예제 #1
파일: view.py 프로젝트: thruflo/thruflo
 def _notify_clients(self, data):
     """Get all the ``client_id``s that are live against a repo and 
       push the new / changed / deleted data to them.
     redis = Redis(namespace=self.repository.id, expire_after=300)
     redis_ready_data = utils.json_encode(data)
     for key in redis('keys', 'client-*'):
         client_id = key.split('client-')[1]
         redis('rpush', client_id, data)
예제 #2
파일: view.py 프로젝트: thruflo/thruflo
 def _listen(self):
     """Register the ``client_id`` against the repo in redis, so 
       it's renewed every poll and expires after a few minutes.
       Listen for updates against it.
     client_id = self.get_argument('client_id', u'')
         client_id = schema.ClientId(not_empty=True).to_python(client_id)
     except formencode.Invalid, err:
         data = utils.json_encode({'_id': 'Invalid ``client_id``'})
         return self.error(400, body=data)
예제 #3
파일: view.py 프로젝트: thruflo/thruflo
 def _fetch(self):
     """Gets the thing by ``_id`` and ensures that any reused
       sections are uptodate.
     if self.settings['debug']:
         s = time.time()
     _id = self.get_argument('_id', u'')
         _id = schema.CouchDocumentId(not_empty=True).to_python(_id)
     except formencode.Invalid, err:
         data = utils.json_encode({'_id': 'Invalid ``_id``'})
         return self.error(400, body=data)