def __exit__(self, extype, exception, traceback): # Check exception type if extype is SystemExit: safe_exit() # Compute delta delta = self.enter_time + self.arg_ms - time.get_ticks() # Handle case delta == 0 delta += not delta # Validate delta with sign of the argument delta *= self.arg_ms >= 0 # Return if no need to wait if delta < 0: return # Prepare timer event custom_event = pyg.USEREVENT + 1 clock = time.Clock() pyg.event.get() time.set_timer(custom_event, delta) # Game loop while True: for ev in pyg.event.get(): if ev.type == pyg.QUIT or \ (ev.type == pyg.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pyg.K_ESCAPE): safe_exit() if ev.type in [custom_event, pyg.JOYBUTTONDOWN, pyg.KEYDOWN]: time.set_timer(custom_event, 0) return clock.tick(FPS)
def Inicio(): aux = 1 Initialize() LoadContent() while True: #Creacion de una variable tiempo que se utiliza get_ticks #que nos da el tiempo en mili segundos Tiempo = pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000 #Controla el numero de impreciones del tiempo if Tiempo == aux: aux += 1 print(Tiempo) #Se crea el texto sobre el tiempo lo cual se lo combierte en str contador = Fuente.render('Tiempo : ' + str(Tiempo), 0, (30, 40, 0)) #Indicamos la posicion del cronometro ventana.blit(contador, (120, 30)) pygame.display.update() time = clock.tick(60) Updates() Draw() #if gameOver==True #UnLoadContent() return
def main(): Initialize() LoadContent() global time"audio/fondo.mp3") while True: time = clock.tick(60) Updates() Draw() #if gameOver==True # return
def main(): Initialize() LoadContent() while True: time = clock.tick(60) Updates() Draw() #if gameOver==True #UnLoadContent() return
def main(): Initialize() LoadContent() while True: time = clock.tick(60) #cada 60 milisegundos pausa Updates() Draw() return
def run(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE, 0,32) clock=pygame.time.Clock() round=0 if len(sys.argv)!=1: filename= sys.argv[1] try: with open(filename, 'rb') as in_s: try: #char = pickle.load(in_s) #mon = pickle.load(in_s) print "Read data from file" combat=pickle.load(in_s) except EOFError: pass else: pass#print 'READ: %s (%s)' % (, o.name_backwards) except IOError: char=Character("Dingziran") mon=M1(1) combat=CombatSys(char,mon) else: char=Character("Dingziran") mon=M1(1) combat=CombatSys(char,mon) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type ==QUIT: with open(filename,'wb') as out_s: pickle.dump(combat,out_s) return time_passed=clock.tick(30) screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) if round==3: round=0 combat.combat() combat.render(screen) chooseMons(combat,screen) pygame.display.update() #combat.mons.spawn() round+=1
gameDisplay.fill(white) pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, black, [650, 650], [display_width, 650]) pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, black, [650, 650], [650, display_height]) printMsg("SAFE ZONE", 660, 660) bb.update() for enemy in platform.enemies_alive: info_str = "Health : " + str( printMsg(info_str, enemy.x - 35, enemy.y + 20) enemy.render() for stockpile in platform.ammo_stockpiles: info_str = "Ammo in Stockpile : " + str(stockpile.ammo) printMsg(info_str, stockpile.x - 45, stockpile.y - 35) stockpile.render() player_info = "Ammo : " + str(platform.player.ammo) printMsg(player_info, platform.player.x - 20, platform.player.y + 20) printMsg("Mode : " + bb.mode, platform.player.x - 20, platform.player.y + 34) platform.player.render() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) pygame.quit() quit()
def run_game(): """Main function to run game""" # Initialize game and create a screen object pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() # Set screen width and height screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height), pygame.RESIZABLE) pygame.display.set_caption("CharLee MacDennis 2: Electric Bugaloo") # Make the Play button play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, "Play") # Make the Puase button pause_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, "Paused") # Create an instance to store game statistics stats = GameStats(ai_settings) # Set stats.high_score to be equal to universal high score stats.high_score = gf.read_high_score() # Create a scoreboard sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats) # Make a ship, a group of ship bullets ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) ship_bullets = Group() # Create alien and group of alien bullets aliens = Group() alien_bullets = Group() # Create the fleet of aliens gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens) # Create clock for FPS limit clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Start the main game loop while True: # 60 fps clock.tick(120) # Watch for keyboard and mouse events gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, play_button, ship, aliens, ship_bullets, alien_bullets) if stats.game_active: # Update ship status ship.update() # Update all bullets on screen gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, ship_bullets, alien_bullets) # Update aliens status gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, stats, screen, sb, ship, aliens, ship_bullets, alien_bullets) # Draw and refresh the screen gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, ship_bullets, alien_bullets, play_button)
def main(): ### Initialisation ###, "Initialising.... ") pygame.init() gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((disp_w, disp_h), pygame.FULLSCREEN) pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) pygame.display.set_caption('Photobooth') clock = pygame.time.Clock() pictures = PictureList(cfg, picture_basename) #pkill -USR1 python signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sig_green_handler) #pkill -USR2 python signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, sig_red_handler) camera = CameraModule(image_size) printer = PrinterModule(cfg) intro_ani = IntroAnimation(cfg, gameDisplay, disp_w, disp_h, fps, gpio, pictures) capture = Capture(cfg, gameDisplay, disp_w, disp_h, 15, gpio, camera) process = Process(cfg, gameDisplay, disp_w, disp_h, fps, gpio, pictures) upload = Upload(cfg, gameDisplay, disp_w, disp_h, fps, gpio) prin = Prin(cfg, gameDisplay, disp_w, disp_h, fps, gpio, printer) #Clean entire tmp_directory for f in os.listdir(cfg.get("tmp_dir")): f_pth = os.path.join(cfg.get("tmp_dir"), f) try: if os.path.isfile(f_pth): os.unlink(f_pth) except: pass Logger.success(__name__, "Initialisation Complete! ") state = "INTRO_S" retake = False while not state == "END": event_list = pygame.event.get() if reset_combo(event_list): Logger.warning(__name__, "Restarting...") intro_ani.stop() capture.stop() process.stop() upload.stop() os.execv(sys.executable, ['python'] + sys.argv) ### INTRO ANIMATION STATES ### if state == "INTRO_S": retake = False final_photos = {} final_link = "" final_uploaded = False final_printed = False intro_ani.start() pygame.display.update() state = "INTRO" if state == "INTRO": for event in event_list: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: state = "END" elif green_press(event): state = "CAPTURE_S" pygame.display.update() ### CAPTURE STATES ### if state == "CAPTURE_S": capture.start(retake) pygame.display.update() state = "CAPTURE" if state == "CAPTURE": for event in event_list: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: state = "END" pygame.display.update() if capture.is_done(): capture.reset() photo_set = capture.cap_path photo_set_thumbs = capture.cap_thumbs state = "PROCESS_S" ### PROCESS STATES ### if state == "PROCESS_S": process.start(photo_set, photo_set_thumbs) pygame.display.update() state = "PROCESS" if state == "PROCESS": for event in event_list: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: state = "END" elif process.is_done(): if green_press(event): final_photos = process.get_result() process.reset() if cfg.get("upload__enabled"): state = "UPLOAD_S" elif cfg.get("printer__enabled"): final_link = cfg.get("event_url") state = "PRINT_S" else: state = "DONE" elif red_press(event): #Retake process.reset() retake = True state = "CAPTURE_S" pygame.display.update() ### PRINTER UPLOAD STATES ### if state == "UPLOAD_S": #Update Photo Upload/ Printer Enable Switch State # TODO upload.start(final_photos) pygame.display.update() state = "UPLOAD" if state == "UPLOAD": for event in event_list: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: state = "END" elif upload.is_done(): final_link = upload.upload_link #TODO upload success if green_press(event): upload.reset() final_uploaded = True if cfg.get("printer__enabled"): state = "PRINT_S" else: state = "DONE" pygame.display.update() ### PRINTER UPLOAD STATES ### if state == "PRINT_S": #Update Photo Upload/ Printer Enable Switch State # TODO prin.start(final_photos, final_link) pygame.display.update() state = "PRINT" if state == "PRINT": for event in event_list: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: state = "END" if prin.is_done(): #TODO Get print success value prin.reset() state = "DONE" final_printed = True pygame.display.update() if state == "DONE": pictures.log_add(final_photos['primary'], final_link, final_uploaded, final_printed) state = "INTRO_S" if "CAPTURE" in state: clock.tick(15) else: clock.tick(fps) pygame.quit() quit()
def main(): clock = pygame.time.Clock() tiempo = 0 tiempo2 = 0 pygame.init() # inicializo el modulo fuente1 = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 18, True, False) #crea la fuente terminar = False tiempo = 0 tiempo1 = 0 # fijo las dimensiones de la pantalla a 300,300 y creo una superficie que va ser la principal pantalla = pygame.display.set_mode((700, 350)) pygame.display.set_caption("Mi Ventana") # Titulo de la Ventana # creo un reloj para controlar los fps reloj1 = pygame.time.Clock() inicio1 = pygame.image.load("inicio1.png") inicio2 = pygame.image.load("inicio2.png") salir1 = pygame.image.load("salir1.png") salir2 = pygame.image.load("salir2.png") #DETENER SONIDO fondo = pygame.image.load("fondo.jpg") #SONIDO'musica.mp3') # Ubicacion del boton boton1 = Boton(inicio1, inicio2, 150, 290) boton3 = Boton(salir1, salir2, 350, 290) cursor1 = Cursor() salir = False # LOOP PRINCIPAL while salir != True: tiempo += 1 if tiempo == 60: tiempo1 += 1 tiempo = 0 time = clock.tick(60) # recorro todos los eventos producidos # en realidad es una lista for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if cursor1.colliderect(boton1.rect): Inicio() if cursor1.colliderect(boton3.rect): salir = True # pygame.QUIT( cruz de la ventana) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: salir = True if terminar == False: segundosint = tiempo2 #toma el tiempo que se esta ejecutando el juego segundos = str(segundosint) #los combierte de numero a string transcurre = fuente1.render( "TIEMPO: " + segundos, 0, pygame.Color('orange')) #pone el tiempo en un texto else: transcurre = fuente1.render("TIEMPO: " + segundos, 0, pygame.Color('orange')) reloj1.tick(20) # operacion para que todo corra a 20fps pantalla.blit(fondo, (0, 0)) cursor1.update() boton1.update(pantalla, cursor1) boton3.update(pantalla, cursor1) pygame.display.update() # actualizo el display pygame.quit()
def main(): pygame.init() pantalla = pygame.display.set_mode((constantes.ANCHO, constantes.ALTO)) pygame.display.set_caption("Super-Tortus") ico = pygame.image.load("recursos2d/tortu1.png") pygame.display.set_icon(ico) fondo = cargar_imagen("recursos2d/fondo1.jpg") global salto, MposX, MposY, bajada, direc, cont, bajada MposX = 700 MposY = 185 xixf = {} Rxixf = {} direc = None salto = None cont = 6 direc = True i = 0 bajada = False salto = False xixf[0] = (0, 0, 60, 123) xixf[1] = (66, 0, 75, 123) xixf[2] = (141, 0, 75, 123) xixf[3] = (219, 0, 60, 123) xixf[4] = (279, 0, 81, 123) xixf[5] = (360, 0, 81, 123) Rxixf[0] = (366, 0, 66, 123) Rxixf[1] = (288, 0, 75, 123) Rxixf[2] = (222, 0, 66, 123) Rxixf[3] = (150, 0, 69, 123) Rxixf[4] = (72, 0, 78, 123) Rxixf[5] = (0, 0, 75, 123) tortuga1 = tortuga.Tortuga() tortuga2 = tortuga.Tortuga() tortuga3 = tortuga.Tortuga() bob1 = bob.Bob() bob1.redimensionar(90, 90) nume2 = [] nume2.append(tortuga1.gene()) nume2.append(tortuga2.gene()) nume2.append(tortuga3.gene()) salir = False clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, 1000) patricio1 = patricio.Patricio() while salir != True: time = clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE: salir = True if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: for number in range(1, 4): if nume2[number - 1] > 0: if number == 1: nume2[number - 1] -= 1 if number == 2: nume2[number - 1] -= 1 if number == 3: nume2[number - 1] -= 1 global tortuga1a, tortuga2a, tortuga3a tortuga1a = '' tortuga2a = '' tortuga3a = '' for number in range(1, 4): if nume2[number - 1] == 1: if number == 1: tortuga1.bajar(time) tortuga1a = '1' if number == 2: tortuga2.bajar(time) tortuga2a = '1' if number == 3: tortuga3.bajar(time) tortuga3a = '1' if nume2[number - 1] == 0: if number == 1: tortuga1.__init__() nume2[0] = tortuga1.gene() tortuga1a = '0' if number == 2: tortuga2.__init__() nume2[1] = tortuga2.gene() tortuga2a = '0' if number == 3: tortuga3.__init__() nume2[2] = tortuga3.gene() tortuga3a = '0' pantalla.blit(fondo, (0, 0)) bob1.colocar(pantalla, 170, 210) tortuga1.redimensionar(95, 95) tortuga2.redimensionar(95, 95) tortuga3.redimensionar(95, 95) tortuga1.colocar(pantalla, 260, tortuga1.rect.centery) tortuga2.colocar(pantalla, 385, tortuga2.rect.centery) tortuga3.colocar(pantalla, 510, tortuga3.rect.centery) teclado = pygame.key.get_pressed() if teclado[K_UP]: salto = True if teclado[K_RIGHT]: MposX += 3 cont += 1 direc = True elif teclado[K_LEFT]: MposX -= 3 cont += 1 direc = False else: cont = 6 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() global salto_Par, bajada_Par if direc == True and salto == False: pantalla.blit(patricio1.ImagenPatricio, (MposX, MposY), (xixf[i])) if direc == False and salto == False: pantalla.blit(patricio1.ImagenPatricio_inv, (MposX, MposY), (Rxixf[i])) if salto == True: if direc == True: pantalla.blit(patricio1.ImagenPatricio, (MposX, MposY), (xixf[4])) if direc == False: pantalla.blit(patricio1.ImagenPatricio_inv, (MposX, MposY), (Rxixf[4])) if bajada == False: MposY -= 4 if bajada == True: MposY += 4 if MposY <= 110: bajada = True if MposY >= 185: bajada = False salto = False if 150 <= MposX <= 190: Ganar('') if 205 <= MposX <= 305: if MposY == 185: if tortuga1a == '1': gameover('') if 305 <= MposX <= 330: if MposY == 185: gameover('') if 330 <= MposX <= 430: if MposY == 185: if tortuga2a == '1': gameover('') if 430 <= MposX <= 465: if MposY == 185: gameover('') if 465 <= MposX <= 555: if MposY == 185: if tortuga3a == '1': gameover('') pygame.display.flip() pygame.quit()