예제 #1
 def setup_two_view(self):
     if (PROP.getProperty(self.request, PROP.SITE_SETUP) == True):
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("welcome"))
     elif (PROP.getProperty(self.request, PROP.VERSION) == None):
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("setup_stageone"))
     # Check if the password has already been changed, default is 'password'
     admin_usr = self.request.root.users["admin"]
     test_password = salt_password("password", admin_usr.password_salt)
     if test_password != admin_usr.password:
         self.request.session.flash("It looks like someone has already changed the default password on the account, if this wasn't you then contact support!", "info")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("setup_stagethree"))
     # Get password for admin user and double check
     if "password_one" in self.request.POST and  "password_two" in self.request.POST:
         pwd_1 = self.request.POST["password_one"]
         pwd_2 = self.request.POST["password_two"]
         if len(pwd_1) < 5:
             self.request.session.flash("The passwords entered are too short, they must be of 5 characters or longer.", "error")
             return {}
         elif pwd_1 != pwd_2:
             self.request.session.flash("The passwords entered do not match.", "error")
             return {}
         # Set the administrator password
         admin_usr.password_salt = Coding().generateUniqueCode()
         admin_usr.password = salt_password(pwd_1, admin_usr.password_salt)
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("setup_stagethree"))
     return {}
예제 #2
파일: admin.py 프로젝트: rangsutu88/Tktr
    def login_view(self):
        # Allow the username field to be pre-entered
        prep_user = ""
        if "user" in self.request.GET:
            prep_user = self.request.GET["user"]
        # Deal with an actual login
        if 'submit' in self.request.POST:
                username = self.request.POST["username"].lower()
                password = self.request.POST["password"]
                user_key = [
                    x for x in self.context.users
                    if self.context.users[x].username == username
                user = self.context.users[user_key]
                # Check group
                if not "admin" in user.__parent__.privileges and not "committee" in user.__parent__.privileges:
                    return {"error": "validation_error", "prep_user": username}
                # Check credentials
                elif username == user.username and user.password == salt_password(
                        password, user.password_salt):
                    self.request.session["user_id"] = user.__name__
                    header = remember(self.request, str(user.__name__))
                    return HTTPFound(
                    return {"error": "validation_error", "prep_user": username}
            except Exception:
                return {"error": "validation_error", "prep_user": ""}

        return {"prep_user": prep_user}
예제 #3
 def set_password_view(self):
     # Check agreements
     if not self.user.purchase_agreement:
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("purchase_agreement_act"))
     elif not self.user.privacy_agreement:
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("privacy_policy_act"))
     # Check this user is allowed to set/change a password
     if self.user.profile == None:
         self.request.session.flash("You are not able to change your password as you haven't yet set up your profile", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("user_profile"))
     elif self.user.profile.raven_user:
         self.request.session.flash("You are not able to set a password as you are authenticated via Raven. Please change your password with the Raven service.", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("user_profile"))
     # Ok all good, deal with any posted data
     if "submit" in self.request.POST:
         password_one = self.request.POST["password_one"]
         password_two = self.request.POST["password_two"]
         if password_one != password_two:
             self.request.session.flash("You have not entered the same password twice, please try again.", "error")
             return {}
         elif len(password_one) < 6:
             self.request.session.flash("For security reasons you must enter a password of 6 letters or more.", "error")
             return {}
         # Generate a new salt, salt the password and store it
         self.user.password_salt = Coding().generateUniqueCode(withdash=False)
         self.user.password = salt_password(password_one, self.user.password_salt)
         self.request.session.flash("Your password has been successfully changed.", "info")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("user_profile"))
     # Otherwise just pass to renderer
     return {}
예제 #4
파일: accounts.py 프로젝트: rangsutu88/Tktr
 def user_password_view(self):
     if not "user_id" in self.request.matchdict and not self.request.matchdict["user_id"] in self.request.root.users:
         self.request.session.flash("Requested user does not exist!", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("admin_accounts"))
     user = self.request.root.users[self.request.matchdict["user_id"]]
     # Check actually allowed to change password
     if user.profile != None and user.profile.raven_user:
         self.request.session.flash("This user is authenticated via Raven and therefore does not have a password stored in the system.", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("admin_accounts"))
     # Act on data being passed from view
     if "submit" in self.request.POST:
         password_one = self.request.POST["password_one"]
         password_two = self.request.POST["password_two"]
         if password_one != password_two:
             self.request.session.flash("You have not entered the same password twice, please try again.", "error")
             return {
                 "user": user
         elif len(password_one) < 6:
             self.request.session.flash("For security reasons you must enter a password of 6 letters or more.", "error")
             return {
                 "user": user
         # Generate a new salt, salt the password and store it
         user.password_salt = Coding().generateUniqueCode(withdash=False)
         user.password = salt_password(password_one, user.password_salt)
         self.request.session.flash("%s's password has been successfully changed." % user.username, "info")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("admin_accounts"))
     return {
         "user": user,
예제 #5
 def api_login_view_do(self):
     # Get username and password
     username = self.request.POST["username"].lower()
     password = self.request.POST["password"]
     # Check if user exists and is non-raven
     if not username in self.request.root.users:
         self.request.session.flash("Your username or password was incorrect", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("api_login"))
     user = self.request.root.users[username]
     if user.profile != None and user.profile.raven_user:
         self.request.session.flash("Your account appears to be a Raven account, please use the Raven login instead.", "error");
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("api_login"))
     # Check password
     if user.password != salt_password(password, user.password_salt):
         self.request.session.flash("Your username or password was incorrect", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("api_login"))
     # Ok, this all looks ok - lets go!
     header = remember(self.request, user.__name__)
     self.request.session["user_id"] = user.__name__
     return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path('api_token_issue'), headers=header)
예제 #6
 def welcome_view_do(self):
     if not self.has_queued:
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("queue"))
     # Get username and password
     username = self.request.POST["username"].lower()
     password = self.request.POST["password"]
     # Check if user exists and is non-raven
     if not username in self.request.root.users:
             "Your username or password was incorrect", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("welcome"))
     user = self.request.root.users[username]
     if user.profile != None and user.profile.raven_user:
             "Your account appears to be a Raven account, please use the Raven login instead.",
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("welcome"))
     # Check password
     if user.password != salt_password(password, user.password_salt):
             "Your username or password was incorrect", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("welcome"))
     # Ok, this all looks ok - lets go!
     header = remember(self.request, user.__name__)
     self.request.session["user_id"] = user.__name__
     if user.profile == None:
         profile = UserProfile()
         profile.raven_user = False
         profile.__parent__ = user
         profile.__name__ = user.__name__ + "-profile"
         user.profile = profile
         return HTTPFound(
     elif None in [user.profile.dob, user.profile.fullname]:
         return HTTPFound(
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path('user_profile'),
예제 #7
파일: signup.py 프로젝트: rangsutu88/Tktr
 def signup_view(self):
     if not self.public_signup_enabled:
             "Public sign-ups are not currently enabled!", "error")
         return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path('welcome'))
     # If form data submitted
     if "submit" in self.request.POST:
         email = (self.request.POST["email"] if "email" in self.request.POST
                  and len(self.request.POST["email"]) > 0 else None)
         username = (self.request.POST["username"]
                     if "username" in self.request.POST
                     and len(self.request.POST["username"]) > 0 else None)
         pwd_one = (self.request.POST["password"]
                    if "password" in self.request.POST
                    and len(self.request.POST["password"]) > 0 else None)
         pwd_two = (self.request.POST["confirm_password"]
                    if "confirm_password" in self.request.POST
                    and len(self.request.POST["confirm_password"]) > 0 else
         discount_code = (self.request.POST["discount_code"]
                          if "discount_code" in self.request.POST
                          and len(self.request.POST["discount_code"]) > 0
                          else None)
         # Check if all fields filled
         if email == None or username == None or pwd_one == None or pwd_two == None:
                 "One or more fields was not filled, please try again.",
             return {
                 "email": email,
                 "username": username,
                 "discount_code": discount_code
         # Now run additional checks
         validator = Email()
         if not validator(email):
                 "Please enter a valid email address.", "error")
             return {
                 "email": email,
                 "username": username,
                 "discount_code": discount_code
         # Username checks
         username = username.lower()
         if len(username) < 3 or " " in username:
                 "Please enter a valid username of more than 3 characters and containing no spaces.",
             return {
                 "email": email,
                 "username": username,
                 "discount_code": discount_code
         if username in self.request.root.users or (re.match(
                 r"^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+$", username) != None):
                 "A user already exists with the username you specified, please try again.",
             return {
                 "email": email,
                 "username": username,
                 "discount_code": discount_code
         # Password checks
         if pwd_one != pwd_two:
                 "Your passwords do not appear to match, please try again.",
             return {
                 "email": email,
                 "username": username,
                 "discount_code": discount_code
         if len(pwd_one) < 5 or (re.match(r"(?=.{6,}).*", pwd_one) == None):
                 "Your password is too short or not complex enough, please enter a stronger password.",
             return {
                 "email": email,
                 "username": username,
                 "discount_code": discount_code
         # Passed all checks - create an account...
         group = self.request.root.groups['ungrouped']
         # - See if we can find a discount group
         if discount_code != None:
             found_discount = False
             for group_key in self.request.root.groups:
                 test_group = self.request.root.groups[group_key]
                 if test_group.access_code != None and len(
                 ) > 0 and test_group.access_code == discount_code:
                     group = test_group
                     found_discount = True
             if not found_discount:
                     "The discount code entered is not valid, please check it and try again.",
                 return {
                     "email": email,
                     "username": username,
                     "discount_code": discount_code
         # - Now setup user
         user = User()
         user.username = user.__name__ = username
         user.password_salt = Coding().generateUniqueCode()
         user.password = salt_password(pwd_one, user.password_salt)
         user.profile = UserProfile()
         user.profile.__parent__ = user
         user.profile.raven_user = False
         user.profile.email = email
         user.__parent__ = group
         self.request.root.users[user.__name__] = user
         # ...send an email telling them about their new account...
         emailer = GenericEmail(self.request)
             "Account Created",
             """Thank you for creating an account on our ticketing system, this email is just to remind you that your username is %s. No further action is required."""
             % (user.username), user.__name__)
         # ...and finally login
         header = remember(self.request, user.__name__)
         self.request.session["user_id"] = user.__name__
         return HTTPFound(
     return {"email": None, "username": None, "discount_code": None}
예제 #8
 def db_setup_accounts(self, root):
     # Groups & users
     root.groups = PersistentMapping()
     root.users = PersistentMapping()
     # admin
     admin = Group()
     admin.__name__ = "admin"
     admin.__parent__ = root
     admin.can_delete = False
     admin.name = "Administrators"
     admin.privileges = ["admin"]
     admin.can_delete = False
     admin._p_changed = True
     root.groups[admin.__name__] = admin
     # committee
     committee = Group()
     committee.__name__ = "committee"
     committee.__parent__ = root
     committee.name = "Committee Members"
     committee.privileges = ["committee"]
     committee.can_delete = False
     committee._p_changed = True
     root.groups[committee.__name__] = committee
     # Raven authentications
     raven_grp = Group()
     raven_grp.__name__ = "raven"
     raven_grp.__parent__ = root
     raven_grp.name = "Customers (Raven)"
     raven_grp.privileges = ["basic"]
     raven_grp.can_delete = False
     raven_grp._p_changed = True
     root.groups[raven_grp.__name__] = raven_grp
     # Alumnus Raven authentications
     alumni_raven_grp = Group()
     alumni_raven_grp.__name__ = "raven_alumni"
     alumni_raven_grp.__parent__ = root
     alumni_raven_grp.name = "Customers (Alumni via Raven)"
     alumni_raven_grp.privileges = ["basic"]
     alumni_raven_grp.can_delete = False
     alumni_raven_grp._p_changed = True
     root.groups[alumni_raven_grp.__name__] = alumni_raven_grp
     # Alumnus authentications
     alumni_grp = Group()
     alumni_grp.__name__ = "alumni"
     alumni_grp.__parent__ = root
     alumni_grp.name = "Customers (Alumni)"
     alumni_grp.privileges = ["basic"]
     alumni_grp.can_delete = False
     alumni_grp._p_changed = True
     root.groups[alumni_grp.__name__] = alumni_grp
     # Ungrouped
     ungrouped = Group()
     ungrouped.__name__ = "ungrouped"
     ungrouped.__parent__ = root
     ungrouped.name = "Ungrouped"
     ungrouped.privileges = ["basic"]
     ungrouped.can_delete = False
     ungrouped._p_changed = True
     root.groups[ungrouped.__name__] = ungrouped
     # Setup an admin user
     admin_usr = User()
     admin_usr.username = "******"
     admin_usr.password_salt = Coding().generateUniqueCode()
     admin_usr.password = salt_password("password", admin_usr.password_salt)
     admin_usr.__name__ = admin_usr.username
     admin_usr.__parent__ = admin
     root.users[admin_usr.__name__] = admin_usr
     admin.members._p_changed = True
     admin_usr.privacy_agreement = True
     admin_usr.purchase_agreement = True
     admin_prof = UserProfile()
     admin_usr.profile = admin_prof
     admin_prof.__parent__ = admin_usr
     admin_prof.title = "Admin"
     admin_prof.forename = "Super"
     admin_prof.surname = "Administrator"
     admin_prof.email = "*****@*****.**"
     admin_prof.dob = datetime(year=1990, month=1, day=1)
     admin_prof.photo_file = "blank.png"
     admin_prof.address = PostalAddress()
     admin_prof.address.__parent__ = admin_prof
     admin_prof.address.line_one = "Admin Address"
     admin_prof.address.line_two = "Admin Address"
     admin_prof.address.city = "Cambridge"
     admin_prof.address.county = "Cambridgeshire"
     admin_prof.address.country = "United Kingdom"
     admin_prof.address.postal_code = "CB1 1AA"
     admin_prof.phone_number = "01234 567890"
예제 #9
파일: accounts.py 프로젝트: rangsutu88/Tktr
 def user_add_view(self):
     if "submit" in self.request.POST:
         username = self.request.POST["username"].lower().replace(" ","")
         password = self.request.POST["password"]
         userprefix = self.request.POST["userprefix"].lower().replace(" ","")
         numberusers = int(float(self.request.POST["numberusers"]))
         startingpoint = int(float(self.request.POST["startingnumber"]))
         group_key = self.request.POST["group"]
         single = (self.request.POST["singleuser"] == "single")
         # Check username not already in use
         error = True
         if single:
             if username in self.request.root.users:
                 self.request.session.flash("A user with this username already exists.", "error")
             elif group_key not in self.request.root.groups:
                 self.request.session.flash("The group selected is invalid, please try again.", "error")
             elif len(password) < 6:
                 self.request.session.flash("The password you entered is too short, please enter a longer one.", "error")
             elif len(username) < 3:
                 self.request.session.flash("Please enter a username longer than 2 letters.", "error")
                 error = False
                 # Otherwise we're good, create user
                 group = self.request.root.groups[group_key]
                 user = User()
                 user.username = user.__name__ = username
                 user.password_salt = Coding().generateUniqueCode()
                 user.password = salt_password(password, user.password_salt)
                 user.__parent__ = group
                 self.request.root.users[user.__name__] = user
                 self.request.session.flash("User %s has been added successfully!" % username, "info")
                 return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("admin_accounts"))
             if len(userprefix) < 2:
                 self.request.session.flash("Please enter a prefix of 2 or more characters.", "error")
             elif numberusers <= 1:
                 self.request.session.flash("Please enter a number of users greater than 1.", "error")
             elif startingpoint < 0:
                 self.request.session.flash("Please enter a starting point number greater than or equal to 0.", "error")
             elif group_key not in self.request.root.groups:
                 self.request.session.flash("The group selected is invalid, please try again.", "error")
                 error = False
                 creds = {}
                 coding = Coding()
                 group = self.request.root.groups[group_key]
                 # Otherwise we're good, create lots of users and passwords
                 for i in range(numberusers):
                     password = coding.genRandomString(size=6).lower()
                     username = ("%s%i%s" % (userprefix, (i + startingpoint), coding.genRandomString(size=2))).lower()
                     creds[username] = password
                     # Create the user
                     newuser = User()
                     newuser.username = newuser.__name__ = username
                     newuser.password_salt = coding.generateUniqueCode()
                     newuser.password = salt_password(password, newuser.password_salt)
                     newuser.__parent__ = group
                     self.request.root.users[newuser.__name__] = newuser
                 # Confirm a success
                 self.request.session.flash("Successfully added %i users to %s!" % (numberusers, group.name), "info")
                 # - Forward to showing the full list of users that were added
                 self.request.session["added_users"] = creds
                 return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_path("admin_user_add_list"))
         # Respond to a thrown error
         if error:
             return {
                 "groups": sorted(self.request.root.groups.values(), key=lambda x: x.name),
                 "username": username, "selgroup": group_key, "single": single,
                 "userprefix": userprefix, "numberusers": numberusers, "startingnumber": startingpoint,
     return {
         "groups": sorted(self.request.root.groups.values(), key=lambda x: x.name),
         "username": None, "selgroup": None, "single": True,
         "userprefix": None, "numberusers": 0, "startingnumber": 0,