예제 #1
파일: user.py 프로젝트: talhadar90/bawajee
def get_invite_code(request: Request) -> dict:
    """Generate a new invite code owned by the user."""
    user = request.context

    if request.user.invite_codes_remaining < 1:
        raise HTTPForbidden("No invite codes remaining")

    # obtain a lock to prevent concurrent requests generating multiple codes
    request.obtain_lock("generate_invite_code", user.user_id)

    # it's possible to randomly generate an existing code, so we'll retry until we
    # create a new one (will practically always be the first try)
    while True:
        savepoint = request.tm.savepoint()

        code = UserInviteCode(user)

        except IntegrityError:

    # doing an atomic decrement on request.user.invite_codes_remaining is going to make
    # it unusable as an integer in the template, so store the expected value after the
    # decrement first, to be able to use that instead
    num_remaining = request.user.invite_codes_remaining - 1
    request.user.invite_codes_remaining = User.invite_codes_remaining - 1

    return {"code": code, "num_remaining": num_remaining}
예제 #2
def _handle_invite_code(request: Request,
                        invite_code: str) -> Optional[UserInviteCode]:
    # invite code not required -- leave empty
    if request.registry.settings["tildes.open_registration"]:
        return None

    # attempt to fetch and lock the row for the specified invite code (lock prevents
    # concurrent requests from using the same invite code)
    lookup_code = UserInviteCode.prepare_code_for_lookup(invite_code)
    code_row = (
            UserInviteCode.code == lookup_code,
            UserInviteCode.invitee_id == None,  # noqa

    if not code_row:
        raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity("Invalid invite code")
    return code_row
예제 #3
def post_register(
    request: Request,
    username: str,
    password: str,
    password_confirm: str,
    invite_code: str,
) -> HTTPFound:
    """Process a registration request."""
    if not request.params.get("accepted_terms"):
        raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity(
            "Terms of Use and Privacy Policy must be accepted.")

    if password != password_confirm:
        raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity(
            "Password and confirmation do not match.")

    # attempt to fetch and lock the row for the specified invite code (lock prevents
    # concurrent requests from using the same invite code)
    lookup_code = UserInviteCode.prepare_code_for_lookup(invite_code)
    code_row = (
            UserInviteCode.code == lookup_code,
            UserInviteCode.invitee_id == None,  # noqa

    if not code_row:
        raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity("Invalid invite code")

    # create the user and set inviter to the owner of the invite code
    user = User(username, password)
    user.inviter_id = code_row.user_id

    # flush the user insert to db, will fail if username is already taken
    except IntegrityError:
        raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity(
            "That username has already been registered.")

    # the flush above will generate the new user's ID, so use that to update the invite
    # code with info about the user that registered with it
    code_row.invitee_id = user.user_id

    # subscribe the new user to all groups except ~test
    all_groups = request.query(Group).all()
    for group in all_groups:
        if group.path == "test":
        request.db_session.add(GroupSubscription(user, group))

    _send_welcome_message(user, request)


    # log the user in to the new account
    remember(request, user.user_id)

    # set request.user before logging so the user is associated with the event
    request.user = user
    request.db_session.add(Log(LogEventType.USER_REGISTER, request))

    # redirect to the front page
    raise HTTPFound(location="/")