예제 #1
def save_raw_mseed(evt: Event, slst: Stream, rawloc: str, net: str, stat: str):
    Saves input stream in the correct location in mini seed format.

    :param evt: event that is associated to the recording.
    :type evt: Event
    :param slst: The selected stream. Should contain all components of one
        recording of a teleseismic event.
    :type slst: Stream
    :param rawloc: Location (with phase) to save the miniseed files in (will
        also create subfolders).
    :type rawloc: str
    :param net: Network code
    :type net: str
    :param stat: Station Code
    :type stat: str
    o = (evt.preferred_origin() or evt.origins[0])
    ot_loc = UTCDateTime(o.time, precision=-1).format_fissures()[:-6]
    evtlat_loc = str(roundhalf(o.latitude))
    evtlon_loc = str(roundhalf(o.longitude))
    folder = os.path.join(rawloc,
                          '%s_%s_%s' % (ot_loc, evtlat_loc, evtlon_loc))
    os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True)
    fn = os.path.join(folder, '%s.%s.mseed' % (net, stat))
    slst.write(fn, fmt='mseed')