def calc_cells_dispmats(n): """ Computes the correspondence between the SPOSCAR in the thirdorder convention and the one in the generate_conf convention. """ poscar = generate_conf.read_POSCAR("POSCAR") sposcar = thirdorder_common.gen_SPOSCAR(poscar, n[0], n[1], n[2]) sposcar2 = generate_conf.read_POSCAR("SPOSCAR") natoms = poscar["numbers"].sum() ncells = n[0] * n[1] * n[2] corresp = calc_corresp(poscar, sposcar, [n[0], n[1], n[2]]) corresp2 = calc_corresp(poscar, sposcar2, [n[0], n[1], n[2]]) print("corresp: " + str(corresp)) print("corresp2: " + str(corresp2)) M = np.zeros((ncells, natoms * ncells, natoms * ncells)) for icell in range(ncells): for iatom in range(natoms * ncells): nacell, nbcell, nccell = np.unravel_index(icell, (n[0], n[1], n[2])) i1cell, na1cell, nb1cell, nc1cell = corresp[iatom] jatom = corresp2.index([ i1cell, (na1cell + nacell) % n[0], (nb1cell + nbcell) % n[1], (nc1cell + nccell) % n[2] ]) M[icell, iatom, jatom] = 1. np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) N = np.zeros((ncells * natoms, ncells * natoms)) for iatom in range(natoms * ncells): i1cell, na1cell, nb1cell, nc1cell = corresp2[iatom] icell = np.ravel_multi_index((na1cell, nb1cell, nc1cell), (n[0], n[1], n[2])) N[iatom, icell * natoms + i1cell] = 1. return M, N
def save_symmetry_information_3rd(n3rdorder, third, symm_acoustic=True): """ Computes and saves the 2nd and 3rd order symmetry matrices. """ (natoms, crotations, equivalences, kernels, irreducible, todo) = get_symmetry_information("SPOSCAR") if (symm_acoustic): ker_ac, nirr_ac = acoustic_sum_rule(natoms, crotations, equivalences, kernels, irreducible, todo) else: nirr_ac = len(todo) ker_ac = np.identity(nirr_ac) mat_rec_ac = [ reconstruct_fc_acoustic( natoms, ker_ac, np.array([int(j == k) for j in range(nirr_ac)]), crotations, equivalences, kernels, irreducible, symm_acoustic) for k in range(nirr_ac) ] "../mat_rec_ac_2nd_" + str(n3rdorder[0]) + "x" + str(n3rdorder[1]) + "x" + str(n3rdorder[2]) + ".npy", mat_rec_ac) if not third: return poscar = generate_conf.read_POSCAR("POSCAR") sposcar = thirdorder_common.gen_SPOSCAR(poscar, n3rdorder[0], n3rdorder[1], n3rdorder[2]) if (symm_acoustic): (ker_ac_3rd, nirr_ac_3rd, wedge, list4, dmin, nequi, shifts, frange) ="save_sparse", n3rdorder[0], n3rdorder[1], n3rdorder[2], n3rdorder[3]) with open('out_sym', 'a') as file: file.write("3rd order number of irreducible elements after " + "acoustic sum rule: " + str(nirr_ac_3rd) + "\n") "../ker_ac_3rd_" + str(n3rdorder[0]) + "x" + str(n3rdorder[1]) + "x" + str(n3rdorder[2]) + "_" + str(n3rdorder[3]) + ".npy", ker_ac_3rd) else: wedge, list4, dmin, nequi, shifts, frange = "return", n3rdorder[0], n3rdorder[1], n3rdorder[2], n3rdorder[3]) nirr_ac_3rd = 0 for ii in range(wedge.nlist): print("nindependentbasis: " + str(wedge.nindependentbasis[ii])) nirr_ac_3rd += wedge.nindependentbasis[ii] with open('out_sym', 'a') as file: file.write("3rd order number of irreducible elements without" + " acoustic sum rule: " + str(nirr_ac_3rd) + "\n") ker_ac_3rd = np.identity(nirr_ac_3rd) mat_rec_ac_3rd = calc_mat_rec_ac_3rd(poscar, sposcar, ker_ac_3rd, nirr_ac_3rd, wedge, list4, n3rdorder, symm_acoustic) "../mat_rec_ac_3rd_" + str(n3rdorder[0]) + "x" + str(n3rdorder[1]) + "x" + str(n3rdorder[2]) + "_" + str(n3rdorder[3]) + ".npy", mat_rec_ac_3rd) return
def fit_force_constants(nconf, nfits, T, n, cutoff, third, use_pressure, pressure, use_smalldisp, calc_symm, symm_acoustic, imaginary_freq, enforce_acoustic, grid, tolerance, pdiff, memory, mixing): """ Main function that monitors the self-consistency loop. """ iteration = 0 write_gruneisen = False if not os.path.isfile("iteration"): iteration = 1 if os.path.isfile("QSCAILD.db"): with open("finished", "w") as file: file.write( "finished: error\n" "Problem: no previous iteration but database already present," " remove file QSCAILD.db") comm.Abort() sys.exit( "Problem: no previous iteration but database already present," " remove file QSCAILD.db") else: if rank == 0: shutil.copy("POSCAR", "POSCAR_CURRENT") shutil.copy("SPOSCAR", "SPOSCAR_CURRENT") print("Create table in database") conn = sqlite3.connect("QSCAILD.db") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE configurations (id integer, iteration" " integer, displacements text, probability real," " current_proba real, forces text, energy real," " har_forces text, har_energy real)") conn.commit() conn.close() if calc_symm: symmetry.save_symmetry_information_3rd( [n[0], n[1], n[2], cutoff], third, symm_acoustic) renew_configurations(nconf, T, n, iteration, "POSCAR", "SPOSCAR", "FORCE_CONSTANTS", use_smalldisp, imaginary_freq, grid) comm.Barrier() if rank == 0: with open("iteration", "w") as f: f.write(str(iteration) + "\n") return if rank == 0: with open("iteration", "r") as f: iteration = int(f.readline().split()[0]) if not os.path.isfile("QSCAILD.db"): with open("finished", "w") as file: file.write( "finished: error\n" "Problem: previous iterations but no database is present," " remove file iteration") comm.Abort() sys.exit("Problem: previous iterations but no database is present," " remove file iteration") with open("out_energy", 'a') as file: file.write("iteration: " + str(iteration) + "\n") with open("out_fit", 'a') as file: file.write("iteration: " + str(iteration) + "\n") gradient.store_vasp_forces_energy(iteration) iteration_min = int(math.floor(iteration * (1.0 - memory))) if os.path.isfile("FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT"): shutil.copy("FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT", "FORCE_CONSTANTS_PREVIOUS") print("Load 2nd order symmetry information") mat_rec_ac = np.load("../mat_rec_ac_2nd_" + str(n[0]) + "x" + str(n[1]) + "x" + str(n[2]) + ".npy", allow_pickle = True) nirr_ac = len(mat_rec_ac) poscar = generate_conf.read_POSCAR("POSCAR") natoms = poscar["numbers"].sum() * n[0] * n[1] * n[2] if third: sposcar = thirdorder_common.gen_SPOSCAR(poscar, n[0], n[1], n[2]) print("Load 3rd order symmetry information") wedge, list4, dmin, nequi, shifts, frange = "return", n[0], n[1], n[2], cutoff) mat_rec_ac_3rd = np.load("../mat_rec_ac_3rd_" + str(n[0]) + "x" + str(n[1]) + "x" + str(n[2]) + "_" + str(cutoff) + ".npy", allow_pickle = True)[()] print(("shape: " + str(mat_rec_ac_3rd.shape))) if (symm_acoustic): ker_ac_3rd = np.load("../ker_ac_3rd_" + str(n[0]) + "x" + str(n[1]) + "x" + str(n[2]) + "_" + str(cutoff) + ".npy", allow_pickle = True) else: ker_ac_3rd = np.identity(mat_rec_ac_3rd.shape[0]) M, N = symmetry.calc_cells_dispmats(n) if third: x_data, y_data, weights = gradient.prepare_fit_3rd_weights( mat_rec_ac, mat_rec_ac_3rd, M, N, enforce_acoustic, iteration_min) else: x_data, y_data, weights = gradient.prepare_fit_weights( mat_rec_ac, enforce_acoustic, iteration_min) clf = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False), y_data, weights) if third: coef_2nd = clf.coef_[:nirr_ac] coef_3rd = clf.coef_[nirr_ac:] else: coef_2nd = clf.coef_ with open("out_fit", 'a') as file: file.write("fit 2nd: " + str(coef_2nd.tolist()) + "\n") if third: file.write("fit 3rd: " + str(coef_3rd.tolist()) + "\n") file.write("score: "+str(clf.score(x_data,y_data,weights))+"\n") force_constants = symmetry.reconstruct_fc_acoustic_frommat( mat_rec_ac, np.array(coef_2nd)) gradient.print_FORCE_CONSTANTS(force_constants, "FORCE_CONSTANTS_FIT_" + str(iteration)) if iteration == 1 and not use_smalldisp: force_constants = ( 1.0 - mixing ) * force_constants + mixing * gradient.read_FORCE_CONSTANTS( "SPOSCAR", "FORCE_CONSTANTS") elif not use_smalldisp: force_constants = ( 1.0 - mixing ) * force_constants + mixing * gradient.read_FORCE_CONSTANTS( "SPOSCAR_CURRENT", "FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT") gradient.print_FORCE_CONSTANTS(force_constants, "FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT") if third: phifull = symmetry.reconstruct_3rd_fcs(poscar, sposcar, ker_ac_3rd, coef_3rd, wedge, list4, symm_acoustic) thirdorder_common.write_ifcs( phifull, poscar, sposcar, dmin, nequi, shifts, frange, "FORCE_CONSTANTS_FIT_3RD_" + str(iteration)) thirdorder_common.write_ifcs(phifull, poscar, sposcar, dmin, nequi, shifts, frange, "FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT_3RD") poscar_current = generate_conf.read_POSCAR("POSCAR_CURRENT") sposcar_current = generate_conf.read_POSCAR("SPOSCAR_CURRENT") factor = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) os.sync() comm.Barrier() #Compute external pressure and updates lattice parameter if necessary if use_pressure in ['cubic', 'tetragonal', 'orthorombic']: if os.path.isfile("POSCAR_PARAM") and os.path.isfile( "SPOSCAR_PARAM") and rank == 0: poscar_param = generate_conf.read_POSCAR("POSCAR_PARAM") poscar_param["lattvec"] = poscar_current["lattvec"] generate_conf.write_POSCAR(poscar_param, "POSCAR_PARAM") sposcar_param = generate_conf.read_POSCAR("SPOSCAR_PARAM") sposcar_param["lattvec"] = sposcar_current["lattvec"] generate_conf.write_POSCAR(sposcar_param, "SPOSCAR_PARAM") if grid > 0 and write_gruneisen and third: f_grun, m_grun = gruneisen.write_mode_gruneisen( "POSCAR_CURRENT", n, "FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT", "FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT_3RD", imaginary_freq, grid, "mode_gruneisen") if rank == 0: if grid == 0 and write_gruneisen and third: f_grun, m_grun = gruneisen.write_mode_gruneisen_gamma( "POSCAR_CURRENT", "SPOSCAR_CURRENT", n, "FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT", "FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT_3RD", imaginary_freq, "mode_gruneisen") if write_gruneisen and third: gruneisen.write_weighted_gruneisen( f_grun, m_grun, [Ti * 100. for Ti in range(1, 16)], "weighted_gruneisen") potential_pressure = np.diag( gradient.calc_mean_stress_weights(iteration_min, weights)) kinetic_pressure = gradient.calc_kinetic_term( iteration_min, weights) mean_pressure = potential_pressure + kinetic_pressure for i in range(3): if (mean_pressure[i] > pressure[i] + pdiff / 2.): factor[i] = 1. + 0.001 * (min( (mean_pressure[i] - pressure[i]) / 10., 4.)) elif (mean_pressure[i] < pressure[i] - pdiff / 2.): factor[i] = 1. - 0.001 * (min( (pressure[i] - mean_pressure[i]) / 10., 4.)) #Symmetrize stress tensor if use_pressure == 'cubic': factor = np.array( [np.mean(factor), np.mean(factor), np.mean(factor)]) if use_pressure == 'tetragonal': factor = np.array([ 0.5 * factor[0] + 0.5 * factor[1], 0.5 * factor[0] + 0.5 * factor[1], factor[2] ]) if use_pressure == 'cubic': sposcar_current[ "lattvec"] = sposcar_current["lattvec"] * factor[0] poscar_current[ "lattvec"] = poscar_current["lattvec"] * factor[0] else: # Can only handle diagonal lattice vectors if the unit cell # is non-cubic for i in range(3): sposcar_current["lattvec"][ i, i] = sposcar_current["lattvec"][i, i] * factor[i] poscar_current["lattvec"][ i, i] = poscar_current["lattvec"][i, i] * factor[i] # Make parameter update of the poscar using non-harmonic part # of forces if os.path.isfile("POSCAR_PARAM") and os.path.isfile( "SPOSCAR_PARAM"): param_grad = gradient.calc_delta_Ep_weights( force_constants, sposcar_param, iteration_min, weights) with open("out_parameter", 'a') as file: file.write("iteration: " + str(iteration) + "\n") file.write("parameter gradient: " + str(param_grad) + "\n") poscar_current[ "positions"] -= poscar_param["positions"] * param_grad sposcar_current[ "positions"] -= sposcar_param["positions"] * param_grad generate_conf.write_POSCAR(poscar_current, "POSCAR_CURRENT") generate_conf.write_POSCAR(sposcar_current, "SPOSCAR_CURRENT") if use_pressure in ['cubic', 'tetragonal', 'orthorombic']: with open("out_volume", 'a') as file: file.write("iteration: " + str(iteration) + "\n") file.write("kinetic pressure: " + str(kinetic_pressure.tolist()) + "\n") file.write("potential pressure: " + str(potential_pressure.tolist()) + "\n") file.write("mean pressure: " + str(mean_pressure.tolist()) + "\n") file.write("lattice vectors: " + str(poscar_current["lattvec"].tolist()) + "\n") else: mean_pressure = None mean_pressure = comm.bcast(mean_pressure, root=0) os.sync() iteration = comm.bcast(iteration, root=0) comm.Barrier() if iteration >= nfits: if rank == 0: with open("finished", "w") as file: file.write("finished: maximum iteration number\n") return if test_convergence(iteration, tolerance): if not use_pressure in ['cubic', 'tetragonal', 'orthorombic']: if rank == 0: with open("finished", "w") as file: file.write("finished: obtained convergence\n") return elif np.amax(np.abs(mean_pressure - pressure)) < pdiff: if rank == 0: with open("finished", "w") as file: file.write("finished: obtained convergence\n") return iteration += 1 renew_configurations(nconf, T, n, iteration, "POSCAR_CURRENT", "SPOSCAR_CURRENT", "FORCE_CONSTANTS_CURRENT", use_smalldisp, imaginary_freq, grid) if rank == 0: with open("iteration", "w") as f: f.write(str(iteration) + "\n") return