# Skip frames before the start frame (FIXME).
            if frame_count < start_frame_number:
                frame_count += 1

            # Quit if we're at the end of the file or frame count.
            if not bs or frame_count > (n_frames_to_process + start_frame_number - 1): break

            ## The frame's data - 8 bytes, eh? Nice.
            data = struct.unpack("IhH", bs)

            ## The start time (seconds since epoch) - 4 byte unsigned integer.
            start_time_s = data[0]

            lg.info(" *--> Frame start time %15d [s] -> '%s' (UTC)" % (start_time_s, make_time_dir(start_time_s)))

            ## The acquisition time (decoded 2 byte signed integer).
            #acq_time = math.pow(10, int(data[1]))
            acq_time = int(data[1])

            ## The number of hit pixels (2 byte unsigned integer).
            n_pixels = int(data[2])

            # Check if the start time is within the day.
            if day_start_s <= start_time_s <= day_end_s:
                my_day.addFrame(start_time_s, acq_time, n_pixels)

            frame_count += 1

    ## The number of frames processed - check.
예제 #2
    ## The chip ID.
    chip_id = frames[0].getChipId()

    # The start time of the first frame.
    run_start_time_sec = frames[0].getStartTimeSec()

    # The end time of the last frame.
    run_end_time_sec = frames[-1].getStartTimeSec()
    run_end_time_sec += frames[-1].getAcqTime()

    ## The run length [s].
    run_length_sec = run_end_time_sec - run_start_time_sec

    ## The Run ID.
    run_id = "%s_%s" % (chip_id, make_time_dir(run_start_time_sec))

    lg.info(" * Chip ID          :         '%s'." % (chip_id))
    lg.info(" *")
    lg.info(" * Start time (sec) : % 15d [s]." % (run_start_time_sec))
    lg.info(" *    => '%s'" % (make_time_dir(run_start_time_sec)))
    lg.info(" * End   time (sec) : % 15d [s]." % (run_end_time_sec))
    lg.info(" *    => '%s'" % (make_time_dir(run_end_time_sec)))
    lg.info(" * Run length (sec) : % 15d [s]." % (run_length_sec))
    lg.info(" * Run length (min) : % 15.2f [min.]." % (float(run_length_sec)/60.0))
    lg.info(" *")
    lg.info(" * Run ID           : '%s'." % (run_id))
    lg.info(" *")

    ## The name of the dataset profile binary file.
    output_file_name = os.path.join(outputpath, "%s.bin" % (run_id))