예제 #1
def game(request, user, difficulty="insane"):
    Main tic_tac_toe view for displaying current game.
    @param difficulty by default is 'insane', but could be 'easy'.
    Game state is stored in the localmem cache.
    # Try to get game from the cache
    current_game = cache.get(user)
    if not current_game:  # Create new game, add to cache
        current_game = TicTacToe()
        cache.set(user, current_game)
        cache.set(user + "-diff", difficulty)
    difficulty = cache.get(user + "-diff")

    # Check if game is over
    if current_game.game_over():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("game-over", args=[user]))

    # Get the tokens to pass to the template
    tokens = current_game.get_constants()

    # Specify template, create context, and return response
    template = loader.get_template("tic_tac_toe/game.html")
    context = Context(
            "user": user,
            "board": current_game.get_board(),
            "unplayed": tokens[0],
            "player1": tokens[1],
            "player2": tokens[2],
            "difficulty": difficulty,
    return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
예제 #2
 def test_tic_tac_toe_game(self):
     Tests the base functionality of the tic_tac_toe game.py file
     functions covered: get_constants, new_game, get_valid_moves, move, 
     undo_move, player_AI_move, player_weak_AI_move and consequently opponent,
     eval_move_wrapper, and eval_move.
     # create our name
     game = TicTacToe()
     unplayed, player1, player2 = game.get_constants()
     # Make a series of moves, test get_valid_moves along the way
     game.move(0, player1)
     self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), range(1,9))
     game.move(8, player2)
     self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), range(1,8))
     game.move(1, player1)
     self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), range(2,8))
     game.move(3, player2)
     self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), [2, 4, 5, 6, 7])
     game.move(2, player1)
     self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), range(4,8))
     game.move(4, player2)
     self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), range(5,8))
     game.move(6, player1)
     self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), [5,7])
     # In the previous series of moves player 1 won w/ [0, 1, 2].
     self.assertEqual(game.winner(), [player1, [0, 1, 2]])
     # Ok, now lets test winner for all cases
     winners = [    [0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],    # verticals
                    [0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],    # horizontals
                    [0,4,8],[2,4,6] ]           # diagonals
     for winner in winners:
         for position in winner:
             game.move(position, player1)
         self.assertEqual(game.winner(), [player1, winner])
     # Test undo_move
     game.move(0, player1)
     self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), range(9))
     self.assertEqual(game.undo_move(0), False)
     self.assertEqual(game.undo_move(10), False)
     # Set player_AI_move against player_weak_AI_move 
     # and verify weak_AI never wins even when going first
     for occurance in range(25):
         print "Testing game " + str(occurance)
         self.assertEqual(game.get_valid_moves(), range(9))
         current_player = player2
         while not game.game_over():
             if current_player == player2:
                 current_player = player1
             elif current_player == player1:
                 current_player = player2
         winner_data = game.winner()
         if winner_data:
             self.assertEqual(winner_data[0], player2)