예제 #1
VVET_FILE = sys.argv[3]

# Prepare wallet and network
w = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(bytes.fromhex(PRIVATE_KEY))
c = Connect(NETWORK)
vvet_contract = Contract.fromFile(VVET_FILE)

# Detect wallet balance
account = c.get_account(w.getAddress())
print('VET:', int(account['balance'], 16) / (10**18))
print('VTHO:', int(account['energy'], 16) / (10**18))
print('Is human:', not utils.is_contract(account))

# Deploy
response = c.deploy(w, vvet_contract, None, None)
tx_id = response['id']
print('deploy_vvet_tx:', tx_id)

# Wait for Receipt
receipt = c.wait_for_tx_receipt(tx_id, 30)
if not receipt:
    raise Exception(f"receipt not found! by tx id: {tx_id}")

# Print deployed address
if utils.is_reverted(receipt):
    raise Exception(f"{tx_id} is reverted!")

deployed_addresses = utils.read_created_contracts(receipt)
for each in deployed_addresses:
    print('contract_vvet_created:', each)
예제 #2
COMTRACT_FILE = sys.argv[3]

# Prepare wallet and network
w = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(bytes.fromhex(PRIVATE_KEY))
c = Connect(NETWORK)
smart_contract = Contract.fromFile(COMTRACT_FILE)

# Detect wallet balance
account = c.get_account(w.getAddress())
print('VET:', int(account['balance'], 16) / (10 ** 18))
print('VTHO:', int(account['energy'], 16) / (10 ** 18))
print('Is human:', not utils.is_contract(account))

# Deploy
response = c.deploy(w, smart_contract, None, None)
tx_id = response['id']
print('deploy_tx:', tx_id)

# Wait for Receipt
receipt = c.wait_for_tx_receipt(tx_id, 30)
if not receipt:
    raise Exception(f"receipt not found! by tx id: {tx_id}")

# Print deployed address
if utils.is_reverted(receipt):
    raise Exception(f"{tx_id} is reverted!")

deployed_addresses = utils.read_created_contracts(receipt)
for each in deployed_addresses:
    print('contract_created:', each)
# Detect if VVET contract is ready
a = c.get_account(vvet_contract_address)
if not utils.is_contract(a):
    raise Exception(f"{vvet_contract_address} is not a smart contract")

# Detect wallet balance
account = c.get_account(w.getAddress())
print('Wallet balance:')
print('VET:', int(account['balance'], 16) / (10**18))
print('VTHO:', int(account['energy'], 16) / (10**18))
print('Is human:', not utils.is_contract(account))

# Deploy Factory
fee_to_setter = w.getAddress()  # fee to setter is me.
response = c.deploy(w, factory_contract, ['address', 'address'],
                    [fee_to_setter, vvet_contract_address])
tx_id = response['id']
print('deploy_factory_tx:', tx_id)

# Wait for Receipt
receipt = c.wait_for_tx_receipt(tx_id, 30)
if not receipt:
    raise Exception(f"receipt not found! by tx id: {tx_id}")

# Print deployed address
if utils.is_reverted(receipt):
    raise Exception(f"{tx_id} is reverted!")

deployed_factory_addresses = utils.read_created_contracts(receipt)
factory_address = deployed_factory_addresses[0]
예제 #4
c = Connect(NETWORK)
smart_contract = Contract.fromFile(COMTRACT_FILE)

# Detect wallet balance
account = c.get_account(w.getAddress())
print('VET:', int(account['balance'], 16) / (10 ** 18))
print('VTHO:', int(account['energy'], 16) / (10 ** 18))
print('Is human:', not utils.is_contract(account))

# Deploy
## get block
block = c.get_block()
best_block_number = int(block['number'])
stop_block_number = best_block_number + int(HOW_MANY_BLOCKS_LATER)
response = c.deploy(w, smart_contract, ['uint', 'bool', 'uint'], [stop_block_number, True, 1 * (10**18)])
tx_id = response['id']
print('deploy_tx:', tx_id)

# Wait for Receipt
receipt = c.wait_for_tx_receipt(tx_id, 30)
if not receipt:
    raise Exception(f"receipt not found! by tx id: {tx_id}")

# Print deployed address
if utils.is_reverted(receipt):
    raise Exception(f"{tx_id} is reverted!")

deployed_addresses = utils.read_created_contracts(receipt)
for each in deployed_addresses:
    print('contract_created:', each)