예제 #1
def test_proxy_controller_run_error_handling(monkeypatch):
    """ This looks like one big regex literal, however there are some control characters sprinkled in.
        Hopefully, this will be robust enough to not break frequently. However, if it does look for
        consider: Did the `lambda_proxy_event.py` module get moved? Did line numbers change enough that
        pattern to match them is no longer valid?
    escaped_text = r"""\
Traceback\ \(most\ recent\ call\ last\)\:\
\_\_\ File\ \".*\/tight\/tight\/providers\/aws\/controllers\/lambda\_proxy\_event\.py\"\,\ line\ \d+,\ in\ run\
\_\_\_\_\ method\_response\ \=\ method\_handler\(\*args\,\ \*\*method\_handler\_args\)\
\_\_\ File\ \".*\/tight\/tests\/unit\/providers\/aws\/controllers\/test\_lambda\_proxy\_event\_unit\.py\"\,\ line\ \d+,\ in\ controller\_stub\
\_\_\_\_\ raise\ Exception\(\'I\ am\ an\ error\.\'\)\
Exception\:\ I\ am\ an\ error\."""

    traceback_assertion_pattern = re.compile(escaped_text)
    instance = LambdaProxyController()

    def controller_stub(*args, **kwargs):
        raise Exception('I am an error.')
    instance.methods['test_controller:GET'] = controller_stub

    def error_spy(*args, **kwargs):
        match = re.search(traceback_assertion_pattern, kwargs['message'])
        assert match is not None, 'Error is logged with formatted stacktrace.'
    monkeypatch.setattr(tight.providers.aws.controllers.lambda_proxy_event, 'error', error_spy)
    response = instance.run('test_controller', {'httpMethod': 'GET'}, {})
    assert response['statusCode'] == 500
    assert response['body'] == 'There was an error.'
예제 #2
def test_prepare_response_default():
    instance = LambdaProxyController()
    prepared_response = instance.prepare_response()
    assert prepared_response == {'body': {}, 'headers': {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}, 'statusCode': 200}
예제 #3
def test_prepare_response_passthrough():
    instance = LambdaProxyController()
    prepared_response = instance.prepare_response(passthrough='Banana')
    assert prepared_response == 'Banana'
예제 #4
def test_prepare_args_json_loads_body_unparsable():
    instance = LambdaProxyController()
    prepared_args = instance.prepare_args('', {'body': 'I am just a string'}, {})
    assert prepared_args == {'event': {'body': {}}, 'context': {}, 'principal_id': None}
예제 #5
def test_prepare_args_json_loads_body():
    instance = LambdaProxyController()
    prepared_args = instance.prepare_args('', {'body': '{"name":"banana"}'}, {})
    assert prepared_args == {'event': {'body': {'name': 'banana'}}, 'context': {}, 'principal_id': None}
예제 #6
def test_prepare_args_no_boom():
    instance = LambdaProxyController()
    prepared_args = instance.prepare_args('', {}, {})
    assert prepared_args == {'event': {}, 'context': {}, 'principal_id': None}