예제 #1
    def add(
        batch: Batch,
        buffer_ids: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[int]]] = None
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        """Add a batch of data into replay buffer.

        :param Batch batch: the input data batch. Its keys must belong to the 7
            reserved keys, and "obs", "act", "rew", "done" is required.
        :param buffer_ids: to make consistent with other buffer's add function; if it
            is not None, we assume the input batch's first dimension is always 1.

        Return (current_index, episode_reward, episode_length, episode_start_index). If
        the episode is not finished, the return value of episode_length and
        episode_reward is 0.
        # preprocess batch
        b = Batch()
        for key in set(self._reserved_keys).intersection(batch.keys()):
            b.__dict__[key] = batch[key]
        batch = b
        assert set(["obs", "act", "rew", "done"]).issubset(batch.keys())
        stacked_batch = buffer_ids is not None
        if stacked_batch:
            assert len(batch) == 1
        if self._save_only_last_obs:
            batch.obs = batch.obs[:, -1] if stacked_batch else batch.obs[-1]
        if not self._save_obs_next:
            batch.pop("obs_next", None)
        elif self._save_only_last_obs:
            batch.obs_next = (
                batch.obs_next[:, -1] if stacked_batch else batch.obs_next[-1]
        # get ptr
        if stacked_batch:
            rew, done = batch.rew[0], batch.done[0]
            rew, done = batch.rew, batch.done
        ptr, ep_rew, ep_len, ep_idx = list(
            map(lambda x: np.array([x]), self._add_index(rew, done))
            self._meta[ptr] = batch
        except ValueError:
            stack = not stacked_batch
            batch.rew = batch.rew.astype(float)
            batch.done = batch.done.astype(bool)
            if self._meta.is_empty():
                self._meta = _create_value(  # type: ignore
                    batch, self.maxsize, stack)
            else:  # dynamic key pops up in batch
                _alloc_by_keys_diff(self._meta, batch, self.maxsize, stack)
            self._meta[ptr] = batch
        return ptr, ep_rew, ep_len, ep_idx
예제 #2
    def add(
        batch: Batch,
        buffer_ids: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[int]]] = None
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        """Add a batch of data into ReplayBufferManager.

        Each of the data's length (first dimension) must equal to the length of
        buffer_ids. By default buffer_ids is [0, 1, ..., buffer_num - 1].

        Return (current_index, episode_reward, episode_length, episode_start_index). If
        the episode is not finished, the return value of episode_length and
        episode_reward is 0.
        # preprocess batch
        new_batch = Batch()
        for key in set(self._reserved_keys).intersection(batch.keys()):
            new_batch.__dict__[key] = batch[key]
        batch = new_batch
        assert set(["obs", "act", "rew", "done"]).issubset(batch.keys())
        if self._save_only_last_obs:
            batch.obs = batch.obs[:, -1]
        if not self._save_obs_next:
            batch.pop("obs_next", None)
        elif self._save_only_last_obs:
            batch.obs_next = batch.obs_next[:, -1]
        # get index
        if buffer_ids is None:
            buffer_ids = np.arange(self.buffer_num)
        ptrs, ep_lens, ep_rews, ep_idxs = [], [], [], []
        for batch_idx, buffer_id in enumerate(buffer_ids):
            ptr, ep_rew, ep_len, ep_idx = self.buffers[buffer_id]._add_index(
                batch.rew[batch_idx], batch.done[batch_idx]
            ptrs.append(ptr + self._offset[buffer_id])
            ep_idxs.append(ep_idx + self._offset[buffer_id])
            self.last_index[buffer_id] = ptr + self._offset[buffer_id]
            self._lengths[buffer_id] = len(self.buffers[buffer_id])
        ptrs = np.array(ptrs)
            self._meta[ptrs] = batch
        except ValueError:
            batch.rew = batch.rew.astype(float)
            batch.done = batch.done.astype(bool)
            if self._meta.is_empty():
                self._meta = _create_value(  # type: ignore
                    batch, self.maxsize, stack=False)
            else:  # dynamic key pops up in batch
                _alloc_by_keys_diff(self._meta, batch, self.maxsize, False)
            self._meta[ptrs] = batch
        return ptrs, np.array(ep_rews), np.array(ep_lens), np.array(ep_idxs)
예제 #3
    def collect(
        n_step: Optional[int] = None,
        n_episode: Optional[int] = None,
        random: bool = False,
        render: Optional[float] = None,
        no_grad: bool = True,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Collect a specified number of step or episode with async env setting.

        This function doesn't collect exactly n_step or n_episode number of
        transitions. Instead, in order to support async setting, it may collect more
        than given n_step or n_episode transitions and save into buffer.

        :param int n_step: how many steps you want to collect.
        :param int n_episode: how many episodes you want to collect.
        :param bool random: whether to use random policy for collecting data. Default
            to False.
        :param float render: the sleep time between rendering consecutive frames.
            Default to None (no rendering).
        :param bool no_grad: whether to retain gradient in policy.forward(). Default to
            True (no gradient retaining).

        .. note::

            One and only one collection number specification is permitted, either
            ``n_step`` or ``n_episode``.

        :return: A dict including the following keys

            * ``n/ep`` collected number of episodes.
            * ``n/st`` collected number of steps.
            * ``rews`` array of episode reward over collected episodes.
            * ``lens`` array of episode length over collected episodes.
            * ``idxs`` array of episode start index in buffer over collected episodes.
        # collect at least n_step or n_episode
        if n_step is not None:
            assert n_episode is None, (
                "Only one of n_step or n_episode is allowed in Collector."
                f"collect, got n_step={n_step}, n_episode={n_episode}.")
            assert n_step > 0
        elif n_episode is not None:
            assert n_episode > 0
            raise TypeError(
                "Please specify at least one (either n_step or n_episode) "
                "in AsyncCollector.collect().")
            "Using async setting may collect extra transitions into buffer.")

        ready_env_ids = self._ready_env_ids

        start_time = time.time()

        step_count = 0
        episode_count = 0
        episode_rews = []
        episode_lens = []
        episode_start_indices = []

        while True:
            whole_data = self.data
            self.data = self.data[ready_env_ids]
            assert len(whole_data) == self.env_num  # major difference
            # restore the state: if the last state is None, it won't store
            last_state = self.data.policy.pop("hidden_state", None)

            # get the next action
            if random:
                    self._action_space[i].sample() for i in ready_env_ids
                if no_grad:
                    with torch.no_grad():  # faster than retain_grad version
                        # self.data.obs will be used by agent to get result
                        result = self.policy(self.data, last_state)
                    result = self.policy(self.data, last_state)
                # update state / act / policy into self.data
                policy = result.get("policy", Batch())
                assert isinstance(policy, Batch)
                state = result.get("state", None)
                if state is not None:
                    policy.hidden_state = state  # save state into buffer
                act = to_numpy(result.act)
                if self.exploration_noise:
                    act = self.policy.exploration_noise(act, self.data)
                self.data.update(policy=policy, act=act)

            # save act/policy before env.step
                whole_data.act[ready_env_ids] = self.data.act
                whole_data.policy[ready_env_ids] = self.data.policy
            except ValueError:
                _alloc_by_keys_diff(whole_data, self.data, self.env_num, False)
                whole_data[ready_env_ids] = self.data  # lots of overhead

            # get bounded and remapped actions first (not saved into buffer)
            action_remap = self.policy.map_action(self.data.act)
            # step in env
            result = self.env.step(action_remap, ready_env_ids)  # type: ignore
            obs_next, rew, done, info = result

            # change self.data here because ready_env_ids has changed
            ready_env_ids = np.array([i["env_id"] for i in info])
            self.data = whole_data[ready_env_ids]

            self.data.update(obs_next=obs_next, rew=rew, done=done, info=info)
            if self.preprocess_fn:

            if render:
                if render > 0 and not np.isclose(render, 0):

            # add data into the buffer
            ptr, ep_rew, ep_len, ep_idx = self.buffer.add(
                self.data, buffer_ids=ready_env_ids)

            # collect statistics
            step_count += len(ready_env_ids)

            if np.any(done):
                env_ind_local = np.where(done)[0]
                env_ind_global = ready_env_ids[env_ind_local]
                episode_count += len(env_ind_local)
                # now we copy obs_next to obs, but since there might be
                # finished episodes, we have to reset finished envs first.
                obs_reset = self.env.reset(env_ind_global)
                if self.preprocess_fn:
                    obs_reset = self.preprocess_fn(obs=obs_reset,
                                                       "obs", obs_reset)
                self.data.obs_next[env_ind_local] = obs_reset
                for i in env_ind_local:

                whole_data.obs[ready_env_ids] = self.data.obs_next
                whole_data.rew[ready_env_ids] = self.data.rew
                whole_data.done[ready_env_ids] = self.data.done
                whole_data.info[ready_env_ids] = self.data.info
            except ValueError:
                _alloc_by_keys_diff(whole_data, self.data, self.env_num, False)
                self.data.obs = self.data.obs_next
                whole_data[ready_env_ids] = self.data  # lots of overhead
            self.data = whole_data

            if (n_step and step_count >= n_step) or \
                    (n_episode and episode_count >= n_episode):

        self._ready_env_ids = ready_env_ids

        # generate statistics
        self.collect_step += step_count
        self.collect_episode += episode_count
        self.collect_time += max(time.time() - start_time, 1e-9)

        if episode_count > 0:
            rews, lens, idxs = list(
                    [episode_rews, episode_lens, episode_start_indices]))
            rews, lens, idxs = np.array([]), np.array([], int), np.array([],

        return {
            "n/ep": episode_count,
            "n/st": step_count,
            "rews": rews,
            "lens": lens,
            "idxs": idxs,