def start(self): """Sets up game board, starts a tic tac toe game, and a new AI if one doesn't exist. AI makes first move if playing as X """ self.set_game_board() = TicTacToe() if not = TicTacToeAI() if self.ai_symbol == 'x': self.ai_action()
class TicTacToeGUI: ai = None def __init__(self, master): # Initial Frame self.frame = Frame(master) self.frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True) # Board canvas self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, width=300, height=300) # Symbol selection buttons self.x_button = Button(self.frame, text='Play as X', height=4, command=self.set_player_x, bg='white', fg='black') self.o_button = Button(self.frame, text='Play as O', height=4, command=self.set_player_o, bg='white', fg='red') # Game start button and info box self.start_button = Button(self.frame, text="START", height=4, command=self.start, bg='white', fg='purple') self.info_box = Label(self.frame, text='Tic Tac Toe Game', height=4, bg='white', fg='blue') self.clean_game_board() def start(self): """Sets up game board, starts a tic tac toe game, and a new AI if one doesn't exist. AI makes first move if playing as X """ self.set_game_board() = TicTacToe() if not = TicTacToeAI() if self.ai_symbol == 'x': self.ai_action() def _board(self): """Draws tic tac toe board""" self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300, outline="black") self.canvas.create_rectangle(100, 300, 200, 0, outline="black") self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 100, 300, 200, outline="black") def user_action(self, event): """Attempts to take action that matches user click. If the move is valid, then calls the AI to make the next move. If not, displays the error. """ move_x = event.x // 100 move_y = event.y // 100 move_result =, (move_x, move_y)) if move_result == "Success": board_x = (200 * move_x + 100) / 2 board_y = (200 * move_y + 100) / 2 if self.player_symbol == 'x': self.draw_x(board_x, board_y) else: self.draw_o(board_x, board_y) if not self.completed(): # Wait a bit before calling the ai, for visual style self.frame.after(500, self.ai_action) else: self.info_box['text'] = move_result def ai_action(self): """Gets the next move from the AI based on current game state, and plays. """ state = move = move_result =, move) if move_result == "Success": board_x = (200 * move[0] + 100) / 2 board_y = (200 * move[1] + 100) / 2 if self.ai_symbol == 'x': self.draw_x(board_x, board_y) else: self.draw_o(board_x, board_y) self.completed() def completed(self): """Checks the game status. If completed, displays the result, and asks whether the player would like to start another game. """ status = if status == 'e': return False message = "Click to start a new game." if status == 't': message = "Tie game. " + message else: message = "Player " + status.upper() + " has won. " + message self.info_box.pack_forget() self.start_button.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.start_button["text"] = message self.start_button["command"] = self.clean_game_board def draw_x(self, x, y): self.canvas.create_line(x + 20, y + 20, x - 20, y - 20, width=4, fill="black") self.canvas.create_line(x - 20, y + 20, x + 20, y - 20, width=4, fill="black") def draw_o(self, x, y): self.canvas.create_oval(x + 25, y + 25, x - 25, y - 25, width=4, outline="red") def set_game_board(self): """Hides game start buttons, reveals the game board and info box.""" self.start_button.pack_forget() self.x_button.pack_forget() self.o_button.pack_forget() self.canvas.delete(ALL) self.canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.info_box.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.user_action) self._board() def clean_game_board(self): """Hides game board and label, reveals game start buttons.""" self.canvas.pack_forget() self.info_box.pack_forget() self.start_button.pack_forget() self.x_button.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.o_button.pack(fill="both", expand=True) def set_player_x(self): self.player_symbol = 'x' self.ai_symbol = 'o' self.start() def set_player_o(self): self.player_symbol = 'o' self.ai_symbol = 'x' self.start()