예제 #1
 def _get_sheet_names(self, xls_file_path):
     sheets = defaultdict(list)
     try :
         xl = pd.ExcelFile(xls_file_path)
     except Exception as e:
         raise TicDatError("Unable to open %s as xls file : %s"%(xls_file_path, e.message))
     for table, sheet in product(self.pan_dat_factory.all_tables, xl.sheet_names) :
         if table.lower()[:_longest_sheet] == sheet.lower().replace(' ', '_')[:_longest_sheet]:
     duplicated_sheets = tuple(_t for _t,_s in sheets.items() if len(_s) > 1)
     verify(not duplicated_sheets, "The following sheet names were duplicated : " +
     sheets = FrozenDict({k:v[0] for k,v in sheets.items()})
     return sheets
예제 #2
 def _get_sheet_names(self, xl):
     sheets = defaultdict(list)
     for table, sheet in product(self.pan_dat_factory.all_tables,
         if table.lower()[:_longest_sheet] == sheet.lower().replace(
                 ' ', '_')[:_longest_sheet]:
     duplicated_sheets = tuple(_t for _t, _s in sheets.items()
                               if len(_s) > 1)
         not duplicated_sheets,
         "The following sheet names were duplicated : " +
     sheets = FrozenDict({k: v[0] for k, v in sheets.items()})
     return sheets
예제 #3
파일: xls.py 프로젝트: nandi6uc/ticdat
 def _get_sheets_and_fields(self,
         utils.stringish(xls_file_path) and os.path.exists(xls_file_path),
         "xls_file_path argument %s is not a valid file path." %
         book = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_file_path)
     except Exception as e:
         raise TicDatError("Unable to open %s as xls file : %s" %
                           (xls_file_path, e))
     sheets = defaultdict(list)
     for table, sheet in product(all_tables, book.sheets()):
         if table.lower()[:_longest_sheet] == sheet.name.lower().replace(
                 ' ', '_')[:_longest_sheet]:
     duplicated_sheets = tuple(_t for _t, _s in sheets.items()
                               if len(_s) > 1)
         not duplicated_sheets,
         "The following sheet names were duplicated : " +
     sheets = FrozenDict({k: v[0] for k, v in sheets.items()})
     missing_tables = {t for t in all_tables if t not in sheets}
     if missing_tables and print_missing_tables:
             "The following table names could not be found in the %s file.\n%s\n"
             % (xls_file_path, "\n".join(missing_tables)))
     field_indicies, missing_fields, dup_fields = {}, {}, {}
     for table, sheet in sheets.items():
         field_indicies[table], missing_fields[table], dup_fields[table] = \
             self._get_field_indicies(table, sheet, row_offsets[table], headers_present)
         not any(_ for _ in missing_fields.values()),
         "The following field names could not be found : \n" +
         "\n".join("%s : " % t + ",".join(bf)
                   for t, bf in missing_fields.items() if bf))
         not any(_ for _ in dup_fields.values()),
         "The following field names were duplicated : \n" +
         "\n".join("%s : " % t + ",".join(bf)
                   for t, bf in dup_fields.items() if bf))
     return sheets, field_indicies, book.datemode
예제 #4
파일: xls.py 프로젝트: austin-bren/ticdat
 def _get_sheets_and_fields(self, xls_file_path, all_tables, row_offsets, headers_present,
                            print_missing_tables = False):
     verify(utils.stringish(xls_file_path) and os.path.exists(xls_file_path),
            "xls_file_path argument %s is not a valid file path."%xls_file_path)
     try :
         book = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_file_path) if xls_file_path.endswith(".xls") else \
             openpyxl.load_workbook(xls_file_path, data_only=True)
     except Exception as e:
         raise TicDatError("Unable to open %s as xls file : %s"%(xls_file_path, e))
     sheet_name = lambda sheet: sheet.name if xls_file_path.endswith(".xls") else sheet.title
     sheets = defaultdict(list)
     book_sheets = lambda: book.sheets() if xls_file_path.endswith(".xls") else book.worksheets
     for table, sheet in product(all_tables, book_sheets()) :
         if table.lower()[:_longest_sheet] == sheet_name(sheet).lower().replace(' ', '_')[:_longest_sheet]:
     duplicated_sheets = tuple(_t for _t,_s in sheets.items() if len(_s) > 1)
     verify(not duplicated_sheets, "The following sheet names were duplicated s: " +
     wrapped_sheet = lambda sheet: _XlrdSheetWrapper(sheet, book.datemode) if xls_file_path.endswith(".xls") else \
                                   _OpenPyxlSheetWrapper(sheet, prune_trailing_empty_rows=
                                     self.tic_dat_factory.xlsx_trailing_empty_rows == "prune")
     sheets = FrozenDict({k: wrapped_sheet(v[0]) for k,v in sheets.items()})
     missing_tables = {t for t in all_tables if t not in sheets}
     if missing_tables and print_missing_tables:
         print ("The following table names could not be found in the %s file.\n%s\n"%
     field_indicies, missing_fields, dup_fields = {}, {}, {}
     for table, sheet in sheets.items() :
         field_indicies[table], missing_fields[table], dup_fields[table] = \
             self._get_field_indicies(table, sheet, row_offsets[table], headers_present)
     verify(not any(_ for _ in missing_fields.values()),
            "The following field names could not be found : \n" +
            "\n".join("%s : "%t + ",".join(bf) for t,bf in missing_fields.items() if bf))
     verify(not any(_ for _ in dup_fields.values()),
            "The following field names were duplicated : \n" +
            "\n".join("%s : "%t + ",".join(bf) for t,bf in dup_fields.items() if bf))
     return sheets, field_indicies
예제 #5
 def _fks(self):
     rtn = defaultdict(set)
     for fk in self.tdf.foreign_keys:
     return FrozenDict({k: tuple(v) for k, v in rtn.items()})
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, **init_fields):
        create a PanDatFactory

        :param init_fields: a mapping of tables to primary key fields
                            and data fields. Each field listing consists
                            of two sub lists ... first primary keys fields,
                            than data fields.
        ex: PanDatFactory (categories =  [["name"],["Min Nutrition", "Max Nutrition"]],
                           foods  =  [["Name"],["Cost"]]
                           nutritionQuantities = [["Food", "Category"],["Qty"]])
                           Use '*' instead of a pair of lists for generic tables
        ex: PanDatFactory (typical_table = [["Primary Key Field"],["Data Field"]],
                           generic_table = '*')
        :return: a PanDatFactory
        verify(DataFrame and pd, "Need to install pandas in order to create a PanDatFactory")
        self._has_been_used = False
        verify(not any(x.startswith("_") for x in init_fields),
               "table names shouldn't start with underscore")
        verify(not any(" " in x for x in init_fields), "table names shouldn't have white space")
        verify(len(init_fields) == len({_.lower() for _ in init_fields}),
               "there are case insensitive duplicate table names")
        for k,v in init_fields.items():
            verify(v == '*' or
                   (containerish(v) and len(v) == 2 and all(containerish(_) for _ in v)),
                   ("Table %s needs to indicate it is a generic table by using '*'\n" +
                    "or specify two sublists, one for primary key fields and one for data fields")
            if v != '*':
                verify(all(utils.stringish(s) for _ in v for s in _),
                       "The field names for %s need to be strings"%k)
                verify(v[0] or v[1], "No field names specified for table %s"%k)
                verify(len(set(v[0]).union(v[1])) == len(v[0])+len(v[1]),
                       "There are duplicate field names for table %s"%k)
                verify(len({_.lower() for _ in list(v[0]) + list(v[1])}) == len(v[0])+len(v[1]),
                       "There are case insensitive duplicate field names for %s"%k)
        self.generic_tables = frozenset(k for k,v in init_fields.items() if v == '*')
        self._primary_key_fields = FrozenDict({k : tuple(v[0])for k,v in init_fields.items()
                                               if v != '*'})
        self._data_fields = FrozenDict({k : tuple(v[1]) for k,v in init_fields.items() if v != '*'})
        self._default_values = clt.defaultdict(dict)
        for tbl,flds in self._data_fields.items():
            for fld in flds:
                self._default_values[tbl][fld] = 0
        self._data_types = clt.defaultdict(dict)
        self._data_row_predicates = clt.defaultdict(dict)
        self._foreign_keys = clt.defaultdict(set)
        self.all_tables = frozenset(init_fields)
        superself = self
        class PanDat(object):
            def __repr__(self):
                tlen = lambda t: len(getattr(self, t)) if isinstance(getattr(self, t), DataFrame) else None
                return "pd: {" + ", ".join("%s: %s"%(t, tlen(t)) for t in superself.all_tables) + "}"
            def __init__(self, **init_tables):
                for t in init_tables :
                    verify(t in superself.all_tables, "Unexpected table name %s"%t)
                    tbl = safe_apply(DataFrame)(init_tables[t])
                    if tbl is None and dictish(init_tables[t]) and all(map(stringish, init_tables[t])):
                        tbl = safe_apply(DataFrame)(**init_tables[t])
                    verify(isinstance(tbl, DataFrame),
                           "Failed to provide a valid DataFrame or DataFrame construction argument for %s"%t)
                    setattr(self, t, tbl.copy())
                    df = getattr(self, t)
                    if list(df.columns) == list(range(len(df.columns))) and \
                       len(df.columns) >= len(superself._all_fields(t)):
                        df.rename(columns={f1:f2 for f1, f2 in zip(df.columns, superself._all_fields(t))},
                for t in set(superself.all_tables).difference(init_tables):
                    setattr(self, t, DataFrame({f:[] for f in utils.all_fields(superself, t)}))
                missing_fields = {(t, f) for t in superself.all_tables for f in superself._all_fields(t)
                                  if f not in getattr(self, t).columns}
                verify(not missing_fields,
                       "The following are (table, field) pairs missing from the data.\n%s"%missing_fields)
                for t in superself.all_tables:
                    af = list(superself._all_fields(t))
                    df = getattr(self, t)
                    if list(df.columns)[:len(af)] != af:
                        extra_cols = [_ for _ in list(df.columns) if _ not in af]
                        setattr(self, t, df[af + extra_cols])
                        assert list(getattr(self, t)) == af + extra_cols

        self.PanDat = PanDat
        self.xls = pandatio.XlsPanFactory(self)
        self.sql = pandatio.SqlPanFactory(self)
        self.csv = pandatio.CsvPanFactory(self)
        self.json = pandatio.JsonPanFactory(self)
        self.opalytics = pandatio.OpalyticsPanFactory(self)
예제 #7
class PanDatFactory(object):
     Defines a schema for a collection of pandas.DataFrame objects.
     This class is constructed with a schema. It can be used to generate PanDat objects,
     to write PanDat objects to different file types, or to perform bulk query operations
     to diagnose common data integrity failures.

     Analytical code that uses PanDat objects can be used, without change, on different data
     sources, thus facilitating the "separate model from data" design goal.

     A PanDat object is itself a collection of DataFrames that conform to a predefined schema.

    :param init_fields: a mapping of tables to primary key fields and data fields. Each field listing consists
                        of two sub lists ... first primary keys fields, than data fields.

        ```PanDatFactory (categories =  [["name"],["Min Nutrition", "Max Nutrition"]],
                           foods  =  [["Name"],["Cost"]]
                           nutritionQuantities = [["Food", "Category"],["Qty"]])```

        Use '*' instead of a pair of lists for generic tables

        ```PanDatFactory (typical_table = [["Primary Key Field"],["Data Field"]],
                           generic_table = '*')```

    def primary_key_fields(self):
        return self._primary_key_fields
    def data_fields(self):
        return self._data_fields
    def schema(self, include_ancillary_info = False):
        Return a dictionary that summarizes the schema.

        :param include_ancillary_info: if True, include all the foreign key, default, and data type information
                                       as well. Otherwise, just return table-fields dictionary

        :return: a dictionary with table name mapping to a list of lists
                 defining primary key fields and data fields
                 If include_ancillary_info, this table-fields dictionary is just one entry in a more comprehensive
        tables_fields = {t: [list(self.primary_key_fields.get(t, [])),
                             list(self.data_fields.get(t, []))]
                          for t in set(self.primary_key_fields).union(self.data_fields)}
        for t in self.generic_tables:
        if not include_ancillary_info:
            return tables_fields
        return {"tables_fields" : tables_fields,
                "foreign_keys" : self.foreign_keys,
                "default_values" : self.default_values,
                "data_types" : self.data_types}
    def create_from_full_schema(full_schema):

        create a PanDatFactory complete with default values, data types, and foreign keys

        :param full_schema: a dictionary consistent with the data returned by a call to schema()
                            with include_ancillary_info = True

        :return: a PanDatFactory reflecting the tables, fields, default values, data types,
                 and foreign keys consistent with the full_schema argument
        verify(dictish(full_schema) and set(full_schema) == {"tables_fields", "foreign_keys",
                                                             "default_values", "data_types"},
               "full_schema should be the result of calling schema(True) for some PanDatFactory")
        fks = full_schema["foreign_keys"]
        verify( (not fks) or (lupish(fks) and all(lupish(_) and len(_) >= 3 for _ in fks)),
                "foreign_keys entry poorly formed")
        dts = full_schema["data_types"]
        verify( (not dts) or (dictish(dts) and all(map(dictish, dts.values())) and
                              all(all(map(lupish, _.values())) for _ in dts.values())),
                "data_types entry poorly formatted")
        dvs = full_schema["default_values"]
        verify( (not dvs) or (dictish(dvs) and all(map(dictish, dvs.values()))),
                "default_values entry poorly formatted")

        rtn = PanDatFactory(**full_schema["tables_fields"])
        for fk in (fks or []):
        for t,fds in (dts or {}).items():
            for f,dt in fds.items():
                rtn.set_data_type(t, f, *dt)
        for t,fdvs in (dvs or {}).items():
            for f, dv in fdvs.items():
        return rtn
    def clone(self):

        clones the PanDatFactory

        :return: a clone of the PanDatFactory
        rtn = PanDatFactory.create_from_full_schema(self.schema(include_ancillary_info=True))
        for tbl, row_predicates in self._data_row_predicates.items():
            for pn, p in row_predicates.items():
                rtn.add_data_row_predicate(tbl, predicate=p, predicate_name=pn)
        return rtn
    def default_values(self):
        return deep_freeze(self._default_values)
    def data_types(self):
        return utils.FrozenDict({t : utils.FrozenDict({k :v for k,v in vd.items()})
                                for t,vd in self._data_types.items()})
    def set_data_type(self, table, field, number_allowed = True,
                      inclusive_min = True, inclusive_max = False, min = 0, max = float("inf"),
                      must_be_int = False, strings_allowed= (), nullable = False):
        sets the data type for a field. By default, fields don't have types. Adding a data type doesn't block
        data of the wrong type from being entered. Data types are useful for recognizing errant data entries
        with find_data_type_failures(). Errant data entries can be replaced with replace_data_type_failures().

        :param table: a table in the schema

        :param field: a data field for this table

        :param number_allowed: boolean does this field allow numbers?

        :param inclusive_min: boolean : if number allowed, is the min inclusive?

        :param inclusive_max: boolean : if number allowed, is the max inclusive?

        :param min: if number allowed, the minimum value

        :param max: if number allowed, the maximum value

        :param must_be_int: boolean : if number allowed, must the number be integral?

        :param strings_allowed: if a collection - then a list of the strings allowed.
                                The empty collection prohibits strings.
                                If a "*", then any string is accepted.
        :param nullable : boolean : can this value contain null (aka None aka nan (since pandas treats null as nan))

        verify(not self._has_been_used,
               "The data types can't be changed after a PanDatFactory has been used.")
        verify(table in self.all_tables, "Unrecognized table name %s"%table)
        verify(table not in self.generic_tables, "Cannot set data type for generic table")
        verify(field in self.data_fields[table] + self.primary_key_fields[table],
               "%s does not refer to a field for %s"%(field, table))

        verify((strings_allowed == '*') or
               (containerish(strings_allowed) and all(utils.stringish(x) for x in strings_allowed)),
"""The strings_allowed argument should be a container of strings, or the single '*' character.""")
        if utils.containerish(strings_allowed):
            strings_allowed = tuple(strings_allowed) # defensive copy
        if number_allowed:
            verify(utils.numericish(max), "max should be numeric")
            verify(utils.numericish(min), "min should be numeric")
            verify(max >= min, "max cannot be smaller than min")
            self._data_types[table][field] = TypeDictionary(number_allowed=True,
                strings_allowed=strings_allowed,  nullable = bool(nullable),
                min = min, max = max, inclusive_min= bool(inclusive_min), inclusive_max = bool(inclusive_max),
                must_be_int = bool(must_be_int))
        else :
            self._data_types[table][field] = TypeDictionary(number_allowed=False,
                strings_allowed=strings_allowed,  nullable = bool(nullable),
                min = 0, max = float("inf"), inclusive_min= True, inclusive_max = True,
                must_be_int = False)

    def clear_data_type(self, table, field):
        clears the data type for a field. By default, fields don't have types.  Adding a data type doesn't block
        data of the wrong type from being entered. Data types are useful for recognizing errant data entries.
        If no data type is specified (the default) then no errant data will be recognized.

        :param table: table in the schema

        :param field:

        if field not in self._data_types.get(table, ()):
        verify(not self._has_been_used,
               "The data types can't be changed after a PanDatFactory has been used.")

    def add_data_row_predicate(self, table, predicate, predicate_name = None):
        Adds a data row predicate for a table. Row predicates can be used to check for
        sophisticated data integrity problems of the sort that can't be easily handled with
        a data type rule. For example, a min_supply column can be verified to be no larger than
        a max_supply column.

        !!! NB!!!!

        **pandas will render None as nan.**

        **Don't check for None in your predicate functions, use math.isnan instead**


        :param table: table in the schema

        :param predicate: A one argument function that accepts a table row as an argument and returns
                          Truthy if the row is valid and Falsey otherwise. The argument passed to
                          predicate will be a dict that maps field name to data value for all fields
                          (both primary key and data field) in the table.
                          Note - if None is passed as a predicate, then any previously added
                          predicate matching (table, predicate_name) will be removed.

        :param predicate_name: The name of the predicate. If omitted, the smallest non-colliding
                               number will be used.

        verify(not self._has_been_used,
               "The data row predicates can't be changed after a PanDatFactory has been used.")
        verify(table in self.all_tables, "Unrecognized table name %s"%table)

        if predicate is None:
            if table in self._data_row_predicates:
                self._data_row_predicates[table].pop(predicate_name, None)

        verify(callable(predicate), "predicate should be a one argument function")
        if predicate_name is None:
            predicate_name = next(i for i in count() if i not in self._data_row_predicates[table])
        self._data_row_predicates[table][predicate_name] = predicate

    def set_default_value(self, table, field, default_value):
        sets the default value for a specific field

        :param table: a table in the schema

        :param field: a field in the table

        :param default_value: the default value to apply

        verify(not self._has_been_used,
               "The default values can't be changed after a PanDatFactory has been used.")
        verify(table in self.all_tables, "Unrecognized table name %s"%table)
        verify(field in self.data_fields[table] + self.primary_key_fields[table],
               "%s does not refer to a field for %s"%(field, table))
        verify(utils.acceptable_default(default_value), "%s can not be used as a default value"%default_value)
        self._default_values[table][field] = default_value

    def set_default_values(self, **tableDefaults):
        sets the default values for the fields

        :param tableDefaults:
             A dictionary of named arguments. Each argument name (i.e. each key) should be a table name
             Each value should itself be a dictionary mapping data field names to default values


        ```tdf.set_default_values(categories = {"minNutrition":0, "maxNutrition":float("inf")},
                         foods = {"cost":0}, nutritionQuantities = {"qty":0})```

        verify(not self._has_been_used,
               "The default values can't be changed after a PanDatFactory has been used.")
        for k,v in tableDefaults.items():
            verify(k in self.all_tables, "Unrecognized table name %s"%k)
            verify(dictish(v) and set(v).issubset(self.data_fields[k] + self.primary_key_fields[k]),
                "Default values for %s should be a dictionary mapping field names to values"
            verify(all(utils.acceptable_default(_v) for _v in v.values()), "some default values are unacceptable")
            self._default_values[k] = dict(self._default_values[k], **v)

    def clear_foreign_keys(self, native_table = None):
        create a PanDatFactory

        :param native_table: optional. The table whose foreign keys should be cleared.
                             If omitted, all foreign keys are cleared.
        verify(not self._has_been_used,
               "The foreign keys can't be changed after a PanDatFactory has been used.")
        verify(native_table is None or native_table in self.all_tables,
               "If provided, native_table should specify a table.")
        deleteme = []
        for nt,ft in self._foreign_keys:
            if nt == (native_table or nt) :
        for nt, ft in deleteme:
    def foreign_keys(self):
        rtn = []
        for (native,foreign), nativeforeignmappings in self._foreign_keys.items():
            for n_f_mapping in nativeforeignmappings :
                mappings = tuple(ForeignKeyMapping(nf,ff) for nf,ff in n_f_mapping)
                mappings = mappings[0] if len(mappings)==1 else mappings
                def half_card(tbl, fields):
                    assert fields.issubset(self._all_fields(tbl))
                    pkfs = self.primary_key_fields.get(tbl, ())
                    if pkfs and fields.issuperset(pkfs):
                        return "one"
                    return "many"
                cardinality = "%s-to-%s"%(half_card(native, {_[0] for _ in n_f_mapping}),
                                          half_card(foreign, {_[1] for _ in n_f_mapping}))
                rtn.append(ForeignKey(native, foreign, mappings, cardinality))
        assert len(rtn) == len(set(rtn))
        return tuple(rtn)
    def _foreign_keys_by_native(self):
        rtn = clt.defaultdict(list)
        for fk in self.foreign_keys:
        return utils.FrozenDict({k:frozenset(v) for k,v in rtn.items()})
    def _all_fields(self, table):
        assert table in self.all_tables
        return tuple(_ for _ in self.primary_key_fields.get(table, ()) + self.data_fields.get(table, ()))
    def add_foreign_key(self, native_table, foreign_table, mappings):
        Adds a foreign key relationship to the schema.  Adding a foreign key doesn't block
        the entry of child records that fail to find a parent match. It does make it easy
        to recognize such records (with find_foreign_key_failures()) and to remove such records
        (with remove_foreign_key_failures())

        :param native_table: (aka child table). The table with fields that must match some other table.

        :param foreign_table: (aka parent table). The table providing the matching entries.

        :param mappings: For simple foreign keys, a [native_field, foreign_field] pair.
                         For compound foreign keys an iterable of [native_field, foreign_field]

        verify(not self._has_been_used,
                "The foreign keys can't be changed after a PanDatFactory has been used.")
        for t in (native_table, foreign_table):
            verify(t in self.all_tables, "%s is not a table name"%t)
            verify(t not in self.generic_tables, "%s is a generic table"%t)
        verify(lupish(mappings) and mappings, "mappings needs to be a non empty list or a tuple")
        if lupish(mappings[0]):
            verify(all(len(_) == 2 for _ in mappings),
"""when making a compound foreign key, mappings should contain sublists of format
[native field, foreign field]""")
            _mappings = {k:v for k,v in mappings}
        else :
            verify(len(mappings) == 2,
"""when making a simple foreign key, mappings should be a list of the form [native field, foreign field]""")
            _mappings = {mappings[0]:mappings[1]}
        for k,v in _mappings.items() :
            verify(k in self._all_fields(native_table),
                   "%s does not refer to one of %s 's fields"%(k, native_table))
            verify(v in self._all_fields(foreign_table),
                   "%s does not refer to one of %s 's fields"%(v, foreign_table))
        self._foreign_keys[native_table, foreign_table].add(tuple(_mappings.items()))
    def _simple_fk(self, ftbl, fk):
        assert ftbl in self.all_tables
        ftbl_pks = set(self.primary_key_fields.get(ftbl,()))
        assert lupish(fk) and all(lupish(_) and len(_) == 2 for _ in fk)
        ffs = {_[1] for _ in fk}
        assert ffs.issubset(ftbl_pks.union(self.data_fields.get(ftbl,())))
        return ftbl_pks == ffs
    def _complex_fks(self):
        return tuple((native, foreign, fk) for (native, foreign), fks in self._foreign_keys.items()
                    for fk in fks if not self._simple_fk(foreign, fk))
    def _trigger_has_been_used(self):
        self._has_been_used = True
    def __init__(self, **init_fields):
        create a PanDatFactory

        :param init_fields: a mapping of tables to primary key fields
                            and data fields. Each field listing consists
                            of two sub lists ... first primary keys fields,
                            than data fields.
        ex: PanDatFactory (categories =  [["name"],["Min Nutrition", "Max Nutrition"]],
                           foods  =  [["Name"],["Cost"]]
                           nutritionQuantities = [["Food", "Category"],["Qty"]])
                           Use '*' instead of a pair of lists for generic tables
        ex: PanDatFactory (typical_table = [["Primary Key Field"],["Data Field"]],
                           generic_table = '*')
        :return: a PanDatFactory
        verify(DataFrame and pd, "Need to install pandas in order to create a PanDatFactory")
        self._has_been_used = False
        verify(not any(x.startswith("_") for x in init_fields),
               "table names shouldn't start with underscore")
        verify(not any(" " in x for x in init_fields), "table names shouldn't have white space")
        verify(len(init_fields) == len({_.lower() for _ in init_fields}),
               "there are case insensitive duplicate table names")
        for k,v in init_fields.items():
            verify(v == '*' or
                   (containerish(v) and len(v) == 2 and all(containerish(_) for _ in v)),
                   ("Table %s needs to indicate it is a generic table by using '*'\n" +
                    "or specify two sublists, one for primary key fields and one for data fields")
            if v != '*':
                verify(all(utils.stringish(s) for _ in v for s in _),
                       "The field names for %s need to be strings"%k)
                verify(v[0] or v[1], "No field names specified for table %s"%k)
                verify(len(set(v[0]).union(v[1])) == len(v[0])+len(v[1]),
                       "There are duplicate field names for table %s"%k)
                verify(len({_.lower() for _ in list(v[0]) + list(v[1])}) == len(v[0])+len(v[1]),
                       "There are case insensitive duplicate field names for %s"%k)
        self.generic_tables = frozenset(k for k,v in init_fields.items() if v == '*')
        self._primary_key_fields = FrozenDict({k : tuple(v[0])for k,v in init_fields.items()
                                               if v != '*'})
        self._data_fields = FrozenDict({k : tuple(v[1]) for k,v in init_fields.items() if v != '*'})
        self._default_values = clt.defaultdict(dict)
        for tbl,flds in self._data_fields.items():
            for fld in flds:
                self._default_values[tbl][fld] = 0
        self._data_types = clt.defaultdict(dict)
        self._data_row_predicates = clt.defaultdict(dict)
        self._foreign_keys = clt.defaultdict(set)
        self.all_tables = frozenset(init_fields)
        superself = self
        class PanDat(object):
            def __repr__(self):
                tlen = lambda t: len(getattr(self, t)) if isinstance(getattr(self, t), DataFrame) else None
                return "pd: {" + ", ".join("%s: %s"%(t, tlen(t)) for t in superself.all_tables) + "}"
            def __init__(self, **init_tables):
                for t in init_tables :
                    verify(t in superself.all_tables, "Unexpected table name %s"%t)
                    tbl = safe_apply(DataFrame)(init_tables[t])
                    if tbl is None and dictish(init_tables[t]) and all(map(stringish, init_tables[t])):
                        tbl = safe_apply(DataFrame)(**init_tables[t])
                    verify(isinstance(tbl, DataFrame),
                           "Failed to provide a valid DataFrame or DataFrame construction argument for %s"%t)
                    setattr(self, t, tbl.copy())
                    df = getattr(self, t)
                    if list(df.columns) == list(range(len(df.columns))) and \
                       len(df.columns) >= len(superself._all_fields(t)):
                        df.rename(columns={f1:f2 for f1, f2 in zip(df.columns, superself._all_fields(t))},
                for t in set(superself.all_tables).difference(init_tables):
                    setattr(self, t, DataFrame({f:[] for f in utils.all_fields(superself, t)}))
                missing_fields = {(t, f) for t in superself.all_tables for f in superself._all_fields(t)
                                  if f not in getattr(self, t).columns}
                verify(not missing_fields,
                       "The following are (table, field) pairs missing from the data.\n%s"%missing_fields)
                for t in superself.all_tables:
                    af = list(superself._all_fields(t))
                    df = getattr(self, t)
                    if list(df.columns)[:len(af)] != af:
                        extra_cols = [_ for _ in list(df.columns) if _ not in af]
                        setattr(self, t, df[af + extra_cols])
                        assert list(getattr(self, t)) == af + extra_cols

        self.PanDat = PanDat
        self.xls = pandatio.XlsPanFactory(self)
        self.sql = pandatio.SqlPanFactory(self)
        self.csv = pandatio.CsvPanFactory(self)
        self.json = pandatio.JsonPanFactory(self)
        self.opalytics = pandatio.OpalyticsPanFactory(self)

    def good_pan_dat_object(self, data_obj, bad_message_handler = lambda x : None):
        determines if an object is a valid PanDat object for this schema

        :param data_obj: the object to verify

        :param bad_message_handler: a call back function to receive description of any failure message

        :return: True if the dataObj can be recognized as a PanDat data object. False otherwise.
        verify(DataFrame and pd, "Need to install pandas")
        for t in self.all_tables:
            if not hasattr(data_obj, t) :
                bad_message_handler(t + " not an attribute.")
                return False
            if not isinstance(getattr(data_obj, t), DataFrame):
                bad_message_handler(t + " is not a DataFrame")
                return False
        missing_fields = {(t, f) for t in self.all_tables for f in
                          self.primary_key_fields.get(t, ()) + self.data_fields.get(t, ())
                          if f not in getattr(data_obj, t).columns}
        if missing_fields:
            bad_message_handler("The following are (table, field) pairs missing from the data.\n%s"%missing_fields)
            return False
        return True
    def copy_pan_dat(self, pan_dat):
        copies the tic_dat object into a new tic_dat object
        performs a deep copy

        :param pan_dat: a pandat object

        :return: a deep copy of the pan_dat argument
        msg  = []
        verify(self.good_pan_dat_object(pan_dat, msg.append),
               "pan_dat not a good object for this factory : %s"%"\n".join(msg))
        return self.PanDat(**{t:getattr(pan_dat, t) for t in self.all_tables})
    def copy_to_tic_dat(self, pan_dat, freeze_it=False):
        copies the pan_dat object into a new tic_dat object
        performs a deep copy

        :param pan_dat: a pandat object

        :param freeze_it: boolean. should the returned object be frozen?

        :return: a deep copy of the pan_dat argument in tic_dat format
        msg = []
        verify(self.good_pan_dat_object(pan_dat, msg.append),
               "pan_dat not a good object for this factory : %s"%"\n".join(msg))
        rtn = self._copy_to_tic_dat(pan_dat)
        from ticdat import TicDatFactory
        tdf = TicDatFactory(**self.schema())
        return tdf.freeze_me(rtn) if freeze_it else rtn
    def _copy_to_tic_dat(self, pan_dat, keep_generics_as_df=True):
        sch = self.schema()
        if not keep_generics_as_df:
            for t in self.generic_tables:
                sch[t] = [[], list(getattr(pan_dat, t).columns)]
        from ticdat import TicDatFactory
        tdf = TicDatFactory(**sch)
        def df(t):
            rtn = getattr(pan_dat, t)
            if self.primary_key_fields.get(t, ()):
                return rtn.set_index(list(self.primary_key_fields[t]), drop=False)
            if t in self.generic_tables and not keep_generics_as_df:
                return list(map(list, rtn.itertuples(index=False)))
            return rtn
        return tdf.TicDat(**{t: df(t) for t in self.all_tables})
    def _same_data(self, obj1, obj2, epsilon = 0):
        from ticdat import TicDatFactory
        sch = self.schema()
        for t in self.generic_tables:
            if set(getattr(obj1, t).columns) != set(getattr(obj2, t).columns):
                return False
            sch[t] = [[], list(getattr(obj1, t).columns)]
        tdf = TicDatFactory(**sch)
        return tdf._same_data(self._copy_to_tic_dat(obj1, keep_generics_as_df=False),
                              self._copy_to_tic_dat(obj2, keep_generics_as_df=False), epsilon=epsilon)
    def find_data_type_failures(self, pan_dat, as_table=True):
        Finds the data type failures for a pandat object

        :param pan_dat: pandat object

        :param as_table: boolean - if truthy then the values of the return dictionary will be the
               data type failure rows themselves. Otherwise will return the boolean Series that indicates
               which rows have data type failures.

        :return: A dictionary constructed as follow:
                 The keys are namedtuples with members "table", "field". Each (table,field) pair
                 has data values that are inconsistent with its data type. (table, field) pairs
                 with no data type at all are never part of the returned dictionary.
                 The values are DataFrames that contain the subset of rows that exhibit data failures
                 for this specific table, field pair (or the boolean Series that identifies these rows).
        msg = []
        verify(self.good_pan_dat_object(pan_dat, msg.append),
               "pan_dat not a good object for this factory : %s"%"\n".join(msg))

        rtn = {}
        TableField = clt.namedtuple("TableField", ["table", "field"])
        for table, type_row in self._data_types.items():
            _table = getattr(pan_dat, table)
            for field, data_type in type_row.items():
                def bad_row(row):
                    data = row[field]
                    # pandas turns None into nan
                    return not data_type.valid_data(None if safe_apply(isnan)(data) else data)
                where_bad_rows = _table.apply(bad_row, axis=1)
                if where_bad_rows.any():
                    rtn[TableField(table, field)] = _table[where_bad_rows].copy() if as_table else where_bad_rows
        return rtn
    def find_data_row_failures(self, pan_dat, as_table=True):
        Finds the data row failures for a ticdat object

        :param pan_dat: a pandat object

        :param as_table: boolean - if truthy then the values of the return dictionary will be the
               predicate failure rows themselves. Otherwise will return the boolean Series that indicates
               which rows have predicate failures.

        :return: A dictionary constructed as follows:

        The keys are namedtuples with members "table", "predicate_name".

        The values are DataFrames that contain the subset of rows that exhibit data failures
        for this specific table, predicate pair (or the Series that identifies these rows).
        msg = []
        verify(self.good_pan_dat_object(pan_dat, msg.append),
               "pan_dat not a good object for this factory : %s"%"\n".join(msg))
        rtn = {}
        TPN = clt.namedtuple("TablePredicateName", ["table", "predicate_name"])
        for tbl, row_predicates in self._data_row_predicates.items():
            for pn, p in row_predicates.items():
                _table = getattr(pan_dat, tbl)
                bad_row = lambda row: not p(row)
                where_bad_rows =_table.apply(bad_row, axis=1)
                if where_bad_rows.any():
                    rtn[TPN(tbl, pn)] = _table[where_bad_rows].copy() if as_table else where_bad_rows
        return rtn
    def find_foreign_key_failures(self, pan_dat, verbosity="High", as_table=True):
        Finds the foreign key failures for a pandat object

        :param pan_dat: pandat object

        :param verbosity: either "High" or "Low"

        :param as_table: as_table boolean : if truthy then the values of the return dictionary will be the
               duplicated rows themselves. Otherwise will return the a boolean list that indicates which rows
               are duplicated rows. (For technical reasons, not returning a boolean Series like the
               other find functions)

        :return: A dictionary constructed as follows:

         The keys are namedtuples with members "native_table", "foreign_table",
         "mapping", "cardinality".

         The key data matches the arguments to add_foreign_key that constructed the
         foreign key (with "cardinality" being deduced from the overall schema).

         The values are DataFrames that contain the subset of native table rows that fail to find
         the foreign table matching defined by the associated returned key (or the
         list that identifies these rows).

         For verbosity = 'Low' a simpler return object is created that doesn't use namedtuples
         and omits the foreign key cardinality.
        # note - the as_table argument is messy here because I'm applying an index to a copy of the table
        # as a result, we provide the remove_foreign_key_failures companion function
        verify(verbosity in ["High", "Low"], "verbosity needs to be either 'High' or 'Low'")
        rtn = {}
        for fk, rows in self._find_foreign_key_failure_rows(pan_dat).items():
            native, foreign, mappings, card = fk
            rtn[fk] = getattr(pan_dat, native)[rows] if as_table else rows
        if verbosity == "Low":
            rtn = {tuple(k[:2]) + (tuple(k[2]),): v for k,v in rtn.items()}
        return rtn
    def _find_foreign_key_failure_rows(self, pan_dat):
        msg  = []
        verify(self.good_pan_dat_object(pan_dat, msg.append),
               "pan_dat not a good object for this factory : %s"%"\n".join(msg))
        rtn = {}
        for fk in self.foreign_keys:
            native, foreign, mappings, card = fk
            child = getattr(pan_dat, native).copy(deep=True)
            # makes sense to deep copy the possibly smaller drop_duplicates slice of the parent table
            parent = getattr(pan_dat, foreign)
            _ = 0
            while any("_%s_"%_ in c for c in set(parent.columns).union(child.columns)):
                _ += 1
            magic_field = "_%s_"%_
            if all(hasattr(mappings, _) for _ in ["native_field", "foreign_field"]):
                parent = parent.drop_duplicates(mappings.foreign_field, inplace=False).copy(deep=True)
                parent[mappings.native_field] = parent[mappings.foreign_field]
                new_index = mappings.native_field
                parent = parent.drop_duplicates([_.foreign_field for _ in mappings], inplace=False).copy(deep=True)
                for _ in mappings:
                    parent[_.native_field] = parent[_.foreign_field]
                new_index = [_.native_field for _ in mappings]
            # sadly a join might knacker the row order, hence the ugliness with magic_field*2 for child
            parent[magic_field] = True
            child.insert(0, magic_field*2, range(0, len(child)))
            parent.set_index(new_index, drop=True, inplace=True)
            child.set_index(new_index, drop=True, inplace=True)
            joined = child.join(parent, rsuffix=magic_field)
            bad_rows = set(joined[joined[magic_field] != True][magic_field*2])
            if bad_rows:
                # for weird reasons I can't totally figure out, need to cast to list
                rtn[fk] = list(child.apply(lambda row: row[magic_field*2] in bad_rows, axis=1))
        return rtn
    def remove_foreign_key_failures(self, pan_dat):

        Removes foreign key failures (i.e. child records with no parent table record)

        :param pan_dat: pandat object (will be side-effected)

        :return: pan_dat, with the foreign key failures removed
                 Note that all foreign key removals are cascading. When a child removal results in
                 new foreign key failures, those failures are removed as well.
        remove_rows = self._find_foreign_key_failure_rows(pan_dat)
        while remove_rows:
            # just performing one bulk removal per iteration, since fks can intermingle in complicated ways
            fk = next(iter(remove_rows))
            native, foreign, mappings, card = fk
            rows = remove_rows[fk]
            setattr(pan_dat, native, getattr(pan_dat, native)[[not _ for _ in rows]].copy(deep=True))
            remove_rows = self._find_foreign_key_failure_rows(pan_dat)

        return pan_dat
    def find_duplicates(self, pan_dat, keep="first", as_table=True):
        Find the duplicated rows based on the primary key fields.

        :param pan_dat: pandat object

        :param keep: 'first': Treat all duplicated rows as duplicates except for the first occurrence.
                     'last': Treat all duplicated rows as duplicates except for the last occurrence.
                     False: Treat all duplicated rows as duplicates

        :param as_table: as_table boolean : if truthy then the values of the return dictionary will be the
               duplicated rows themselves. Otherwise will return the boolean Series that indicates which rows
               are duplicated rows.

        :return: A dictionary whose keys are the table names and whose values are duplicated rows (or the
                 Series that identifies these rows)
        msg  = []
        verify(self.good_pan_dat_object(pan_dat, msg.append),
               "pan_dat not a good object for this factory : %s"%"\n".join(msg))
        rtn = {}
        for t in self.all_tables:
            if self.primary_key_fields.get(t):
                dups = getattr(pan_dat, t).duplicated(list(self.primary_key_fields[t]), keep=keep)
                if dups.any():
                    rtn[t] = getattr(pan_dat, t)[list(dups)] if as_table else dups
        return rtn
    def copy_to_ampl(self, pan_dat, field_renamings = None, excluded_tables = None):
        copies the pan_dat object into a new pan_dat object populated with amplpy.DataFrame objects
        performs a deep copy

        :param pan_dat: a PanDat object

        :param field_renamings: dict or None. If fields are to be renamed in the copy, then
                                a mapping from (table_name, field_name) -> new_field_name
                                If a data field is to be omitted, then new_field can be falsey
                                table_name cannot refer to an excluded table. (see below)
                                field_name doesn't have to refer to a field to an element of
                                self.data_fields[t], but it doesn't have to refer to a column in
                                the pan_dat.table_name DataFrame

        :param excluded_tables: If truthy, a list of tables to be excluded from the copy.
                                Tables without primary key fields are always excluded.

        :return: a deep copy of the tic_dat argument into amplpy.DataFrames
        verify(amplpy, "amplpy needs to be installed in order to enable AMPL functionality")
        msg  = []
        verify(self.good_pan_dat_object(pan_dat, msg.append),
               "pan_dat not a good object for this factory : %s"%"\n".join(msg))
        verify(not excluded_tables or (containerish(excluded_tables) and
               "bad excluded_tables argument")
        copy_tables = {t for t in self.all_tables if self.primary_key_fields[t]}.\
                      difference(excluded_tables or [])
        field_renamings = field_renamings or {}
        verify(dictish(field_renamings), "invalid field_renamings argument")
        for k,v in field_renamings.items():
            verify(containerish(k) and len(k) == 2 and k[0] in copy_tables and
                   k[1] in getattr(pan_dat, k[0]).columns and
                   ((v and utils.stringish(v)) or (not bool(v) and k[1] not in self.primary_key_fields[k[0]])),
                   "invalid field_renamings argument %s:%s"%(k,v))
        class AmplPanDat(object):
            def __repr__(self):
                return "td:" + tuple(copy_tables).__repr__()
        rtn = AmplPanDat()
        for t in copy_tables:
            rename = lambda f : field_renamings.get((t, f), f)
            df_ampl = amplpy.DataFrame(index=tuple(map(rename, self.primary_key_fields[t])))
            for f in self.primary_key_fields[t]:
                df_ampl.setColumn(rename(f), list(getattr(pan_dat, t)[f]))
            for f in {f for _t,f in field_renamings if _t == t}.union(self.data_fields[t]):
                if rename(f):
                    df_ampl.addColumn(rename(f), list(getattr(pan_dat, t)[f]))
            setattr(rtn, t, df_ampl)
        return rtn
    def set_ampl_data(self, ampl_dat, ampl, table_to_set_name = None):
        performs bulk setData on the AMPL-esque first argument.

        :param ampl_dat: an AmplTicDat object created by calling copy_to_ampl

        :param ampl: an amplpy.AMPL object

        :param table_to_set_name: a mapping of table_name to ampl set name

        verify(all(a.startswith("_") or a in self.all_tables for a in dir(ampl_dat)),
               "bad ampl_dat argument")
        verify(hasattr(ampl, "setData"), "bad ampl argument")
        table_to_set_name = table_to_set_name or {}
        verify(dictish(table_to_set_name) and all(hasattr(ampl_dat, k) and
                   utils.stringish(v) for k,v in table_to_set_name.items()),
               "bad table_to_set_name argument")
        for t in set(self.all_tables).intersection(dir(ampl_dat)):
                ampl.setData(getattr(ampl_dat, t), *([table_to_set_name[t]]
                                                if t in table_to_set_name else []))
                raise utils.TicDatError(t + " cannot be passed as an argument to AMPL.setData()")
    def copy_from_ampl_variables(self, ampl_variables):
        copies the solution results from ampl_variables into a new PanDat object

        :param ampl_variables: a dict mapping from (table_name, field_name) -> amplpy.variable.Variable
                               (amplpy.variable.Variable is the type object returned by
                                table_name should refer to a table in the schema that has
                                primary key fields.
                                field_name can refer to a data field for table_name, or it
                                can be falsey. If the latter, then AMPL variables that
                                pass the filter (see below) will simply populate the primary key
                                of the table_name.
                                Note that by default, only non-zero data is copied over.
                                If you want to override this filter, then instead of mapping to
                                amplpy.variable.Variable you should map to a
                                (amplpy.variable.Variable, filter) where filter accepts a data value
                                and returns a boolean.

        :return: a deep copy of the ampl_variables into a PanDat object
        # note that the possibility for multiple table_names with different field_names can make
        # for a messy join problem. The easiest solution here is to just use the TicDatFactory logic
        from ticdat import TicDatFactory
        tdf = TicDatFactory.create_from_full_schema(self.schema(include_ancillary_info=True))
        _rtn = tdf.copy_from_ampl_variables(ampl_variables)
        _rtn = tdf.copy_to_pandas(_rtn, drop_pk_columns=False)
        for t in self.all_tables:
            getattr(_rtn, t).reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
        rtn = self.PanDat(**{t:getattr(_rtn, t) for t in self.all_tables})
        return rtn