예제 #1
def load_moonscan(filename):
    cal_coords = ephem.Equatorial("05:42:36.155", "+49:51:07.28",

    # convert cal to a Body object.
    cal_source = ephem.FixedBody()
    cal_source._ra = cal_coords.ra
    cal_source._dec = cal_coords.dec
    cal_source._epoch = cal_coords.epoch

    Reader = fitsGBT.Reader(filename)
    moon_dataobj = Reader.read(0,0)

    rotate_pol.rotate(moon_dataobj, (-5, -7, -8, -6))
    cal_scale.scale_by_cal(moon_dataobj, scale_t_ave=True, scale_f_ave=False,
                           sub_med=False, scale_f_ave_mod=False, rotate=True)
    flag_data.flag_data(moon_dataobj, 5, 0.1, 40)
    rebin_freq.rebin(moon_dataobj, 16, True, True)
    #rebin_time.rebin(moon_dataobj, 4)

    fgc_mueler_file = '/mnt/raid-project/gmrt/tcv/diff_gain_params/GBT12A_418/22_diff_gain_calc.txt'
    fgc_RM_file = ' '
    fgc_R_to_sky = True
    fgc_DP_correct = False  # this is already handled in scale_by_cal's rotate
    fgc_RM_correct = False

    from time_stream import flux_diff_gain_cal as fdg
    m_total = fdg.flux_dg(fgc_mueler_file)
    fdg.calibrate_pol(moon_dataobj, m_total, fgc_RM_file,
                      fgc_R_to_sky, fgc_DP_correct, fgc_RM_correct)

    return moon_dataobj
예제 #2
def load_moonscan(filename, rotate_moon=True):
    cal_coords = ephem.Equatorial("05:42:36.155",

    # convert cal to a Body object.
    cal_source = ephem.FixedBody()
    cal_source._ra = cal_coords.ra
    cal_source._dec = cal_coords.dec
    cal_source._epoch = cal_coords.epoch

    Reader = fitsGBT.Reader(filename)
    moon_dataobj = Reader.read(0, 0)

    rotate_pol.rotate(moon_dataobj, (-5, -7, -8, -6))
    flag_data.flag_data(moon_dataobj, 5, 0.1, 40)
    rebin_freq.rebin(moon_dataobj, 16, True, True)
    #rebin_time.rebin(moon_dataobj, 4)

    if rotate_moon:

    fgc_mueler_file = '/mnt/raid-project/gmrt/tcv/diff_gain_params/GBT12A_418/22_diff_gain_calc.txt'
    fgc_RM_file = ' '
    fgc_R_to_sky = True
    fgc_DP_correct = False  # this is already handled in scale_by_cal's rotate
    fgc_RM_correct = False

    from time_stream import flux_diff_gain_cal as fdg
    m_total = fdg.flux_dg(fgc_mueler_file)
    fdg.calibrate_pol(moon_dataobj, m_total, fgc_RM_file, fgc_R_to_sky,
                      fgc_DP_correct, fgc_RM_correct)

    return moon_dataobj
예제 #3
root = os.getenv('GBT_DATA') + 'GBT12A_418/'

Blocks = []

for fname in fnames:
    # Read.
    fpath = root + fname
    Reader = fitsGBT.Reader(fpath)
    Data = Reader.read(0,0)

for Data in Blocks:
    # Preprocess.
    rotate_pol.rotate(Data, (-5, -7, -8, -6))
    cal_scale.scale_by_cal(Data, True, False, False, False, True)
    flag_data.flag_data(Data, 5, 0.1, 40)
    rebin_freq.rebin(Data, 8, True, True)
    rebin_time.rebin(Data, 4)
    #rotate_pol.rotate(Data, (1, 2, 3, 4))

def model(n_time, centre, width, amp_xx, amp_yy, amp_xy, amp_yx,
          off_xx, off_yy, off_yx, off_xy, slope_xx, slope_yy, slope_xy,
          slope_yx, gain_xx, gain_yy, quad_xx, quad_yy):
    # Preliminaries.
    time = np.arange(n_time, dtype=float) - centre
    out = np.empty((4, 2, n_time), dtype=float)
    # Generate a unit gaussian.
    gauss = np.exp(- time**2 / (2 * width**2))
    # Generate the four time series.
    out[0,:,:] = amp_xx * gauss + off_xx + slope_xx * time
예제 #4
# The following two loops is a standard set of things we do to our raw data
# when it comes from the telescope.  Our data format is roughly SDfits.
# Read and preprocess the Data.
cal_Blocks = []
for fname in cal_files:
    # Read.
    fpath = data_root + fname + end
    Reader = fitsGBT.Reader(fpath)
    Data = Reader.read(0, 0)

for Data in cal_Blocks:
    # Preprocess.
    rotate_pol.rotate(Data, (-5, -7, -8, -6))
    cal_scale.scale_by_cal(Data, True, False, False, False, True)
    flag_data.flag_data(Data, 5, 0.1, 40)
    #rebin_freq.rebin(Data, 16, True, True)
    rebin_freq.rebin(Data, 16, True, True)
    #combine_cal.combine(Data, (0.5, 0.5), False, True)
    combine_cal.combine(Data, (0., 1.), False, True)
    #rebin_time.rebin(Data, 4)


# Put all the data into a same format for the fits.
BeamData = beam_fit.FormattedData(cal_Blocks)

# Source object.  This just calculates the ephemeris of the source compared to
# where the telescope is pointing.
S = cal.source.Source(source)