dev_X, dev_y))
            with open('out.pickle', 'wb') as file_:
                pickle.dump(model, file_, -1)
예제 #4
파일: _ml.py 프로젝트: cs394-s20/Aqua
def build_text_classifier(nr_class, width=64, **cfg):
    depth = cfg.get("depth", 2)
    nr_vector = cfg.get("nr_vector", 5000)
    pretrained_dims = cfg.get("pretrained_dims", 0)
    with Model.define_operators({
            ">>": chain,
            "+": add,
            "|": concatenate,
            "**": clone
        if cfg.get("low_data") and pretrained_dims:
            model = (SpacyVectors >> flatten_add_lengths >> with_getitem(
                0, Affine(width, pretrained_dims)) >>
                     ParametricAttention(width) >> Pooling(sum_pool) >>
                     Residual(ReLu(width, width))**2 >> zero_init(
                         Affine(nr_class, width, drop_factor=0.0)) >> logistic)
            return model

        lower = HashEmbed(width, nr_vector, column=1)
        prefix = HashEmbed(width // 2, nr_vector, column=2)
        suffix = HashEmbed(width // 2, nr_vector, column=3)
        shape = HashEmbed(width // 2, nr_vector, column=4)

        trained_vectors = FeatureExtracter(
            [ORTH, LOWER, PREFIX, SUFFIX, SHAPE, ID]) >> with_flatten(
                    (lower | prefix | suffix | shape) >> LN(
                        Maxout(width, width + (width // 2) * 3)),

        if pretrained_dims:
            static_vectors = SpacyVectors >> with_flatten(
                Affine(width, pretrained_dims))
            # TODO Make concatenate support lists
            vectors = concatenate_lists(trained_vectors, static_vectors)
            vectors_width = width * 2
            vectors = trained_vectors
            vectors_width = width
            static_vectors = None
        tok2vec = vectors >> with_flatten(
            LN(Maxout(width, vectors_width)) >> Residual(
                (ExtractWindow(nW=1) >> LN(Maxout(width, width * 3))))**depth,
        cnn_model = (
            tok2vec >> flatten_add_lengths >> ParametricAttention(width) >>
            Pooling(sum_pool) >> Residual(zero_init(Maxout(width, width))) >>
            zero_init(Affine(nr_class, width, drop_factor=0.0)))

        linear_model = build_bow_text_classifier(nr_class,
                                                     "ngram_size", 1),
        if cfg.get("exclusive_classes"):
            output_layer = Softmax(nr_class, nr_class * 2)
            output_layer = (zero_init(
                Affine(nr_class, nr_class * 2, drop_factor=0.0)) >> logistic)
        model = (linear_model | cnn_model) >> output_layer
        model.tok2vec = chain(tok2vec, flatten)
    model.nO = nr_class
    model.lsuv = False
    return model