def Assemble(self): timecurves.ScaleTime(self.model, 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2) self.SetStaticRotation() raceName = self.typeData.get('sofRaceName', None) if raceName is not None: self.turretTypeID = TURRET_TYPE_ID.get(raceName, TURRET_FALLBACK_TYPE_ID) if gfxsettings.Get(gfxsettings.UI_TURRETS_ENABLED): self.FitHardpoints()
def Assemble(self): timecurves.ScaleTime(self.model, 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2) self.SetStaticRotation() slimItem = sm.StartService('michelle').GetBallpark().GetInvItem( self.typeID = slimItem.typeID to = cfg.invtypes.Get(self.typeID) g = raceID = getattr(g, 'gfxRaceID', None) if raceID is not None: self.turretTypeID = TURRET_TYPE_ID.get(raceID, TURRET_FALLBACK_TYPE_ID) if settings.user.ui.Get('turretsEnabled', 1): self.FitHardpoints()
def Assemble(self): timecurves.ResetTimeCurves(self.model, * 12345L) timecurves.ScaleTime(self.model, 5.0 + % 20 / 20.0) x = 0.8 + 0.2 * random.random() y = 0.8 + 0.2 * random.random() z = 0.8 + 0.2 * random.random() self.model.scaling.SetXYZ(self.model.scaling.x * x, self.model.scaling.y * y, self.model.scaling.z * z) selfPos = trinity.TriVector(self.x * 1e-05, self.y * 1e-05, self.z * 1e-05) fwd = trinity.TriVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) selfPos.Normalize() self.model.rotationCurve = None self.model.rotation.SetRotationArc(fwd, selfPos)
def Assemble(self): if self.model is None: self.LogError('Cannot Assemble Asteroid, model failed to load') return if self.HasBlueInterface(self.model, 'IEveSpaceObject2'): self.model.modelScale = self.radius pi = math.pi id = trinity.TriQuaternion() cleanRotation = trinity.TriQuaternion() preRotation = trinity.TriQuaternion() postRotation = trinity.TriQuaternion() rotKey = trinity.TriQuaternion() preRotation.SetYawPitchRoll(random.random() * pi, random.random() * pi, random.random() * pi) postRotation.SetYawPitchRoll(random.random() * pi, random.random() * pi, random.random() * pi) curve = trinity.TriRotationCurve() curve.extrapolation = trinity.TRIEXT_CYCLE duration = 50.0 + random.random() * 50.0 * math.log(self.radius) for i in [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]: cleanRotation.SetYawPitchRoll(0.0, pi * i, 0.0) rotKey.SetIdentity() rotKey.MultiplyQuaternion(preRotation) rotKey.MultiplyQuaternion(cleanRotation) rotKey.MultiplyQuaternion(postRotation) curve.AddKey(duration * i, rotKey, id, id, trinity.TRIINT_SLERP) curve.Sort() self.model.modelRotationCurve = curve else: self.model.rotation.SetYawPitchRoll(random.random() * 6.28, random.random() * 6.28, random.random() * 6.28) timecurves.ResetTimeCurves(self.model, * 12345L) timecurves.ScaleTime(self.model, 5.0 + % 20 / 20.0) self.model.scaling.SetXYZ(self.radius, self.radius, self.radius) self.model.boundingSphereRadius = 1.0