예제 #1
def  get_erp(subID, run):
    currentSub = subID
    currentRun = 'run-'+ run
    print('Current Subject: ', currentSub)
    print('Current Run:', currentRun)
    datadict = read_mat(path + subID + '/EEG/' + 'EEG_data_'+ subID + '_' + currentRun + '.mat')
    eventsdict = read_mat(path + subID + '/EEG/' + 'EEG_events_' + subID + '_' + currentRun + '.mat')

    data = np.array(datadict['EEGdata']['Y'])
    sr = np.array(datadict['fs'])
    tresp = np.array(eventsdict['tresp'])
    tstim = np.array(eventsdict['tstim'])

    # construct a time x channel x trial matrix for each run
    channelnum = data.shape[0]
    trialnum = tresp.shape[0]
    trialdata = np.zeros((5000,channelnum, trialnum))
    data = np.transpose(data)
    for i in np.arange(trialnum):
        time = tstim[i]
        trialdata[:,:, i] = data[time-2000: time+3000,:]

    erp = np.mean(trialdata[:,:,:],axis = 2)

    # make a lowpass filter
    sos, w, h = timeop.makefiltersos(sr, 10, 20)
    erpfilt = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, erp, axis=0, padtype='odd')
    erpfiltbase = timeop.baselinecorrect(erpfilt, np.arange(1849,1998,1))

    # Identify an optimal set of weights to estimate a single erp peak.
    u,s,vh = linalg.svd(erpfiltbase[2150:2375,:])
    weights = np.zeros((channelnum,1))
    weights[:,0] = np.matrix.transpose(vh[0,:])

    erpfiltproject = np.matmul(erpfiltbase,weights)
    erpmin = np.amin(erpfiltproject[2150:2375])
    erpmax = np.amax(erpfiltproject[2150:2375])
    if abs(erpmin) < abs(erpmax):
        weights = -weights
        erpfiltproject = -erpfiltproject

    erp_peaktiming = np.argmin(erpfiltproject[2150:2375]) + 2150
    indices = np.arange(erp_peaktiming - 10, erp_peaktiming + 10, 1)
    erp_peakvalue = np.mean(erpfiltproject[indices])
    return erp, erpfiltproject
예제 #2
파일: gen_sets.py 프로젝트: hjpae/hnlpy
        relative_peakvalue = relative_peakvalue[finalgoodtrials]
        relative_peaktime = relative_peaktime[finalgoodtrials]
        n200_param = np.vstack((relative_peakvalue, relative_peaktime)).T
        Data = np.vstack((Data, n200_param))
np.save('/home/ramesh/pdmattention/ssvep/test/data_n200raw', Data)

def get_unTransMatrix():
    Target = []
    Data = np.empty((0,242))
    Target_rt = []
    Target_rawrt =[]
    for index, sub in enumerate(subIDs):
        StimSnr30, finalgoodtrials, acc, rt, rt_class = trial_ssvep(sub, 30)
        StimSnr40, _, _, _, _ = trial_ssvep(sub, 40)
        StimSnrall = np.hstack((StimSnr30.T, StimSnr40.T))
        StimSnrall = StimSnrall[finalgoodtrials,:]
        Data = np.vstack((Data, StimSnrall))
        Target = np.append(Target, acc)
        Target_rt = np.append(Target_rt, rt_class)
        Target_rawrt = np.append(Target_rt, rt)

np.save('/home/ramesh/pdmattention/ssvep/test/data_real', Data)

# make a lowpass filter
sr = 1000
sos, w, h = timeop.makefiltersos(sr, 8, 10)
erpfilt = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, n200, axis=1, padtype='odd')
예제 #3
파일: var_model.py 프로젝트: hjpae/hnlpy
    # open up indices
    artifact0 = artifact.sum(axis=0)
    artifact1 = artifact.sum(axis=1)

    # identify goodtrials and good channels.
    goodtrials = np.squeeze(np.array(np.where(artifact0 < 20)))
    goodchans = np.squeeze(np.array(np.where(artifact1 < 40)))

    # BehEEG_int = list(set(beh_ind) & set(goodtrials))
    finalgoodtrials = np.array(diffusion.compLists(beh_ind, goodtrials))
    # finalgoodtrials = np.array(BehEEG_int)
    return data, sr, finalgoodtrials, goodchans

path = '/home/ramesh/pdmattention/task3/'
subID = 's195_ses2'
data, sr, goodtrials, goodchans = getdata(path, subID)
sos, w, h = timeop.makefiltersos(
    sr, 15, 20
)  #lowpass filter at 15 hz, needs high pass too which depends on window - discuss.
sos_hi, w_h1, h_h1 = timeop.makefiltersos(sr, 5, 2.5)
trialnumber = goodtrials[10]
trialdata = np.squeeze(data[:, :, trialnumber])
trialdatafilt = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos_hi, trialdata, axis=0, padtype='odd')
trialdatafilt = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, trialdatafilt, axis=0, padtype='odd')
#resample at 100 Hz. factor of 10
time = np.linspace(0, 3990, 400)
trialdataresample = trialdatafilt[time.astype(int), :]
예제 #4
        elif trialcond > 1 and int(whichkey) == int(keyRight):
            acc[i] = 1

blockcond[blockcond == 3] = 5
blockcond[blockcond == 0] = 5
blockcond[blockcond == 1] = 6
blockcond[blockcond == 2] = 6
blockcond[blockcond == 5] = 0  # congruent
blockcond[blockcond == 6] = 1  # incongruent

######### segment data #########

# filter the data
# make a lowpass filter
sr = 2000
sos, w, h = timeop.makefiltersos(sr, 50, 60)
eegfilt = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, eeg, axis=1, padtype='odd')

# make a highpass filter
sos, w, h = timeop.makefiltersos(sr, 0.5, 0.25)
neweeg = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, eegfilt, axis=1, padtype='odd')

################# segment the data into trials ######################
prestimdur = 2
poststimdur = 7

trialdata = np.zeros((24, (prestimdur + poststimdur) * sr, 128))
for i in range(0, ntrial):
    trialdata[i, :, :] = neweeg[:, trial_t[i] - prestimdur * sr:trial_t[i] +
                                poststimdur * sr].T
예제 #5
def main():
    for subject in subIDs:
        #import data
        currentSub = subject[0:4]
        print('Current Subject: ', currentSub)

        datadict = read_mat(path + subject + 'task3_final.mat')
        behavdict = read_mat(path + subject + '_behavior_final.mat')
        expdict = read_mat(path + subject + 'task3_expinfo.mat')

        #This bit was for importing ica files.  we should just calculate internally
        #ica = numpy.array(datadict['ica'])
        #organize data
        data = numpy.array(datadict['data'])

        #mix = numpy.array(datadict['mix'])
        artifact = numpy.array(datadict['artifact'])
        sr = numpy.array(datadict['sr'])
        beh_ind = numpy.array(behavdict['trial'])
        rt = numpy.array(expdict['rt'])

        # open up indices
        artifact0 = artifact.sum(axis=0)
        artifact1 = artifact.sum(axis=1)

        #identify goodtrials and good channels.
        goodtrials = numpy.squeeze(numpy.array(numpy.where(artifact0 < 20)))
        goodchan = numpy.squeeze(numpy.array(numpy.where(artifact1 < 20)))

        BehEEG_int = list(set(beh_ind) & set(goodtrials))
        print('Good Trials: ', goodtrials)
        finalgoodtrials = numpy.array(BehEEG_int)
        print('finalgoodtrials', finalgoodtrials)

        #average erp.
        erp = numpy.mean(data[:, :, finalgoodtrials], axis=2)

        #make a lowpass filter
        sos, w, h = timeop.makefiltersos(sr, 10, 20)
        erpfilt = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, erp, axis=0, padtype='odd')

        #lets do a SVD, limiting the window in time, and taking the goodchannels.

        u, s, vh = linalg.svd(erpfilt[1400:1625, goodchan])

        weights = numpy.zeros((129, 1))

        #This is an optimal set of weights to estimate a single erp peak.

        weights[goodchan, 0] = numpy.matrix.transpose(vh[0, :])

        # Lets test it on the average time series.

        erpfiltproject = numpy.matmul(erpfilt, weights)
        plt.figure(1, figsize=[3.5, 1.5])


        #now we need to apply it to every sample in the data set.

        trialestimate = numpy.zeros((4000, 360))

        for trial in finalgoodtrials:
            trialdata = numpy.squeeze(data[:, :, trial])
            trialproject = numpy.matmul(trialdata, weights)
            trialestimate[:, trial] = trialproject[:, 0]

        #now we filter the single trials.

        trialestimatefilt = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos,

        #lets make a plot of the average of the single trials.

        plt.figure(2, figsize=[3.5, 1.5])
        plt.plot(numpy.mean(trialestimatefilt, axis=1))

        #lets extract two features of interest - peak value and peak timing.

        peakvalue = numpy.zeros((360, 1))
        peaktiming = numpy.zeros((360, 1))

        for j in finalgoodtrials:
            minval = numpy.amin(trialestimatefilt[1400:1625, j])
            index = numpy.where(trialestimatefilt[:, j] == minval)
            peaktiming[j, 0] = numpy.array(index[0])
            indices = numpy.arange(index[0] - 10, index[0] + 10, 1)
            peakvalue[j, 0] = numpy.mean(trialestimatefilt[indices, j], axis=0)

        #lets make scatter plots of these parameters versus rt

        plt.figure(3, figsize=[3.5, 1.5])

        plt.scatter(peaktiming[finalgoodtrials, 0],

        plt.figure(4, figsize=[3.5, 1.5])

        plt.scatter(peakvalue[finalgoodtrials, 0],