예제 #1
 def testTimeSeriesConstantInput(self):
     kp = 0.2
     ki = 0.02
     kd = 0.1
     p = PIDController(kp, 0.0, 0.0)
     i = PIDController(0.0, ki, 0.0)
     d = PIDController(0.0, 0.0, kd)
     t = 0.0
     dt = 0.12
     while t < 10.0:
         t += dt
         desired = -0.5
         measured = 2.0
         p_command = p.update(desired, measured)
         i_command = i.update(desired, measured)
         d_command = d.update(desired, measured)
         pid_command = self.pid.update(desired, measured)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(p_command, kp * -2.5)
         # Because the input signal is constant, here the discrete-time
         # integral is exact
         self.assertAlmostEqual(i_command, ki * -2.5 * t)
         if (t == dt):  # First run
             self.assertAlmostEqual(d_command, kd * -2.5 / dt)
             self.assertAlmostEqual(d_command, 0.0)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(pid_command, p_command + i_command + d_command)
예제 #2
 def testTimeSeriesRampInput(self):
     kp = 0.2
     ki = 0.02
     kd = 0.1
     p = PIDController(kp, 0.0, 0.0)
     i = PIDController(0.0, ki, 0.0)
     d = PIDController(0.0, 0.0, kd)
     t = 0.0
     dt = 0.008
     i_command_1 = 0.0
     i_command_2 = 0.0
     i_command_3 = 0.0
     while t < 10.0:
         t += dt
         desired = t
         measured = -2.0 * t
         p_command = p.update(desired, measured)
         i_command = i.update(desired, measured)
         d_command = d.update(desired, measured)
         pid_command = self.pid.update(desired, measured)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(p_command, kp * 3.0 * t)
         # Testing the integral here is hard because of the discrete-time
         # approximation.
         # 1st derivative is positive
         self.assertGreater(i_command, i_command_1)
         # 2nd derivative is positive
         i_diff = i_command - i_command_1
         i_diff_1 = i_command_1 - i_command_2
         self.assertGreater(i_diff, i_diff_1)
         # 3rd derivative is zero
         i_diff_2 = i_command_2 - i_command_3
         self.assertAlmostEqual(i_diff - i_diff_1, i_diff_1 - i_diff_2, 5)
         i_command_3 = i_command_2
         i_command_2 = i_command_1
         i_command_1 = i_command
         self.assertAlmostEqual(d_command, kd * 3.0)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(pid_command, p_command + i_command + d_command)