예제 #1
    def compass_thread(self):
        compass = Compass()
        compass_read_id = 0
        compass_update_id = 0
        valid = False
        previous_values = []
        while True:
                # get the compass heading
                heading = compass.headingNormalized()
                # TODO: Move validity checks to it's own module.

                # maintain a short array of previous values
                #if len(previous_values) >= 10:
                #    previous_values.pop(0)

                # ensure the compass heading has not changed too much between readings
                #standard_deviation = np.std(np.diff(np.asarray(previous_values)))

                #if standard_deviation > 10:
                #    raise Exception('invalid data')
                if compass_read_id < COMPASS_NUMBER_OF_READINGS: # store the first 10 results
                    ins.insert_compass_reading(self.poly, compass_read_id, heading)
                else:  # start updating results
                    compass_update_id = compass_read_id % COMPASS_NUMBER_OF_READINGS
                    up.overwrite_compass_reading(self.poly, compass_update_id, heading)
                compass_read_id += 1
                #compass_monitor(heading, control)

                # TODO: Again, something weird is going on here!
                # If not valid then valid = True?!
                #if not valid:
                #    valid = True
                up.update_compass_sensor_validity(self.poly, True)

            except Exception as e:
                print e
                #if valid:
                    #valid = False
                up.update_compass_sensor_validity(self.poly, False)
import sys
from tiberius.control.sensors import Ultrasonic
from tiberius.control.sensors import Compass
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
        u = Ultrasonic()
        c = Compass()
        vals = u.senseUltrasonic()
        heading = c.headingNormalized()
        print str(vals)
        print str(heading)